INFO:__main__:Worker started. INFO:__main__:Parameters: Namespace(history_uuid='b3b585c6-2ecb-11ef-9b1a-b22fcf60533e', limit_vcpu=None, limit_ram=None) INFO:__main__:translation_history INFO:__main__: INFO:__main__:current_user from db Gregson Katie INFO:__main__:File downloaded successfully to: tmp/flare_uploaded/21541/20240620_060948_092780/High Society video 3.docx INFO:Job: translate_and_send_result:Translate and send result START of model: gpt-4o setup_api_key_and_client of model: gpt-4o key_type: AZURE,,2024-02-15-preview, gpt-4o INFO:Job: translate_and_send_result:current estimated_total_token to calculate lock: 394830 INFO:Job: translate_and_send_result:current_estimate_token: 394830 array length: 10 process: Process-2 START process: Process-3 START process: Process-4 START process: Process-5 START open ai key: ********************0a393b1d42ea 0[{'role': 'system', 'content': 'Please use Friendly tone.'}, {'role': 'system', 'content': 'Please provide responses in Narrative writing style.'}, {'role': 'user', 'content': 'original_text: `paragraph_id 29: But immediately, she regained her composure and smiled, "I don\'t think I\'ve seen you at any social gatherings or balls?" Adel replied, "Because I have never appeared before the upper class." Lucrezia continued to introduce herself, "I am Lucrezia of the Della Valle family. May I ask which family you belong to?" Adel looked tense, but then she regained her radiance and responded, "I am Adelaide Buonaparte." Lucrezia feigned a surprised expression, "What? Buonaparte? Is this the rumor circulating in the upper class? Although it\'s a bit embarrassing, I was just recently released from confinement, so I didn\'t know."\nparagraph_id 30: Adel gently replied, "As you heard, I am a member of the Buonaparte family. Due to many events, I haven\'t lived with my brother Cesare since childhood." Lucrezia\'s tone turned cold, "Brother? Are you staying with Cesare, in the Buonaparte mansion?" Adel responded, "Yes." But before she could say anything more, Lucrezia interrupted with a cheerful smile. "By the way, since you became a Buonaparte, do you intend to leave Fornaty and explore the land of Sant’nar?"\nparagraph_id 31: Adel didn\'t understand her intention, so she simply replied that she just wanted to stay close to her family. Lucrezia\'s tone turned cold again, "Family?" A stifling silence enveloped the beautiful garden. Some pressure from Lucrezia made Adel feel oppressed. "Is it because she is a true noblewoman that I feel so tense?" Another obstacle, Lucrezia\'s harsh tone startled Adel, making her look up at her, but she only saw Lucrezia putting on a fake polite face as she excused herself. She smirked and said with hidden meaning, "May the heavens protect you from murderers."\nparagraph_id 32: Adel felt as if she was in a daze, sensing a whirlpool pulling her down. Lucrezia surely knew something. Ebony couldn\'t help but feel anxious, saying she would report this to Lord Cesare. Although Lady Lucrezia wouldn\'t confront him directly, hidden dangers are more frightening than visible waves. On the way home, Lucrezia cried in the carriage, muttering to herself, causing her maid to worry. "Hazel? It seems Cesare has been bewitched by that wild woman."\nparagraph_id 33: The maid was alarmed, "Yes, what do you mean, miss? But she is his sister." "No, she\'s not," Lucrezia continued, wiping her tears, "That hand is not of a lady. He hates me so much that he calls someone who is not a lady his sister. Moreover, if he wasn\'t enchanted by her, he would definitely intend for her to marry my brother." Hazel exclaimed, "Then you must do something before she completely takes over Lord Cesare. Furthermore, if you give up now, that woman will become a member of the Della Valle family."\nparagraph_id 34: "By all means, you must get rid of her." Lucrezia whimpered, "But how?" Hazel exclaimed, "Eliminate her!" Lucrezia shook her head, "No, I don\'t want to harm anyone, I\'m too scared." The maid saw her mistress as truly weak, "Don\'t worry, I will help you." Hazel\'s determination made Lucrezia delighted, "Oh my, are those words true?" The maid sincerely expressed her loyalty. This made Lucrezia very happy; she hugged the maid to show gratitude, an evil smirk shown on her face. The poor maid did not know that she had fallen into a trap designed by Lucrezia herself.\nparagraph_id 35: 4. One morning, a procession of carriages arrived at the Buonaparte castle. The guests were very impressed by the grandeur of the mansion. All the servants were extremely busy decorating and tidying up the rooms. Today, Adel wanted to meet her brother. She was about to knock on the door when she remembered she was instructed not to do so. Just then, a stranger saw her. That person informed Cesare, "Sir, there is a guest." He turned to look at his fake sister and smiled brightly, "Well, my sister, how is your leg?"\nparagraph_id 36: Adel replied, "Thanks to your care, my leg is completely healed." Cesare mocked, "Oh, did I care?" Adel responded, "I just said that out of courtesy." Seeing Adel suddenly come into his office but still hesitating to speak, Cesare asked, "Is there something you want to say?"\nparagraph_id 37: Adel stammered, "Can I attend the social party tonight?" Both Cesare and the stranger were surprised. Cesare said, "Alright, is that all you came to ask?" Adel replied, "I just moved here and want to socialize." Cesare chuckled, "I didn\'t know my sister was so cute. It seems you have adapted to everything here."\nparagraph_id 38: After talking for a while, the stranger standing next to Cesare kept looking at Cesare expectantly. Finally, Cesare introduced them to each other, "This is my sister, Adelaide Buonaparte."\nparagraph_id 39: Adel courteously bowed to the guest, "May the sea goddess bless you." "And this is Gigi Manfredi." The young man cheerfully introduced himself, "Hello, I am Cesare\'s personal assistant. I am also the president of the Stellone trade guild under the management of the Buonaparte family. Please take care of me in the future." Gigi seemed to be someone who loved to socialize and make friends. He admired Adel\'s beauty so much that he even thought she was a mermaid. Cesare was speechless upon hearing this.\nparagraph_id 40: Seeing Cesare comfortably chatting like that, Adel could only suppress all the resentment in her heart. From the moment she met him, every corner of her mind felt like it was being severed piece by piece with a sharp knife, and she decided to forget the leather shoe that had trampled on her feet along with the words that pierced her heart like thorns. Suddenly, Cesare asked, "You have met Lucrezia, haven\'t you? I heard you received a warning. Quite interesting."`. Translate to bengali using Music & Audio terminology\n. Grammatically correct, never break words. Remove quotation marks at the beginning and end of the result, return only translated text in format paragraph_id, do not include original_text.\nbengali text:'}] open ai key: ********************0a393b1d42ea 0[{'role': 'system', 'content': 'Please use Friendly tone.'}, {'role': 'system', 'content': 'Please provide responses in Narrative writing style.'}, {'role': 'user', 'content': 'original_text: `paragraph_id 1: 1. Adel trembled as she began to speak, "Do you mean I seduced them?" Cesare\'s tone was cold, "You should know that yourself." Adel frowned and denied, "No, it\'s not true." "Not true?" Cesare asked, then he chuckled and soon couldn\'t hold back anymore, he threw his head back and laughed loudly. This took Adel by surprise.\nparagraph_id 2: "Signora Flavia has been quite ruthless, hasn\'t she?" Cesare spoke while moving the tip of his shoe on Adel\'s swollen foot, humiliating her. "Such a small matter and you can\'t handle it yourself? If you don\'t want to gain favor by flattering, there are still many better ways." Adel could only lie on the ground, groaning in pain. "You are very good at discarding your pride and begging. Why not act like you always do?"\nparagraph_id 3: Adel frowned and said, "I was wrong, it was all my negligence." Cesare\'s tall shadow covered her on the floor, like a demon, but then it let go of the miserable girl. "It\'s good that you understand. Treat your wound carefully, avoid leaving scars."\nparagraph_id 4: Suddenly, Ebony burst through the door. "Master, Miss Adel..." Cesare abruptly interrupted, "If you want to explain anything, speak in my room." He walked out and quietly said, "Stop all the lessons for three days." Cesare seems cold and cruel, but he is very sharp; he is smart enough to know what has happened. Deep down, he does care about Adel; avoiding any contact with Flavia will give Adel some time to rest. The door slammed shut behind Adel, leaving a dark, silent void.\nparagraph_id 5: That evening, Cesare slowly smoked a cigar while opening a stack of documents. Among them was a photo, a portrait of Henry Fetch. He was the second son of the Fetch family, but couldn\'t carry on the lineage. Cesare sneered and cursed silently, "What a useless piece of trash. Someone like that causing trouble in the Buonaparte garden?"\nparagraph_id 6: Cesare thought to himself, "I don\'t know what they talked about, but I have to clean up this mess myself. Everything has gone off track. Adel has been unintentionally exposed. Replacing her with another girl is impossible. Now, no matter what happens, I must turn the shoe-shine girl Adel into a member of the Buonaparte family."\nparagraph_id 7: The image of Adel appeared in Cesare\'s mind, she was as beautiful as a mermaid. Her green hair shimmered like seaweed, her skin as white as salt grains, her chest overly ample... Thinking of this made Cesare angry. Those scoundrels must have been very excited to do such a vile thing to Adel. Cesare recalled the scene then. He was also surprised when Adel suddenly kissed him on the cheek. Her beauty was so enchanting that he was a bit captivated. Thinking back, Cesare was also a bit excited then. Even he had those feelings. So everything will end when Ezra Della Valle meets Adel.\nparagraph_id 8: Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. It turned out to be Flavia. Upon seeing Cesare, she greeted him with a blessing from the sea goddess. Cesare smirked with a knowing smile. Both remained silent for a long while without speaking. Suddenly, Cesare spoke first, "Signora, I don\'t mind you educating a rebellious child like that, but I don\'t want to clean up the mess afterward. Flavia could only apologize, but Cesare didn\'t forget to add a threat, "Don\'t cause me any more trouble. You\'re clever enough to understand that, right?"\nparagraph_id 9: Flavia\'s face had turned pale. As she left the room, she gritted her teeth, determined to take out her anger on Adel. She believed that Adel had deliberately exhausted herself by wearing those tight shoes to gain the Buonaparte family\'s sympathy, leading to her being treated this way. Flavia silently cursed Adel as a cunning brat.\nparagraph_id 10: The next morning, a strange rumor spread throughout the noble circles that Lord Cesare had fallen for a certain young lady and would not associate with anyone else but her. He had never brought a girl into the mansion before, and unlike his usual self, he seemed very affectionate. It was likely not an ordinary relationship.\nparagraph_id 11: After hearing this shocking news, a girl slammed the table in astonishment. She quickly excused herself and left the tea party, leaving the other young ladies puzzled. As she walked, she thought to herself, "This is serious. I must quickly inform Lucrezia."\nparagraph_id 12: As soon as she got home, she wrote a letter detailing everything to her best friend, "Lord Cesare has embraced an unknown woman in his arms, and she is now in the Buonaparte mansion. How many times does he have to torment your heart before he\'s satisfied? What kind of despicable woman dares to seduce him? I want to meet you as soon as possible to soothe this sorrow." The letter was immediately sent to the Della Valle house as quickly as possible.\nparagraph_id 13: 2. After reading it, Lucrezia threw the letter into the fireplace. The bright flames from the aggressive fire shone on a young, beautiful face with straight brown hair. Her big, round, purple eyes looked like two marbles, emphasizing an innocent look on the surface but pure evil underneath. Lucrezia spoke in anger, "Cesare, what is the meaning of this ridiculous letter? Are you testing my patience again?"\nparagraph_id 14: Elsewhere, people were also gossiping about Cesare. "Have you heard? Lord Cesare is hiding a girl in his mansion. Three days ago, when the Orquenina delegation brought the mermaid\'s heart and announced it publicly, someone saw him holding a girl very carefully. There\'s a rumor that Lord Henry Fetch teased her and was punished. The Buonaparte family withdrew the entire large sum of money that the Fetch family had borrowed for business. Who could she be? Who is it that has made Lord Cesare Buonaparte fall so deeply in love?"`. Translate to bengali using Music & Audio terminology\n. Grammatically correct, never break words. Remove quotation marks at the beginning and end of the result, return only translated text in format paragraph_id, do not include original_text.\nbengali text:'}] open ai key: ********************0a393b1d42ea 0[{'role': 'system', 'content': 'Please use Friendly tone.'}, {'role': 'system', 'content': 'Please provide responses in Narrative writing style.'}, {'role': 'user', 'content': 'original_text: `paragraph_id 15: The rumor spread, making Mrs. Flavia restless, unable to sit still. She silently resolved, "I must quickly expel that cunning, arrogant shoeshine girl from the Buonaparte house." As she flung open the door, Flavia shouted loudly, "Adel!" But her eyes suddenly froze, "Impossible! It\'s only been three days, how could that girl have become so stunningly beautiful? Her gaunt cheeks have gradually become fuller. Is it because the wounds on her filthy body have almost healed? She looks like a siren, luring sailors in the legends."\nparagraph_id 16: Suddenly, Adel\'s voice brought her back to reality. As soon as she returned to the present, she continued to scold Adel, "You deliberately wandered around to seduce the noblemen with your soaking wet body and those coarse bare feet." Although Adel couldn\'t bear to hear those insulting words, she still lowered her face and said, "I\'m sorry."\nparagraph_id 17: Ebony respectfully asked to interject, "I don\'t know much about etiquette like Signora, but I think the young lady\'s manner of walking is already quite like a La Bella Figura. I believe all these achievements are due to Signora\'s dedicated teaching. So why doesn\'t Signora move on to the next lessons so the young lady can learn even more?"\nparagraph_id 18: Flavia was extremely annoyed, "So that girl has enlisted Ebony to gain sympathy. But Lord Cesare is still watching me, I can\'t do anything." In the end, she conceded to Ebony\'s suggestion, but Flavia would not forget to educate Adel thoroughly, just as she had taught her how to walk.\nparagraph_id 19: The lesson ended in the afternoon, and Flavia returned to her residence. Today\'s lesson went so smoothly that it made her feel very uncomfortable, but she had to marvel at Adel\'s speed of learning and proficiency. Unlike other young ladies who would whine and sulk when they made mistakes, Adel did not show any laziness, giving her no chance to criticize.\nparagraph_id 20: While fuming, a high-pitched voice called out to her. It was Lucrezia Della Valle. She looked so charming and beautiful that few could compare. Even Mrs. Flavia was very pleased because this was a girl admired by many women. "May the sea goddess bless you. Signora Flavia, you still look very healthy."\nparagraph_id 21: Flavia inquired, "Do you have business at Buonaparte?" Lucrezia replied, "I heard that everyone in the upper class is coming here, so I dropped by. It seems there will be a grand party for the Orquenina envoys, right?" Flavia responded, "I suppose so." During the conversation, Flavia mentioned Cesare, causing Lucrezia\'s cheeks to blush slightly. She put on a sad and weak expression and recounted, "I wonder if Lord Cesare is well? I\'ve been grounded and haven\'t seen him for a long time. Nothing special has happened, right?"\nparagraph_id 22: Flavia was certain Lucrezia had heard about it. Anyway, it would be revealed eventually, so just say it was Lord Cesare\'s sister. Thinking this, Flavia began, "It seems you have heard the rumors. She is..." But suddenly, she paused, and a silent void enveloped the two. Lucrezia, with a bright and polite tone, asked, "Signora Flavia, was it rude of me to ask about that?" Flavia stood still, reflecting, "Sending that shoe-shining girl away doesn\'t necessarily have to be my job."\nparagraph_id 23: Flavia smirked slyly, "Lord Cesare has warned me once already. I don\'t know what will happen if I persist like this. But what if Lady Lucrezia intervenes? Although she is elegant and polite, if she only has that naivety, she won\'t be able to monopolize the position of Lord Cesare\'s fiancée."\nparagraph_id 24: Thinking of this, Flavia now didn\'t hesitate to drop some hints, "Lady Lucrezia, listen carefully. The girl in the rumor carries the direct bloodline of the Buonaparte family." Lucrezia\'s eyes widened, and she exclaimed, "Oh my, so Lord Rowan and Signora Katarina have a daughter? I guess I misunderstood. How embarrassing!"\nparagraph_id 25: "It\'s not just a misunderstanding, Adel is clearly a member of the Buonaparte family, the sister of Cesare." Flavia turned to leave, her elegant hat covering half her face, only her mouth moving slightly, "Nominally, yes, but in reality, who knows if she came from a street urchin. Shouldn\'t we ask Lord Rowan and Signora Katarina directly?" She glanced back at Lucrezia, "If she\'s perceptive, she\'ll surely catch the implication." Lucrezia was silent for a long moment, then she looked up, her eyes smiling as she said, "Thank you for telling me, Signora. Thanks to you, I have been enlightened."\nparagraph_id 26: Adel\'s life became peaceful for a short while. One day, Adel really wanted to go for a walk, but after that incident, she was very afraid Lord Cesare would scold her. But Ebony said that since the Buonaparte family\'s guests would be frequenting the lion garden, Adel could stroll in the aquatic garden.\nparagraph_id 27: After that day, Ebony had researched the schedule of each guest in the mansion and she also became friendlier than usual. Adel smiled softly, of course, it was out of gratitude. She said thank you and took a sip of tea. Ebony quietly watched the girl in front of her with affectionate eyes. Just as Ebony said, the aquatic garden was a very beautiful place. Thanks to the cool atmosphere, people\'s spirits also became more pleasant.\nparagraph_id 28: 3. "Oh heavens, is there someone here?" Adel turned towards the source of the sound, and it was Lucrezia. She didn\'t expect her to show up here. Ebony frowned and whispered, "That\'s Lady Lucrezia Della Valle." Hearing that name, Adel\'s eyes widened. She clutched her dress and became tense, "We\'ve already met." Despite feeling pressured, Adel lifted her dress and performed a greeting ritual, "May the goddess of the sea bless you." Adel\'s perfect noble demeanor left Lucrezia visibly astonished.`. Translate to bengali using Music & Audio terminology\n. Grammatically correct, never break words. Remove quotation marks at the beginning and end of the result, return only translated text in format paragraph_id, do not include original_text.\nbengali text:'}] open ai key: ********************0a393b1d42ea 0[{'role': 'system', 'content': 'Please use Friendly tone.'}, {'role': 'system', 'content': 'Please provide responses in Narrative writing style.'}, {'role': 'user', 'content': 'original_text: `paragraph_id 41: Adel gently clenched her hand, "Yes, if it was indeed a warning." Cesare confirmed, "It must be, because Lucrezia is more adept at the subtle language of the nobility than a shoeshine girl on the street. How fascinating. I wonder where those people got this information from."\nparagraph_id 42: "How about this, after this party, I will send a brach to accompany you." Adel hesitantly said, "Yes, alright," and then asked to be excused. When the door closed, Gigi worried that if a hound was sent as a bodyguard, it would take at least two days for them to arrive. During that time, no one would be there to protect Adel, and she might encounter Lucrezia at the party. "Will she be alright during this time?"\nparagraph_id 43: Cesare turned away, "I believe nothing will happen at the Buonaparte mansion. One more thing, prepare a \'Galley\' ship.” Cesare emphasized. “An old one." Gigi hesitated a bit but then accepted the order. He knew he would have to do something not very pleasant.\nparagraph_id 44: At the Buonaparte family\'s party, everyone was buzzing about Signora Flavia Loredan. It seemed she was trying to reclaim her position at the center of the upper class when invited by the Buonaparte family. She knew that the Loredan family was falling behind, but if they could rely on the Buonaparte family, everything would be resolved. "May the sea goddess bless you. Is Signora Flavia enjoying herself tonight?"\nparagraph_id 45: Flavia turned around to see it was Lucrezia. She politely greeted her back, "May the goddess bless you, are you enjoying yourself, young lady?" Lucrezia smiled brightly and replied, "Of course. This is the Buonaparte family\'s party. The decor is very sophisticated and pleasing to the eye. Cesare truly has an eye for beauty. So, at this beautiful Buonaparte, should we talk about the person who needs to be eliminated?"\nparagraph_id 46: Flavia\'s face immediately turned dark, I have nothing more to say about that. Everything is decided by the lady. Lucrezia gave a threatening smile, “Then it would be better if I just talked to Cesare. I think I have no other choice but to reveal that Signora has confessed about Lady Adel\'s origins.” Flavia frowned and widened her eyes, “What do you mean? Clearly, I did it with good intentions towards you.”\nparagraph_id 47: Lucrezia said maliciously, “I\'m just reciprocating your good intentions. Lord Cesare trusted you so much, yet you told me that secret.” She moved closer to Flavia, “Signora, I have no intention of confronting you. We have only one enemy. I just want Signora to help a little. Our agreement will be carried out very secretly.” Lucrezia gave a bright smile. That fox-masked face made Flavia extremely angry but she couldn\'t do anything. She gritted her teeth to restrain herself and then faced her directly, “What do you want?”\nparagraph_id 48: In the banquet hall, couples danced together to the lively music. Meanwhile, Adel was still preparing to attend the party. “Ebony, why can\'t you come with me?” The maid replied, “I\'m not a noble, so I can\'t attend. What about you?” Adel responded, “I\'m not sure.” Ebony complimented, “You look beautiful. I\'m sure many eyes will be on you.”\nparagraph_id 49: Adel murmured, “Really?” She worried that revealing her weakness would only make others want to harm her more. Seeing her mistress\'s hesitation, Ebony revealed that attending such parties was very interesting. A lady of the Buonaparte family would never wear the same evening gown twice. Even hats, parasols, gloves, dresses, necklaces, earrings, stockings, and high heels would all be newly purchased. The lady would visit Bella Stella Street every day to choose them.\nparagraph_id 50: Hearing about that street, Adel was very surprised. When she was in the Kimura slum, she had never visited that street even once. It wasn\'t a place that banned shoeshiners, she just felt it was too bright and beautiful to visit. The names of the shops lined up like romantic verses. Adel suddenly exclaimed, “That street must be very beautiful!”\nparagraph_id 51: Ebony replied, Of course. Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. Who could be here at this hour? The maid went to check. A familiar face appeared, “May the goddess bless you.” Ebony exclaimed, “Signora Flavia!” The woman appeared urgent, “Ebony, I have something urgent to discuss with you. The master wants another report related to Lord Cesare. She needs your notes.”\nparagraph_id 52: When Ebony heard the two words "house master," she immediately obeyed. The maid informed Adel that she would be away for a while and then looked at her with some hesitation. Under Flavia\'s urging, Ebony turned and left. The door to the room slowly closed, and no one noticed the deep, sinister look in Flavia\'s eyes.\nparagraph_id 53: Sitting in the room, Adel could still hear the melodious music drifting in. Her curiosity about the Bella Stella neighborhood surged, making it impossible for her to concentrate on reading her book. Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. Adel thought to herself, "Could it be Ebony? But how could she return so quickly?" Adel hesitated. The knocking grew louder.\nparagraph_id 54: Suddenly, a voice from nowhere said, "Don\'t open the door." Adel looked around in confusion, "What is this? I heard this voice before. There\'s no one else in the room but me, or am I imagining things?" This could be a danger warning from the Sea Goddess. Suddenly, the person outside opened the door without permission, revealing a young maid. "I apologize, miss, but I had to open the door due to an urgent matter."`. Translate to bengali using Music & Audio terminology\n. Grammatically correct, never break words. Remove quotation marks at the beginning and end of the result, return only translated text in format paragraph_id, do not include original_text.\nbengali text:'}] INFO:httpx:HTTP Request: POST "HTTP/1.1 429 Too Many Requests" INFO:httpx:HTTP Request: POST "HTTP/1.1 429 Too Many Requests" INFO:httpx:HTTP Request: POST "HTTP/1.1 429 Too Many Requests" (most recent call last): File "/app/app/translate_gpt_back_common/services/", line 324, in translate_paragraph response = ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/", line 245, in wrapped return cast(APIResponse[R], func(*args, **kwargs)) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/_utils/", line 272, in wrapper return func(*args, **kwargs) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/resources/chat/", line 645, in create return self._post( ^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/", line 1088, in post return cast(ResponseT, self.request(cast_to, opts, stream=stream, stream_cls=stream_cls)) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/", line 853, in request return self._request( ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/", line 930, in _request raise self._make_status_error_from_response(err.response) from None openai.RateLimitError: Error code: 429 - {'error': {'code': '429', 'message': 'Requests to the ChatCompletions_Create Operation under Azure OpenAI API version 2024-02-15-preview have exceeded token rate limit of your current OpenAI S0 pricing tier. Please retry after 86400 seconds. Please go here: if you would like to further increase the default rate limit.'}} key: ********************0a393b1d42ea INFO:app.translate_gpt_back_common.crud.crud_openai_api_key:set_usable_at: ********************0a393b1d42ea - gpt-4o - 2024-06-20 06:11:08.555990 (most recent call last): File "/app/app/translate_gpt_back_common/services/", line 324, in translate_paragraph response = ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/", line 245, in wrapped return cast(APIResponse[R], func(*args, **kwargs)) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/_utils/", line 272, in wrapper return func(*args, **kwargs) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/resources/chat/", line 645, in create return self._post( ^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/", line 1088, in post return cast(ResponseT, self.request(cast_to, opts, stream=stream, stream_cls=stream_cls)) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/", line 853, in request return self._request( ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/", line 930, in _request raise self._make_status_error_from_response(err.response) from None openai.RateLimitError: Error code: 429 - {'error': {'code': '429', 'message': 'Requests to the ChatCompletions_Create Operation under Azure OpenAI API version 2024-02-15-preview have exceeded token rate limit of your current OpenAI S0 pricing tier. Please retry after 86400 seconds. Please go here: if you would like to further increase the default rate limit.'}} key: ********************0a393b1d42ea INFO:app.translate_gpt_back_common.crud.crud_openai_api_key:set_usable_at: ********************0a393b1d42ea - gpt-4o - 2024-06-20 06:11:08.558004 (most recent call last): File "/app/app/translate_gpt_back_common/services/", line 324, in translate_paragraph response = ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/", line 245, in wrapped return cast(APIResponse[R], func(*args, **kwargs)) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/_utils/", line 272, in wrapper return func(*args, **kwargs) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/resources/chat/", line 645, in create return self._post( ^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/", line 1088, in post return cast(ResponseT, self.request(cast_to, opts, stream=stream, stream_cls=stream_cls)) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/", line 853, in request return self._request( ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/", line 930, in _request raise self._make_status_error_from_response(err.response) from None openai.RateLimitError: Error code: 429 - {'error': {'code': '429', 'message': 'Requests to the ChatCompletions_Create Operation under Azure OpenAI API version 2024-02-15-preview have exceeded token rate limit of your current OpenAI S0 pricing tier. Please retry after 86400 seconds. Please go here: if you would like to further increase the default rate limit.'}} key: ********************0a393b1d42ea INFO:app.translate_gpt_back_common.crud.crud_openai_api_key:set_usable_at: ********************0a393b1d42ea - gpt-4o - 2024-06-20 06:11:08.558571 of model: gpt-4o of model: gpt-4o INFO:httpx:HTTP Request: POST "HTTP/1.1 429 Too Many Requests" of model: gpt-4o (most recent call last): File "/app/app/translate_gpt_back_common/services/", line 324, in translate_paragraph response = ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/", line 245, in wrapped return cast(APIResponse[R], func(*args, **kwargs)) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/_utils/", line 272, in wrapper return func(*args, **kwargs) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/resources/chat/", line 645, in create return self._post( ^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/", line 1088, in post return cast(ResponseT, self.request(cast_to, opts, stream=stream, stream_cls=stream_cls)) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/", line 853, in request return self._request( ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/", line 930, in _request raise self._make_status_error_from_response(err.response) from None openai.RateLimitError: Error code: 429 - {'error': {'code': '429', 'message': 'Requests to the ChatCompletions_Create Operation under Azure OpenAI API version 2024-02-15-preview have exceeded token rate limit of your current OpenAI S0 pricing tier. Please retry after 86400 seconds. Please go here: if you would like to further increase the default rate limit.'}} key: ********************0a393b1d42ea INFO:app.translate_gpt_back_common.crud.crud_openai_api_key:set_usable_at: ********************0a393b1d42ea - gpt-4o - 2024-06-20 06:11:08.593822 setup_api_key_and_client of model: gpt-4o key_type: AZURE,,2024-02-15-preview, gpt-4o setup_api_key_and_client of model: gpt-4o key_type: AZURE,,2024-02-15-preview, gpt-4o open ai key: ********************1c8339491b76 1 open ai key: ********************1b7c07e382a8 1[{'role': 'system', 'content': 'Please use Friendly tone.'}, {'role': 'system', 'content': 'Please provide responses in Narrative writing style.'}, {'role': 'user', 'content': 'original_text: `paragraph_id 1: 1. Adel trembled as she began to speak, "Do you mean I seduced them?" Cesare\'s tone was cold, "You should know that yourself." Adel frowned and denied, "No, it\'s not true." "Not true?" Cesare asked, then he chuckled and soon couldn\'t hold back anymore, he threw his head back and laughed loudly. This took Adel by surprise.\nparagraph_id 2: "Signora Flavia has been quite ruthless, hasn\'t she?" Cesare spoke while moving the tip of his shoe on Adel\'s swollen foot, humiliating her. "Such a small matter and you can\'t handle it yourself? If you don\'t want to gain favor by flattering, there are still many better ways." Adel could only lie on the ground, groaning in pain. "You are very good at discarding your pride and begging. Why not act like you always do?"\nparagraph_id 3: Adel frowned and said, "I was wrong, it was all my negligence." Cesare\'s tall shadow covered her on the floor, like a demon, but then it let go of the miserable girl. "It\'s good that you understand. Treat your wound carefully, avoid leaving scars."\nparagraph_id 4: Suddenly, Ebony burst through the door. "Master, Miss Adel..." Cesare abruptly interrupted, "If you want to explain anything, speak in my room." He walked out and quietly said, "Stop all the lessons for three days." Cesare seems cold and cruel, but he is very sharp; he is smart enough to know what has happened. Deep down, he does care about Adel; avoiding any contact with Flavia will give Adel some time to rest. The door slammed shut behind Adel, leaving a dark, silent void.\nparagraph_id 5: That evening, Cesare slowly smoked a cigar while opening a stack of documents. Among them was a photo, a portrait of Henry Fetch. He was the second son of the Fetch family, but couldn\'t carry on the lineage. Cesare sneered and cursed silently, "What a useless piece of trash. Someone like that causing trouble in the Buonaparte garden?"\nparagraph_id 6: Cesare thought to himself, "I don\'t know what they talked about, but I have to clean up this mess myself. Everything has gone off track. Adel has been unintentionally exposed. Replacing her with another girl is impossible. Now, no matter what happens, I must turn the shoe-shine girl Adel into a member of the Buonaparte family."\nparagraph_id 7: The image of Adel appeared in Cesare\'s mind, she was as beautiful as a mermaid. Her green hair shimmered like seaweed, her skin as white as salt grains, her chest overly ample... Thinking of this made Cesare angry. Those scoundrels must have been very excited to do such a vile thing to Adel. Cesare recalled the scene then. He was also surprised when Adel suddenly kissed him on the cheek. Her beauty was so enchanting that he was a bit captivated. Thinking back, Cesare was also a bit excited then. Even he had those feelings. So everything will end when Ezra Della Valle meets Adel.\nparagraph_id 8: Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. It turned out to be Flavia. Upon seeing Cesare, she greeted him with a blessing from the sea goddess. Cesare smirked with a knowing smile. Both remained silent for a long while without speaking. Suddenly, Cesare spoke first, "Signora, I don\'t mind you educating a rebellious child like that, but I don\'t want to clean up the mess afterward. Flavia could only apologize, but Cesare didn\'t forget to add a threat, "Don\'t cause me any more trouble. You\'re clever enough to understand that, right?"\nparagraph_id 9: Flavia\'s face had turned pale. As she left the room, she gritted her teeth, determined to take out her anger on Adel. She believed that Adel had deliberately exhausted herself by wearing those tight shoes to gain the Buonaparte family\'s sympathy, leading to her being treated this way. Flavia silently cursed Adel as a cunning brat.\nparagraph_id 10: The next morning, a strange rumor spread throughout the noble circles that Lord Cesare had fallen for a certain young lady and would not associate with anyone else but her. He had never brought a girl into the mansion before, and unlike his usual self, he seemed very affectionate. It was likely not an ordinary relationship.\nparagraph_id 11: After hearing this shocking news, a girl slammed the table in astonishment. She quickly excused herself and left the tea party, leaving the other young ladies puzzled. As she walked, she thought to herself, "This is serious. I must quickly inform Lucrezia."\nparagraph_id 12: As soon as she got home, she wrote a letter detailing everything to her best friend, "Lord Cesare has embraced an unknown woman in his arms, and she is now in the Buonaparte mansion. How many times does he have to torment your heart before he\'s satisfied? What kind of despicable woman dares to seduce him? I want to meet you as soon as possible to soothe this sorrow." The letter was immediately sent to the Della Valle house as quickly as possible.\nparagraph_id 13: 2. After reading it, Lucrezia threw the letter into the fireplace. The bright flames from the aggressive fire shone on a young, beautiful face with straight brown hair. Her big, round, purple eyes looked like two marbles, emphasizing an innocent look on the surface but pure evil underneath. Lucrezia spoke in anger, "Cesare, what is the meaning of this ridiculous letter? Are you testing my patience again?"\nparagraph_id 14: Elsewhere, people were also gossiping about Cesare. "Have you heard? Lord Cesare is hiding a girl in his mansion. Three days ago, when the Orquenina delegation brought the mermaid\'s heart and announced it publicly, someone saw him holding a girl very carefully. There\'s a rumor that Lord Henry Fetch teased her and was punished. The Buonaparte family withdrew the entire large sum of money that the Fetch family had borrowed for business. Who could she be? Who is it that has made Lord Cesare Buonaparte fall so deeply in love?"`. Translate to bengali using Music & Audio terminology\n. Grammatically correct, never break words. Remove quotation marks at the beginning and end of the result, return only translated text in format paragraph_id, do not include original_text.\nbengali text:'}][{'role': 'system', 'content': 'Please use Friendly tone.'}, {'role': 'system', 'content': 'Please provide responses in Narrative writing style.'}, {'role': 'user', 'content': 'original_text: `paragraph_id 29: But immediately, she regained her composure and smiled, "I don\'t think I\'ve seen you at any social gatherings or balls?" Adel replied, "Because I have never appeared before the upper class." Lucrezia continued to introduce herself, "I am Lucrezia of the Della Valle family. May I ask which family you belong to?" Adel looked tense, but then she regained her radiance and responded, "I am Adelaide Buonaparte." Lucrezia feigned a surprised expression, "What? Buonaparte? Is this the rumor circulating in the upper class? Although it\'s a bit embarrassing, I was just recently released from confinement, so I didn\'t know."\nparagraph_id 30: Adel gently replied, "As you heard, I am a member of the Buonaparte family. Due to many events, I haven\'t lived with my brother Cesare since childhood." Lucrezia\'s tone turned cold, "Brother? Are you staying with Cesare, in the Buonaparte mansion?" Adel responded, "Yes." But before she could say anything more, Lucrezia interrupted with a cheerful smile. "By the way, since you became a Buonaparte, do you intend to leave Fornaty and explore the land of Sant’nar?"\nparagraph_id 31: Adel didn\'t understand her intention, so she simply replied that she just wanted to stay close to her family. Lucrezia\'s tone turned cold again, "Family?" A stifling silence enveloped the beautiful garden. Some pressure from Lucrezia made Adel feel oppressed. "Is it because she is a true noblewoman that I feel so tense?" Another obstacle, Lucrezia\'s harsh tone startled Adel, making her look up at her, but she only saw Lucrezia putting on a fake polite face as she excused herself. She smirked and said with hidden meaning, "May the heavens protect you from murderers."\nparagraph_id 32: Adel felt as if she was in a daze, sensing a whirlpool pulling her down. Lucrezia surely knew something. Ebony couldn\'t help but feel anxious, saying she would report this to Lord Cesare. Although Lady Lucrezia wouldn\'t confront him directly, hidden dangers are more frightening than visible waves. On the way home, Lucrezia cried in the carriage, muttering to herself, causing her maid to worry. "Hazel? It seems Cesare has been bewitched by that wild woman."\nparagraph_id 33: The maid was alarmed, "Yes, what do you mean, miss? But she is his sister." "No, she\'s not," Lucrezia continued, wiping her tears, "That hand is not of a lady. He hates me so much that he calls someone who is not a lady his sister. Moreover, if he wasn\'t enchanted by her, he would definitely intend for her to marry my brother." Hazel exclaimed, "Then you must do something before she completely takes over Lord Cesare. Furthermore, if you give up now, that woman will become a member of the Della Valle family."\nparagraph_id 34: "By all means, you must get rid of her." Lucrezia whimpered, "But how?" Hazel exclaimed, "Eliminate her!" Lucrezia shook her head, "No, I don\'t want to harm anyone, I\'m too scared." The maid saw her mistress as truly weak, "Don\'t worry, I will help you." Hazel\'s determination made Lucrezia delighted, "Oh my, are those words true?" The maid sincerely expressed her loyalty. This made Lucrezia very happy; she hugged the maid to show gratitude, an evil smirk shown on her face. The poor maid did not know that she had fallen into a trap designed by Lucrezia herself.\nparagraph_id 35: 4. One morning, a procession of carriages arrived at the Buonaparte castle. The guests were very impressed by the grandeur of the mansion. All the servants were extremely busy decorating and tidying up the rooms. Today, Adel wanted to meet her brother. She was about to knock on the door when she remembered she was instructed not to do so. Just then, a stranger saw her. That person informed Cesare, "Sir, there is a guest." He turned to look at his fake sister and smiled brightly, "Well, my sister, how is your leg?"\nparagraph_id 36: Adel replied, "Thanks to your care, my leg is completely healed." Cesare mocked, "Oh, did I care?" Adel responded, "I just said that out of courtesy." Seeing Adel suddenly come into his office but still hesitating to speak, Cesare asked, "Is there something you want to say?"\nparagraph_id 37: Adel stammered, "Can I attend the social party tonight?" Both Cesare and the stranger were surprised. Cesare said, "Alright, is that all you came to ask?" Adel replied, "I just moved here and want to socialize." Cesare chuckled, "I didn\'t know my sister was so cute. It seems you have adapted to everything here."\nparagraph_id 38: After talking for a while, the stranger standing next to Cesare kept looking at Cesare expectantly. Finally, Cesare introduced them to each other, "This is my sister, Adelaide Buonaparte."\nparagraph_id 39: Adel courteously bowed to the guest, "May the sea goddess bless you." "And this is Gigi Manfredi." The young man cheerfully introduced himself, "Hello, I am Cesare\'s personal assistant. I am also the president of the Stellone trade guild under the management of the Buonaparte family. Please take care of me in the future." Gigi seemed to be someone who loved to socialize and make friends. He admired Adel\'s beauty so much that he even thought she was a mermaid. Cesare was speechless upon hearing this.\nparagraph_id 40: Seeing Cesare comfortably chatting like that, Adel could only suppress all the resentment in her heart. From the moment she met him, every corner of her mind felt like it was being severed piece by piece with a sharp knife, and she decided to forget the leather shoe that had trampled on her feet along with the words that pierced her heart like thorns. Suddenly, Cesare asked, "You have met Lucrezia, haven\'t you? I heard you received a warning. Quite interesting."`. Translate to bengali using Music & Audio terminology\n. Grammatically correct, never break words. Remove quotation marks at the beginning and end of the result, return only translated text in format paragraph_id, do not include original_text.\nbengali text:'}] of model: gpt-4o setup_api_key_and_client of model: gpt-4o key_type: AZURE,,2024-02-15-preview, gpt-4o open ai key: ********************3453bc5fb508 1[{'role': 'system', 'content': 'Please use Friendly tone.'}, {'role': 'system', 'content': 'Please provide responses in Narrative writing style.'}, {'role': 'user', 'content': 'original_text: `paragraph_id 15: The rumor spread, making Mrs. Flavia restless, unable to sit still. She silently resolved, "I must quickly expel that cunning, arrogant shoeshine girl from the Buonaparte house." As she flung open the door, Flavia shouted loudly, "Adel!" But her eyes suddenly froze, "Impossible! It\'s only been three days, how could that girl have become so stunningly beautiful? Her gaunt cheeks have gradually become fuller. Is it because the wounds on her filthy body have almost healed? She looks like a siren, luring sailors in the legends."\nparagraph_id 16: Suddenly, Adel\'s voice brought her back to reality. As soon as she returned to the present, she continued to scold Adel, "You deliberately wandered around to seduce the noblemen with your soaking wet body and those coarse bare feet." Although Adel couldn\'t bear to hear those insulting words, she still lowered her face and said, "I\'m sorry."\nparagraph_id 17: Ebony respectfully asked to interject, "I don\'t know much about etiquette like Signora, but I think the young lady\'s manner of walking is already quite like a La Bella Figura. I believe all these achievements are due to Signora\'s dedicated teaching. So why doesn\'t Signora move on to the next lessons so the young lady can learn even more?"\nparagraph_id 18: Flavia was extremely annoyed, "So that girl has enlisted Ebony to gain sympathy. But Lord Cesare is still watching me, I can\'t do anything." In the end, she conceded to Ebony\'s suggestion, but Flavia would not forget to educate Adel thoroughly, just as she had taught her how to walk.\nparagraph_id 19: The lesson ended in the afternoon, and Flavia returned to her residence. Today\'s lesson went so smoothly that it made her feel very uncomfortable, but she had to marvel at Adel\'s speed of learning and proficiency. Unlike other young ladies who would whine and sulk when they made mistakes, Adel did not show any laziness, giving her no chance to criticize.\nparagraph_id 20: While fuming, a high-pitched voice called out to her. It was Lucrezia Della Valle. She looked so charming and beautiful that few could compare. Even Mrs. Flavia was very pleased because this was a girl admired by many women. "May the sea goddess bless you. Signora Flavia, you still look very healthy."\nparagraph_id 21: Flavia inquired, "Do you have business at Buonaparte?" Lucrezia replied, "I heard that everyone in the upper class is coming here, so I dropped by. It seems there will be a grand party for the Orquenina envoys, right?" Flavia responded, "I suppose so." During the conversation, Flavia mentioned Cesare, causing Lucrezia\'s cheeks to blush slightly. She put on a sad and weak expression and recounted, "I wonder if Lord Cesare is well? I\'ve been grounded and haven\'t seen him for a long time. Nothing special has happened, right?"\nparagraph_id 22: Flavia was certain Lucrezia had heard about it. Anyway, it would be revealed eventually, so just say it was Lord Cesare\'s sister. Thinking this, Flavia began, "It seems you have heard the rumors. She is..." But suddenly, she paused, and a silent void enveloped the two. Lucrezia, with a bright and polite tone, asked, "Signora Flavia, was it rude of me to ask about that?" Flavia stood still, reflecting, "Sending that shoe-shining girl away doesn\'t necessarily have to be my job."\nparagraph_id 23: Flavia smirked slyly, "Lord Cesare has warned me once already. I don\'t know what will happen if I persist like this. But what if Lady Lucrezia intervenes? Although she is elegant and polite, if she only has that naivety, she won\'t be able to monopolize the position of Lord Cesare\'s fiancée."\nparagraph_id 24: Thinking of this, Flavia now didn\'t hesitate to drop some hints, "Lady Lucrezia, listen carefully. The girl in the rumor carries the direct bloodline of the Buonaparte family." Lucrezia\'s eyes widened, and she exclaimed, "Oh my, so Lord Rowan and Signora Katarina have a daughter? I guess I misunderstood. How embarrassing!"\nparagraph_id 25: "It\'s not just a misunderstanding, Adel is clearly a member of the Buonaparte family, the sister of Cesare." Flavia turned to leave, her elegant hat covering half her face, only her mouth moving slightly, "Nominally, yes, but in reality, who knows if she came from a street urchin. Shouldn\'t we ask Lord Rowan and Signora Katarina directly?" She glanced back at Lucrezia, "If she\'s perceptive, she\'ll surely catch the implication." Lucrezia was silent for a long moment, then she looked up, her eyes smiling as she said, "Thank you for telling me, Signora. Thanks to you, I have been enlightened."\nparagraph_id 26: Adel\'s life became peaceful for a short while. One day, Adel really wanted to go for a walk, but after that incident, she was very afraid Lord Cesare would scold her. But Ebony said that since the Buonaparte family\'s guests would be frequenting the lion garden, Adel could stroll in the aquatic garden.\nparagraph_id 27: After that day, Ebony had researched the schedule of each guest in the mansion and she also became friendlier than usual. Adel smiled softly, of course, it was out of gratitude. She said thank you and took a sip of tea. Ebony quietly watched the girl in front of her with affectionate eyes. Just as Ebony said, the aquatic garden was a very beautiful place. Thanks to the cool atmosphere, people\'s spirits also became more pleasant.\nparagraph_id 28: 3. "Oh heavens, is there someone here?" Adel turned towards the source of the sound, and it was Lucrezia. She didn\'t expect her to show up here. Ebony frowned and whispered, "That\'s Lady Lucrezia Della Valle." Hearing that name, Adel\'s eyes widened. She clutched her dress and became tense, "We\'ve already met." Despite feeling pressured, Adel lifted her dress and performed a greeting ritual, "May the goddess of the sea bless you." Adel\'s perfect noble demeanor left Lucrezia visibly astonished.`. Translate to bengali using Music & Audio terminology\n. Grammatically correct, never break words. Remove quotation marks at the beginning and end of the result, return only translated text in format paragraph_id, do not include original_text.\nbengali text:'}] setup_api_key_and_client of model: gpt-4o key_type: AZURE,,2024-02-15-preview, gpt-4o open ai key: ********************e7a1bb0ec500 1[{'role': 'system', 'content': 'Please use Friendly tone.'}, {'role': 'system', 'content': 'Please provide responses in Narrative writing style.'}, {'role': 'user', 'content': 'original_text: `paragraph_id 41: Adel gently clenched her hand, "Yes, if it was indeed a warning." Cesare confirmed, "It must be, because Lucrezia is more adept at the subtle language of the nobility than a shoeshine girl on the street. How fascinating. I wonder where those people got this information from."\nparagraph_id 42: "How about this, after this party, I will send a brach to accompany you." Adel hesitantly said, "Yes, alright," and then asked to be excused. When the door closed, Gigi worried that if a hound was sent as a bodyguard, it would take at least two days for them to arrive. During that time, no one would be there to protect Adel, and she might encounter Lucrezia at the party. "Will she be alright during this time?"\nparagraph_id 43: Cesare turned away, "I believe nothing will happen at the Buonaparte mansion. One more thing, prepare a \'Galley\' ship.” Cesare emphasized. “An old one." Gigi hesitated a bit but then accepted the order. He knew he would have to do something not very pleasant.\nparagraph_id 44: At the Buonaparte family\'s party, everyone was buzzing about Signora Flavia Loredan. It seemed she was trying to reclaim her position at the center of the upper class when invited by the Buonaparte family. She knew that the Loredan family was falling behind, but if they could rely on the Buonaparte family, everything would be resolved. "May the sea goddess bless you. Is Signora Flavia enjoying herself tonight?"\nparagraph_id 45: Flavia turned around to see it was Lucrezia. She politely greeted her back, "May the goddess bless you, are you enjoying yourself, young lady?" Lucrezia smiled brightly and replied, "Of course. This is the Buonaparte family\'s party. The decor is very sophisticated and pleasing to the eye. Cesare truly has an eye for beauty. So, at this beautiful Buonaparte, should we talk about the person who needs to be eliminated?"\nparagraph_id 46: Flavia\'s face immediately turned dark, I have nothing more to say about that. Everything is decided by the lady. Lucrezia gave a threatening smile, “Then it would be better if I just talked to Cesare. I think I have no other choice but to reveal that Signora has confessed about Lady Adel\'s origins.” Flavia frowned and widened her eyes, “What do you mean? Clearly, I did it with good intentions towards you.”\nparagraph_id 47: Lucrezia said maliciously, “I\'m just reciprocating your good intentions. Lord Cesare trusted you so much, yet you told me that secret.” She moved closer to Flavia, “Signora, I have no intention of confronting you. We have only one enemy. I just want Signora to help a little. Our agreement will be carried out very secretly.” Lucrezia gave a bright smile. That fox-masked face made Flavia extremely angry but she couldn\'t do anything. She gritted her teeth to restrain herself and then faced her directly, “What do you want?”\nparagraph_id 48: In the banquet hall, couples danced together to the lively music. Meanwhile, Adel was still preparing to attend the party. “Ebony, why can\'t you come with me?” The maid replied, “I\'m not a noble, so I can\'t attend. What about you?” Adel responded, “I\'m not sure.” Ebony complimented, “You look beautiful. I\'m sure many eyes will be on you.”\nparagraph_id 49: Adel murmured, “Really?” She worried that revealing her weakness would only make others want to harm her more. Seeing her mistress\'s hesitation, Ebony revealed that attending such parties was very interesting. A lady of the Buonaparte family would never wear the same evening gown twice. Even hats, parasols, gloves, dresses, necklaces, earrings, stockings, and high heels would all be newly purchased. The lady would visit Bella Stella Street every day to choose them.\nparagraph_id 50: Hearing about that street, Adel was very surprised. When she was in the Kimura slum, she had never visited that street even once. It wasn\'t a place that banned shoeshiners, she just felt it was too bright and beautiful to visit. The names of the shops lined up like romantic verses. Adel suddenly exclaimed, “That street must be very beautiful!”\nparagraph_id 51: Ebony replied, Of course. Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. Who could be here at this hour? The maid went to check. A familiar face appeared, “May the goddess bless you.” Ebony exclaimed, “Signora Flavia!” The woman appeared urgent, “Ebony, I have something urgent to discuss with you. The master wants another report related to Lord Cesare. She needs your notes.”\nparagraph_id 52: When Ebony heard the two words "house master," she immediately obeyed. The maid informed Adel that she would be away for a while and then looked at her with some hesitation. Under Flavia\'s urging, Ebony turned and left. The door to the room slowly closed, and no one noticed the deep, sinister look in Flavia\'s eyes.\nparagraph_id 53: Sitting in the room, Adel could still hear the melodious music drifting in. Her curiosity about the Bella Stella neighborhood surged, making it impossible for her to concentrate on reading her book. Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. Adel thought to herself, "Could it be Ebony? But how could she return so quickly?" Adel hesitated. The knocking grew louder.\nparagraph_id 54: Suddenly, a voice from nowhere said, "Don\'t open the door." Adel looked around in confusion, "What is this? I heard this voice before. There\'s no one else in the room but me, or am I imagining things?" This could be a danger warning from the Sea Goddess. Suddenly, the person outside opened the door without permission, revealing a young maid. "I apologize, miss, but I had to open the door due to an urgent matter."`. Translate to bengali using Music & Audio terminology\n. Grammatically correct, never break words. Remove quotation marks at the beginning and end of the result, return only translated text in format paragraph_id, do not include original_text.\nbengali text:'}], APIError (most recent call last): File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/httpx/_transports/", line 69, in map_httpcore_exceptions yield File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/httpx/_transports/", line 233, in handle_request resp = self._pool.handle_request(req) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/httpcore/_sync/", line 216, in handle_request raise exc from None File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/httpcore/_sync/", line 196, in handle_request response = connection.handle_request( ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/httpcore/_sync/", line 99, in handle_request raise exc File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/httpcore/_sync/", line 76, in handle_request stream = self._connect(request) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/httpcore/_sync/", line 122, in _connect stream = self._network_backend.connect_tcp(**kwargs) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/httpcore/_backends/", line 205, in connect_tcp with map_exceptions(exc_map): File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/", line 158, in __exit__ self.gen.throw(typ, value, traceback) File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/httpcore/", line 14, in map_exceptions raise to_exc(exc) from exc httpcore.ConnectError: [Errno -2] Name or service not known The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/", line 877, in _request response = self._client.send( ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/httpx/", line 914, in send response = self._send_handling_auth( ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/httpx/", line 942, in _send_handling_auth response = self._send_handling_redirects( ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/httpx/", line 979, in _send_handling_redirects response = self._send_single_request(request) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/httpx/", line 1015, in _send_single_request response = transport.handle_request(request) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/httpx/_transports/", line 232, in handle_request with map_httpcore_exceptions(): File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/", line 158, in __exit__ self.gen.throw(typ, value, traceback) File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/httpx/_transports/", line 86, in map_httpcore_exceptions raise mapped_exc(message) from exc httpx.ConnectError: [Errno -2] Name or service not known The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/app/app/translate_gpt_back_common/services/", line 324, in translate_paragraph response = ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/", line 245, in wrapped return cast(APIResponse[R], func(*args, **kwargs)) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/_utils/", line 272, in wrapper return func(*args, **kwargs) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/resources/chat/", line 645, in create return self._post( ^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/", line 1088, in post return cast(ResponseT, self.request(cast_to, opts, stream=stream, stream_cls=stream_cls)) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/", line 853, in request return self._request( ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/", line 905, in _request raise APIConnectionError(request=request) from err openai.APIConnectionError: Connection error. INFO:httpx:HTTP Request: POST "HTTP/1.1 429 Too Many Requests" (most recent call last): File "/app/app/translate_gpt_back_common/services/", line 324, in translate_paragraph response = ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/", line 245, in wrapped return cast(APIResponse[R], func(*args, **kwargs)) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/_utils/", line 272, in wrapper return func(*args, **kwargs) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/resources/chat/", line 645, in create return self._post( ^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/", line 1088, in post return cast(ResponseT, self.request(cast_to, opts, stream=stream, stream_cls=stream_cls)) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/", line 853, in request return self._request( ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/", line 930, in _request raise self._make_status_error_from_response(err.response) from None openai.RateLimitError: Error code: 429 - {'error': {'code': '429', 'message': 'Requests to the ChatCompletions_Create Operation under Azure OpenAI API version 2024-02-15-preview have exceeded token rate limit of your current OpenAI S0 pricing tier. Please retry after 86400 seconds. Please go here: if you would like to further increase the default rate limit.'}} key: ********************1b7c07e382a8 INFO:app.translate_gpt_back_common.crud.crud_openai_api_key:set_usable_at: ********************1b7c07e382a8 - gpt-4o - 2024-06-20 06:11:09.295888 of model: gpt-4o setup_api_key_and_client of model: gpt-4o key_type: AZURE,,2024-02-15-preview, gpt-4o open ai key: ********************8e682e74fe10 2[{'role': 'system', 'content': 'Please use Friendly tone.'}, {'role': 'system', 'content': 'Please provide responses in Narrative writing style.'}, {'role': 'user', 'content': 'original_text: `paragraph_id 29: But immediately, she regained her composure and smiled, "I don\'t think I\'ve seen you at any social gatherings or balls?" Adel replied, "Because I have never appeared before the upper class." Lucrezia continued to introduce herself, "I am Lucrezia of the Della Valle family. May I ask which family you belong to?" Adel looked tense, but then she regained her radiance and responded, "I am Adelaide Buonaparte." Lucrezia feigned a surprised expression, "What? Buonaparte? Is this the rumor circulating in the upper class? Although it\'s a bit embarrassing, I was just recently released from confinement, so I didn\'t know."\nparagraph_id 30: Adel gently replied, "As you heard, I am a member of the Buonaparte family. Due to many events, I haven\'t lived with my brother Cesare since childhood." Lucrezia\'s tone turned cold, "Brother? Are you staying with Cesare, in the Buonaparte mansion?" Adel responded, "Yes." But before she could say anything more, Lucrezia interrupted with a cheerful smile. "By the way, since you became a Buonaparte, do you intend to leave Fornaty and explore the land of Sant’nar?"\nparagraph_id 31: Adel didn\'t understand her intention, so she simply replied that she just wanted to stay close to her family. Lucrezia\'s tone turned cold again, "Family?" A stifling silence enveloped the beautiful garden. Some pressure from Lucrezia made Adel feel oppressed. "Is it because she is a true noblewoman that I feel so tense?" Another obstacle, Lucrezia\'s harsh tone startled Adel, making her look up at her, but she only saw Lucrezia putting on a fake polite face as she excused herself. She smirked and said with hidden meaning, "May the heavens protect you from murderers."\nparagraph_id 32: Adel felt as if she was in a daze, sensing a whirlpool pulling her down. Lucrezia surely knew something. Ebony couldn\'t help but feel anxious, saying she would report this to Lord Cesare. Although Lady Lucrezia wouldn\'t confront him directly, hidden dangers are more frightening than visible waves. On the way home, Lucrezia cried in the carriage, muttering to herself, causing her maid to worry. "Hazel? It seems Cesare has been bewitched by that wild woman."\nparagraph_id 33: The maid was alarmed, "Yes, what do you mean, miss? But she is his sister." "No, she\'s not," Lucrezia continued, wiping her tears, "That hand is not of a lady. He hates me so much that he calls someone who is not a lady his sister. Moreover, if he wasn\'t enchanted by her, he would definitely intend for her to marry my brother." Hazel exclaimed, "Then you must do something before she completely takes over Lord Cesare. Furthermore, if you give up now, that woman will become a member of the Della Valle family."\nparagraph_id 34: "By all means, you must get rid of her." Lucrezia whimpered, "But how?" Hazel exclaimed, "Eliminate her!" Lucrezia shook her head, "No, I don\'t want to harm anyone, I\'m too scared." The maid saw her mistress as truly weak, "Don\'t worry, I will help you." Hazel\'s determination made Lucrezia delighted, "Oh my, are those words true?" The maid sincerely expressed her loyalty. This made Lucrezia very happy; she hugged the maid to show gratitude, an evil smirk shown on her face. The poor maid did not know that she had fallen into a trap designed by Lucrezia herself.\nparagraph_id 35: 4. One morning, a procession of carriages arrived at the Buonaparte castle. The guests were very impressed by the grandeur of the mansion. All the servants were extremely busy decorating and tidying up the rooms. Today, Adel wanted to meet her brother. She was about to knock on the door when she remembered she was instructed not to do so. Just then, a stranger saw her. That person informed Cesare, "Sir, there is a guest." He turned to look at his fake sister and smiled brightly, "Well, my sister, how is your leg?"\nparagraph_id 36: Adel replied, "Thanks to your care, my leg is completely healed." Cesare mocked, "Oh, did I care?" Adel responded, "I just said that out of courtesy." Seeing Adel suddenly come into his office but still hesitating to speak, Cesare asked, "Is there something you want to say?"\nparagraph_id 37: Adel stammered, "Can I attend the social party tonight?" Both Cesare and the stranger were surprised. Cesare said, "Alright, is that all you came to ask?" Adel replied, "I just moved here and want to socialize." Cesare chuckled, "I didn\'t know my sister was so cute. It seems you have adapted to everything here."\nparagraph_id 38: After talking for a while, the stranger standing next to Cesare kept looking at Cesare expectantly. Finally, Cesare introduced them to each other, "This is my sister, Adelaide Buonaparte."\nparagraph_id 39: Adel courteously bowed to the guest, "May the sea goddess bless you." "And this is Gigi Manfredi." The young man cheerfully introduced himself, "Hello, I am Cesare\'s personal assistant. I am also the president of the Stellone trade guild under the management of the Buonaparte family. Please take care of me in the future." Gigi seemed to be someone who loved to socialize and make friends. He admired Adel\'s beauty so much that he even thought she was a mermaid. Cesare was speechless upon hearing this.\nparagraph_id 40: Seeing Cesare comfortably chatting like that, Adel could only suppress all the resentment in her heart. From the moment she met him, every corner of her mind felt like it was being severed piece by piece with a sharp knife, and she decided to forget the leather shoe that had trampled on her feet along with the words that pierced her heart like thorns. Suddenly, Cesare asked, "You have met Lucrezia, haven\'t you? I heard you received a warning. Quite interesting."`. Translate to bengali using Music & Audio terminology\n. Grammatically correct, never break words. Remove quotation marks at the beginning and end of the result, return only translated text in format paragraph_id, do not include original_text.\nbengali text:'}] INFO:httpx:HTTP Request: POST "HTTP/1.1 429 Too Many Requests" (most recent call last): File "/app/app/translate_gpt_back_common/services/", line 324, in translate_paragraph response = ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/", line 245, in wrapped return cast(APIResponse[R], func(*args, **kwargs)) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/_utils/", line 272, in wrapper return func(*args, **kwargs) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/resources/chat/", line 645, in create return self._post( ^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/", line 1088, in post return cast(ResponseT, self.request(cast_to, opts, stream=stream, stream_cls=stream_cls)) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/", line 853, in request return self._request( ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/", line 930, in _request raise self._make_status_error_from_response(err.response) from None openai.RateLimitError: Error code: 429 - {'error': {'code': '429', 'message': 'Requests to the ChatCompletions_Create Operation under Azure OpenAI API version 2024-02-15-preview have exceeded token rate limit of your current OpenAI S0 pricing tier. Please retry after 86400 seconds. Please go here: if you would like to further increase the default rate limit.'}} key: ********************1c8339491b76 INFO:app.translate_gpt_back_common.crud.crud_openai_api_key:set_usable_at: ********************1c8339491b76 - gpt-4o - 2024-06-20 06:11:09.453902 INFO:httpx:HTTP Request: POST "HTTP/1.1 429 Too Many Requests" (most recent call last): File "/app/app/translate_gpt_back_common/services/", line 324, in translate_paragraph response = ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/", line 245, in wrapped return cast(APIResponse[R], func(*args, **kwargs)) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/_utils/", line 272, in wrapper return func(*args, **kwargs) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/resources/chat/", line 645, in create return self._post( ^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/", line 1088, in post return cast(ResponseT, self.request(cast_to, opts, stream=stream, stream_cls=stream_cls)) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/", line 853, in request return self._request( ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/", line 930, in _request raise self._make_status_error_from_response(err.response) from None openai.RateLimitError: Error code: 429 - {'error': {'code': '429', 'message': 'Requests to the ChatCompletions_Create Operation under Azure OpenAI API version 2024-02-15-preview have exceeded token rate limit of your current OpenAI S0 pricing tier. Please retry after 86400 seconds. Please go here: if you would like to further increase the default rate limit.'}} key: ********************3453bc5fb508 INFO:app.translate_gpt_back_common.crud.crud_openai_api_key:set_usable_at: ********************3453bc5fb508 - gpt-4o - 2024-06-20 06:11:09.460717 of model: gpt-4o of model: gpt-4o setup_api_key_and_client of model: gpt-4o key_type: AZURE,,2024-02-15-preview, gpt-4o open ai key: ********************db9d3598ba37 2[{'role': 'system', 'content': 'Please use Friendly tone.'}, {'role': 'system', 'content': 'Please provide responses in Narrative writing style.'}, {'role': 'user', 'content': 'original_text: `paragraph_id 1: 1. Adel trembled as she began to speak, "Do you mean I seduced them?" Cesare\'s tone was cold, "You should know that yourself." Adel frowned and denied, "No, it\'s not true." "Not true?" Cesare asked, then he chuckled and soon couldn\'t hold back anymore, he threw his head back and laughed loudly. This took Adel by surprise.\nparagraph_id 2: "Signora Flavia has been quite ruthless, hasn\'t she?" Cesare spoke while moving the tip of his shoe on Adel\'s swollen foot, humiliating her. "Such a small matter and you can\'t handle it yourself? If you don\'t want to gain favor by flattering, there are still many better ways." Adel could only lie on the ground, groaning in pain. "You are very good at discarding your pride and begging. Why not act like you always do?"\nparagraph_id 3: Adel frowned and said, "I was wrong, it was all my negligence." Cesare\'s tall shadow covered her on the floor, like a demon, but then it let go of the miserable girl. "It\'s good that you understand. Treat your wound carefully, avoid leaving scars."\nparagraph_id 4: Suddenly, Ebony burst through the door. "Master, Miss Adel..." Cesare abruptly interrupted, "If you want to explain anything, speak in my room." He walked out and quietly said, "Stop all the lessons for three days." Cesare seems cold and cruel, but he is very sharp; he is smart enough to know what has happened. Deep down, he does care about Adel; avoiding any contact with Flavia will give Adel some time to rest. The door slammed shut behind Adel, leaving a dark, silent void.\nparagraph_id 5: That evening, Cesare slowly smoked a cigar while opening a stack of documents. Among them was a photo, a portrait of Henry Fetch. He was the second son of the Fetch family, but couldn\'t carry on the lineage. Cesare sneered and cursed silently, "What a useless piece of trash. Someone like that causing trouble in the Buonaparte garden?"\nparagraph_id 6: Cesare thought to himself, "I don\'t know what they talked about, but I have to clean up this mess myself. Everything has gone off track. Adel has been unintentionally exposed. Replacing her with another girl is impossible. Now, no matter what happens, I must turn the shoe-shine girl Adel into a member of the Buonaparte family."\nparagraph_id 7: The image of Adel appeared in Cesare\'s mind, she was as beautiful as a mermaid. Her green hair shimmered like seaweed, her skin as white as salt grains, her chest overly ample... Thinking of this made Cesare angry. Those scoundrels must have been very excited to do such a vile thing to Adel. Cesare recalled the scene then. He was also surprised when Adel suddenly kissed him on the cheek. Her beauty was so enchanting that he was a bit captivated. Thinking back, Cesare was also a bit excited then. Even he had those feelings. So everything will end when Ezra Della Valle meets Adel.\nparagraph_id 8: Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. It turned out to be Flavia. Upon seeing Cesare, she greeted him with a blessing from the sea goddess. Cesare smirked with a knowing smile. Both remained silent for a long while without speaking. Suddenly, Cesare spoke first, "Signora, I don\'t mind you educating a rebellious child like that, but I don\'t want to clean up the mess afterward. Flavia could only apologize, but Cesare didn\'t forget to add a threat, "Don\'t cause me any more trouble. You\'re clever enough to understand that, right?"\nparagraph_id 9: Flavia\'s face had turned pale. As she left the room, she gritted her teeth, determined to take out her anger on Adel. She believed that Adel had deliberately exhausted herself by wearing those tight shoes to gain the Buonaparte family\'s sympathy, leading to her being treated this way. Flavia silently cursed Adel as a cunning brat.\nparagraph_id 10: The next morning, a strange rumor spread throughout the noble circles that Lord Cesare had fallen for a certain young lady and would not associate with anyone else but her. He had never brought a girl into the mansion before, and unlike his usual self, he seemed very affectionate. It was likely not an ordinary relationship.\nparagraph_id 11: After hearing this shocking news, a girl slammed the table in astonishment. She quickly excused herself and left the tea party, leaving the other young ladies puzzled. As she walked, she thought to herself, "This is serious. I must quickly inform Lucrezia."\nparagraph_id 12: As soon as she got home, she wrote a letter detailing everything to her best friend, "Lord Cesare has embraced an unknown woman in his arms, and she is now in the Buonaparte mansion. How many times does he have to torment your heart before he\'s satisfied? What kind of despicable woman dares to seduce him? I want to meet you as soon as possible to soothe this sorrow." The letter was immediately sent to the Della Valle house as quickly as possible.\nparagraph_id 13: 2. After reading it, Lucrezia threw the letter into the fireplace. The bright flames from the aggressive fire shone on a young, beautiful face with straight brown hair. Her big, round, purple eyes looked like two marbles, emphasizing an innocent look on the surface but pure evil underneath. Lucrezia spoke in anger, "Cesare, what is the meaning of this ridiculous letter? Are you testing my patience again?"\nparagraph_id 14: Elsewhere, people were also gossiping about Cesare. "Have you heard? Lord Cesare is hiding a girl in his mansion. Three days ago, when the Orquenina delegation brought the mermaid\'s heart and announced it publicly, someone saw him holding a girl very carefully. There\'s a rumor that Lord Henry Fetch teased her and was punished. The Buonaparte family withdrew the entire large sum of money that the Fetch family had borrowed for business. Who could she be? Who is it that has made Lord Cesare Buonaparte fall so deeply in love?"`. Translate to bengali using Music & Audio terminology\n. Grammatically correct, never break words. Remove quotation marks at the beginning and end of the result, return only translated text in format paragraph_id, do not include original_text.\nbengali text:'}] setup_api_key_and_client of model: gpt-4o key_type: AZURE,,2024-02-15-preview, gpt-4o open ai key: ********************0b924952043c 2[{'role': 'system', 'content': 'Please use Friendly tone.'}, {'role': 'system', 'content': 'Please provide responses in Narrative writing style.'}, {'role': 'user', 'content': 'original_text: `paragraph_id 15: The rumor spread, making Mrs. Flavia restless, unable to sit still. She silently resolved, "I must quickly expel that cunning, arrogant shoeshine girl from the Buonaparte house." As she flung open the door, Flavia shouted loudly, "Adel!" But her eyes suddenly froze, "Impossible! It\'s only been three days, how could that girl have become so stunningly beautiful? Her gaunt cheeks have gradually become fuller. Is it because the wounds on her filthy body have almost healed? She looks like a siren, luring sailors in the legends."\nparagraph_id 16: Suddenly, Adel\'s voice brought her back to reality. As soon as she returned to the present, she continued to scold Adel, "You deliberately wandered around to seduce the noblemen with your soaking wet body and those coarse bare feet." Although Adel couldn\'t bear to hear those insulting words, she still lowered her face and said, "I\'m sorry."\nparagraph_id 17: Ebony respectfully asked to interject, "I don\'t know much about etiquette like Signora, but I think the young lady\'s manner of walking is already quite like a La Bella Figura. I believe all these achievements are due to Signora\'s dedicated teaching. So why doesn\'t Signora move on to the next lessons so the young lady can learn even more?"\nparagraph_id 18: Flavia was extremely annoyed, "So that girl has enlisted Ebony to gain sympathy. But Lord Cesare is still watching me, I can\'t do anything." In the end, she conceded to Ebony\'s suggestion, but Flavia would not forget to educate Adel thoroughly, just as she had taught her how to walk.\nparagraph_id 19: The lesson ended in the afternoon, and Flavia returned to her residence. Today\'s lesson went so smoothly that it made her feel very uncomfortable, but she had to marvel at Adel\'s speed of learning and proficiency. Unlike other young ladies who would whine and sulk when they made mistakes, Adel did not show any laziness, giving her no chance to criticize.\nparagraph_id 20: While fuming, a high-pitched voice called out to her. It was Lucrezia Della Valle. She looked so charming and beautiful that few could compare. Even Mrs. Flavia was very pleased because this was a girl admired by many women. "May the sea goddess bless you. Signora Flavia, you still look very healthy."\nparagraph_id 21: Flavia inquired, "Do you have business at Buonaparte?" Lucrezia replied, "I heard that everyone in the upper class is coming here, so I dropped by. It seems there will be a grand party for the Orquenina envoys, right?" Flavia responded, "I suppose so." During the conversation, Flavia mentioned Cesare, causing Lucrezia\'s cheeks to blush slightly. She put on a sad and weak expression and recounted, "I wonder if Lord Cesare is well? I\'ve been grounded and haven\'t seen him for a long time. Nothing special has happened, right?"\nparagraph_id 22: Flavia was certain Lucrezia had heard about it. Anyway, it would be revealed eventually, so just say it was Lord Cesare\'s sister. Thinking this, Flavia began, "It seems you have heard the rumors. She is..." But suddenly, she paused, and a silent void enveloped the two. Lucrezia, with a bright and polite tone, asked, "Signora Flavia, was it rude of me to ask about that?" Flavia stood still, reflecting, "Sending that shoe-shining girl away doesn\'t necessarily have to be my job."\nparagraph_id 23: Flavia smirked slyly, "Lord Cesare has warned me once already. I don\'t know what will happen if I persist like this. But what if Lady Lucrezia intervenes? Although she is elegant and polite, if she only has that naivety, she won\'t be able to monopolize the position of Lord Cesare\'s fiancée."\nparagraph_id 24: Thinking of this, Flavia now didn\'t hesitate to drop some hints, "Lady Lucrezia, listen carefully. The girl in the rumor carries the direct bloodline of the Buonaparte family." Lucrezia\'s eyes widened, and she exclaimed, "Oh my, so Lord Rowan and Signora Katarina have a daughter? I guess I misunderstood. How embarrassing!"\nparagraph_id 25: "It\'s not just a misunderstanding, Adel is clearly a member of the Buonaparte family, the sister of Cesare." Flavia turned to leave, her elegant hat covering half her face, only her mouth moving slightly, "Nominally, yes, but in reality, who knows if she came from a street urchin. Shouldn\'t we ask Lord Rowan and Signora Katarina directly?" She glanced back at Lucrezia, "If she\'s perceptive, she\'ll surely catch the implication." Lucrezia was silent for a long moment, then she looked up, her eyes smiling as she said, "Thank you for telling me, Signora. Thanks to you, I have been enlightened."\nparagraph_id 26: Adel\'s life became peaceful for a short while. One day, Adel really wanted to go for a walk, but after that incident, she was very afraid Lord Cesare would scold her. But Ebony said that since the Buonaparte family\'s guests would be frequenting the lion garden, Adel could stroll in the aquatic garden.\nparagraph_id 27: After that day, Ebony had researched the schedule of each guest in the mansion and she also became friendlier than usual. Adel smiled softly, of course, it was out of gratitude. She said thank you and took a sip of tea. Ebony quietly watched the girl in front of her with affectionate eyes. Just as Ebony said, the aquatic garden was a very beautiful place. Thanks to the cool atmosphere, people\'s spirits also became more pleasant.\nparagraph_id 28: 3. "Oh heavens, is there someone here?" Adel turned towards the source of the sound, and it was Lucrezia. She didn\'t expect her to show up here. Ebony frowned and whispered, "That\'s Lady Lucrezia Della Valle." Hearing that name, Adel\'s eyes widened. She clutched her dress and became tense, "We\'ve already met." Despite feeling pressured, Adel lifted her dress and performed a greeting ritual, "May the goddess of the sea bless you." Adel\'s perfect noble demeanor left Lucrezia visibly astonished.`. Translate to bengali using Music & Audio terminology\n. Grammatically correct, never break words. Remove quotation marks at the beginning and end of the result, return only translated text in format paragraph_id, do not include original_text.\nbengali text:'}] INFO:httpx:HTTP Request: POST "HTTP/1.1 429 Too Many Requests" (most recent call last): File "/app/app/translate_gpt_back_common/services/", line 324, in translate_paragraph response = ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/", line 245, in wrapped return cast(APIResponse[R], func(*args, **kwargs)) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/_utils/", line 272, in wrapper return func(*args, **kwargs) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/resources/chat/", line 645, in create return self._post( ^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/", line 1088, in post return cast(ResponseT, self.request(cast_to, opts, stream=stream, stream_cls=stream_cls)) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/", line 853, in request return self._request( ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/", line 930, in _request raise self._make_status_error_from_response(err.response) from None openai.RateLimitError: Error code: 429 - {'error': {'code': '429', 'message': 'Requests to the ChatCompletions_Create Operation under Azure OpenAI API version 2024-02-15-preview have exceeded token rate limit of your current OpenAI S0 pricing tier. Please retry after 86400 seconds. Please go here: if you would like to further increase the default rate limit.'}} key: ********************8e682e74fe10 INFO:app.translate_gpt_back_common.crud.crud_openai_api_key:set_usable_at: ********************8e682e74fe10 - gpt-4o - 2024-06-20 06:11:09.850423 of model: gpt-4o setup_api_key_and_client of model: gpt-4o key_type: AZURE,,2024-02-15-preview, gpt-4o open ai key: ********************dbe8f1671ba7 3[{'role': 'system', 'content': 'Please use Friendly tone.'}, {'role': 'system', 'content': 'Please provide responses in Narrative writing style.'}, {'role': 'user', 'content': 'original_text: `paragraph_id 29: But immediately, she regained her composure and smiled, "I don\'t think I\'ve seen you at any social gatherings or balls?" Adel replied, "Because I have never appeared before the upper class." Lucrezia continued to introduce herself, "I am Lucrezia of the Della Valle family. May I ask which family you belong to?" Adel looked tense, but then she regained her radiance and responded, "I am Adelaide Buonaparte." Lucrezia feigned a surprised expression, "What? Buonaparte? Is this the rumor circulating in the upper class? Although it\'s a bit embarrassing, I was just recently released from confinement, so I didn\'t know."\nparagraph_id 30: Adel gently replied, "As you heard, I am a member of the Buonaparte family. Due to many events, I haven\'t lived with my brother Cesare since childhood." Lucrezia\'s tone turned cold, "Brother? Are you staying with Cesare, in the Buonaparte mansion?" Adel responded, "Yes." But before she could say anything more, Lucrezia interrupted with a cheerful smile. "By the way, since you became a Buonaparte, do you intend to leave Fornaty and explore the land of Sant’nar?"\nparagraph_id 31: Adel didn\'t understand her intention, so she simply replied that she just wanted to stay close to her family. Lucrezia\'s tone turned cold again, "Family?" A stifling silence enveloped the beautiful garden. Some pressure from Lucrezia made Adel feel oppressed. "Is it because she is a true noblewoman that I feel so tense?" Another obstacle, Lucrezia\'s harsh tone startled Adel, making her look up at her, but she only saw Lucrezia putting on a fake polite face as she excused herself. She smirked and said with hidden meaning, "May the heavens protect you from murderers."\nparagraph_id 32: Adel felt as if she was in a daze, sensing a whirlpool pulling her down. Lucrezia surely knew something. Ebony couldn\'t help but feel anxious, saying she would report this to Lord Cesare. Although Lady Lucrezia wouldn\'t confront him directly, hidden dangers are more frightening than visible waves. On the way home, Lucrezia cried in the carriage, muttering to herself, causing her maid to worry. "Hazel? It seems Cesare has been bewitched by that wild woman."\nparagraph_id 33: The maid was alarmed, "Yes, what do you mean, miss? But she is his sister." "No, she\'s not," Lucrezia continued, wiping her tears, "That hand is not of a lady. He hates me so much that he calls someone who is not a lady his sister. Moreover, if he wasn\'t enchanted by her, he would definitely intend for her to marry my brother." Hazel exclaimed, "Then you must do something before she completely takes over Lord Cesare. Furthermore, if you give up now, that woman will become a member of the Della Valle family."\nparagraph_id 34: "By all means, you must get rid of her." Lucrezia whimpered, "But how?" Hazel exclaimed, "Eliminate her!" Lucrezia shook her head, "No, I don\'t want to harm anyone, I\'m too scared." The maid saw her mistress as truly weak, "Don\'t worry, I will help you." Hazel\'s determination made Lucrezia delighted, "Oh my, are those words true?" The maid sincerely expressed her loyalty. This made Lucrezia very happy; she hugged the maid to show gratitude, an evil smirk shown on her face. The poor maid did not know that she had fallen into a trap designed by Lucrezia herself.\nparagraph_id 35: 4. One morning, a procession of carriages arrived at the Buonaparte castle. The guests were very impressed by the grandeur of the mansion. All the servants were extremely busy decorating and tidying up the rooms. Today, Adel wanted to meet her brother. She was about to knock on the door when she remembered she was instructed not to do so. Just then, a stranger saw her. That person informed Cesare, "Sir, there is a guest." He turned to look at his fake sister and smiled brightly, "Well, my sister, how is your leg?"\nparagraph_id 36: Adel replied, "Thanks to your care, my leg is completely healed." Cesare mocked, "Oh, did I care?" Adel responded, "I just said that out of courtesy." Seeing Adel suddenly come into his office but still hesitating to speak, Cesare asked, "Is there something you want to say?"\nparagraph_id 37: Adel stammered, "Can I attend the social party tonight?" Both Cesare and the stranger were surprised. Cesare said, "Alright, is that all you came to ask?" Adel replied, "I just moved here and want to socialize." Cesare chuckled, "I didn\'t know my sister was so cute. It seems you have adapted to everything here."\nparagraph_id 38: After talking for a while, the stranger standing next to Cesare kept looking at Cesare expectantly. Finally, Cesare introduced them to each other, "This is my sister, Adelaide Buonaparte."\nparagraph_id 39: Adel courteously bowed to the guest, "May the sea goddess bless you." "And this is Gigi Manfredi." The young man cheerfully introduced himself, "Hello, I am Cesare\'s personal assistant. I am also the president of the Stellone trade guild under the management of the Buonaparte family. Please take care of me in the future." Gigi seemed to be someone who loved to socialize and make friends. He admired Adel\'s beauty so much that he even thought she was a mermaid. Cesare was speechless upon hearing this.\nparagraph_id 40: Seeing Cesare comfortably chatting like that, Adel could only suppress all the resentment in her heart. From the moment she met him, every corner of her mind felt like it was being severed piece by piece with a sharp knife, and she decided to forget the leather shoe that had trampled on her feet along with the words that pierced her heart like thorns. Suddenly, Cesare asked, "You have met Lucrezia, haven\'t you? I heard you received a warning. Quite interesting."`. Translate to bengali using Music & Audio terminology\n. Grammatically correct, never break words. Remove quotation marks at the beginning and end of the result, return only translated text in format paragraph_id, do not include original_text.\nbengali text:'}] INFO:httpx:HTTP Request: POST "HTTP/1.1 429 Too Many Requests" INFO:httpx:HTTP Request: POST "HTTP/1.1 429 Too Many Requests" (most recent call last): File "/app/app/translate_gpt_back_common/services/", line 324, in translate_paragraph response = ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/", line 245, in wrapped return cast(APIResponse[R], func(*args, **kwargs)) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/_utils/", line 272, in wrapper return func(*args, **kwargs) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/resources/chat/", line 645, in create return self._post( ^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/", line 1088, in post return cast(ResponseT, self.request(cast_to, opts, stream=stream, stream_cls=stream_cls)) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/", line 853, in request return self._request( ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/", line 930, in _request raise self._make_status_error_from_response(err.response) from None openai.RateLimitError: Error code: 429 - {'error': {'code': '429', 'message': 'Requests to the ChatCompletions_Create Operation under Azure OpenAI API version 2024-02-15-preview have exceeded token rate limit of your current OpenAI S0 pricing tier. Please retry after 86400 seconds. Please go here: if you would like to further increase the default rate limit.'}} key: ********************0b924952043c INFO:app.translate_gpt_back_common.crud.crud_openai_api_key:set_usable_at: ********************0b924952043c - gpt-4o - 2024-06-20 06:11:10.059416 (most recent call last): File "/app/app/translate_gpt_back_common/services/", line 324, in translate_paragraph response = ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/", line 245, in wrapped return cast(APIResponse[R], func(*args, **kwargs)) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/_utils/", line 272, in wrapper return func(*args, **kwargs) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/resources/chat/", line 645, in create return self._post( ^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/", line 1088, in post return cast(ResponseT, self.request(cast_to, opts, stream=stream, stream_cls=stream_cls)) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/", line 853, in request return self._request( ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/", line 930, in _request raise self._make_status_error_from_response(err.response) from None openai.RateLimitError: Error code: 429 - {'error': {'code': '429', 'message': 'Requests to the ChatCompletions_Create Operation under Azure OpenAI API version 2024-02-15-preview have exceeded token rate limit of your current OpenAI S0 pricing tier. Please retry after 86400 seconds. Please go here: if you would like to further increase the default rate limit.'}} key: ********************db9d3598ba37 INFO:app.translate_gpt_back_common.crud.crud_openai_api_key:set_usable_at: ********************db9d3598ba37 - gpt-4o - 2024-06-20 06:11:10.059652 of model: gpt-4o of model: gpt-4o INFO:httpx:HTTP Request: POST "HTTP/1.1 429 Too Many Requests" (most recent call last): File "/app/app/translate_gpt_back_common/services/", line 324, in translate_paragraph response = ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/", line 245, in wrapped return cast(APIResponse[R], func(*args, **kwargs)) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/_utils/", line 272, in wrapper return func(*args, **kwargs) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/resources/chat/", line 645, in create return self._post( ^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/", line 1088, in post return cast(ResponseT, self.request(cast_to, opts, stream=stream, stream_cls=stream_cls)) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/", line 853, in request return self._request( ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/", line 930, in _request raise self._make_status_error_from_response(err.response) from None openai.RateLimitError: Error code: 429 - {'error': {'code': '429', 'message': 'Requests to the ChatCompletions_Create Operation under Azure OpenAI API version 2024-02-15-preview have exceeded token rate limit of your current OpenAI S0 pricing tier. Please retry after 86400 seconds. Please go here: if you would like to further increase the default rate limit.'}} key: ********************dbe8f1671ba7 INFO:app.translate_gpt_back_common.crud.crud_openai_api_key:set_usable_at: ********************dbe8f1671ba7 - gpt-4o - 2024-06-20 06:11:10.091407 setup_api_key_and_client of model: gpt-4o key_type: AZURE,,2024-02-15-preview, gpt-4o open ai key: ********************6dab16af2716 3[{'role': 'system', 'content': 'Please use Friendly tone.'}, {'role': 'system', 'content': 'Please provide responses in Narrative writing style.'}, {'role': 'user', 'content': 'original_text: `paragraph_id 1: 1. Adel trembled as she began to speak, "Do you mean I seduced them?" Cesare\'s tone was cold, "You should know that yourself." Adel frowned and denied, "No, it\'s not true." "Not true?" Cesare asked, then he chuckled and soon couldn\'t hold back anymore, he threw his head back and laughed loudly. This took Adel by surprise.\nparagraph_id 2: "Signora Flavia has been quite ruthless, hasn\'t she?" Cesare spoke while moving the tip of his shoe on Adel\'s swollen foot, humiliating her. "Such a small matter and you can\'t handle it yourself? If you don\'t want to gain favor by flattering, there are still many better ways." Adel could only lie on the ground, groaning in pain. "You are very good at discarding your pride and begging. Why not act like you always do?"\nparagraph_id 3: Adel frowned and said, "I was wrong, it was all my negligence." Cesare\'s tall shadow covered her on the floor, like a demon, but then it let go of the miserable girl. "It\'s good that you understand. Treat your wound carefully, avoid leaving scars."\nparagraph_id 4: Suddenly, Ebony burst through the door. "Master, Miss Adel..." Cesare abruptly interrupted, "If you want to explain anything, speak in my room." He walked out and quietly said, "Stop all the lessons for three days." Cesare seems cold and cruel, but he is very sharp; he is smart enough to know what has happened. Deep down, he does care about Adel; avoiding any contact with Flavia will give Adel some time to rest. The door slammed shut behind Adel, leaving a dark, silent void.\nparagraph_id 5: That evening, Cesare slowly smoked a cigar while opening a stack of documents. Among them was a photo, a portrait of Henry Fetch. He was the second son of the Fetch family, but couldn\'t carry on the lineage. Cesare sneered and cursed silently, "What a useless piece of trash. Someone like that causing trouble in the Buonaparte garden?"\nparagraph_id 6: Cesare thought to himself, "I don\'t know what they talked about, but I have to clean up this mess myself. Everything has gone off track. Adel has been unintentionally exposed. Replacing her with another girl is impossible. Now, no matter what happens, I must turn the shoe-shine girl Adel into a member of the Buonaparte family."\nparagraph_id 7: The image of Adel appeared in Cesare\'s mind, she was as beautiful as a mermaid. Her green hair shimmered like seaweed, her skin as white as salt grains, her chest overly ample... Thinking of this made Cesare angry. Those scoundrels must have been very excited to do such a vile thing to Adel. Cesare recalled the scene then. He was also surprised when Adel suddenly kissed him on the cheek. Her beauty was so enchanting that he was a bit captivated. Thinking back, Cesare was also a bit excited then. Even he had those feelings. So everything will end when Ezra Della Valle meets Adel.\nparagraph_id 8: Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. It turned out to be Flavia. Upon seeing Cesare, she greeted him with a blessing from the sea goddess. Cesare smirked with a knowing smile. Both remained silent for a long while without speaking. Suddenly, Cesare spoke first, "Signora, I don\'t mind you educating a rebellious child like that, but I don\'t want to clean up the mess afterward. Flavia could only apologize, but Cesare didn\'t forget to add a threat, "Don\'t cause me any more trouble. You\'re clever enough to understand that, right?"\nparagraph_id 9: Flavia\'s face had turned pale. As she left the room, she gritted her teeth, determined to take out her anger on Adel. She believed that Adel had deliberately exhausted herself by wearing those tight shoes to gain the Buonaparte family\'s sympathy, leading to her being treated this way. Flavia silently cursed Adel as a cunning brat.\nparagraph_id 10: The next morning, a strange rumor spread throughout the noble circles that Lord Cesare had fallen for a certain young lady and would not associate with anyone else but her. He had never brought a girl into the mansion before, and unlike his usual self, he seemed very affectionate. It was likely not an ordinary relationship.\nparagraph_id 11: After hearing this shocking news, a girl slammed the table in astonishment. She quickly excused herself and left the tea party, leaving the other young ladies puzzled. As she walked, she thought to herself, "This is serious. I must quickly inform Lucrezia."\nparagraph_id 12: As soon as she got home, she wrote a letter detailing everything to her best friend, "Lord Cesare has embraced an unknown woman in his arms, and she is now in the Buonaparte mansion. How many times does he have to torment your heart before he\'s satisfied? What kind of despicable woman dares to seduce him? I want to meet you as soon as possible to soothe this sorrow." The letter was immediately sent to the Della Valle house as quickly as possible.\nparagraph_id 13: 2. After reading it, Lucrezia threw the letter into the fireplace. The bright flames from the aggressive fire shone on a young, beautiful face with straight brown hair. Her big, round, purple eyes looked like two marbles, emphasizing an innocent look on the surface but pure evil underneath. Lucrezia spoke in anger, "Cesare, what is the meaning of this ridiculous letter? Are you testing my patience again?"\nparagraph_id 14: Elsewhere, people were also gossiping about Cesare. "Have you heard? Lord Cesare is hiding a girl in his mansion. Three days ago, when the Orquenina delegation brought the mermaid\'s heart and announced it publicly, someone saw him holding a girl very carefully. There\'s a rumor that Lord Henry Fetch teased her and was punished. The Buonaparte family withdrew the entire large sum of money that the Fetch family had borrowed for business. Who could she be? Who is it that has made Lord Cesare Buonaparte fall so deeply in love?"`. Translate to bengali using Music & Audio terminology\n. Grammatically correct, never break words. Remove quotation marks at the beginning and end of the result, return only translated text in format paragraph_id, do not include original_text.\nbengali text:'}] of model: gpt-4o setup_api_key_and_client of model: gpt-4o key_type: AZURE,,2024-02-15-preview, gpt-4o open ai key: ********************092a42b364b0 3[{'role': 'system', 'content': 'Please use Friendly tone.'}, {'role': 'system', 'content': 'Please provide responses in Narrative writing style.'}, {'role': 'user', 'content': 'original_text: `paragraph_id 15: The rumor spread, making Mrs. Flavia restless, unable to sit still. She silently resolved, "I must quickly expel that cunning, arrogant shoeshine girl from the Buonaparte house." As she flung open the door, Flavia shouted loudly, "Adel!" But her eyes suddenly froze, "Impossible! It\'s only been three days, how could that girl have become so stunningly beautiful? Her gaunt cheeks have gradually become fuller. Is it because the wounds on her filthy body have almost healed? She looks like a siren, luring sailors in the legends."\nparagraph_id 16: Suddenly, Adel\'s voice brought her back to reality. As soon as she returned to the present, she continued to scold Adel, "You deliberately wandered around to seduce the noblemen with your soaking wet body and those coarse bare feet." Although Adel couldn\'t bear to hear those insulting words, she still lowered her face and said, "I\'m sorry."\nparagraph_id 17: Ebony respectfully asked to interject, "I don\'t know much about etiquette like Signora, but I think the young lady\'s manner of walking is already quite like a La Bella Figura. I believe all these achievements are due to Signora\'s dedicated teaching. So why doesn\'t Signora move on to the next lessons so the young lady can learn even more?"\nparagraph_id 18: Flavia was extremely annoyed, "So that girl has enlisted Ebony to gain sympathy. But Lord Cesare is still watching me, I can\'t do anything." In the end, she conceded to Ebony\'s suggestion, but Flavia would not forget to educate Adel thoroughly, just as she had taught her how to walk.\nparagraph_id 19: The lesson ended in the afternoon, and Flavia returned to her residence. Today\'s lesson went so smoothly that it made her feel very uncomfortable, but she had to marvel at Adel\'s speed of learning and proficiency. Unlike other young ladies who would whine and sulk when they made mistakes, Adel did not show any laziness, giving her no chance to criticize.\nparagraph_id 20: While fuming, a high-pitched voice called out to her. It was Lucrezia Della Valle. She looked so charming and beautiful that few could compare. Even Mrs. Flavia was very pleased because this was a girl admired by many women. "May the sea goddess bless you. Signora Flavia, you still look very healthy."\nparagraph_id 21: Flavia inquired, "Do you have business at Buonaparte?" Lucrezia replied, "I heard that everyone in the upper class is coming here, so I dropped by. It seems there will be a grand party for the Orquenina envoys, right?" Flavia responded, "I suppose so." During the conversation, Flavia mentioned Cesare, causing Lucrezia\'s cheeks to blush slightly. She put on a sad and weak expression and recounted, "I wonder if Lord Cesare is well? I\'ve been grounded and haven\'t seen him for a long time. Nothing special has happened, right?"\nparagraph_id 22: Flavia was certain Lucrezia had heard about it. Anyway, it would be revealed eventually, so just say it was Lord Cesare\'s sister. Thinking this, Flavia began, "It seems you have heard the rumors. She is..." But suddenly, she paused, and a silent void enveloped the two. Lucrezia, with a bright and polite tone, asked, "Signora Flavia, was it rude of me to ask about that?" Flavia stood still, reflecting, "Sending that shoe-shining girl away doesn\'t necessarily have to be my job."\nparagraph_id 23: Flavia smirked slyly, "Lord Cesare has warned me once already. I don\'t know what will happen if I persist like this. But what if Lady Lucrezia intervenes? Although she is elegant and polite, if she only has that naivety, she won\'t be able to monopolize the position of Lord Cesare\'s fiancée."\nparagraph_id 24: Thinking of this, Flavia now didn\'t hesitate to drop some hints, "Lady Lucrezia, listen carefully. The girl in the rumor carries the direct bloodline of the Buonaparte family." Lucrezia\'s eyes widened, and she exclaimed, "Oh my, so Lord Rowan and Signora Katarina have a daughter? I guess I misunderstood. How embarrassing!"\nparagraph_id 25: "It\'s not just a misunderstanding, Adel is clearly a member of the Buonaparte family, the sister of Cesare." Flavia turned to leave, her elegant hat covering half her face, only her mouth moving slightly, "Nominally, yes, but in reality, who knows if she came from a street urchin. Shouldn\'t we ask Lord Rowan and Signora Katarina directly?" She glanced back at Lucrezia, "If she\'s perceptive, she\'ll surely catch the implication." Lucrezia was silent for a long moment, then she looked up, her eyes smiling as she said, "Thank you for telling me, Signora. Thanks to you, I have been enlightened."\nparagraph_id 26: Adel\'s life became peaceful for a short while. One day, Adel really wanted to go for a walk, but after that incident, she was very afraid Lord Cesare would scold her. But Ebony said that since the Buonaparte family\'s guests would be frequenting the lion garden, Adel could stroll in the aquatic garden.\nparagraph_id 27: After that day, Ebony had researched the schedule of each guest in the mansion and she also became friendlier than usual. Adel smiled softly, of course, it was out of gratitude. She said thank you and took a sip of tea. Ebony quietly watched the girl in front of her with affectionate eyes. Just as Ebony said, the aquatic garden was a very beautiful place. Thanks to the cool atmosphere, people\'s spirits also became more pleasant.\nparagraph_id 28: 3. "Oh heavens, is there someone here?" Adel turned towards the source of the sound, and it was Lucrezia. She didn\'t expect her to show up here. Ebony frowned and whispered, "That\'s Lady Lucrezia Della Valle." Hearing that name, Adel\'s eyes widened. She clutched her dress and became tense, "We\'ve already met." Despite feeling pressured, Adel lifted her dress and performed a greeting ritual, "May the goddess of the sea bless you." Adel\'s perfect noble demeanor left Lucrezia visibly astonished.`. Translate to bengali using Music & Audio terminology\n. Grammatically correct, never break words. Remove quotation marks at the beginning and end of the result, return only translated text in format paragraph_id, do not include original_text.\nbengali text:'}] setup_api_key_and_client of model: gpt-4o key_type: AZURE,,2024-02-15-preview, gpt-4o open ai key: ********************1b56724f49f7 0[{'role': 'system', 'content': 'Please use Friendly tone.'}, {'role': 'system', 'content': 'Please provide responses in Narrative writing style.'}, {'role': 'user', 'content': 'original_text: `paragraph_id 29: But immediately, she regained her composure and smiled, "I don\'t think I\'ve seen you at any social gatherings or balls?" Adel replied, "Because I have never appeared before the upper class." Lucrezia continued to introduce herself, "I am Lucrezia of the Della Valle family. May I ask which family you belong to?" Adel looked tense, but then she regained her radiance and responded, "I am Adelaide Buonaparte." Lucrezia feigned a surprised expression, "What? Buonaparte? Is this the rumor circulating in the upper class? Although it\'s a bit embarrassing, I was just recently released from confinement, so I didn\'t know."\nparagraph_id 30: Adel gently replied, "As you heard, I am a member of the Buonaparte family. Due to many events, I haven\'t lived with my brother Cesare since childhood." Lucrezia\'s tone turned cold, "Brother? Are you staying with Cesare, in the Buonaparte mansion?" Adel responded, "Yes." But before she could say anything more, Lucrezia interrupted with a cheerful smile. "By the way, since you became a Buonaparte, do you intend to leave Fornaty and explore the land of Sant’nar?"\nparagraph_id 31: Adel didn\'t understand her intention, so she simply replied that she just wanted to stay close to her family. Lucrezia\'s tone turned cold again, "Family?" A stifling silence enveloped the beautiful garden. Some pressure from Lucrezia made Adel feel oppressed. "Is it because she is a true noblewoman that I feel so tense?" Another obstacle, Lucrezia\'s harsh tone startled Adel, making her look up at her, but she only saw Lucrezia putting on a fake polite face as she excused herself. She smirked and said with hidden meaning, "May the heavens protect you from murderers."\nparagraph_id 32: Adel felt as if she was in a daze, sensing a whirlpool pulling her down. Lucrezia surely knew something. Ebony couldn\'t help but feel anxious, saying she would report this to Lord Cesare. Although Lady Lucrezia wouldn\'t confront him directly, hidden dangers are more frightening than visible waves. On the way home, Lucrezia cried in the carriage, muttering to herself, causing her maid to worry. "Hazel? It seems Cesare has been bewitched by that wild woman."\nparagraph_id 33: The maid was alarmed, "Yes, what do you mean, miss? But she is his sister." "No, she\'s not," Lucrezia continued, wiping her tears, "That hand is not of a lady. He hates me so much that he calls someone who is not a lady his sister. Moreover, if he wasn\'t enchanted by her, he would definitely intend for her to marry my brother." Hazel exclaimed, "Then you must do something before she completely takes over Lord Cesare. Furthermore, if you give up now, that woman will become a member of the Della Valle family."\nparagraph_id 34: "By all means, you must get rid of her." Lucrezia whimpered, "But how?" Hazel exclaimed, "Eliminate her!" Lucrezia shook her head, "No, I don\'t want to harm anyone, I\'m too scared." The maid saw her mistress as truly weak, "Don\'t worry, I will help you." Hazel\'s determination made Lucrezia delighted, "Oh my, are those words true?" The maid sincerely expressed her loyalty. This made Lucrezia very happy; she hugged the maid to show gratitude, an evil smirk shown on her face. The poor maid did not know that she had fallen into a trap designed by Lucrezia herself.\nparagraph_id 35: 4. One morning, a procession of carriages arrived at the Buonaparte castle. The guests were very impressed by the grandeur of the mansion. All the servants were extremely busy decorating and tidying up the rooms. Today, Adel wanted to meet her brother. She was about to knock on the door when she remembered she was instructed not to do so. Just then, a stranger saw her. That person informed Cesare, "Sir, there is a guest." He turned to look at his fake sister and smiled brightly, "Well, my sister, how is your leg?"\nparagraph_id 36: Adel replied, "Thanks to your care, my leg is completely healed." Cesare mocked, "Oh, did I care?" Adel responded, "I just said that out of courtesy." Seeing Adel suddenly come into his office but still hesitating to speak, Cesare asked, "Is there something you want to say?"\nparagraph_id 37: Adel stammered, "Can I attend the social party tonight?" Both Cesare and the stranger were surprised. Cesare said, "Alright, is that all you came to ask?" Adel replied, "I just moved here and want to socialize." Cesare chuckled, "I didn\'t know my sister was so cute. It seems you have adapted to everything here."\nparagraph_id 38: After talking for a while, the stranger standing next to Cesare kept looking at Cesare expectantly. Finally, Cesare introduced them to each other, "This is my sister, Adelaide Buonaparte."\nparagraph_id 39: Adel courteously bowed to the guest, "May the sea goddess bless you." "And this is Gigi Manfredi." The young man cheerfully introduced himself, "Hello, I am Cesare\'s personal assistant. I am also the president of the Stellone trade guild under the management of the Buonaparte family. Please take care of me in the future." Gigi seemed to be someone who loved to socialize and make friends. He admired Adel\'s beauty so much that he even thought she was a mermaid. Cesare was speechless upon hearing this.\nparagraph_id 40: Seeing Cesare comfortably chatting like that, Adel could only suppress all the resentment in her heart. From the moment she met him, every corner of her mind felt like it was being severed piece by piece with a sharp knife, and she decided to forget the leather shoe that had trampled on her feet along with the words that pierced her heart like thorns. Suddenly, Cesare asked, "You have met Lucrezia, haven\'t you? I heard you received a warning. Quite interesting."`. Translate to bengali using Music & Audio terminology\n. Grammatically correct, never break words. Remove quotation marks at the beginning and end of the result, return only translated text in format paragraph_id, do not include original_text.\nbengali text:'}] INFO:httpx:HTTP Request: POST "HTTP/1.1 429 Too Many Requests" (most recent call last): File "/app/app/translate_gpt_back_common/services/", line 324, in translate_paragraph response = ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/", line 245, in wrapped return cast(APIResponse[R], func(*args, **kwargs)) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/_utils/", line 272, in wrapper return func(*args, **kwargs) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/resources/chat/", line 645, in create return self._post( ^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/", line 1088, in post return cast(ResponseT, self.request(cast_to, opts, stream=stream, stream_cls=stream_cls)) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/", line 853, in request return self._request( ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/", line 930, in _request raise self._make_status_error_from_response(err.response) from None openai.RateLimitError: Error code: 429 - {'error': {'code': '429', 'message': 'Requests to the ChatCompletions_Create Operation under Azure OpenAI API version 2024-02-15-preview have exceeded token rate limit of your current OpenAI S0 pricing tier. Please retry after 86400 seconds. Please go here: if you would like to further increase the default rate limit.'}} key: ********************092a42b364b0 INFO:app.translate_gpt_back_common.crud.crud_openai_api_key:set_usable_at: ********************092a42b364b0 - gpt-4o - 2024-06-20 06:11:10.314125 of model: gpt-4o setup_api_key_and_client of model: gpt-4o key_type: AZURE,,2024-02-15-preview, gpt-4o open ai key: ********************214caa155823 0[{'role': 'system', 'content': 'Please use Friendly tone.'}, {'role': 'system', 'content': 'Please provide responses in Narrative writing style.'}, {'role': 'user', 'content': 'original_text: `paragraph_id 15: The rumor spread, making Mrs. Flavia restless, unable to sit still. She silently resolved, "I must quickly expel that cunning, arrogant shoeshine girl from the Buonaparte house." As she flung open the door, Flavia shouted loudly, "Adel!" But her eyes suddenly froze, "Impossible! It\'s only been three days, how could that girl have become so stunningly beautiful? Her gaunt cheeks have gradually become fuller. Is it because the wounds on her filthy body have almost healed? She looks like a siren, luring sailors in the legends."\nparagraph_id 16: Suddenly, Adel\'s voice brought her back to reality. As soon as she returned to the present, she continued to scold Adel, "You deliberately wandered around to seduce the noblemen with your soaking wet body and those coarse bare feet." Although Adel couldn\'t bear to hear those insulting words, she still lowered her face and said, "I\'m sorry."\nparagraph_id 17: Ebony respectfully asked to interject, "I don\'t know much about etiquette like Signora, but I think the young lady\'s manner of walking is already quite like a La Bella Figura. I believe all these achievements are due to Signora\'s dedicated teaching. So why doesn\'t Signora move on to the next lessons so the young lady can learn even more?"\nparagraph_id 18: Flavia was extremely annoyed, "So that girl has enlisted Ebony to gain sympathy. But Lord Cesare is still watching me, I can\'t do anything." In the end, she conceded to Ebony\'s suggestion, but Flavia would not forget to educate Adel thoroughly, just as she had taught her how to walk.\nparagraph_id 19: The lesson ended in the afternoon, and Flavia returned to her residence. Today\'s lesson went so smoothly that it made her feel very uncomfortable, but she had to marvel at Adel\'s speed of learning and proficiency. Unlike other young ladies who would whine and sulk when they made mistakes, Adel did not show any laziness, giving her no chance to criticize.\nparagraph_id 20: While fuming, a high-pitched voice called out to her. It was Lucrezia Della Valle. She looked so charming and beautiful that few could compare. Even Mrs. Flavia was very pleased because this was a girl admired by many women. "May the sea goddess bless you. Signora Flavia, you still look very healthy."\nparagraph_id 21: Flavia inquired, "Do you have business at Buonaparte?" Lucrezia replied, "I heard that everyone in the upper class is coming here, so I dropped by. It seems there will be a grand party for the Orquenina envoys, right?" Flavia responded, "I suppose so." During the conversation, Flavia mentioned Cesare, causing Lucrezia\'s cheeks to blush slightly. She put on a sad and weak expression and recounted, "I wonder if Lord Cesare is well? I\'ve been grounded and haven\'t seen him for a long time. Nothing special has happened, right?"\nparagraph_id 22: Flavia was certain Lucrezia had heard about it. Anyway, it would be revealed eventually, so just say it was Lord Cesare\'s sister. Thinking this, Flavia began, "It seems you have heard the rumors. She is..." But suddenly, she paused, and a silent void enveloped the two. Lucrezia, with a bright and polite tone, asked, "Signora Flavia, was it rude of me to ask about that?" Flavia stood still, reflecting, "Sending that shoe-shining girl away doesn\'t necessarily have to be my job."\nparagraph_id 23: Flavia smirked slyly, "Lord Cesare has warned me once already. I don\'t know what will happen if I persist like this. But what if Lady Lucrezia intervenes? Although she is elegant and polite, if she only has that naivety, she won\'t be able to monopolize the position of Lord Cesare\'s fiancée."\nparagraph_id 24: Thinking of this, Flavia now didn\'t hesitate to drop some hints, "Lady Lucrezia, listen carefully. The girl in the rumor carries the direct bloodline of the Buonaparte family." Lucrezia\'s eyes widened, and she exclaimed, "Oh my, so Lord Rowan and Signora Katarina have a daughter? I guess I misunderstood. How embarrassing!"\nparagraph_id 25: "It\'s not just a misunderstanding, Adel is clearly a member of the Buonaparte family, the sister of Cesare." Flavia turned to leave, her elegant hat covering half her face, only her mouth moving slightly, "Nominally, yes, but in reality, who knows if she came from a street urchin. Shouldn\'t we ask Lord Rowan and Signora Katarina directly?" She glanced back at Lucrezia, "If she\'s perceptive, she\'ll surely catch the implication." Lucrezia was silent for a long moment, then she looked up, her eyes smiling as she said, "Thank you for telling me, Signora. Thanks to you, I have been enlightened."\nparagraph_id 26: Adel\'s life became peaceful for a short while. One day, Adel really wanted to go for a walk, but after that incident, she was very afraid Lord Cesare would scold her. But Ebony said that since the Buonaparte family\'s guests would be frequenting the lion garden, Adel could stroll in the aquatic garden.\nparagraph_id 27: After that day, Ebony had researched the schedule of each guest in the mansion and she also became friendlier than usual. Adel smiled softly, of course, it was out of gratitude. She said thank you and took a sip of tea. Ebony quietly watched the girl in front of her with affectionate eyes. Just as Ebony said, the aquatic garden was a very beautiful place. Thanks to the cool atmosphere, people\'s spirits also became more pleasant.\nparagraph_id 28: 3. "Oh heavens, is there someone here?" Adel turned towards the source of the sound, and it was Lucrezia. She didn\'t expect her to show up here. Ebony frowned and whispered, "That\'s Lady Lucrezia Della Valle." Hearing that name, Adel\'s eyes widened. She clutched her dress and became tense, "We\'ve already met." Despite feeling pressured, Adel lifted her dress and performed a greeting ritual, "May the goddess of the sea bless you." Adel\'s perfect noble demeanor left Lucrezia visibly astonished.`. Translate to bengali using Music & Audio terminology\n. Grammatically correct, never break words. Remove quotation marks at the beginning and end of the result, return only translated text in format paragraph_id, do not include original_text.\nbengali text:'}] INFO:httpx:HTTP Request: POST "HTTP/1.1 429 Too Many Requests" (most recent call last): File "/app/app/translate_gpt_back_common/services/", line 324, in translate_paragraph response = ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/", line 245, in wrapped return cast(APIResponse[R], func(*args, **kwargs)) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/_utils/", line 272, in wrapper return func(*args, **kwargs) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/resources/chat/", line 645, in create return self._post( ^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/", line 1088, in post return cast(ResponseT, self.request(cast_to, opts, stream=stream, stream_cls=stream_cls)) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/", line 853, in request return self._request( ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/", line 930, in _request raise self._make_status_error_from_response(err.response) from None openai.RateLimitError: Error code: 429 - {'error': {'code': '429', 'message': 'Requests to the ChatCompletions_Create Operation under Azure OpenAI API version 2024-02-15-preview have exceeded token rate limit of your current OpenAI S0 pricing tier. Please retry after 86400 seconds. Please go here: if you would like to further increase the default rate limit.'}} key: ********************214caa155823 INFO:app.translate_gpt_back_common.crud.crud_openai_api_key:set_usable_at: ********************214caa155823 - gpt-4o - 2024-06-20 06:11:10.972016 of model: gpt-4o setup_api_key_and_client of model: gpt-4o key_type: AZURE,,2024-02-15-preview, gpt-4o open ai key: ********************0dfcbcfbdd85 1[{'role': 'system', 'content': 'Please use Friendly tone.'}, {'role': 'system', 'content': 'Please provide responses in Narrative writing style.'}, {'role': 'user', 'content': 'original_text: `paragraph_id 15: The rumor spread, making Mrs. Flavia restless, unable to sit still. She silently resolved, "I must quickly expel that cunning, arrogant shoeshine girl from the Buonaparte house." As she flung open the door, Flavia shouted loudly, "Adel!" But her eyes suddenly froze, "Impossible! It\'s only been three days, how could that girl have become so stunningly beautiful? Her gaunt cheeks have gradually become fuller. Is it because the wounds on her filthy body have almost healed? She looks like a siren, luring sailors in the legends."\nparagraph_id 16: Suddenly, Adel\'s voice brought her back to reality. As soon as she returned to the present, she continued to scold Adel, "You deliberately wandered around to seduce the noblemen with your soaking wet body and those coarse bare feet." Although Adel couldn\'t bear to hear those insulting words, she still lowered her face and said, "I\'m sorry."\nparagraph_id 17: Ebony respectfully asked to interject, "I don\'t know much about etiquette like Signora, but I think the young lady\'s manner of walking is already quite like a La Bella Figura. I believe all these achievements are due to Signora\'s dedicated teaching. So why doesn\'t Signora move on to the next lessons so the young lady can learn even more?"\nparagraph_id 18: Flavia was extremely annoyed, "So that girl has enlisted Ebony to gain sympathy. But Lord Cesare is still watching me, I can\'t do anything." In the end, she conceded to Ebony\'s suggestion, but Flavia would not forget to educate Adel thoroughly, just as she had taught her how to walk.\nparagraph_id 19: The lesson ended in the afternoon, and Flavia returned to her residence. Today\'s lesson went so smoothly that it made her feel very uncomfortable, but she had to marvel at Adel\'s speed of learning and proficiency. Unlike other young ladies who would whine and sulk when they made mistakes, Adel did not show any laziness, giving her no chance to criticize.\nparagraph_id 20: While fuming, a high-pitched voice called out to her. It was Lucrezia Della Valle. She looked so charming and beautiful that few could compare. Even Mrs. Flavia was very pleased because this was a girl admired by many women. "May the sea goddess bless you. Signora Flavia, you still look very healthy."\nparagraph_id 21: Flavia inquired, "Do you have business at Buonaparte?" Lucrezia replied, "I heard that everyone in the upper class is coming here, so I dropped by. It seems there will be a grand party for the Orquenina envoys, right?" Flavia responded, "I suppose so." During the conversation, Flavia mentioned Cesare, causing Lucrezia\'s cheeks to blush slightly. She put on a sad and weak expression and recounted, "I wonder if Lord Cesare is well? I\'ve been grounded and haven\'t seen him for a long time. Nothing special has happened, right?"\nparagraph_id 22: Flavia was certain Lucrezia had heard about it. Anyway, it would be revealed eventually, so just say it was Lord Cesare\'s sister. Thinking this, Flavia began, "It seems you have heard the rumors. She is..." But suddenly, she paused, and a silent void enveloped the two. Lucrezia, with a bright and polite tone, asked, "Signora Flavia, was it rude of me to ask about that?" Flavia stood still, reflecting, "Sending that shoe-shining girl away doesn\'t necessarily have to be my job."\nparagraph_id 23: Flavia smirked slyly, "Lord Cesare has warned me once already. I don\'t know what will happen if I persist like this. But what if Lady Lucrezia intervenes? Although she is elegant and polite, if she only has that naivety, she won\'t be able to monopolize the position of Lord Cesare\'s fiancée."\nparagraph_id 24: Thinking of this, Flavia now didn\'t hesitate to drop some hints, "Lady Lucrezia, listen carefully. The girl in the rumor carries the direct bloodline of the Buonaparte family." Lucrezia\'s eyes widened, and she exclaimed, "Oh my, so Lord Rowan and Signora Katarina have a daughter? I guess I misunderstood. How embarrassing!"\nparagraph_id 25: "It\'s not just a misunderstanding, Adel is clearly a member of the Buonaparte family, the sister of Cesare." Flavia turned to leave, her elegant hat covering half her face, only her mouth moving slightly, "Nominally, yes, but in reality, who knows if she came from a street urchin. Shouldn\'t we ask Lord Rowan and Signora Katarina directly?" She glanced back at Lucrezia, "If she\'s perceptive, she\'ll surely catch the implication." Lucrezia was silent for a long moment, then she looked up, her eyes smiling as she said, "Thank you for telling me, Signora. Thanks to you, I have been enlightened."\nparagraph_id 26: Adel\'s life became peaceful for a short while. One day, Adel really wanted to go for a walk, but after that incident, she was very afraid Lord Cesare would scold her. But Ebony said that since the Buonaparte family\'s guests would be frequenting the lion garden, Adel could stroll in the aquatic garden.\nparagraph_id 27: After that day, Ebony had researched the schedule of each guest in the mansion and she also became friendlier than usual. Adel smiled softly, of course, it was out of gratitude. She said thank you and took a sip of tea. Ebony quietly watched the girl in front of her with affectionate eyes. Just as Ebony said, the aquatic garden was a very beautiful place. Thanks to the cool atmosphere, people\'s spirits also became more pleasant.\nparagraph_id 28: 3. "Oh heavens, is there someone here?" Adel turned towards the source of the sound, and it was Lucrezia. She didn\'t expect her to show up here. Ebony frowned and whispered, "That\'s Lady Lucrezia Della Valle." Hearing that name, Adel\'s eyes widened. She clutched her dress and became tense, "We\'ve already met." Despite feeling pressured, Adel lifted her dress and performed a greeting ritual, "May the goddess of the sea bless you." Adel\'s perfect noble demeanor left Lucrezia visibly astonished.`. Translate to bengali using Music & Audio terminology\n. Grammatically correct, never break words. Remove quotation marks at the beginning and end of the result, return only translated text in format paragraph_id, do not include original_text.\nbengali text:'}] INFO:httpx:HTTP Request: POST "HTTP/1.1 429 Too Many Requests" (most recent call last): File "/app/app/translate_gpt_back_common/services/", line 324, in translate_paragraph response = ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/", line 245, in wrapped return cast(APIResponse[R], func(*args, **kwargs)) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/_utils/", line 272, in wrapper return func(*args, **kwargs) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/resources/chat/", line 645, in create return self._post( ^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/", line 1088, in post return cast(ResponseT, self.request(cast_to, opts, stream=stream, stream_cls=stream_cls)) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/", line 853, in request return self._request( ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/", line 930, in _request raise self._make_status_error_from_response(err.response) from None openai.RateLimitError: Error code: 429 - {'error': {'code': '429', 'message': 'Requests to the ChatCompletions_Create Operation under Azure OpenAI API version 2024-02-15-preview have exceeded token rate limit of your current OpenAI S0 pricing tier. Please retry after 86400 seconds. Please go here: if you would like to further increase the default rate limit.'}} key: ********************6dab16af2716 INFO:app.translate_gpt_back_common.crud.crud_openai_api_key:set_usable_at: ********************6dab16af2716 - gpt-4o - 2024-06-20 06:11:11.067583 INFO:httpx:HTTP Request: POST "HTTP/1.1 429 Too Many Requests" (most recent call last): File "/app/app/translate_gpt_back_common/services/", line 324, in translate_paragraph response = ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/", line 245, in wrapped return cast(APIResponse[R], func(*args, **kwargs)) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/_utils/", line 272, in wrapper return func(*args, **kwargs) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/resources/chat/", line 645, in create return self._post( ^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/", line 1088, in post return cast(ResponseT, self.request(cast_to, opts, stream=stream, stream_cls=stream_cls)) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/", line 853, in request return self._request( ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/", line 930, in _request raise self._make_status_error_from_response(err.response) from None openai.RateLimitError: Error code: 429 - {'error': {'code': '429', 'message': 'Requests to the ChatCompletions_Create Operation under Azure OpenAI API version 2024-02-15-preview have exceeded token rate limit of your current OpenAI S0 pricing tier. Please retry after 86400 seconds. Please go here: if you would like to further increase the default rate limit.'}} key: ********************1b56724f49f7 INFO:app.translate_gpt_back_common.crud.crud_openai_api_key:set_usable_at: ********************1b56724f49f7 - gpt-4o - 2024-06-20 06:11:11.081948 of model: gpt-4o of model: gpt-4o setup_api_key_and_client of model: gpt-4o key_type: AZURE,,2024-02-15-preview, gpt-4o open ai key: ********************c6531bf68833 0[{'role': 'system', 'content': 'Please use Friendly tone.'}, {'role': 'system', 'content': 'Please provide responses in Narrative writing style.'}, {'role': 'user', 'content': 'original_text: `paragraph_id 1: 1. Adel trembled as she began to speak, "Do you mean I seduced them?" Cesare\'s tone was cold, "You should know that yourself." Adel frowned and denied, "No, it\'s not true." "Not true?" Cesare asked, then he chuckled and soon couldn\'t hold back anymore, he threw his head back and laughed loudly. This took Adel by surprise.\nparagraph_id 2: "Signora Flavia has been quite ruthless, hasn\'t she?" Cesare spoke while moving the tip of his shoe on Adel\'s swollen foot, humiliating her. "Such a small matter and you can\'t handle it yourself? If you don\'t want to gain favor by flattering, there are still many better ways." Adel could only lie on the ground, groaning in pain. "You are very good at discarding your pride and begging. Why not act like you always do?"\nparagraph_id 3: Adel frowned and said, "I was wrong, it was all my negligence." Cesare\'s tall shadow covered her on the floor, like a demon, but then it let go of the miserable girl. "It\'s good that you understand. Treat your wound carefully, avoid leaving scars."\nparagraph_id 4: Suddenly, Ebony burst through the door. "Master, Miss Adel..." Cesare abruptly interrupted, "If you want to explain anything, speak in my room." He walked out and quietly said, "Stop all the lessons for three days." Cesare seems cold and cruel, but he is very sharp; he is smart enough to know what has happened. Deep down, he does care about Adel; avoiding any contact with Flavia will give Adel some time to rest. The door slammed shut behind Adel, leaving a dark, silent void.\nparagraph_id 5: That evening, Cesare slowly smoked a cigar while opening a stack of documents. Among them was a photo, a portrait of Henry Fetch. He was the second son of the Fetch family, but couldn\'t carry on the lineage. Cesare sneered and cursed silently, "What a useless piece of trash. Someone like that causing trouble in the Buonaparte garden?"\nparagraph_id 6: Cesare thought to himself, "I don\'t know what they talked about, but I have to clean up this mess myself. Everything has gone off track. Adel has been unintentionally exposed. Replacing her with another girl is impossible. Now, no matter what happens, I must turn the shoe-shine girl Adel into a member of the Buonaparte family."\nparagraph_id 7: The image of Adel appeared in Cesare\'s mind, she was as beautiful as a mermaid. Her green hair shimmered like seaweed, her skin as white as salt grains, her chest overly ample... Thinking of this made Cesare angry. Those scoundrels must have been very excited to do such a vile thing to Adel. Cesare recalled the scene then. He was also surprised when Adel suddenly kissed him on the cheek. Her beauty was so enchanting that he was a bit captivated. Thinking back, Cesare was also a bit excited then. Even he had those feelings. So everything will end when Ezra Della Valle meets Adel.\nparagraph_id 8: Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. It turned out to be Flavia. Upon seeing Cesare, she greeted him with a blessing from the sea goddess. Cesare smirked with a knowing smile. Both remained silent for a long while without speaking. Suddenly, Cesare spoke first, "Signora, I don\'t mind you educating a rebellious child like that, but I don\'t want to clean up the mess afterward. Flavia could only apologize, but Cesare didn\'t forget to add a threat, "Don\'t cause me any more trouble. You\'re clever enough to understand that, right?"\nparagraph_id 9: Flavia\'s face had turned pale. As she left the room, she gritted her teeth, determined to take out her anger on Adel. She believed that Adel had deliberately exhausted herself by wearing those tight shoes to gain the Buonaparte family\'s sympathy, leading to her being treated this way. Flavia silently cursed Adel as a cunning brat.\nparagraph_id 10: The next morning, a strange rumor spread throughout the noble circles that Lord Cesare had fallen for a certain young lady and would not associate with anyone else but her. He had never brought a girl into the mansion before, and unlike his usual self, he seemed very affectionate. It was likely not an ordinary relationship.\nparagraph_id 11: After hearing this shocking news, a girl slammed the table in astonishment. She quickly excused herself and left the tea party, leaving the other young ladies puzzled. As she walked, she thought to herself, "This is serious. I must quickly inform Lucrezia."\nparagraph_id 12: As soon as she got home, she wrote a letter detailing everything to her best friend, "Lord Cesare has embraced an unknown woman in his arms, and she is now in the Buonaparte mansion. How many times does he have to torment your heart before he\'s satisfied? What kind of despicable woman dares to seduce him? I want to meet you as soon as possible to soothe this sorrow." The letter was immediately sent to the Della Valle house as quickly as possible.\nparagraph_id 13: 2. After reading it, Lucrezia threw the letter into the fireplace. The bright flames from the aggressive fire shone on a young, beautiful face with straight brown hair. Her big, round, purple eyes looked like two marbles, emphasizing an innocent look on the surface but pure evil underneath. Lucrezia spoke in anger, "Cesare, what is the meaning of this ridiculous letter? Are you testing my patience again?"\nparagraph_id 14: Elsewhere, people were also gossiping about Cesare. "Have you heard? Lord Cesare is hiding a girl in his mansion. Three days ago, when the Orquenina delegation brought the mermaid\'s heart and announced it publicly, someone saw him holding a girl very carefully. There\'s a rumor that Lord Henry Fetch teased her and was punished. The Buonaparte family withdrew the entire large sum of money that the Fetch family had borrowed for business. Who could she be? Who is it that has made Lord Cesare Buonaparte fall so deeply in love?"`. Translate to bengali using Music & Audio terminology\n. Grammatically correct, never break words. Remove quotation marks at the beginning and end of the result, return only translated text in format paragraph_id, do not include original_text.\nbengali text:'}] setup_api_key_and_client of model: gpt-4o key_type: AZURE,,2024-02-15-preview, gpt-4o open ai key: ********************dd31684742a6 1[{'role': 'system', 'content': 'Please use Friendly tone.'}, {'role': 'system', 'content': 'Please provide responses in Narrative writing style.'}, {'role': 'user', 'content': 'original_text: `paragraph_id 29: But immediately, she regained her composure and smiled, "I don\'t think I\'ve seen you at any social gatherings or balls?" Adel replied, "Because I have never appeared before the upper class." Lucrezia continued to introduce herself, "I am Lucrezia of the Della Valle family. May I ask which family you belong to?" Adel looked tense, but then she regained her radiance and responded, "I am Adelaide Buonaparte." Lucrezia feigned a surprised expression, "What? Buonaparte? Is this the rumor circulating in the upper class? Although it\'s a bit embarrassing, I was just recently released from confinement, so I didn\'t know."\nparagraph_id 30: Adel gently replied, "As you heard, I am a member of the Buonaparte family. Due to many events, I haven\'t lived with my brother Cesare since childhood." Lucrezia\'s tone turned cold, "Brother? Are you staying with Cesare, in the Buonaparte mansion?" Adel responded, "Yes." But before she could say anything more, Lucrezia interrupted with a cheerful smile. "By the way, since you became a Buonaparte, do you intend to leave Fornaty and explore the land of Sant’nar?"\nparagraph_id 31: Adel didn\'t understand her intention, so she simply replied that she just wanted to stay close to her family. Lucrezia\'s tone turned cold again, "Family?" A stifling silence enveloped the beautiful garden. Some pressure from Lucrezia made Adel feel oppressed. "Is it because she is a true noblewoman that I feel so tense?" Another obstacle, Lucrezia\'s harsh tone startled Adel, making her look up at her, but she only saw Lucrezia putting on a fake polite face as she excused herself. She smirked and said with hidden meaning, "May the heavens protect you from murderers."\nparagraph_id 32: Adel felt as if she was in a daze, sensing a whirlpool pulling her down. Lucrezia surely knew something. Ebony couldn\'t help but feel anxious, saying she would report this to Lord Cesare. Although Lady Lucrezia wouldn\'t confront him directly, hidden dangers are more frightening than visible waves. On the way home, Lucrezia cried in the carriage, muttering to herself, causing her maid to worry. "Hazel? It seems Cesare has been bewitched by that wild woman."\nparagraph_id 33: The maid was alarmed, "Yes, what do you mean, miss? But she is his sister." "No, she\'s not," Lucrezia continued, wiping her tears, "That hand is not of a lady. He hates me so much that he calls someone who is not a lady his sister. Moreover, if he wasn\'t enchanted by her, he would definitely intend for her to marry my brother." Hazel exclaimed, "Then you must do something before she completely takes over Lord Cesare. Furthermore, if you give up now, that woman will become a member of the Della Valle family."\nparagraph_id 34: "By all means, you must get rid of her." Lucrezia whimpered, "But how?" Hazel exclaimed, "Eliminate her!" Lucrezia shook her head, "No, I don\'t want to harm anyone, I\'m too scared." The maid saw her mistress as truly weak, "Don\'t worry, I will help you." Hazel\'s determination made Lucrezia delighted, "Oh my, are those words true?" The maid sincerely expressed her loyalty. This made Lucrezia very happy; she hugged the maid to show gratitude, an evil smirk shown on her face. The poor maid did not know that she had fallen into a trap designed by Lucrezia herself.\nparagraph_id 35: 4. One morning, a procession of carriages arrived at the Buonaparte castle. The guests were very impressed by the grandeur of the mansion. All the servants were extremely busy decorating and tidying up the rooms. Today, Adel wanted to meet her brother. She was about to knock on the door when she remembered she was instructed not to do so. Just then, a stranger saw her. That person informed Cesare, "Sir, there is a guest." He turned to look at his fake sister and smiled brightly, "Well, my sister, how is your leg?"\nparagraph_id 36: Adel replied, "Thanks to your care, my leg is completely healed." Cesare mocked, "Oh, did I care?" Adel responded, "I just said that out of courtesy." Seeing Adel suddenly come into his office but still hesitating to speak, Cesare asked, "Is there something you want to say?"\nparagraph_id 37: Adel stammered, "Can I attend the social party tonight?" Both Cesare and the stranger were surprised. Cesare said, "Alright, is that all you came to ask?" Adel replied, "I just moved here and want to socialize." Cesare chuckled, "I didn\'t know my sister was so cute. It seems you have adapted to everything here."\nparagraph_id 38: After talking for a while, the stranger standing next to Cesare kept looking at Cesare expectantly. Finally, Cesare introduced them to each other, "This is my sister, Adelaide Buonaparte."\nparagraph_id 39: Adel courteously bowed to the guest, "May the sea goddess bless you." "And this is Gigi Manfredi." The young man cheerfully introduced himself, "Hello, I am Cesare\'s personal assistant. I am also the president of the Stellone trade guild under the management of the Buonaparte family. Please take care of me in the future." Gigi seemed to be someone who loved to socialize and make friends. He admired Adel\'s beauty so much that he even thought she was a mermaid. Cesare was speechless upon hearing this.\nparagraph_id 40: Seeing Cesare comfortably chatting like that, Adel could only suppress all the resentment in her heart. From the moment she met him, every corner of her mind felt like it was being severed piece by piece with a sharp knife, and she decided to forget the leather shoe that had trampled on her feet along with the words that pierced her heart like thorns. Suddenly, Cesare asked, "You have met Lucrezia, haven\'t you? I heard you received a warning. Quite interesting."`. Translate to bengali using Music & Audio terminology\n. Grammatically correct, never break words. Remove quotation marks at the beginning and end of the result, return only translated text in format paragraph_id, do not include original_text.\nbengali text:'}] INFO:httpx:HTTP Request: POST "HTTP/1.1 429 Too Many Requests" (most recent call last): File "/app/app/translate_gpt_back_common/services/", line 324, in translate_paragraph response = ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/", line 245, in wrapped return cast(APIResponse[R], func(*args, **kwargs)) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/_utils/", line 272, in wrapper return func(*args, **kwargs) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/resources/chat/", line 645, in create return self._post( ^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/", line 1088, in post return cast(ResponseT, self.request(cast_to, opts, stream=stream, stream_cls=stream_cls)) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/", line 853, in request return self._request( ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/", line 930, in _request raise self._make_status_error_from_response(err.response) from None openai.RateLimitError: Error code: 429 - {'error': {'code': '429', 'message': 'Requests to the ChatCompletions_Create Operation under Azure OpenAI API version 2024-02-15-preview have exceeded token rate limit of your current OpenAI S0 pricing tier. Please retry after 86400 seconds. Please go here: if you would like to further increase the default rate limit.'}} key: ********************0dfcbcfbdd85 INFO:app.translate_gpt_back_common.crud.crud_openai_api_key:set_usable_at: ********************0dfcbcfbdd85 - gpt-4o - 2024-06-20 06:11:11.597456 of model: gpt-4o setup_api_key_and_client of model: gpt-4o key_type: AZURE,,2024-02-15-preview, gpt-4o open ai key: ********************dd31684742a6 2[{'role': 'system', 'content': 'Please use Friendly tone.'}, {'role': 'system', 'content': 'Please provide responses in Narrative writing style.'}, {'role': 'user', 'content': 'original_text: `paragraph_id 15: The rumor spread, making Mrs. Flavia restless, unable to sit still. She silently resolved, "I must quickly expel that cunning, arrogant shoeshine girl from the Buonaparte house." As she flung open the door, Flavia shouted loudly, "Adel!" But her eyes suddenly froze, "Impossible! It\'s only been three days, how could that girl have become so stunningly beautiful? Her gaunt cheeks have gradually become fuller. Is it because the wounds on her filthy body have almost healed? She looks like a siren, luring sailors in the legends."\nparagraph_id 16: Suddenly, Adel\'s voice brought her back to reality. As soon as she returned to the present, she continued to scold Adel, "You deliberately wandered around to seduce the noblemen with your soaking wet body and those coarse bare feet." Although Adel couldn\'t bear to hear those insulting words, she still lowered her face and said, "I\'m sorry."\nparagraph_id 17: Ebony respectfully asked to interject, "I don\'t know much about etiquette like Signora, but I think the young lady\'s manner of walking is already quite like a La Bella Figura. I believe all these achievements are due to Signora\'s dedicated teaching. So why doesn\'t Signora move on to the next lessons so the young lady can learn even more?"\nparagraph_id 18: Flavia was extremely annoyed, "So that girl has enlisted Ebony to gain sympathy. But Lord Cesare is still watching me, I can\'t do anything." In the end, she conceded to Ebony\'s suggestion, but Flavia would not forget to educate Adel thoroughly, just as she had taught her how to walk.\nparagraph_id 19: The lesson ended in the afternoon, and Flavia returned to her residence. Today\'s lesson went so smoothly that it made her feel very uncomfortable, but she had to marvel at Adel\'s speed of learning and proficiency. Unlike other young ladies who would whine and sulk when they made mistakes, Adel did not show any laziness, giving her no chance to criticize.\nparagraph_id 20: While fuming, a high-pitched voice called out to her. It was Lucrezia Della Valle. She looked so charming and beautiful that few could compare. Even Mrs. Flavia was very pleased because this was a girl admired by many women. "May the sea goddess bless you. Signora Flavia, you still look very healthy."\nparagraph_id 21: Flavia inquired, "Do you have business at Buonaparte?" Lucrezia replied, "I heard that everyone in the upper class is coming here, so I dropped by. It seems there will be a grand party for the Orquenina envoys, right?" Flavia responded, "I suppose so." During the conversation, Flavia mentioned Cesare, causing Lucrezia\'s cheeks to blush slightly. She put on a sad and weak expression and recounted, "I wonder if Lord Cesare is well? I\'ve been grounded and haven\'t seen him for a long time. Nothing special has happened, right?"\nparagraph_id 22: Flavia was certain Lucrezia had heard about it. Anyway, it would be revealed eventually, so just say it was Lord Cesare\'s sister. Thinking this, Flavia began, "It seems you have heard the rumors. She is..." But suddenly, she paused, and a silent void enveloped the two. Lucrezia, with a bright and polite tone, asked, "Signora Flavia, was it rude of me to ask about that?" Flavia stood still, reflecting, "Sending that shoe-shining girl away doesn\'t necessarily have to be my job."\nparagraph_id 23: Flavia smirked slyly, "Lord Cesare has warned me once already. I don\'t know what will happen if I persist like this. But what if Lady Lucrezia intervenes? Although she is elegant and polite, if she only has that naivety, she won\'t be able to monopolize the position of Lord Cesare\'s fiancée."\nparagraph_id 24: Thinking of this, Flavia now didn\'t hesitate to drop some hints, "Lady Lucrezia, listen carefully. The girl in the rumor carries the direct bloodline of the Buonaparte family." Lucrezia\'s eyes widened, and she exclaimed, "Oh my, so Lord Rowan and Signora Katarina have a daughter? I guess I misunderstood. How embarrassing!"\nparagraph_id 25: "It\'s not just a misunderstanding, Adel is clearly a member of the Buonaparte family, the sister of Cesare." Flavia turned to leave, her elegant hat covering half her face, only her mouth moving slightly, "Nominally, yes, but in reality, who knows if she came from a street urchin. Shouldn\'t we ask Lord Rowan and Signora Katarina directly?" She glanced back at Lucrezia, "If she\'s perceptive, she\'ll surely catch the implication." Lucrezia was silent for a long moment, then she looked up, her eyes smiling as she said, "Thank you for telling me, Signora. Thanks to you, I have been enlightened."\nparagraph_id 26: Adel\'s life became peaceful for a short while. One day, Adel really wanted to go for a walk, but after that incident, she was very afraid Lord Cesare would scold her. But Ebony said that since the Buonaparte family\'s guests would be frequenting the lion garden, Adel could stroll in the aquatic garden.\nparagraph_id 27: After that day, Ebony had researched the schedule of each guest in the mansion and she also became friendlier than usual. Adel smiled softly, of course, it was out of gratitude. She said thank you and took a sip of tea. Ebony quietly watched the girl in front of her with affectionate eyes. Just as Ebony said, the aquatic garden was a very beautiful place. Thanks to the cool atmosphere, people\'s spirits also became more pleasant.\nparagraph_id 28: 3. "Oh heavens, is there someone here?" Adel turned towards the source of the sound, and it was Lucrezia. She didn\'t expect her to show up here. Ebony frowned and whispered, "That\'s Lady Lucrezia Della Valle." Hearing that name, Adel\'s eyes widened. She clutched her dress and became tense, "We\'ve already met." Despite feeling pressured, Adel lifted her dress and performed a greeting ritual, "May the goddess of the sea bless you." Adel\'s perfect noble demeanor left Lucrezia visibly astonished.`. Translate to bengali using Music & Audio terminology\n. Grammatically correct, never break words. Remove quotation marks at the beginning and end of the result, return only translated text in format paragraph_id, do not include original_text.\nbengali text:'}] INFO:httpx:HTTP Request: POST "HTTP/1.1 429 Too Many Requests" (most recent call last): File "/app/app/translate_gpt_back_common/services/", line 324, in translate_paragraph response = ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/", line 245, in wrapped return cast(APIResponse[R], func(*args, **kwargs)) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/_utils/", line 272, in wrapper return func(*args, **kwargs) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/resources/chat/", line 645, in create return self._post( ^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/", line 1088, in post return cast(ResponseT, self.request(cast_to, opts, stream=stream, stream_cls=stream_cls)) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/", line 853, in request return self._request( ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/", line 930, in _request raise self._make_status_error_from_response(err.response) from None openai.RateLimitError: Error code: 429 - {'error': {'code': '429', 'message': 'Requests to the ChatCompletions_Create Operation under Azure OpenAI API version 2024-02-15-preview have exceeded token rate limit of your current OpenAI S0 pricing tier. Please retry after 86400 seconds. Please go here: if you would like to further increase the default rate limit.'}} key: ********************c6531bf68833 INFO:app.translate_gpt_back_common.crud.crud_openai_api_key:set_usable_at: ********************c6531bf68833 - gpt-4o - 2024-06-20 06:11:11.763939 of model: gpt-4o setup_api_key_and_client of model: gpt-4o key_type: AZURE,,2024-02-15-preview, gpt-4o open ai key: ********************75d0c71d27c8 1[{'role': 'system', 'content': 'Please use Friendly tone.'}, {'role': 'system', 'content': 'Please provide responses in Narrative writing style.'}, {'role': 'user', 'content': 'original_text: `paragraph_id 1: 1. Adel trembled as she began to speak, "Do you mean I seduced them?" Cesare\'s tone was cold, "You should know that yourself." Adel frowned and denied, "No, it\'s not true." "Not true?" Cesare asked, then he chuckled and soon couldn\'t hold back anymore, he threw his head back and laughed loudly. This took Adel by surprise.\nparagraph_id 2: "Signora Flavia has been quite ruthless, hasn\'t she?" Cesare spoke while moving the tip of his shoe on Adel\'s swollen foot, humiliating her. "Such a small matter and you can\'t handle it yourself? If you don\'t want to gain favor by flattering, there are still many better ways." Adel could only lie on the ground, groaning in pain. "You are very good at discarding your pride and begging. Why not act like you always do?"\nparagraph_id 3: Adel frowned and said, "I was wrong, it was all my negligence." Cesare\'s tall shadow covered her on the floor, like a demon, but then it let go of the miserable girl. "It\'s good that you understand. Treat your wound carefully, avoid leaving scars."\nparagraph_id 4: Suddenly, Ebony burst through the door. "Master, Miss Adel..." Cesare abruptly interrupted, "If you want to explain anything, speak in my room." He walked out and quietly said, "Stop all the lessons for three days." Cesare seems cold and cruel, but he is very sharp; he is smart enough to know what has happened. Deep down, he does care about Adel; avoiding any contact with Flavia will give Adel some time to rest. The door slammed shut behind Adel, leaving a dark, silent void.\nparagraph_id 5: That evening, Cesare slowly smoked a cigar while opening a stack of documents. Among them was a photo, a portrait of Henry Fetch. He was the second son of the Fetch family, but couldn\'t carry on the lineage. Cesare sneered and cursed silently, "What a useless piece of trash. Someone like that causing trouble in the Buonaparte garden?"\nparagraph_id 6: Cesare thought to himself, "I don\'t know what they talked about, but I have to clean up this mess myself. Everything has gone off track. Adel has been unintentionally exposed. Replacing her with another girl is impossible. Now, no matter what happens, I must turn the shoe-shine girl Adel into a member of the Buonaparte family."\nparagraph_id 7: The image of Adel appeared in Cesare\'s mind, she was as beautiful as a mermaid. Her green hair shimmered like seaweed, her skin as white as salt grains, her chest overly ample... Thinking of this made Cesare angry. Those scoundrels must have been very excited to do such a vile thing to Adel. Cesare recalled the scene then. He was also surprised when Adel suddenly kissed him on the cheek. Her beauty was so enchanting that he was a bit captivated. Thinking back, Cesare was also a bit excited then. Even he had those feelings. So everything will end when Ezra Della Valle meets Adel.\nparagraph_id 8: Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. It turned out to be Flavia. Upon seeing Cesare, she greeted him with a blessing from the sea goddess. Cesare smirked with a knowing smile. Both remained silent for a long while without speaking. Suddenly, Cesare spoke first, "Signora, I don\'t mind you educating a rebellious child like that, but I don\'t want to clean up the mess afterward. Flavia could only apologize, but Cesare didn\'t forget to add a threat, "Don\'t cause me any more trouble. You\'re clever enough to understand that, right?"\nparagraph_id 9: Flavia\'s face had turned pale. As she left the room, she gritted her teeth, determined to take out her anger on Adel. She believed that Adel had deliberately exhausted herself by wearing those tight shoes to gain the Buonaparte family\'s sympathy, leading to her being treated this way. Flavia silently cursed Adel as a cunning brat.\nparagraph_id 10: The next morning, a strange rumor spread throughout the noble circles that Lord Cesare had fallen for a certain young lady and would not associate with anyone else but her. He had never brought a girl into the mansion before, and unlike his usual self, he seemed very affectionate. It was likely not an ordinary relationship.\nparagraph_id 11: After hearing this shocking news, a girl slammed the table in astonishment. She quickly excused herself and left the tea party, leaving the other young ladies puzzled. As she walked, she thought to herself, "This is serious. I must quickly inform Lucrezia."\nparagraph_id 12: As soon as she got home, she wrote a letter detailing everything to her best friend, "Lord Cesare has embraced an unknown woman in his arms, and she is now in the Buonaparte mansion. How many times does he have to torment your heart before he\'s satisfied? What kind of despicable woman dares to seduce him? I want to meet you as soon as possible to soothe this sorrow." The letter was immediately sent to the Della Valle house as quickly as possible.\nparagraph_id 13: 2. After reading it, Lucrezia threw the letter into the fireplace. The bright flames from the aggressive fire shone on a young, beautiful face with straight brown hair. Her big, round, purple eyes looked like two marbles, emphasizing an innocent look on the surface but pure evil underneath. Lucrezia spoke in anger, "Cesare, what is the meaning of this ridiculous letter? Are you testing my patience again?"\nparagraph_id 14: Elsewhere, people were also gossiping about Cesare. "Have you heard? Lord Cesare is hiding a girl in his mansion. Three days ago, when the Orquenina delegation brought the mermaid\'s heart and announced it publicly, someone saw him holding a girl very carefully. There\'s a rumor that Lord Henry Fetch teased her and was punished. The Buonaparte family withdrew the entire large sum of money that the Fetch family had borrowed for business. Who could she be? Who is it that has made Lord Cesare Buonaparte fall so deeply in love?"`. Translate to bengali using Music & Audio terminology\n. Grammatically correct, never break words. Remove quotation marks at the beginning and end of the result, return only translated text in format paragraph_id, do not include original_text.\nbengali text:'}] INFO:httpx:HTTP Request: POST "HTTP/1.1 429 Too Many Requests" (most recent call last): File "/app/app/translate_gpt_back_common/services/", line 324, in translate_paragraph response = ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/", line 245, in wrapped return cast(APIResponse[R], func(*args, **kwargs)) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/_utils/", line 272, in wrapper return func(*args, **kwargs) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/resources/chat/", line 645, in create return self._post( ^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/", line 1088, in post return cast(ResponseT, self.request(cast_to, opts, stream=stream, stream_cls=stream_cls)) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/", line 853, in request return self._request( ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/", line 930, in _request raise self._make_status_error_from_response(err.response) from None openai.RateLimitError: Error code: 429 - {'error': {'code': '429', 'message': 'Requests to the ChatCompletions_Create Operation under Azure OpenAI API version 2024-02-15-preview have exceeded token rate limit of your current OpenAI S0 pricing tier. Please retry after 86400 seconds. Please go here: if you would like to further increase the default rate limit.'}} key: ********************dd31684742a6 INFO:app.translate_gpt_back_common.crud.crud_openai_api_key:set_usable_at: ********************dd31684742a6 - gpt-4o - 2024-06-20 06:11:11.858381 of model: gpt-4o setup_api_key_and_client of model: gpt-4o key_type: AZURE,,2024-02-15-preview, gpt-4o open ai key: ********************7504bb590b01 2[{'role': 'system', 'content': 'Please use Friendly tone.'}, {'role': 'system', 'content': 'Please provide responses in Narrative writing style.'}, {'role': 'user', 'content': 'original_text: `paragraph_id 29: But immediately, she regained her composure and smiled, "I don\'t think I\'ve seen you at any social gatherings or balls?" Adel replied, "Because I have never appeared before the upper class." Lucrezia continued to introduce herself, "I am Lucrezia of the Della Valle family. May I ask which family you belong to?" Adel looked tense, but then she regained her radiance and responded, "I am Adelaide Buonaparte." Lucrezia feigned a surprised expression, "What? Buonaparte? Is this the rumor circulating in the upper class? Although it\'s a bit embarrassing, I was just recently released from confinement, so I didn\'t know."\nparagraph_id 30: Adel gently replied, "As you heard, I am a member of the Buonaparte family. Due to many events, I haven\'t lived with my brother Cesare since childhood." Lucrezia\'s tone turned cold, "Brother? Are you staying with Cesare, in the Buonaparte mansion?" Adel responded, "Yes." But before she could say anything more, Lucrezia interrupted with a cheerful smile. "By the way, since you became a Buonaparte, do you intend to leave Fornaty and explore the land of Sant’nar?"\nparagraph_id 31: Adel didn\'t understand her intention, so she simply replied that she just wanted to stay close to her family. Lucrezia\'s tone turned cold again, "Family?" A stifling silence enveloped the beautiful garden. Some pressure from Lucrezia made Adel feel oppressed. "Is it because she is a true noblewoman that I feel so tense?" Another obstacle, Lucrezia\'s harsh tone startled Adel, making her look up at her, but she only saw Lucrezia putting on a fake polite face as she excused herself. She smirked and said with hidden meaning, "May the heavens protect you from murderers."\nparagraph_id 32: Adel felt as if she was in a daze, sensing a whirlpool pulling her down. Lucrezia surely knew something. Ebony couldn\'t help but feel anxious, saying she would report this to Lord Cesare. Although Lady Lucrezia wouldn\'t confront him directly, hidden dangers are more frightening than visible waves. On the way home, Lucrezia cried in the carriage, muttering to herself, causing her maid to worry. "Hazel? It seems Cesare has been bewitched by that wild woman."\nparagraph_id 33: The maid was alarmed, "Yes, what do you mean, miss? But she is his sister." "No, she\'s not," Lucrezia continued, wiping her tears, "That hand is not of a lady. He hates me so much that he calls someone who is not a lady his sister. Moreover, if he wasn\'t enchanted by her, he would definitely intend for her to marry my brother." Hazel exclaimed, "Then you must do something before she completely takes over Lord Cesare. Furthermore, if you give up now, that woman will become a member of the Della Valle family."\nparagraph_id 34: "By all means, you must get rid of her." Lucrezia whimpered, "But how?" Hazel exclaimed, "Eliminate her!" Lucrezia shook her head, "No, I don\'t want to harm anyone, I\'m too scared." The maid saw her mistress as truly weak, "Don\'t worry, I will help you." Hazel\'s determination made Lucrezia delighted, "Oh my, are those words true?" The maid sincerely expressed her loyalty. This made Lucrezia very happy; she hugged the maid to show gratitude, an evil smirk shown on her face. The poor maid did not know that she had fallen into a trap designed by Lucrezia herself.\nparagraph_id 35: 4. One morning, a procession of carriages arrived at the Buonaparte castle. The guests were very impressed by the grandeur of the mansion. All the servants were extremely busy decorating and tidying up the rooms. Today, Adel wanted to meet her brother. She was about to knock on the door when she remembered she was instructed not to do so. Just then, a stranger saw her. That person informed Cesare, "Sir, there is a guest." He turned to look at his fake sister and smiled brightly, "Well, my sister, how is your leg?"\nparagraph_id 36: Adel replied, "Thanks to your care, my leg is completely healed." Cesare mocked, "Oh, did I care?" Adel responded, "I just said that out of courtesy." Seeing Adel suddenly come into his office but still hesitating to speak, Cesare asked, "Is there something you want to say?"\nparagraph_id 37: Adel stammered, "Can I attend the social party tonight?" Both Cesare and the stranger were surprised. Cesare said, "Alright, is that all you came to ask?" Adel replied, "I just moved here and want to socialize." Cesare chuckled, "I didn\'t know my sister was so cute. It seems you have adapted to everything here."\nparagraph_id 38: After talking for a while, the stranger standing next to Cesare kept looking at Cesare expectantly. Finally, Cesare introduced them to each other, "This is my sister, Adelaide Buonaparte."\nparagraph_id 39: Adel courteously bowed to the guest, "May the sea goddess bless you." "And this is Gigi Manfredi." The young man cheerfully introduced himself, "Hello, I am Cesare\'s personal assistant. I am also the president of the Stellone trade guild under the management of the Buonaparte family. Please take care of me in the future." Gigi seemed to be someone who loved to socialize and make friends. He admired Adel\'s beauty so much that he even thought she was a mermaid. Cesare was speechless upon hearing this.\nparagraph_id 40: Seeing Cesare comfortably chatting like that, Adel could only suppress all the resentment in her heart. From the moment she met him, every corner of her mind felt like it was being severed piece by piece with a sharp knife, and she decided to forget the leather shoe that had trampled on her feet along with the words that pierced her heart like thorns. Suddenly, Cesare asked, "You have met Lucrezia, haven\'t you? I heard you received a warning. Quite interesting."`. Translate to bengali using Music & Audio terminology\n. Grammatically correct, never break words. Remove quotation marks at the beginning and end of the result, return only translated text in format paragraph_id, do not include original_text.\nbengali text:'}] INFO:httpx:HTTP Request: POST "HTTP/1.1 429 Too Many Requests" (most recent call last): File "/app/app/translate_gpt_back_common/services/", line 324, in translate_paragraph response = ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/", line 245, in wrapped return cast(APIResponse[R], func(*args, **kwargs)) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/_utils/", line 272, in wrapper return func(*args, **kwargs) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/resources/chat/", line 645, in create return self._post( ^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/", line 1088, in post return cast(ResponseT, self.request(cast_to, opts, stream=stream, stream_cls=stream_cls)) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/", line 853, in request return self._request( ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/", line 930, in _request raise self._make_status_error_from_response(err.response) from None openai.RateLimitError: Error code: 429 - {'error': {'code': '429', 'message': 'Requests to the ChatCompletions_Create Operation under Azure OpenAI API version 2024-02-15-preview have exceeded call rate limit of your current OpenAI S0 pricing tier. Please retry after 10 seconds. Please go here: if you would like to further increase the default rate limit.'}} key: ********************dd31684742a6 INFO:app.translate_gpt_back_common.crud.crud_openai_api_key:set_usable_at: ********************dd31684742a6 - gpt-4o - 2024-06-20 06:11:12.250524 of model: gpt-4o INFO:httpx:HTTP Request: POST "HTTP/1.1 429 Too Many Requests" (most recent call last): File "/app/app/translate_gpt_back_common/services/", line 324, in translate_paragraph response = ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/", line 245, in wrapped return cast(APIResponse[R], func(*args, **kwargs)) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/_utils/", line 272, in wrapper return func(*args, **kwargs) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/resources/chat/", line 645, in create return self._post( ^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/", line 1088, in post return cast(ResponseT, self.request(cast_to, opts, stream=stream, stream_cls=stream_cls)) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/", line 853, in request return self._request( ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/", line 930, in _request raise self._make_status_error_from_response(err.response) from None openai.RateLimitError: Error code: 429 - {'error': {'code': '429', 'message': 'Requests to the ChatCompletions_Create Operation under Azure OpenAI API version 2024-02-15-preview have exceeded token rate limit of your current OpenAI S0 pricing tier. Please retry after 86400 seconds. Please go here: if you would like to further increase the default rate limit.'}} key: ********************75d0c71d27c8 INFO:app.translate_gpt_back_common.crud.crud_openai_api_key:set_usable_at: ********************75d0c71d27c8 - gpt-4o - 2024-06-20 06:11:12.269349 setup_api_key_and_client of model: gpt-4o key_type: AZURE,,2024-02-15-preview, gpt-4o open ai key: ********************b52511655a20 3[{'role': 'system', 'content': 'Please use Friendly tone.'}, {'role': 'system', 'content': 'Please provide responses in Narrative writing style.'}, {'role': 'user', 'content': 'original_text: `paragraph_id 15: The rumor spread, making Mrs. Flavia restless, unable to sit still. She silently resolved, "I must quickly expel that cunning, arrogant shoeshine girl from the Buonaparte house." As she flung open the door, Flavia shouted loudly, "Adel!" But her eyes suddenly froze, "Impossible! It\'s only been three days, how could that girl have become so stunningly beautiful? Her gaunt cheeks have gradually become fuller. Is it because the wounds on her filthy body have almost healed? She looks like a siren, luring sailors in the legends."\nparagraph_id 16: Suddenly, Adel\'s voice brought her back to reality. As soon as she returned to the present, she continued to scold Adel, "You deliberately wandered around to seduce the noblemen with your soaking wet body and those coarse bare feet." Although Adel couldn\'t bear to hear those insulting words, she still lowered her face and said, "I\'m sorry."\nparagraph_id 17: Ebony respectfully asked to interject, "I don\'t know much about etiquette like Signora, but I think the young lady\'s manner of walking is already quite like a La Bella Figura. I believe all these achievements are due to Signora\'s dedicated teaching. So why doesn\'t Signora move on to the next lessons so the young lady can learn even more?"\nparagraph_id 18: Flavia was extremely annoyed, "So that girl has enlisted Ebony to gain sympathy. But Lord Cesare is still watching me, I can\'t do anything." In the end, she conceded to Ebony\'s suggestion, but Flavia would not forget to educate Adel thoroughly, just as she had taught her how to walk.\nparagraph_id 19: The lesson ended in the afternoon, and Flavia returned to her residence. Today\'s lesson went so smoothly that it made her feel very uncomfortable, but she had to marvel at Adel\'s speed of learning and proficiency. Unlike other young ladies who would whine and sulk when they made mistakes, Adel did not show any laziness, giving her no chance to criticize.\nparagraph_id 20: While fuming, a high-pitched voice called out to her. It was Lucrezia Della Valle. She looked so charming and beautiful that few could compare. Even Mrs. Flavia was very pleased because this was a girl admired by many women. "May the sea goddess bless you. Signora Flavia, you still look very healthy."\nparagraph_id 21: Flavia inquired, "Do you have business at Buonaparte?" Lucrezia replied, "I heard that everyone in the upper class is coming here, so I dropped by. It seems there will be a grand party for the Orquenina envoys, right?" Flavia responded, "I suppose so." During the conversation, Flavia mentioned Cesare, causing Lucrezia\'s cheeks to blush slightly. She put on a sad and weak expression and recounted, "I wonder if Lord Cesare is well? I\'ve been grounded and haven\'t seen him for a long time. Nothing special has happened, right?"\nparagraph_id 22: Flavia was certain Lucrezia had heard about it. Anyway, it would be revealed eventually, so just say it was Lord Cesare\'s sister. Thinking this, Flavia began, "It seems you have heard the rumors. She is..." But suddenly, she paused, and a silent void enveloped the two. Lucrezia, with a bright and polite tone, asked, "Signora Flavia, was it rude of me to ask about that?" Flavia stood still, reflecting, "Sending that shoe-shining girl away doesn\'t necessarily have to be my job."\nparagraph_id 23: Flavia smirked slyly, "Lord Cesare has warned me once already. I don\'t know what will happen if I persist like this. But what if Lady Lucrezia intervenes? Although she is elegant and polite, if she only has that naivety, she won\'t be able to monopolize the position of Lord Cesare\'s fiancée."\nparagraph_id 24: Thinking of this, Flavia now didn\'t hesitate to drop some hints, "Lady Lucrezia, listen carefully. The girl in the rumor carries the direct bloodline of the Buonaparte family." Lucrezia\'s eyes widened, and she exclaimed, "Oh my, so Lord Rowan and Signora Katarina have a daughter? I guess I misunderstood. How embarrassing!"\nparagraph_id 25: "It\'s not just a misunderstanding, Adel is clearly a member of the Buonaparte family, the sister of Cesare." Flavia turned to leave, her elegant hat covering half her face, only her mouth moving slightly, "Nominally, yes, but in reality, who knows if she came from a street urchin. Shouldn\'t we ask Lord Rowan and Signora Katarina directly?" She glanced back at Lucrezia, "If she\'s perceptive, she\'ll surely catch the implication." Lucrezia was silent for a long moment, then she looked up, her eyes smiling as she said, "Thank you for telling me, Signora. Thanks to you, I have been enlightened."\nparagraph_id 26: Adel\'s life became peaceful for a short while. One day, Adel really wanted to go for a walk, but after that incident, she was very afraid Lord Cesare would scold her. But Ebony said that since the Buonaparte family\'s guests would be frequenting the lion garden, Adel could stroll in the aquatic garden.\nparagraph_id 27: After that day, Ebony had researched the schedule of each guest in the mansion and she also became friendlier than usual. Adel smiled softly, of course, it was out of gratitude. She said thank you and took a sip of tea. Ebony quietly watched the girl in front of her with affectionate eyes. Just as Ebony said, the aquatic garden was a very beautiful place. Thanks to the cool atmosphere, people\'s spirits also became more pleasant.\nparagraph_id 28: 3. "Oh heavens, is there someone here?" Adel turned towards the source of the sound, and it was Lucrezia. She didn\'t expect her to show up here. Ebony frowned and whispered, "That\'s Lady Lucrezia Della Valle." Hearing that name, Adel\'s eyes widened. She clutched her dress and became tense, "We\'ve already met." Despite feeling pressured, Adel lifted her dress and performed a greeting ritual, "May the goddess of the sea bless you." Adel\'s perfect noble demeanor left Lucrezia visibly astonished.`. Translate to bengali using Music & Audio terminology\n. Grammatically correct, never break words. Remove quotation marks at the beginning and end of the result, return only translated text in format paragraph_id, do not include original_text.\nbengali text:'}] of model: gpt-4o setup_api_key_and_client of model: gpt-4o key_type: AZURE,,2024-02-15-preview, gpt-4o open ai key: ********************7504bb590b01 2[{'role': 'system', 'content': 'Please use Friendly tone.'}, {'role': 'system', 'content': 'Please provide responses in Narrative writing style.'}, {'role': 'user', 'content': 'original_text: `paragraph_id 1: 1. Adel trembled as she began to speak, "Do you mean I seduced them?" Cesare\'s tone was cold, "You should know that yourself." Adel frowned and denied, "No, it\'s not true." "Not true?" Cesare asked, then he chuckled and soon couldn\'t hold back anymore, he threw his head back and laughed loudly. This took Adel by surprise.\nparagraph_id 2: "Signora Flavia has been quite ruthless, hasn\'t she?" Cesare spoke while moving the tip of his shoe on Adel\'s swollen foot, humiliating her. "Such a small matter and you can\'t handle it yourself? If you don\'t want to gain favor by flattering, there are still many better ways." Adel could only lie on the ground, groaning in pain. "You are very good at discarding your pride and begging. Why not act like you always do?"\nparagraph_id 3: Adel frowned and said, "I was wrong, it was all my negligence." Cesare\'s tall shadow covered her on the floor, like a demon, but then it let go of the miserable girl. "It\'s good that you understand. Treat your wound carefully, avoid leaving scars."\nparagraph_id 4: Suddenly, Ebony burst through the door. "Master, Miss Adel..." Cesare abruptly interrupted, "If you want to explain anything, speak in my room." He walked out and quietly said, "Stop all the lessons for three days." Cesare seems cold and cruel, but he is very sharp; he is smart enough to know what has happened. Deep down, he does care about Adel; avoiding any contact with Flavia will give Adel some time to rest. The door slammed shut behind Adel, leaving a dark, silent void.\nparagraph_id 5: That evening, Cesare slowly smoked a cigar while opening a stack of documents. Among them was a photo, a portrait of Henry Fetch. He was the second son of the Fetch family, but couldn\'t carry on the lineage. Cesare sneered and cursed silently, "What a useless piece of trash. Someone like that causing trouble in the Buonaparte garden?"\nparagraph_id 6: Cesare thought to himself, "I don\'t know what they talked about, but I have to clean up this mess myself. Everything has gone off track. Adel has been unintentionally exposed. Replacing her with another girl is impossible. Now, no matter what happens, I must turn the shoe-shine girl Adel into a member of the Buonaparte family."\nparagraph_id 7: The image of Adel appeared in Cesare\'s mind, she was as beautiful as a mermaid. Her green hair shimmered like seaweed, her skin as white as salt grains, her chest overly ample... Thinking of this made Cesare angry. Those scoundrels must have been very excited to do such a vile thing to Adel. Cesare recalled the scene then. He was also surprised when Adel suddenly kissed him on the cheek. Her beauty was so enchanting that he was a bit captivated. Thinking back, Cesare was also a bit excited then. Even he had those feelings. So everything will end when Ezra Della Valle meets Adel.\nparagraph_id 8: Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. It turned out to be Flavia. Upon seeing Cesare, she greeted him with a blessing from the sea goddess. Cesare smirked with a knowing smile. Both remained silent for a long while without speaking. Suddenly, Cesare spoke first, "Signora, I don\'t mind you educating a rebellious child like that, but I don\'t want to clean up the mess afterward. Flavia could only apologize, but Cesare didn\'t forget to add a threat, "Don\'t cause me any more trouble. You\'re clever enough to understand that, right?"\nparagraph_id 9: Flavia\'s face had turned pale. As she left the room, she gritted her teeth, determined to take out her anger on Adel. She believed that Adel had deliberately exhausted herself by wearing those tight shoes to gain the Buonaparte family\'s sympathy, leading to her being treated this way. Flavia silently cursed Adel as a cunning brat.\nparagraph_id 10: The next morning, a strange rumor spread throughout the noble circles that Lord Cesare had fallen for a certain young lady and would not associate with anyone else but her. He had never brought a girl into the mansion before, and unlike his usual self, he seemed very affectionate. It was likely not an ordinary relationship.\nparagraph_id 11: After hearing this shocking news, a girl slammed the table in astonishment. She quickly excused herself and left the tea party, leaving the other young ladies puzzled. As she walked, she thought to herself, "This is serious. I must quickly inform Lucrezia."\nparagraph_id 12: As soon as she got home, she wrote a letter detailing everything to her best friend, "Lord Cesare has embraced an unknown woman in his arms, and she is now in the Buonaparte mansion. How many times does he have to torment your heart before he\'s satisfied? What kind of despicable woman dares to seduce him? I want to meet you as soon as possible to soothe this sorrow." The letter was immediately sent to the Della Valle house as quickly as possible.\nparagraph_id 13: 2. After reading it, Lucrezia threw the letter into the fireplace. The bright flames from the aggressive fire shone on a young, beautiful face with straight brown hair. Her big, round, purple eyes looked like two marbles, emphasizing an innocent look on the surface but pure evil underneath. Lucrezia spoke in anger, "Cesare, what is the meaning of this ridiculous letter? Are you testing my patience again?"\nparagraph_id 14: Elsewhere, people were also gossiping about Cesare. "Have you heard? Lord Cesare is hiding a girl in his mansion. Three days ago, when the Orquenina delegation brought the mermaid\'s heart and announced it publicly, someone saw him holding a girl very carefully. There\'s a rumor that Lord Henry Fetch teased her and was punished. The Buonaparte family withdrew the entire large sum of money that the Fetch family had borrowed for business. Who could she be? Who is it that has made Lord Cesare Buonaparte fall so deeply in love?"`. Translate to bengali using Music & Audio terminology\n. Grammatically correct, never break words. Remove quotation marks at the beginning and end of the result, return only translated text in format paragraph_id, do not include original_text.\nbengali text:'}] INFO:httpx:HTTP Request: POST "HTTP/1.1 429 Too Many Requests" (most recent call last): File "/app/app/translate_gpt_back_common/services/", line 324, in translate_paragraph response = ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/", line 245, in wrapped return cast(APIResponse[R], func(*args, **kwargs)) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/_utils/", line 272, in wrapper return func(*args, **kwargs) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/resources/chat/", line 645, in create return self._post( ^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/", line 1088, in post return cast(ResponseT, self.request(cast_to, opts, stream=stream, stream_cls=stream_cls)) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/", line 853, in request return self._request( ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/", line 930, in _request raise self._make_status_error_from_response(err.response) from None openai.RateLimitError: Error code: 429 - {'error': {'code': '429', 'message': 'Requests to the ChatCompletions_Create Operation under Azure OpenAI API version 2024-02-15-preview have exceeded token rate limit of your current OpenAI S0 pricing tier. Please retry after 86400 seconds. Please go here: if you would like to further increase the default rate limit.'}} key: ********************7504bb590b01 INFO:app.translate_gpt_back_common.crud.crud_openai_api_key:set_usable_at: ********************7504bb590b01 - gpt-4o - 2024-06-20 06:11:12.655791 of model: gpt-4o setup_api_key_and_client of model: gpt-4o key_type: AZURE,,2024-02-15-preview, gpt-4o open ai key: ********************b52511655a20 3[{'role': 'system', 'content': 'Please use Friendly tone.'}, {'role': 'system', 'content': 'Please provide responses in Narrative writing style.'}, {'role': 'user', 'content': 'original_text: `paragraph_id 29: But immediately, she regained her composure and smiled, "I don\'t think I\'ve seen you at any social gatherings or balls?" Adel replied, "Because I have never appeared before the upper class." Lucrezia continued to introduce herself, "I am Lucrezia of the Della Valle family. May I ask which family you belong to?" Adel looked tense, but then she regained her radiance and responded, "I am Adelaide Buonaparte." Lucrezia feigned a surprised expression, "What? Buonaparte? Is this the rumor circulating in the upper class? Although it\'s a bit embarrassing, I was just recently released from confinement, so I didn\'t know."\nparagraph_id 30: Adel gently replied, "As you heard, I am a member of the Buonaparte family. Due to many events, I haven\'t lived with my brother Cesare since childhood." Lucrezia\'s tone turned cold, "Brother? Are you staying with Cesare, in the Buonaparte mansion?" Adel responded, "Yes." But before she could say anything more, Lucrezia interrupted with a cheerful smile. "By the way, since you became a Buonaparte, do you intend to leave Fornaty and explore the land of Sant’nar?"\nparagraph_id 31: Adel didn\'t understand her intention, so she simply replied that she just wanted to stay close to her family. Lucrezia\'s tone turned cold again, "Family?" A stifling silence enveloped the beautiful garden. Some pressure from Lucrezia made Adel feel oppressed. "Is it because she is a true noblewoman that I feel so tense?" Another obstacle, Lucrezia\'s harsh tone startled Adel, making her look up at her, but she only saw Lucrezia putting on a fake polite face as she excused herself. She smirked and said with hidden meaning, "May the heavens protect you from murderers."\nparagraph_id 32: Adel felt as if she was in a daze, sensing a whirlpool pulling her down. Lucrezia surely knew something. Ebony couldn\'t help but feel anxious, saying she would report this to Lord Cesare. Although Lady Lucrezia wouldn\'t confront him directly, hidden dangers are more frightening than visible waves. On the way home, Lucrezia cried in the carriage, muttering to herself, causing her maid to worry. "Hazel? It seems Cesare has been bewitched by that wild woman."\nparagraph_id 33: The maid was alarmed, "Yes, what do you mean, miss? But she is his sister." "No, she\'s not," Lucrezia continued, wiping her tears, "That hand is not of a lady. He hates me so much that he calls someone who is not a lady his sister. Moreover, if he wasn\'t enchanted by her, he would definitely intend for her to marry my brother." Hazel exclaimed, "Then you must do something before she completely takes over Lord Cesare. Furthermore, if you give up now, that woman will become a member of the Della Valle family."\nparagraph_id 34: "By all means, you must get rid of her." Lucrezia whimpered, "But how?" Hazel exclaimed, "Eliminate her!" Lucrezia shook her head, "No, I don\'t want to harm anyone, I\'m too scared." The maid saw her mistress as truly weak, "Don\'t worry, I will help you." Hazel\'s determination made Lucrezia delighted, "Oh my, are those words true?" The maid sincerely expressed her loyalty. This made Lucrezia very happy; she hugged the maid to show gratitude, an evil smirk shown on her face. The poor maid did not know that she had fallen into a trap designed by Lucrezia herself.\nparagraph_id 35: 4. One morning, a procession of carriages arrived at the Buonaparte castle. The guests were very impressed by the grandeur of the mansion. All the servants were extremely busy decorating and tidying up the rooms. Today, Adel wanted to meet her brother. She was about to knock on the door when she remembered she was instructed not to do so. Just then, a stranger saw her. That person informed Cesare, "Sir, there is a guest." He turned to look at his fake sister and smiled brightly, "Well, my sister, how is your leg?"\nparagraph_id 36: Adel replied, "Thanks to your care, my leg is completely healed." Cesare mocked, "Oh, did I care?" Adel responded, "I just said that out of courtesy." Seeing Adel suddenly come into his office but still hesitating to speak, Cesare asked, "Is there something you want to say?"\nparagraph_id 37: Adel stammered, "Can I attend the social party tonight?" Both Cesare and the stranger were surprised. Cesare said, "Alright, is that all you came to ask?" Adel replied, "I just moved here and want to socialize." Cesare chuckled, "I didn\'t know my sister was so cute. It seems you have adapted to everything here."\nparagraph_id 38: After talking for a while, the stranger standing next to Cesare kept looking at Cesare expectantly. Finally, Cesare introduced them to each other, "This is my sister, Adelaide Buonaparte."\nparagraph_id 39: Adel courteously bowed to the guest, "May the sea goddess bless you." "And this is Gigi Manfredi." The young man cheerfully introduced himself, "Hello, I am Cesare\'s personal assistant. I am also the president of the Stellone trade guild under the management of the Buonaparte family. Please take care of me in the future." Gigi seemed to be someone who loved to socialize and make friends. He admired Adel\'s beauty so much that he even thought she was a mermaid. Cesare was speechless upon hearing this.\nparagraph_id 40: Seeing Cesare comfortably chatting like that, Adel could only suppress all the resentment in her heart. From the moment she met him, every corner of her mind felt like it was being severed piece by piece with a sharp knife, and she decided to forget the leather shoe that had trampled on her feet along with the words that pierced her heart like thorns. Suddenly, Cesare asked, "You have met Lucrezia, haven\'t you? I heard you received a warning. Quite interesting."`. Translate to bengali using Music & Audio terminology\n. Grammatically correct, never break words. Remove quotation marks at the beginning and end of the result, return only translated text in format paragraph_id, do not include original_text.\nbengali text:'}] INFO:httpx:HTTP Request: POST "HTTP/1.1 429 Too Many Requests" (most recent call last): File "/app/app/translate_gpt_back_common/services/", line 324, in translate_paragraph response = ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/", line 245, in wrapped return cast(APIResponse[R], func(*args, **kwargs)) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/_utils/", line 272, in wrapper return func(*args, **kwargs) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/resources/chat/", line 645, in create return self._post( ^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/", line 1088, in post return cast(ResponseT, self.request(cast_to, opts, stream=stream, stream_cls=stream_cls)) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/", line 853, in request return self._request( ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/", line 930, in _request raise self._make_status_error_from_response(err.response) from None openai.RateLimitError: Error code: 429 - {'error': {'code': '429', 'message': 'Requests to the ChatCompletions_Create Operation under Azure OpenAI API version 2024-02-15-preview have exceeded call rate limit of your current OpenAI S0 pricing tier. Please retry after 10 seconds. Please go here: if you would like to further increase the default rate limit.'}} key: ********************7504bb590b01 INFO:app.translate_gpt_back_common.crud.crud_openai_api_key:set_usable_at: ********************7504bb590b01 - gpt-4o - 2024-06-20 06:11:12.832718 of model: gpt-4o setup_api_key_and_client of model: gpt-4o key_type: AZURE,,2024-02-15-preview, gpt-4o open ai key: ********************b52511655a20 3[{'role': 'system', 'content': 'Please use Friendly tone.'}, {'role': 'system', 'content': 'Please provide responses in Narrative writing style.'}, {'role': 'user', 'content': 'original_text: `paragraph_id 1: 1. Adel trembled as she began to speak, "Do you mean I seduced them?" Cesare\'s tone was cold, "You should know that yourself." Adel frowned and denied, "No, it\'s not true." "Not true?" Cesare asked, then he chuckled and soon couldn\'t hold back anymore, he threw his head back and laughed loudly. This took Adel by surprise.\nparagraph_id 2: "Signora Flavia has been quite ruthless, hasn\'t she?" Cesare spoke while moving the tip of his shoe on Adel\'s swollen foot, humiliating her. "Such a small matter and you can\'t handle it yourself? If you don\'t want to gain favor by flattering, there are still many better ways." Adel could only lie on the ground, groaning in pain. "You are very good at discarding your pride and begging. Why not act like you always do?"\nparagraph_id 3: Adel frowned and said, "I was wrong, it was all my negligence." Cesare\'s tall shadow covered her on the floor, like a demon, but then it let go of the miserable girl. "It\'s good that you understand. Treat your wound carefully, avoid leaving scars."\nparagraph_id 4: Suddenly, Ebony burst through the door. "Master, Miss Adel..." Cesare abruptly interrupted, "If you want to explain anything, speak in my room." He walked out and quietly said, "Stop all the lessons for three days." Cesare seems cold and cruel, but he is very sharp; he is smart enough to know what has happened. Deep down, he does care about Adel; avoiding any contact with Flavia will give Adel some time to rest. The door slammed shut behind Adel, leaving a dark, silent void.\nparagraph_id 5: That evening, Cesare slowly smoked a cigar while opening a stack of documents. Among them was a photo, a portrait of Henry Fetch. He was the second son of the Fetch family, but couldn\'t carry on the lineage. Cesare sneered and cursed silently, "What a useless piece of trash. Someone like that causing trouble in the Buonaparte garden?"\nparagraph_id 6: Cesare thought to himself, "I don\'t know what they talked about, but I have to clean up this mess myself. Everything has gone off track. Adel has been unintentionally exposed. Replacing her with another girl is impossible. Now, no matter what happens, I must turn the shoe-shine girl Adel into a member of the Buonaparte family."\nparagraph_id 7: The image of Adel appeared in Cesare\'s mind, she was as beautiful as a mermaid. Her green hair shimmered like seaweed, her skin as white as salt grains, her chest overly ample... Thinking of this made Cesare angry. Those scoundrels must have been very excited to do such a vile thing to Adel. Cesare recalled the scene then. He was also surprised when Adel suddenly kissed him on the cheek. Her beauty was so enchanting that he was a bit captivated. Thinking back, Cesare was also a bit excited then. Even he had those feelings. So everything will end when Ezra Della Valle meets Adel.\nparagraph_id 8: Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. It turned out to be Flavia. Upon seeing Cesare, she greeted him with a blessing from the sea goddess. Cesare smirked with a knowing smile. Both remained silent for a long while without speaking. Suddenly, Cesare spoke first, "Signora, I don\'t mind you educating a rebellious child like that, but I don\'t want to clean up the mess afterward. Flavia could only apologize, but Cesare didn\'t forget to add a threat, "Don\'t cause me any more trouble. You\'re clever enough to understand that, right?"\nparagraph_id 9: Flavia\'s face had turned pale. As she left the room, she gritted her teeth, determined to take out her anger on Adel. She believed that Adel had deliberately exhausted herself by wearing those tight shoes to gain the Buonaparte family\'s sympathy, leading to her being treated this way. Flavia silently cursed Adel as a cunning brat.\nparagraph_id 10: The next morning, a strange rumor spread throughout the noble circles that Lord Cesare had fallen for a certain young lady and would not associate with anyone else but her. He had never brought a girl into the mansion before, and unlike his usual self, he seemed very affectionate. It was likely not an ordinary relationship.\nparagraph_id 11: After hearing this shocking news, a girl slammed the table in astonishment. She quickly excused herself and left the tea party, leaving the other young ladies puzzled. As she walked, she thought to herself, "This is serious. I must quickly inform Lucrezia."\nparagraph_id 12: As soon as she got home, she wrote a letter detailing everything to her best friend, "Lord Cesare has embraced an unknown woman in his arms, and she is now in the Buonaparte mansion. How many times does he have to torment your heart before he\'s satisfied? What kind of despicable woman dares to seduce him? I want to meet you as soon as possible to soothe this sorrow." The letter was immediately sent to the Della Valle house as quickly as possible.\nparagraph_id 13: 2. After reading it, Lucrezia threw the letter into the fireplace. The bright flames from the aggressive fire shone on a young, beautiful face with straight brown hair. Her big, round, purple eyes looked like two marbles, emphasizing an innocent look on the surface but pure evil underneath. Lucrezia spoke in anger, "Cesare, what is the meaning of this ridiculous letter? Are you testing my patience again?"\nparagraph_id 14: Elsewhere, people were also gossiping about Cesare. "Have you heard? Lord Cesare is hiding a girl in his mansion. Three days ago, when the Orquenina delegation brought the mermaid\'s heart and announced it publicly, someone saw him holding a girl very carefully. There\'s a rumor that Lord Henry Fetch teased her and was punished. The Buonaparte family withdrew the entire large sum of money that the Fetch family had borrowed for business. Who could she be? Who is it that has made Lord Cesare Buonaparte fall so deeply in love?"`. Translate to bengali using Music & Audio terminology\n. Grammatically correct, never break words. Remove quotation marks at the beginning and end of the result, return only translated text in format paragraph_id, do not include original_text.\nbengali text:'}] INFO:httpx:HTTP Request: POST "HTTP/1.1 429 Too Many Requests" (most recent call last): File "/app/app/translate_gpt_back_common/services/", line 324, in translate_paragraph response = ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/", line 245, in wrapped return cast(APIResponse[R], func(*args, **kwargs)) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/_utils/", line 272, in wrapper return func(*args, **kwargs) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/resources/chat/", line 645, in create return self._post( ^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/", line 1088, in post return cast(ResponseT, self.request(cast_to, opts, stream=stream, stream_cls=stream_cls)) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/", line 853, in request return self._request( ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/", line 930, in _request raise self._make_status_error_from_response(err.response) from None openai.RateLimitError: Error code: 429 - {'error': {'code': '429', 'message': 'Requests to the ChatCompletions_Create Operation under Azure OpenAI API version 2024-02-15-preview have exceeded token rate limit of your current OpenAI S0 pricing tier. Please retry after 86400 seconds. Please go here: if you would like to further increase the default rate limit.'}} key: ********************b52511655a20 INFO:app.translate_gpt_back_common.crud.crud_openai_api_key:set_usable_at: ********************b52511655a20 - gpt-4o - 2024-06-20 06:11:12.987253 of model: gpt-4o setup_api_key_and_client of model: gpt-4o key_type: AI_HUBMIX,,None, open ai key: ********************b6329C566F24e129cBeBb05A99fDb1c 0[{'role': 'system', 'content': 'Please use Friendly tone.'}, {'role': 'system', 'content': 'Please provide responses in Narrative writing style.'}, {'role': 'user', 'content': 'original_text: `paragraph_id 15: The rumor spread, making Mrs. Flavia restless, unable to sit still. She silently resolved, "I must quickly expel that cunning, arrogant shoeshine girl from the Buonaparte house." As she flung open the door, Flavia shouted loudly, "Adel!" But her eyes suddenly froze, "Impossible! It\'s only been three days, how could that girl have become so stunningly beautiful? Her gaunt cheeks have gradually become fuller. Is it because the wounds on her filthy body have almost healed? She looks like a siren, luring sailors in the legends."\nparagraph_id 16: Suddenly, Adel\'s voice brought her back to reality. As soon as she returned to the present, she continued to scold Adel, "You deliberately wandered around to seduce the noblemen with your soaking wet body and those coarse bare feet." Although Adel couldn\'t bear to hear those insulting words, she still lowered her face and said, "I\'m sorry."\nparagraph_id 17: Ebony respectfully asked to interject, "I don\'t know much about etiquette like Signora, but I think the young lady\'s manner of walking is already quite like a La Bella Figura. I believe all these achievements are due to Signora\'s dedicated teaching. So why doesn\'t Signora move on to the next lessons so the young lady can learn even more?"\nparagraph_id 18: Flavia was extremely annoyed, "So that girl has enlisted Ebony to gain sympathy. But Lord Cesare is still watching me, I can\'t do anything." In the end, she conceded to Ebony\'s suggestion, but Flavia would not forget to educate Adel thoroughly, just as she had taught her how to walk.\nparagraph_id 19: The lesson ended in the afternoon, and Flavia returned to her residence. Today\'s lesson went so smoothly that it made her feel very uncomfortable, but she had to marvel at Adel\'s speed of learning and proficiency. Unlike other young ladies who would whine and sulk when they made mistakes, Adel did not show any laziness, giving her no chance to criticize.\nparagraph_id 20: While fuming, a high-pitched voice called out to her. It was Lucrezia Della Valle. She looked so charming and beautiful that few could compare. Even Mrs. Flavia was very pleased because this was a girl admired by many women. "May the sea goddess bless you. Signora Flavia, you still look very healthy."\nparagraph_id 21: Flavia inquired, "Do you have business at Buonaparte?" Lucrezia replied, "I heard that everyone in the upper class is coming here, so I dropped by. It seems there will be a grand party for the Orquenina envoys, right?" Flavia responded, "I suppose so." During the conversation, Flavia mentioned Cesare, causing Lucrezia\'s cheeks to blush slightly. She put on a sad and weak expression and recounted, "I wonder if Lord Cesare is well? I\'ve been grounded and haven\'t seen him for a long time. Nothing special has happened, right?"\nparagraph_id 22: Flavia was certain Lucrezia had heard about it. Anyway, it would be revealed eventually, so just say it was Lord Cesare\'s sister. Thinking this, Flavia began, "It seems you have heard the rumors. She is..." But suddenly, she paused, and a silent void enveloped the two. Lucrezia, with a bright and polite tone, asked, "Signora Flavia, was it rude of me to ask about that?" Flavia stood still, reflecting, "Sending that shoe-shining girl away doesn\'t necessarily have to be my job."\nparagraph_id 23: Flavia smirked slyly, "Lord Cesare has warned me once already. I don\'t know what will happen if I persist like this. But what if Lady Lucrezia intervenes? Although she is elegant and polite, if she only has that naivety, she won\'t be able to monopolize the position of Lord Cesare\'s fiancée."\nparagraph_id 24: Thinking of this, Flavia now didn\'t hesitate to drop some hints, "Lady Lucrezia, listen carefully. The girl in the rumor carries the direct bloodline of the Buonaparte family." Lucrezia\'s eyes widened, and she exclaimed, "Oh my, so Lord Rowan and Signora Katarina have a daughter? I guess I misunderstood. How embarrassing!"\nparagraph_id 25: "It\'s not just a misunderstanding, Adel is clearly a member of the Buonaparte family, the sister of Cesare." Flavia turned to leave, her elegant hat covering half her face, only her mouth moving slightly, "Nominally, yes, but in reality, who knows if she came from a street urchin. Shouldn\'t we ask Lord Rowan and Signora Katarina directly?" She glanced back at Lucrezia, "If she\'s perceptive, she\'ll surely catch the implication." Lucrezia was silent for a long moment, then she looked up, her eyes smiling as she said, "Thank you for telling me, Signora. Thanks to you, I have been enlightened."\nparagraph_id 26: Adel\'s life became peaceful for a short while. One day, Adel really wanted to go for a walk, but after that incident, she was very afraid Lord Cesare would scold her. But Ebony said that since the Buonaparte family\'s guests would be frequenting the lion garden, Adel could stroll in the aquatic garden.\nparagraph_id 27: After that day, Ebony had researched the schedule of each guest in the mansion and she also became friendlier than usual. Adel smiled softly, of course, it was out of gratitude. She said thank you and took a sip of tea. Ebony quietly watched the girl in front of her with affectionate eyes. Just as Ebony said, the aquatic garden was a very beautiful place. Thanks to the cool atmosphere, people\'s spirits also became more pleasant.\nparagraph_id 28: 3. "Oh heavens, is there someone here?" Adel turned towards the source of the sound, and it was Lucrezia. She didn\'t expect her to show up here. Ebony frowned and whispered, "That\'s Lady Lucrezia Della Valle." Hearing that name, Adel\'s eyes widened. She clutched her dress and became tense, "We\'ve already met." Despite feeling pressured, Adel lifted her dress and performed a greeting ritual, "May the goddess of the sea bless you." Adel\'s perfect noble demeanor left Lucrezia visibly astonished.`. Translate to bengali using Music & Audio terminology\n. Grammatically correct, never break words. Remove quotation marks at the beginning and end of the result, return only translated text in format paragraph_id, do not include original_text.\nbengali text:'}] INFO:httpx:HTTP Request: POST "HTTP/1.1 429 Too Many Requests" (most recent call last): File "/app/app/translate_gpt_back_common/services/", line 324, in translate_paragraph response = ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/", line 245, in wrapped return cast(APIResponse[R], func(*args, **kwargs)) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/_utils/", line 272, in wrapper return func(*args, **kwargs) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/resources/chat/", line 645, in create return self._post( ^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/", line 1088, in post return cast(ResponseT, self.request(cast_to, opts, stream=stream, stream_cls=stream_cls)) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/", line 853, in request return self._request( ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/", line 930, in _request raise self._make_status_error_from_response(err.response) from None openai.RateLimitError: Error code: 429 - {'error': {'code': '429', 'message': 'Requests to the ChatCompletions_Create Operation under Azure OpenAI API version 2024-02-15-preview have exceeded call rate limit of your current OpenAI S0 pricing tier. Please retry after 10 seconds. Please go here: if you would like to further increase the default rate limit.'}} key: ********************b52511655a20 INFO:app.translate_gpt_back_common.crud.crud_openai_api_key:set_usable_at: ********************b52511655a20 - gpt-4o - 2024-06-20 06:11:13.179710 of model: gpt-4o setup_api_key_and_client of model: gpt-4o key_type: AI_HUBMIX,,None, open ai key: ********************b6329C566F24e129cBeBb05A99fDb1c 0[{'role': 'system', 'content': 'Please use Friendly tone.'}, {'role': 'system', 'content': 'Please provide responses in Narrative writing style.'}, {'role': 'user', 'content': 'original_text: `paragraph_id 29: But immediately, she regained her composure and smiled, "I don\'t think I\'ve seen you at any social gatherings or balls?" Adel replied, "Because I have never appeared before the upper class." Lucrezia continued to introduce herself, "I am Lucrezia of the Della Valle family. May I ask which family you belong to?" Adel looked tense, but then she regained her radiance and responded, "I am Adelaide Buonaparte." Lucrezia feigned a surprised expression, "What? Buonaparte? Is this the rumor circulating in the upper class? Although it\'s a bit embarrassing, I was just recently released from confinement, so I didn\'t know."\nparagraph_id 30: Adel gently replied, "As you heard, I am a member of the Buonaparte family. Due to many events, I haven\'t lived with my brother Cesare since childhood." Lucrezia\'s tone turned cold, "Brother? Are you staying with Cesare, in the Buonaparte mansion?" Adel responded, "Yes." But before she could say anything more, Lucrezia interrupted with a cheerful smile. "By the way, since you became a Buonaparte, do you intend to leave Fornaty and explore the land of Sant’nar?"\nparagraph_id 31: Adel didn\'t understand her intention, so she simply replied that she just wanted to stay close to her family. Lucrezia\'s tone turned cold again, "Family?" A stifling silence enveloped the beautiful garden. Some pressure from Lucrezia made Adel feel oppressed. "Is it because she is a true noblewoman that I feel so tense?" Another obstacle, Lucrezia\'s harsh tone startled Adel, making her look up at her, but she only saw Lucrezia putting on a fake polite face as she excused herself. She smirked and said with hidden meaning, "May the heavens protect you from murderers."\nparagraph_id 32: Adel felt as if she was in a daze, sensing a whirlpool pulling her down. Lucrezia surely knew something. Ebony couldn\'t help but feel anxious, saying she would report this to Lord Cesare. Although Lady Lucrezia wouldn\'t confront him directly, hidden dangers are more frightening than visible waves. On the way home, Lucrezia cried in the carriage, muttering to herself, causing her maid to worry. "Hazel? It seems Cesare has been bewitched by that wild woman."\nparagraph_id 33: The maid was alarmed, "Yes, what do you mean, miss? But she is his sister." "No, she\'s not," Lucrezia continued, wiping her tears, "That hand is not of a lady. He hates me so much that he calls someone who is not a lady his sister. Moreover, if he wasn\'t enchanted by her, he would definitely intend for her to marry my brother." Hazel exclaimed, "Then you must do something before she completely takes over Lord Cesare. Furthermore, if you give up now, that woman will become a member of the Della Valle family."\nparagraph_id 34: "By all means, you must get rid of her." Lucrezia whimpered, "But how?" Hazel exclaimed, "Eliminate her!" Lucrezia shook her head, "No, I don\'t want to harm anyone, I\'m too scared." The maid saw her mistress as truly weak, "Don\'t worry, I will help you." Hazel\'s determination made Lucrezia delighted, "Oh my, are those words true?" The maid sincerely expressed her loyalty. This made Lucrezia very happy; she hugged the maid to show gratitude, an evil smirk shown on her face. The poor maid did not know that she had fallen into a trap designed by Lucrezia herself.\nparagraph_id 35: 4. One morning, a procession of carriages arrived at the Buonaparte castle. The guests were very impressed by the grandeur of the mansion. All the servants were extremely busy decorating and tidying up the rooms. Today, Adel wanted to meet her brother. She was about to knock on the door when she remembered she was instructed not to do so. Just then, a stranger saw her. That person informed Cesare, "Sir, there is a guest." He turned to look at his fake sister and smiled brightly, "Well, my sister, how is your leg?"\nparagraph_id 36: Adel replied, "Thanks to your care, my leg is completely healed." Cesare mocked, "Oh, did I care?" Adel responded, "I just said that out of courtesy." Seeing Adel suddenly come into his office but still hesitating to speak, Cesare asked, "Is there something you want to say?"\nparagraph_id 37: Adel stammered, "Can I attend the social party tonight?" Both Cesare and the stranger were surprised. Cesare said, "Alright, is that all you came to ask?" Adel replied, "I just moved here and want to socialize." Cesare chuckled, "I didn\'t know my sister was so cute. It seems you have adapted to everything here."\nparagraph_id 38: After talking for a while, the stranger standing next to Cesare kept looking at Cesare expectantly. Finally, Cesare introduced them to each other, "This is my sister, Adelaide Buonaparte."\nparagraph_id 39: Adel courteously bowed to the guest, "May the sea goddess bless you." "And this is Gigi Manfredi." The young man cheerfully introduced himself, "Hello, I am Cesare\'s personal assistant. I am also the president of the Stellone trade guild under the management of the Buonaparte family. Please take care of me in the future." Gigi seemed to be someone who loved to socialize and make friends. He admired Adel\'s beauty so much that he even thought she was a mermaid. Cesare was speechless upon hearing this.\nparagraph_id 40: Seeing Cesare comfortably chatting like that, Adel could only suppress all the resentment in her heart. From the moment she met him, every corner of her mind felt like it was being severed piece by piece with a sharp knife, and she decided to forget the leather shoe that had trampled on her feet along with the words that pierced her heart like thorns. Suddenly, Cesare asked, "You have met Lucrezia, haven\'t you? I heard you received a warning. Quite interesting."`. Translate to bengali using Music & Audio terminology\n. Grammatically correct, never break words. Remove quotation marks at the beginning and end of the result, return only translated text in format paragraph_id, do not include original_text.\nbengali text:'}] INFO:httpx:HTTP Request: POST "HTTP/1.1 429 Too Many Requests" (most recent call last): File "/app/app/translate_gpt_back_common/services/", line 324, in translate_paragraph response = ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/", line 245, in wrapped return cast(APIResponse[R], func(*args, **kwargs)) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/_utils/", line 272, in wrapper return func(*args, **kwargs) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/resources/chat/", line 645, in create return self._post( ^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/", line 1088, in post return cast(ResponseT, self.request(cast_to, opts, stream=stream, stream_cls=stream_cls)) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/", line 853, in request return self._request( ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/", line 930, in _request raise self._make_status_error_from_response(err.response) from None openai.RateLimitError: Error code: 429 - {'error': {'code': '429', 'message': 'Requests to the ChatCompletions_Create Operation under Azure OpenAI API version 2024-02-15-preview have exceeded call rate limit of your current OpenAI S0 pricing tier. Please retry after 10 seconds. Please go here: if you would like to further increase the default rate limit.'}} key: ********************b52511655a20 INFO:app.translate_gpt_back_common.crud.crud_openai_api_key:set_usable_at: ********************b52511655a20 - gpt-4o - 2024-06-20 06:11:13.395389 of model: gpt-4o setup_api_key_and_client of model: gpt-4o key_type: AI_HUBMIX,,None, open ai key: ********************b6329C566F24e129cBeBb05A99fDb1c 0[{'role': 'system', 'content': 'Please use Friendly tone.'}, {'role': 'system', 'content': 'Please provide responses in Narrative writing style.'}, {'role': 'user', 'content': 'original_text: `paragraph_id 1: 1. Adel trembled as she began to speak, "Do you mean I seduced them?" Cesare\'s tone was cold, "You should know that yourself." Adel frowned and denied, "No, it\'s not true." "Not true?" Cesare asked, then he chuckled and soon couldn\'t hold back anymore, he threw his head back and laughed loudly. This took Adel by surprise.\nparagraph_id 2: "Signora Flavia has been quite ruthless, hasn\'t she?" Cesare spoke while moving the tip of his shoe on Adel\'s swollen foot, humiliating her. "Such a small matter and you can\'t handle it yourself? If you don\'t want to gain favor by flattering, there are still many better ways." Adel could only lie on the ground, groaning in pain. "You are very good at discarding your pride and begging. Why not act like you always do?"\nparagraph_id 3: Adel frowned and said, "I was wrong, it was all my negligence." Cesare\'s tall shadow covered her on the floor, like a demon, but then it let go of the miserable girl. "It\'s good that you understand. Treat your wound carefully, avoid leaving scars."\nparagraph_id 4: Suddenly, Ebony burst through the door. "Master, Miss Adel..." Cesare abruptly interrupted, "If you want to explain anything, speak in my room." He walked out and quietly said, "Stop all the lessons for three days." Cesare seems cold and cruel, but he is very sharp; he is smart enough to know what has happened. Deep down, he does care about Adel; avoiding any contact with Flavia will give Adel some time to rest. The door slammed shut behind Adel, leaving a dark, silent void.\nparagraph_id 5: That evening, Cesare slowly smoked a cigar while opening a stack of documents. Among them was a photo, a portrait of Henry Fetch. He was the second son of the Fetch family, but couldn\'t carry on the lineage. Cesare sneered and cursed silently, "What a useless piece of trash. Someone like that causing trouble in the Buonaparte garden?"\nparagraph_id 6: Cesare thought to himself, "I don\'t know what they talked about, but I have to clean up this mess myself. Everything has gone off track. Adel has been unintentionally exposed. Replacing her with another girl is impossible. Now, no matter what happens, I must turn the shoe-shine girl Adel into a member of the Buonaparte family."\nparagraph_id 7: The image of Adel appeared in Cesare\'s mind, she was as beautiful as a mermaid. Her green hair shimmered like seaweed, her skin as white as salt grains, her chest overly ample... Thinking of this made Cesare angry. Those scoundrels must have been very excited to do such a vile thing to Adel. Cesare recalled the scene then. He was also surprised when Adel suddenly kissed him on the cheek. Her beauty was so enchanting that he was a bit captivated. Thinking back, Cesare was also a bit excited then. Even he had those feelings. So everything will end when Ezra Della Valle meets Adel.\nparagraph_id 8: Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. It turned out to be Flavia. Upon seeing Cesare, she greeted him with a blessing from the sea goddess. Cesare smirked with a knowing smile. Both remained silent for a long while without speaking. Suddenly, Cesare spoke first, "Signora, I don\'t mind you educating a rebellious child like that, but I don\'t want to clean up the mess afterward. Flavia could only apologize, but Cesare didn\'t forget to add a threat, "Don\'t cause me any more trouble. You\'re clever enough to understand that, right?"\nparagraph_id 9: Flavia\'s face had turned pale. As she left the room, she gritted her teeth, determined to take out her anger on Adel. She believed that Adel had deliberately exhausted herself by wearing those tight shoes to gain the Buonaparte family\'s sympathy, leading to her being treated this way. Flavia silently cursed Adel as a cunning brat.\nparagraph_id 10: The next morning, a strange rumor spread throughout the noble circles that Lord Cesare had fallen for a certain young lady and would not associate with anyone else but her. He had never brought a girl into the mansion before, and unlike his usual self, he seemed very affectionate. It was likely not an ordinary relationship.\nparagraph_id 11: After hearing this shocking news, a girl slammed the table in astonishment. She quickly excused herself and left the tea party, leaving the other young ladies puzzled. As she walked, she thought to herself, "This is serious. I must quickly inform Lucrezia."\nparagraph_id 12: As soon as she got home, she wrote a letter detailing everything to her best friend, "Lord Cesare has embraced an unknown woman in his arms, and she is now in the Buonaparte mansion. How many times does he have to torment your heart before he\'s satisfied? What kind of despicable woman dares to seduce him? I want to meet you as soon as possible to soothe this sorrow." The letter was immediately sent to the Della Valle house as quickly as possible.\nparagraph_id 13: 2. After reading it, Lucrezia threw the letter into the fireplace. The bright flames from the aggressive fire shone on a young, beautiful face with straight brown hair. Her big, round, purple eyes looked like two marbles, emphasizing an innocent look on the surface but pure evil underneath. Lucrezia spoke in anger, "Cesare, what is the meaning of this ridiculous letter? Are you testing my patience again?"\nparagraph_id 14: Elsewhere, people were also gossiping about Cesare. "Have you heard? Lord Cesare is hiding a girl in his mansion. Three days ago, when the Orquenina delegation brought the mermaid\'s heart and announced it publicly, someone saw him holding a girl very carefully. There\'s a rumor that Lord Henry Fetch teased her and was punished. The Buonaparte family withdrew the entire large sum of money that the Fetch family had borrowed for business. Who could she be? Who is it that has made Lord Cesare Buonaparte fall so deeply in love?"`. Translate to bengali using Music & Audio terminology\n. Grammatically correct, never break words. Remove quotation marks at the beginning and end of the result, return only translated text in format paragraph_id, do not include original_text.\nbengali text:'}] google {'result': 'paragraph_id 41: আদেল আলতো করে তার হাত চেপে ধরল, "হ্যাঁ, যদি এটা সত্যিই একটা সতর্কবার্তা হত।" সিজার নিশ্চিত করেছেন, "এটি অবশ্যই হবে, কারণ লুক্রেজিয়া রাস্তার জুতাহীন মেয়ের চেয়ে আভিজাত্যের সূক্ষ্ম ভাষায় বেশি পারদর্শী। কত আকর্ষণীয়। আমি আশ্চর্য হই যে এই লোকেরা এই তথ্য কোথা থেকে পেয়েছে।"\nparagraph_id 42: "কিভাবে, এই পার্টির পরে, আমি আপনার সাথে একটি শাখা পাঠাব।" আদেল ইতস্তত করে বললো, "হ্যাঁ, ঠিক আছে," তারপর তাকে মাফ করতে বললো। দরজা বন্ধ হয়ে গেলে, গিগি উদ্বিগ্ন যে যদি একজন শিকারীকে দেহরক্ষী হিসাবে পাঠানো হয়, তবে তাদের আসতে কমপক্ষে দুই দিন সময় লাগবে। সেই সময়ে, আদেলকে রক্ষা করার জন্য কেউ সেখানে থাকবে না এবং পার্টিতে সে লুক্রেজিয়ার মুখোমুখি হতে পারে। "এই সময়ের মধ্যে সে কি ঠিক হবে?"\nparagraph_id 43: সিজার মুখ ফিরিয়ে নিলেন, "আমি বিশ্বাস করি বুওনাপার্টে ম্যানশনে কিছুই ঘটবে না। আর একটি জিনিস, একটি \'গ্যালি\' জাহাজ প্রস্তুত করুন।" সিজার জোর দিয়েছিলেন "একটি পুরানো।" গিগি কিছুটা ইতস্তত করলেও তারপর আদেশটি গ্রহণ করে। তিনি জানতেন যে তাকে এমন কিছু করতে হবে যা খুব আনন্দদায়ক নয়।\nparagraph_id 44: বুওনাপার্ট পরিবারের পার্টিতে, সবাই সিগনোরা ফ্লাভিয়া লরেডানকে নিয়ে গুঞ্জন করছিল। দেখে মনে হচ্ছে বুওনাপার্ট পরিবার দ্বারা আমন্ত্রিত হলে তিনি উচ্চ শ্রেণীর কেন্দ্রে তার অবস্থান পুনরুদ্ধার করার চেষ্টা করছেন। তিনি জানতেন যে লোরেডান পরিবার পিছিয়ে পড়ছে, তবে তারা যদি বুওনাপার্ট পরিবারের উপর নির্ভর করতে পারে তবে সবকিছু সমাধান হয়ে যাবে। "সমুদ্র দেবী তোমাকে আশীর্বাদ করুক। সিগনোরা ফ্লাভিয়া কি আজ রাতে নিজেকে উপভোগ করছে?"\nparagraph_id 45: ফ্লাভিয়া ঘুরে দেখল লুক্রেজিয়া। সে বিনয়ের সাথে তার পিঠে অভিবাদন জানায়, "দেবী তোমার মঙ্গল করুক, তুমি কি নিজেকে উপভোগ করছ, যুবতী?" লুক্রেজিয়া উজ্জ্বলভাবে হেসে উত্তর দিল, "অবশ্যই। এটি বুওনাপার্ট পরিবারের পার্টি। সাজসজ্জাটি খুব পরিশীলিত এবং চোখের জন্য আনন্দদায়ক। সিজারের সত্যিই সৌন্দর্যের জন্য একটি চোখ রয়েছে। তাই, এই সুন্দর বুওনাপার্টে, আমাদের উচিত সেই ব্যক্তির সম্পর্কে কথা বলা উচিত যিনি? নির্মূল করা দরকার?"\nparagraph_id 46: ফ্লাভিয়ার মুখ তখনই কালো হয়ে গেল, এ নিয়ে আমার আর কিছু বলার নেই। সবকিছু ভদ্রমহিলা দ্বারা নির্ধারিত হয়. লুক্রেজিয়া একটা হুমকির হাসি দিল, “তাহলে সিজারের সাথে কথা বললে ভালো হবে। আমি মনে করি যে সিগনোরা লেডি অ্যাডেলের উত্স সম্পর্কে স্বীকার করেছে তা প্রকাশ করা ছাড়া আমার আর কোনও বিকল্প নেই।" ফ্লাভিয়া ভ্রুকুটি করে চোখ বড় করে বলল, “তুমি কি বলতে চাচ্ছো? স্পষ্টতই, আমি আপনার প্রতি ভাল উদ্দেশ্য নিয়ে এটি করেছি।"\nparagraph_id 47: লুক্রেজিয়া বিদ্বেষপূর্ণভাবে বললেন, “আমি শুধু তোমার ভালো উদ্দেশ্যের প্রতিদান দিচ্ছি। লর্ড সিজার তোমাকে অনেক বিশ্বাস করেছিল, তবুও তুমি আমাকে সেই গোপন কথা বলেছিলে।" সে ফ্লাভিয়ার আরও কাছে চলে গেল, “সিগনোরা, তোমার মুখোমুখি হওয়ার আমার কোন ইচ্ছা নেই। আমাদের একমাত্র শত্রু আছে। আমি শুধু Signora একটু সাহায্য করতে চাই. আমাদের চুক্তি অত্যন্ত গোপনে সম্পন্ন হবে।” লুক্রেজিয়া একটা উজ্জ্বল হাসি দিল। সেই শিয়াল-মুখোশ মুখ ফ্লাভিয়াকে অত্যন্ত রাগান্বিত করেছিল কিন্তু সে কিছুই করতে পারেনি। সে নিজেকে সংযত করার জন্য দাঁতে দাঁত কিড়মিড় করলো এবং তারপর সরাসরি তার মুখোমুখি হলো, "তুমি কি চাও?"\nparagraph_id 48: ব্যাঙ্কোয়েট হলে, দম্পতিরা প্রাণবন্ত সংগীতে একসাথে নেচেছিল। এদিকে আদেল তখনো পার্টিতে যোগ দেওয়ার প্রস্তুতি নিচ্ছিল। "আবলু, তুমি আমার সাথে আসতে পারো না কেন?" দাসী উত্তর দিল, “আমি সম্ভ্রান্ত নই, তাই আমি উপস্থিত হতে পারি না। তোমার খবর কি?" আদেল জবাব দিল, "আমি নিশ্চিত নই।" আবলুস প্রশংসা করেছিল, "আপনি দেখতে সুন্দর। আমি নিশ্চিত অনেকের চোখ তোমার দিকে থাকবে।"\nparagraph_id 49: আদেল বিড়বিড় করে বললো, "সত্যি?" তিনি চিন্তিত ছিলেন যে তার দুর্বলতা প্রকাশ করলে অন্যরা তাকে আরও ক্ষতি করতে চাইবে। তার উপপত্নীর দ্বিধা দেখে, ইবোনি প্রকাশ করেছিল যে এই জাতীয় পার্টিতে যোগ দেওয়া খুব আকর্ষণীয় ছিল। বুওনাপার্ট পরিবারের একজন ভদ্রমহিলা কখনই একই সন্ধ্যার গাউন দুবার পরবেন না। এমনকি টুপি, প্যারাসল, গ্লাভস, পোশাক, নেকলেস, কানের দুল, স্টকিংস এবং হাই হিল সবই নতুন কেনা হবে। ভদ্রমহিলা তাদের বেছে নিতে প্রতিদিন বেলা স্টেলা স্ট্রিটে যেতেন।\nparagraph_id 50: সেই রাস্তার কথা শুনে আদেল খুব অবাক হল। তিনি যখন কিমুরা বস্তিতে ছিলেন, তিনি একবারও ওই রাস্তায় যাননি। এটি এমন একটি জায়গা নয় যা জুতা শাইনারদের নিষিদ্ধ করেছিল, সে শুধু অনুভব করেছিল যে এটি দেখতে খুব উজ্জ্বল এবং সুন্দর। রোমান্টিক পদের মতো সারিবদ্ধ দোকানগুলোর নাম। আদেল হঠাৎ চিৎকার করে উঠল, "সেই রাস্তাটা নিশ্চয়ই খুব সুন্দর!"\nparagraph_id 51: আবলুস উত্তর দিল, অবশ্যই। হঠাৎ দরজায় টোকা পড়ল। এই সময়ে এখানে কে থাকতে পারে? কাজের মেয়ে চেক করতে গেল। একটি পরিচিত মুখ ভেসে উঠল, "দেবী তোমার মঙ্গল করুক।" আবলুস চিৎকার করে বলল, "সিগনোরা ফ্লাভিয়া!" মহিলাটি জরুরী হয়ে দেখা দিল, “আবলু, তোমার সাথে আমার কিছু জরুরি কথা আছে। মাস্টার লর্ড সিজার সম্পর্কিত আরেকটি রিপোর্ট চান। তার তোমার নোট দরকার।"\nparagraph_id 52: ইবোনি যখন "হাউস মাস্টার" শব্দ দুটি শুনল, তখন সে অবিলম্বে মেনে চলেছিল। কাজের মেয়ে আদেলকে জানিয়ে দিল যে সে কিছুক্ষণ দূরে থাকবে এবং তারপর কিছুটা দ্বিধা নিয়ে তার দিকে তাকাল। ফ্ল্যাভিয়ার অনুরোধের অধীনে, আবলুস ঘুরে গেল এবং চলে গেল। ঘরের দরজা ধীরে ধীরে বন্ধ হয়ে গেল, এবং ফ্ল্যাভিয়ার চোখের গভীর, অশুভ চেহারা কেউ লক্ষ্য করল না।\nparagraph_id 53: রুমে বসে আদেল তখনও সুরেলা গান শুনতে পায়। হঠাৎ দরজায় টোকা পড়ল। আদেল মনে মনে ভাবল, "এটা কি আবলুস হতে পারে? কিন্তু সে এত তাড়াতাড়ি কিভাবে ফিরল?" আদেল ইতস্তত করে। ধাক্কা আরো জোরে বেড়ে গেল।\nparagraph_id 54: হঠাৎ কোথা থেকে একটা আওয়াজ এল, দরজা খুলো না। আদেল বিভ্রান্তিতে চারপাশে তাকালো, "এটা কি? এই আওয়াজটা আগেও শুনেছি। রুমে আমি ছাড়া আর কেউ নেই, নাকি আমি কল্পনা করছি?" এটি সমুদ্র দেবীর কাছ থেকে একটি বিপদ সতর্কতা হতে পারে। হঠাৎ, বাইরের ব্যক্তি অনুমতি ছাড়াই দরজা খুললেন, একজন যুবতী দাসীকে প্রকাশ করলেন। "আমি ক্ষমাপ্রার্থী, মিস, কিন্তু একটি জরুরি বিষয়ের কারণে আমাকে দরজা খুলতে হয়েছিল।"', 'total_tokens': 41640, 'prompt_tokens': 41640, 'trans_by_google': 'Adel gentl...t matter."'} INFO:app.translate_gpt_back_common.helpers.translate_history_helper:add_percent_complete: b3b585c6-2ecb-11ef-9b1a-b22fcf60533e - 10% INFO:[CRUD History]:add_percent_complete: b3b585c6-2ecb-11ef-9b1a-b22fcf60533e - 10% : 14 : 14 process: Process-5 END process: Process-6 START translate_history.status_percentage {'_sa_instance_state': , 'tone': 'Friendly', 'used_model': 'gpt-4o', 'note': None, 'deleted_at': None, 'writing_style': 'Narrative', 'status': 1, 'file_size': 45247, 'trans_input': 'High Society video 3.docx', 'status_desc': '', 'file_password': None, 'uuid': 'b3b585c6-2ecb-11ef-9b1a-b22fcf60533e', 'input_file_path': 'flare_uploaded/21541/20240620_060948_092780/High Society video 3.docx', 'status_percentage': 1, 'user_id': 21541, 'trans_result': None, 'rating': '', 'error_message': '', 'origin_lang': 'english', 'type': 'translate-document', 'rating_content': '', 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 6, 20, 6, 9, 50), 'target_lang': 'bengali', 'estimated_token': 394830, 'translate_job_id': None, 'updated_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 6, 20, 6, 10, 3), 'id': 2909826, 'domain': 'Music & Audio', 'used_token': 0, 'custom_prompt': None} 1 open ai key: ********************0a393b1d42ea 0[{'role': 'system', 'content': 'Please use Friendly tone.'}, {'role': 'system', 'content': 'Please provide responses in Narrative writing style.'}, {'role': 'user', 'content': 'original_text: `paragraph_id 55: Adel was surprised to see that this was a rather young maid. "Is there something wrong?" The maid replied, "The master of the mansion has summoned you." Adel asked again, "My brother?" But she suddenly felt the atmosphere was very strange. This maid, compared to the other servants in the Buonaparte household, seemed younger, and her clothes looked looser. But she still felt uneasy when the maid said Cesare wanted to see her. "Alright, let\'s go."\nparagraph_id 56: Adel quickly grabbed a shawl and left with the maid. The shawl had the letters K and B embroidered on it. Strangely, the maid led Adel upstairs, saying that the master of the mansion was on the rooftop. Adel felt an inexplicable sense of foreboding and didn\'t really want to go, but Lord Cesare was not the type to explain everything to others. "We\'ve arrived." The rooftop door was opened, and immediately a strong wind blew, causing the shawl to be swept away. Adel hurriedly chased after the shawl. Seizing the opportunity, the maid used both hands to push Adel forcefully and shouted, "I\'m sorry!" Adel was terrified, her whole body plummeting from the rooftop. A loud rustling sound echoed in the bright moonlit night.\nparagraph_id 57: In the banquet hall, everyone raised their glasses to toast Lord Cesare. They marveled at how he, at such a young age, was already a member of the council and had helped the neighboring emperor ascend to the throne. This not only aided diplomatic relations but also strengthened his voice in the council. Overall, he lacked nothing from looks, family background, business acumen to political prowess. Everyone was curious about who such a well-rounded person would marry.\nparagraph_id 58: Cesare, feeling exhausted, stepped out onto the balcony to breathe in the fresh air. He leaned back in his chair and lit a cigar, finally finding some peace. Suddenly, Cesare noticed something engraved on the ceiling. He smirked, "Ah, Katarina Buonaparte and Rowan Buonaparte. On nights like these when they hosted parties, those two would always be lost in their own world, dancing together. Meanwhile, they would place their son on the most prestigious chair in the middle of the ballroom and hand him a cookie to hold. They spent hours together, immersed in their own world, untouchable by anyone." Cesare puffed on his cigar and mused, "Places like this always feel strange whenever I visit."\nparagraph_id 59: Suddenly, a young man burst through the door, exclaiming, "Cesare, the ladies are eagerly waiting to meet you. What are you doing here?" Cesare frowned at the madman before him, "Hey, what\'s with that look? You come to my party dressed like that? Are you sober, Jude?"\nparagraph_id 60: Jude paid no mind to Cesare\'s sharp words and instead tried to flaunt his good looks even more, which only infuriated Cesare. Jude pointed to the scarf and said, "I was just passing by when this thing fell from the sky. Just a brush against my coat, and it\'s destiny." Cesare frowned, "Are you so poor that you have to pick things up off the ground?" Jude glanced at him, "After you\'re done with Miss Lucrezia, shouldn\'t you entrust your heart to a woman? Just as I found this scarf, it might be fate."\nparagraph_id 61: Cesare scowled, "I\'m more worried about any girl who gets her hair pulled by that Lucrezia. I probably won\'t get married." Suddenly, he noticed the initials K and B on the corner of the scarf, "Katarina Buonaparte, mother\'s item is being used by Adelaide. But why did it fall from the sky?" Cesare asked, "Where did you find it?"\nparagraph_id 62: Meanwhile, a hand was desperately clinging to the rough edge of the wall. The maid from earlier let out a startled cry. Adel frowned, exposed her, “Now I remember. You\'re the maid serving Lucrezia, aren\'t you? Did Lucrezia tell you to do this?" The maid immediately panicked. Adel seized the moment to command, "Pull me up, and I\'ll keep your master\'s secret." The maid trembled and muttered, "No, I can\'t, the lady will be disappointed."\nparagraph_id 63: Adel shouted, "How foolish! Do you think Lucrezia will spare you after this?" The maid frowned, "What?" Adel continued to yell, "Lucrezia will kill you to silence this!" Hearing this, the maid was stunned, "No, no, the lady wouldn\'t do that." The maid gritted her teeth and looked at Adel before cruelly stomping on Adel\'s hand, "Die, just die!" With each stomp, she cursed and screamed at Adel until both of Adel\'s hands could no longer hold on. She fell freely from the roof.\nparagraph_id 64: 5. A loud thud echoed throughout the quiet moonlit night. Only a bird perched on a broken branch could be seen, and Cesare Buonaparte, the man who received immense love from fate and the gods, was grimacing on the ground with a leaf on his head. He strained his face and frowned, "Ahh, my spine! Hey, sister, are you okay?" Suddenly, he widened his eyes when he saw Adel trembling in his arms. After the fall, Cesare smirked, "If you don\'t want me to touch you in a similar way, then don\'t touch my chest again."\nparagraph_id 65: Adel quickly distanced herself from this man. Cesare, feeling dejected, thought to himself, "Who\'s going to eat her up anyway?" Adel frowned and looked up, "I was pushed down by a girl wearing the Buonaparte family\'s maid outfit. She said you called for me, so I followed her to the rooftop." Cesare asked again, "I called for you?" He looked up at the higher floor, the silhouette of the girl gradually disappearing. Cesare silently assessed, "Definitely. She is Lucrezia\'s maid!"`. Translate to bengali using Music & Audio terminology\n. Grammatically correct, never break words. Remove quotation marks at the beginning and end of the result, return only translated text in format paragraph_id, do not include original_text.\nbengali text:'}] INFO:httpx:HTTP Request: POST "HTTP/1.1 429 Too Many Requests" (most recent call last): File "/app/app/translate_gpt_back_common/services/", line 324, in translate_paragraph response = ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/", line 245, in wrapped return cast(APIResponse[R], func(*args, **kwargs)) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/_utils/", line 272, in wrapper return func(*args, **kwargs) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/resources/chat/", line 645, in create return self._post( ^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/", line 1088, in post return cast(ResponseT, self.request(cast_to, opts, stream=stream, stream_cls=stream_cls)) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/", line 853, in request return self._request( ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/", line 930, in _request raise self._make_status_error_from_response(err.response) from None openai.RateLimitError: Error code: 429 - {'error': {'code': '429', 'message': 'Requests to the ChatCompletions_Create Operation under Azure OpenAI API version 2024-02-15-preview have exceeded token rate limit of your current OpenAI S0 pricing tier. Please retry after 86400 seconds. Please go here: if you would like to further increase the default rate limit.'}} key: ********************0a393b1d42ea INFO:app.translate_gpt_back_common.crud.crud_openai_api_key:set_usable_at: ********************0a393b1d42ea - gpt-4o - 2024-06-20 06:11:20.365364 of model: gpt-4o setup_api_key_and_client of model: gpt-4o key_type: AZURE,,2024-02-15-preview, gpt-4o open ai key: ********************88fb74b50720 1[{'role': 'system', 'content': 'Please use Friendly tone.'}, {'role': 'system', 'content': 'Please provide responses in Narrative writing style.'}, {'role': 'user', 'content': 'original_text: `paragraph_id 55: Adel was surprised to see that this was a rather young maid. "Is there something wrong?" The maid replied, "The master of the mansion has summoned you." Adel asked again, "My brother?" But she suddenly felt the atmosphere was very strange. This maid, compared to the other servants in the Buonaparte household, seemed younger, and her clothes looked looser. But she still felt uneasy when the maid said Cesare wanted to see her. "Alright, let\'s go."\nparagraph_id 56: Adel quickly grabbed a shawl and left with the maid. The shawl had the letters K and B embroidered on it. Strangely, the maid led Adel upstairs, saying that the master of the mansion was on the rooftop. Adel felt an inexplicable sense of foreboding and didn\'t really want to go, but Lord Cesare was not the type to explain everything to others. "We\'ve arrived." The rooftop door was opened, and immediately a strong wind blew, causing the shawl to be swept away. Adel hurriedly chased after the shawl. Seizing the opportunity, the maid used both hands to push Adel forcefully and shouted, "I\'m sorry!" Adel was terrified, her whole body plummeting from the rooftop. A loud rustling sound echoed in the bright moonlit night.\nparagraph_id 57: In the banquet hall, everyone raised their glasses to toast Lord Cesare. They marveled at how he, at such a young age, was already a member of the council and had helped the neighboring emperor ascend to the throne. This not only aided diplomatic relations but also strengthened his voice in the council. Overall, he lacked nothing from looks, family background, business acumen to political prowess. Everyone was curious about who such a well-rounded person would marry.\nparagraph_id 58: Cesare, feeling exhausted, stepped out onto the balcony to breathe in the fresh air. He leaned back in his chair and lit a cigar, finally finding some peace. Suddenly, Cesare noticed something engraved on the ceiling. He smirked, "Ah, Katarina Buonaparte and Rowan Buonaparte. On nights like these when they hosted parties, those two would always be lost in their own world, dancing together. Meanwhile, they would place their son on the most prestigious chair in the middle of the ballroom and hand him a cookie to hold. They spent hours together, immersed in their own world, untouchable by anyone." Cesare puffed on his cigar and mused, "Places like this always feel strange whenever I visit."\nparagraph_id 59: Suddenly, a young man burst through the door, exclaiming, "Cesare, the ladies are eagerly waiting to meet you. What are you doing here?" Cesare frowned at the madman before him, "Hey, what\'s with that look? You come to my party dressed like that? Are you sober, Jude?"\nparagraph_id 60: Jude paid no mind to Cesare\'s sharp words and instead tried to flaunt his good looks even more, which only infuriated Cesare. Jude pointed to the scarf and said, "I was just passing by when this thing fell from the sky. Just a brush against my coat, and it\'s destiny." Cesare frowned, "Are you so poor that you have to pick things up off the ground?" Jude glanced at him, "After you\'re done with Miss Lucrezia, shouldn\'t you entrust your heart to a woman? Just as I found this scarf, it might be fate."\nparagraph_id 61: Cesare scowled, "I\'m more worried about any girl who gets her hair pulled by that Lucrezia. I probably won\'t get married." Suddenly, he noticed the initials K and B on the corner of the scarf, "Katarina Buonaparte, mother\'s item is being used by Adelaide. But why did it fall from the sky?" Cesare asked, "Where did you find it?"\nparagraph_id 62: Meanwhile, a hand was desperately clinging to the rough edge of the wall. The maid from earlier let out a startled cry. Adel frowned, exposed her, “Now I remember. You\'re the maid serving Lucrezia, aren\'t you? Did Lucrezia tell you to do this?" The maid immediately panicked. Adel seized the moment to command, "Pull me up, and I\'ll keep your master\'s secret." The maid trembled and muttered, "No, I can\'t, the lady will be disappointed."\nparagraph_id 63: Adel shouted, "How foolish! Do you think Lucrezia will spare you after this?" The maid frowned, "What?" Adel continued to yell, "Lucrezia will kill you to silence this!" Hearing this, the maid was stunned, "No, no, the lady wouldn\'t do that." The maid gritted her teeth and looked at Adel before cruelly stomping on Adel\'s hand, "Die, just die!" With each stomp, she cursed and screamed at Adel until both of Adel\'s hands could no longer hold on. She fell freely from the roof.\nparagraph_id 64: 5. A loud thud echoed throughout the quiet moonlit night. Only a bird perched on a broken branch could be seen, and Cesare Buonaparte, the man who received immense love from fate and the gods, was grimacing on the ground with a leaf on his head. He strained his face and frowned, "Ahh, my spine! Hey, sister, are you okay?" Suddenly, he widened his eyes when he saw Adel trembling in his arms. After the fall, Cesare smirked, "If you don\'t want me to touch you in a similar way, then don\'t touch my chest again."\nparagraph_id 65: Adel quickly distanced herself from this man. Cesare, feeling dejected, thought to himself, "Who\'s going to eat her up anyway?" Adel frowned and looked up, "I was pushed down by a girl wearing the Buonaparte family\'s maid outfit. She said you called for me, so I followed her to the rooftop." Cesare asked again, "I called for you?" He looked up at the higher floor, the silhouette of the girl gradually disappearing. Cesare silently assessed, "Definitely. She is Lucrezia\'s maid!"`. Translate to bengali using Music & Audio terminology\n. Grammatically correct, never break words. Remove quotation marks at the beginning and end of the result, return only translated text in format paragraph_id, do not include original_text.\nbengali text:'}] INFO:httpx:HTTP Request: POST "HTTP/1.1 429 Too Many Requests" (most recent call last): File "/app/app/translate_gpt_back_common/services/", line 324, in translate_paragraph response = ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/", line 245, in wrapped return cast(APIResponse[R], func(*args, **kwargs)) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/_utils/", line 272, in wrapper return func(*args, **kwargs) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/resources/chat/", line 645, in create return self._post( ^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/", line 1088, in post return cast(ResponseT, self.request(cast_to, opts, stream=stream, stream_cls=stream_cls)) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/", line 853, in request return self._request( ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/", line 930, in _request raise self._make_status_error_from_response(err.response) from None openai.RateLimitError: Error code: 429 - {'error': {'code': '429', 'message': 'Requests to the ChatCompletions_Create Operation under Azure OpenAI API version 2024-02-15-preview have exceeded token rate limit of your current OpenAI S0 pricing tier. Please retry after 86400 seconds. Please go here: if you would like to further increase the default rate limit.'}} key: ********************88fb74b50720 INFO:app.translate_gpt_back_common.crud.crud_openai_api_key:set_usable_at: ********************88fb74b50720 - gpt-4o - 2024-06-20 06:11:20.754564 of model: gpt-4o setup_api_key_and_client of model: gpt-4o key_type: AZURE,,2024-02-15-preview, gpt-4o open ai key: ********************1b6e54537242 2[{'role': 'system', 'content': 'Please use Friendly tone.'}, {'role': 'system', 'content': 'Please provide responses in Narrative writing style.'}, {'role': 'user', 'content': 'original_text: `paragraph_id 55: Adel was surprised to see that this was a rather young maid. "Is there something wrong?" The maid replied, "The master of the mansion has summoned you." Adel asked again, "My brother?" But she suddenly felt the atmosphere was very strange. This maid, compared to the other servants in the Buonaparte household, seemed younger, and her clothes looked looser. But she still felt uneasy when the maid said Cesare wanted to see her. "Alright, let\'s go."\nparagraph_id 56: Adel quickly grabbed a shawl and left with the maid. The shawl had the letters K and B embroidered on it. Strangely, the maid led Adel upstairs, saying that the master of the mansion was on the rooftop. Adel felt an inexplicable sense of foreboding and didn\'t really want to go, but Lord Cesare was not the type to explain everything to others. "We\'ve arrived." The rooftop door was opened, and immediately a strong wind blew, causing the shawl to be swept away. Adel hurriedly chased after the shawl. Seizing the opportunity, the maid used both hands to push Adel forcefully and shouted, "I\'m sorry!" Adel was terrified, her whole body plummeting from the rooftop. A loud rustling sound echoed in the bright moonlit night.\nparagraph_id 57: In the banquet hall, everyone raised their glasses to toast Lord Cesare. They marveled at how he, at such a young age, was already a member of the council and had helped the neighboring emperor ascend to the throne. This not only aided diplomatic relations but also strengthened his voice in the council. Overall, he lacked nothing from looks, family background, business acumen to political prowess. Everyone was curious about who such a well-rounded person would marry.\nparagraph_id 58: Cesare, feeling exhausted, stepped out onto the balcony to breathe in the fresh air. He leaned back in his chair and lit a cigar, finally finding some peace. Suddenly, Cesare noticed something engraved on the ceiling. He smirked, "Ah, Katarina Buonaparte and Rowan Buonaparte. On nights like these when they hosted parties, those two would always be lost in their own world, dancing together. Meanwhile, they would place their son on the most prestigious chair in the middle of the ballroom and hand him a cookie to hold. They spent hours together, immersed in their own world, untouchable by anyone." Cesare puffed on his cigar and mused, "Places like this always feel strange whenever I visit."\nparagraph_id 59: Suddenly, a young man burst through the door, exclaiming, "Cesare, the ladies are eagerly waiting to meet you. What are you doing here?" Cesare frowned at the madman before him, "Hey, what\'s with that look? You come to my party dressed like that? Are you sober, Jude?"\nparagraph_id 60: Jude paid no mind to Cesare\'s sharp words and instead tried to flaunt his good looks even more, which only infuriated Cesare. Jude pointed to the scarf and said, "I was just passing by when this thing fell from the sky. Just a brush against my coat, and it\'s destiny." Cesare frowned, "Are you so poor that you have to pick things up off the ground?" Jude glanced at him, "After you\'re done with Miss Lucrezia, shouldn\'t you entrust your heart to a woman? Just as I found this scarf, it might be fate."\nparagraph_id 61: Cesare scowled, "I\'m more worried about any girl who gets her hair pulled by that Lucrezia. I probably won\'t get married." Suddenly, he noticed the initials K and B on the corner of the scarf, "Katarina Buonaparte, mother\'s item is being used by Adelaide. But why did it fall from the sky?" Cesare asked, "Where did you find it?"\nparagraph_id 62: Meanwhile, a hand was desperately clinging to the rough edge of the wall. The maid from earlier let out a startled cry. Adel frowned, exposed her, “Now I remember. You\'re the maid serving Lucrezia, aren\'t you? Did Lucrezia tell you to do this?" The maid immediately panicked. Adel seized the moment to command, "Pull me up, and I\'ll keep your master\'s secret." The maid trembled and muttered, "No, I can\'t, the lady will be disappointed."\nparagraph_id 63: Adel shouted, "How foolish! Do you think Lucrezia will spare you after this?" The maid frowned, "What?" Adel continued to yell, "Lucrezia will kill you to silence this!" Hearing this, the maid was stunned, "No, no, the lady wouldn\'t do that." The maid gritted her teeth and looked at Adel before cruelly stomping on Adel\'s hand, "Die, just die!" With each stomp, she cursed and screamed at Adel until both of Adel\'s hands could no longer hold on. She fell freely from the roof.\nparagraph_id 64: 5. A loud thud echoed throughout the quiet moonlit night. Only a bird perched on a broken branch could be seen, and Cesare Buonaparte, the man who received immense love from fate and the gods, was grimacing on the ground with a leaf on his head. He strained his face and frowned, "Ahh, my spine! Hey, sister, are you okay?" Suddenly, he widened his eyes when he saw Adel trembling in his arms. After the fall, Cesare smirked, "If you don\'t want me to touch you in a similar way, then don\'t touch my chest again."\nparagraph_id 65: Adel quickly distanced herself from this man. Cesare, feeling dejected, thought to himself, "Who\'s going to eat her up anyway?" Adel frowned and looked up, "I was pushed down by a girl wearing the Buonaparte family\'s maid outfit. She said you called for me, so I followed her to the rooftop." Cesare asked again, "I called for you?" He looked up at the higher floor, the silhouette of the girl gradually disappearing. Cesare silently assessed, "Definitely. She is Lucrezia\'s maid!"`. Translate to bengali using Music & Audio terminology\n. Grammatically correct, never break words. Remove quotation marks at the beginning and end of the result, return only translated text in format paragraph_id, do not include original_text.\nbengali text:'}] INFO:httpx:HTTP Request: POST "HTTP/1.1 429 Too Many Requests" (most recent call last): File "/app/app/translate_gpt_back_common/services/", line 324, in translate_paragraph response = ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/", line 245, in wrapped return cast(APIResponse[R], func(*args, **kwargs)) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/_utils/", line 272, in wrapper return func(*args, **kwargs) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/resources/chat/", line 645, in create return self._post( ^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/", line 1088, in post return cast(ResponseT, self.request(cast_to, opts, stream=stream, stream_cls=stream_cls)) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/", line 853, in request return self._request( ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/", line 930, in _request raise self._make_status_error_from_response(err.response) from None openai.RateLimitError: Error code: 429 - {'error': {'code': '429', 'message': 'Requests to the ChatCompletions_Create Operation under Azure OpenAI API version 2024-02-15-preview have exceeded token rate limit of your current OpenAI S0 pricing tier. Please retry after 86400 seconds. Please go here: if you would like to further increase the default rate limit.'}} key: ********************1b6e54537242 INFO:app.translate_gpt_back_common.crud.crud_openai_api_key:set_usable_at: ********************1b6e54537242 - gpt-4o - 2024-06-20 06:11:21.566181 of model: gpt-4o setup_api_key_and_client of model: gpt-4o key_type: AZURE,,2024-02-15-preview, gpt-4o open ai key: ********************6960fd44e6c2 3[{'role': 'system', 'content': 'Please use Friendly tone.'}, {'role': 'system', 'content': 'Please provide responses in Narrative writing style.'}, {'role': 'user', 'content': 'original_text: `paragraph_id 55: Adel was surprised to see that this was a rather young maid. "Is there something wrong?" The maid replied, "The master of the mansion has summoned you." Adel asked again, "My brother?" But she suddenly felt the atmosphere was very strange. This maid, compared to the other servants in the Buonaparte household, seemed younger, and her clothes looked looser. But she still felt uneasy when the maid said Cesare wanted to see her. "Alright, let\'s go."\nparagraph_id 56: Adel quickly grabbed a shawl and left with the maid. The shawl had the letters K and B embroidered on it. Strangely, the maid led Adel upstairs, saying that the master of the mansion was on the rooftop. Adel felt an inexplicable sense of foreboding and didn\'t really want to go, but Lord Cesare was not the type to explain everything to others. "We\'ve arrived." The rooftop door was opened, and immediately a strong wind blew, causing the shawl to be swept away. Adel hurriedly chased after the shawl. Seizing the opportunity, the maid used both hands to push Adel forcefully and shouted, "I\'m sorry!" Adel was terrified, her whole body plummeting from the rooftop. A loud rustling sound echoed in the bright moonlit night.\nparagraph_id 57: In the banquet hall, everyone raised their glasses to toast Lord Cesare. They marveled at how he, at such a young age, was already a member of the council and had helped the neighboring emperor ascend to the throne. This not only aided diplomatic relations but also strengthened his voice in the council. Overall, he lacked nothing from looks, family background, business acumen to political prowess. Everyone was curious about who such a well-rounded person would marry.\nparagraph_id 58: Cesare, feeling exhausted, stepped out onto the balcony to breathe in the fresh air. He leaned back in his chair and lit a cigar, finally finding some peace. Suddenly, Cesare noticed something engraved on the ceiling. He smirked, "Ah, Katarina Buonaparte and Rowan Buonaparte. On nights like these when they hosted parties, those two would always be lost in their own world, dancing together. Meanwhile, they would place their son on the most prestigious chair in the middle of the ballroom and hand him a cookie to hold. They spent hours together, immersed in their own world, untouchable by anyone." Cesare puffed on his cigar and mused, "Places like this always feel strange whenever I visit."\nparagraph_id 59: Suddenly, a young man burst through the door, exclaiming, "Cesare, the ladies are eagerly waiting to meet you. What are you doing here?" Cesare frowned at the madman before him, "Hey, what\'s with that look? You come to my party dressed like that? Are you sober, Jude?"\nparagraph_id 60: Jude paid no mind to Cesare\'s sharp words and instead tried to flaunt his good looks even more, which only infuriated Cesare. Jude pointed to the scarf and said, "I was just passing by when this thing fell from the sky. Just a brush against my coat, and it\'s destiny." Cesare frowned, "Are you so poor that you have to pick things up off the ground?" Jude glanced at him, "After you\'re done with Miss Lucrezia, shouldn\'t you entrust your heart to a woman? Just as I found this scarf, it might be fate."\nparagraph_id 61: Cesare scowled, "I\'m more worried about any girl who gets her hair pulled by that Lucrezia. I probably won\'t get married." Suddenly, he noticed the initials K and B on the corner of the scarf, "Katarina Buonaparte, mother\'s item is being used by Adelaide. But why did it fall from the sky?" Cesare asked, "Where did you find it?"\nparagraph_id 62: Meanwhile, a hand was desperately clinging to the rough edge of the wall. The maid from earlier let out a startled cry. Adel frowned, exposed her, “Now I remember. You\'re the maid serving Lucrezia, aren\'t you? Did Lucrezia tell you to do this?" The maid immediately panicked. Adel seized the moment to command, "Pull me up, and I\'ll keep your master\'s secret." The maid trembled and muttered, "No, I can\'t, the lady will be disappointed."\nparagraph_id 63: Adel shouted, "How foolish! Do you think Lucrezia will spare you after this?" The maid frowned, "What?" Adel continued to yell, "Lucrezia will kill you to silence this!" Hearing this, the maid was stunned, "No, no, the lady wouldn\'t do that." The maid gritted her teeth and looked at Adel before cruelly stomping on Adel\'s hand, "Die, just die!" With each stomp, she cursed and screamed at Adel until both of Adel\'s hands could no longer hold on. She fell freely from the roof.\nparagraph_id 64: 5. A loud thud echoed throughout the quiet moonlit night. Only a bird perched on a broken branch could be seen, and Cesare Buonaparte, the man who received immense love from fate and the gods, was grimacing on the ground with a leaf on his head. He strained his face and frowned, "Ahh, my spine! Hey, sister, are you okay?" Suddenly, he widened his eyes when he saw Adel trembling in his arms. After the fall, Cesare smirked, "If you don\'t want me to touch you in a similar way, then don\'t touch my chest again."\nparagraph_id 65: Adel quickly distanced herself from this man. Cesare, feeling dejected, thought to himself, "Who\'s going to eat her up anyway?" Adel frowned and looked up, "I was pushed down by a girl wearing the Buonaparte family\'s maid outfit. She said you called for me, so I followed her to the rooftop." Cesare asked again, "I called for you?" He looked up at the higher floor, the silhouette of the girl gradually disappearing. Cesare silently assessed, "Definitely. She is Lucrezia\'s maid!"`. Translate to bengali using Music & Audio terminology\n. Grammatically correct, never break words. Remove quotation marks at the beginning and end of the result, return only translated text in format paragraph_id, do not include original_text.\nbengali text:'}] INFO:httpx:HTTP Request: POST "HTTP/1.1 429 Too Many Requests" (most recent call last): File "/app/app/translate_gpt_back_common/services/", line 324, in translate_paragraph response = ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/", line 245, in wrapped return cast(APIResponse[R], func(*args, **kwargs)) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/_utils/", line 272, in wrapper return func(*args, **kwargs) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/resources/chat/", line 645, in create return self._post( ^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/", line 1088, in post return cast(ResponseT, self.request(cast_to, opts, stream=stream, stream_cls=stream_cls)) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/", line 853, in request return self._request( ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/", line 930, in _request raise self._make_status_error_from_response(err.response) from None openai.RateLimitError: Error code: 429 - {'error': {'code': '429', 'message': 'Requests to the ChatCompletions_Create Operation under Azure OpenAI API version 2024-02-15-preview have exceeded token rate limit of your current OpenAI S0 pricing tier. Please retry after 86400 seconds. Please go here: if you would like to further increase the default rate limit.'}} key: ********************6960fd44e6c2 INFO:app.translate_gpt_back_common.crud.crud_openai_api_key:set_usable_at: ********************6960fd44e6c2 - gpt-4o - 2024-06-20 06:11:22.088792 of model: gpt-4o INFO:app.translate_gpt_back_common.helpers.translator_helper:get_random_api_key_info_by_priority: There is no active openai api key with priority = 95 in database setup_api_key_and_client of model: gpt-4o key_type: AI_HUBMIX,,None, open ai key: ********************b6329C566F24e129cBeBb05A99fDb1c 0[{'role': 'system', 'content': 'Please use Friendly tone.'}, {'role': 'system', 'content': 'Please provide responses in Narrative writing style.'}, {'role': 'user', 'content': 'original_text: `paragraph_id 55: Adel was surprised to see that this was a rather young maid. "Is there something wrong?" The maid replied, "The master of the mansion has summoned you." Adel asked again, "My brother?" But she suddenly felt the atmosphere was very strange. This maid, compared to the other servants in the Buonaparte household, seemed younger, and her clothes looked looser. But she still felt uneasy when the maid said Cesare wanted to see her. "Alright, let\'s go."\nparagraph_id 56: Adel quickly grabbed a shawl and left with the maid. The shawl had the letters K and B embroidered on it. Strangely, the maid led Adel upstairs, saying that the master of the mansion was on the rooftop. Adel felt an inexplicable sense of foreboding and didn\'t really want to go, but Lord Cesare was not the type to explain everything to others. "We\'ve arrived." The rooftop door was opened, and immediately a strong wind blew, causing the shawl to be swept away. Adel hurriedly chased after the shawl. Seizing the opportunity, the maid used both hands to push Adel forcefully and shouted, "I\'m sorry!" Adel was terrified, her whole body plummeting from the rooftop. A loud rustling sound echoed in the bright moonlit night.\nparagraph_id 57: In the banquet hall, everyone raised their glasses to toast Lord Cesare. They marveled at how he, at such a young age, was already a member of the council and had helped the neighboring emperor ascend to the throne. This not only aided diplomatic relations but also strengthened his voice in the council. Overall, he lacked nothing from looks, family background, business acumen to political prowess. Everyone was curious about who such a well-rounded person would marry.\nparagraph_id 58: Cesare, feeling exhausted, stepped out onto the balcony to breathe in the fresh air. He leaned back in his chair and lit a cigar, finally finding some peace. Suddenly, Cesare noticed something engraved on the ceiling. He smirked, "Ah, Katarina Buonaparte and Rowan Buonaparte. On nights like these when they hosted parties, those two would always be lost in their own world, dancing together. Meanwhile, they would place their son on the most prestigious chair in the middle of the ballroom and hand him a cookie to hold. They spent hours together, immersed in their own world, untouchable by anyone." Cesare puffed on his cigar and mused, "Places like this always feel strange whenever I visit."\nparagraph_id 59: Suddenly, a young man burst through the door, exclaiming, "Cesare, the ladies are eagerly waiting to meet you. What are you doing here?" Cesare frowned at the madman before him, "Hey, what\'s with that look? You come to my party dressed like that? Are you sober, Jude?"\nparagraph_id 60: Jude paid no mind to Cesare\'s sharp words and instead tried to flaunt his good looks even more, which only infuriated Cesare. Jude pointed to the scarf and said, "I was just passing by when this thing fell from the sky. Just a brush against my coat, and it\'s destiny." Cesare frowned, "Are you so poor that you have to pick things up off the ground?" Jude glanced at him, "After you\'re done with Miss Lucrezia, shouldn\'t you entrust your heart to a woman? Just as I found this scarf, it might be fate."\nparagraph_id 61: Cesare scowled, "I\'m more worried about any girl who gets her hair pulled by that Lucrezia. I probably won\'t get married." Suddenly, he noticed the initials K and B on the corner of the scarf, "Katarina Buonaparte, mother\'s item is being used by Adelaide. But why did it fall from the sky?" Cesare asked, "Where did you find it?"\nparagraph_id 62: Meanwhile, a hand was desperately clinging to the rough edge of the wall. The maid from earlier let out a startled cry. Adel frowned, exposed her, “Now I remember. You\'re the maid serving Lucrezia, aren\'t you? Did Lucrezia tell you to do this?" The maid immediately panicked. Adel seized the moment to command, "Pull me up, and I\'ll keep your master\'s secret." The maid trembled and muttered, "No, I can\'t, the lady will be disappointed."\nparagraph_id 63: Adel shouted, "How foolish! Do you think Lucrezia will spare you after this?" The maid frowned, "What?" Adel continued to yell, "Lucrezia will kill you to silence this!" Hearing this, the maid was stunned, "No, no, the lady wouldn\'t do that." The maid gritted her teeth and looked at Adel before cruelly stomping on Adel\'s hand, "Die, just die!" With each stomp, she cursed and screamed at Adel until both of Adel\'s hands could no longer hold on. She fell freely from the roof.\nparagraph_id 64: 5. A loud thud echoed throughout the quiet moonlit night. Only a bird perched on a broken branch could be seen, and Cesare Buonaparte, the man who received immense love from fate and the gods, was grimacing on the ground with a leaf on his head. He strained his face and frowned, "Ahh, my spine! Hey, sister, are you okay?" Suddenly, he widened his eyes when he saw Adel trembling in his arms. After the fall, Cesare smirked, "If you don\'t want me to touch you in a similar way, then don\'t touch my chest again."\nparagraph_id 65: Adel quickly distanced herself from this man. Cesare, feeling dejected, thought to himself, "Who\'s going to eat her up anyway?" Adel frowned and looked up, "I was pushed down by a girl wearing the Buonaparte family\'s maid outfit. She said you called for me, so I followed her to the rooftop." Cesare asked again, "I called for you?" He looked up at the higher floor, the silhouette of the girl gradually disappearing. Cesare silently assessed, "Definitely. She is Lucrezia\'s maid!"`. Translate to bengali using Music & Audio terminology\n. Grammatically correct, never break words. Remove quotation marks at the beginning and end of the result, return only translated text in format paragraph_id, do not include original_text.\nbengali text:'}] INFO:httpx:HTTP Request: POST "HTTP/1.1 200 OK"[x-ratelimit-limit-requests]: 5000[x-ratelimit-remaining-requests]: 4999[x-ratelimit-reset-requests]: 12ms{ "id": "chatcmpl-9c5HqPL5WSMnbzbj35T5kQsEuKIRT", "choices": [ { "finish_reason": "stop", "index": 0, "logprobs": null, "message": { "content": "paragraph_id 1: ১. অ্যাডেল কথা বলতে শুরু করতেই কাঁপছিল, \"তুমি কি বলতে চাও আমি তাদের প্রলুব্ধ করেছি?\" চেসারের সুর ছিল ঠান্ডা, \"তুমি নিজেই তা জানো।\" অ্যাডেল ভ্রু কুঁচকে অস্বীকার করল, \"না, এটা সত্য নয়।\" \"সত্য নয়?\" চেসারে জিজ্ঞাসা করল, তারপর সে হাসল এবং শীঘ্রই আর ধরে রাখতে পারল না, সে মাথা পিছনে ফেলে উচ্চস্বরে হাসল। এটি অ্যাডেলকে অবাক করেছিল।\n\nparagraph_id 2: \"সিগনোরা ফ্লাভিয়া বেশ নির্মম হয়েছে, তাই না?\" চেসারে কথা বলল যখন তার জুতার ডগা অ্যাডেলের ফোলা পায়ে সরাচ্ছিল, তাকে অপমান করছিল। \"এত ছোট বিষয় এবং তুমি নিজেই এটি সামলাতে পারছ না? যদি তুমি প্রশংসা করে অনুগ্রহ পেতে না চাও, তাহলে এখনও অনেক ভালো উপায় আছে।\" অ্যাডেল কেবল মাটিতে শুয়ে কষ্টে কাতরাচ্ছিল। \"তুমি তোমার গর্ব ত্যাগ করে ভিক্ষা করতে খুব ভালো। কেন তুমি সবসময় যেমন করো তেমন আচরণ করছ না?\"\n\nparagraph_id 3: অ্যাডেল ভ্রু কুঁচকে বলল, \"আমি ভুল ছিলাম, এটা সব আমার অবহেলা ছিল।\" চেসারের লম্বা ছায়া মেঝেতে তাকে ঢেকে দিল, যেন একটি দানব, কিন্তু তারপর এটি দুঃখী মেয়েটিকে ছেড়ে দিল। \"ভালো যে তুমি বুঝেছ। তোমার ক্ষতটি সাবধানে চিকিৎসা কর, দাগ এড়াতে।\"\n\nparagraph_id 4: হঠাৎ, ইবনি দরজা দিয়ে ঢুকে পড়ল। \"মাস্টার, মিস অ্যাডেল...\" চেসারে হঠাৎ বাধা দিল, \"যদি তুমি কিছু ব্যাখ্যা করতে চাও, আমার ঘরে বলো।\" সে বেরিয়ে গেল এবং শান্তভাবে বলল, \"তিন দিনের জন্য সব পাঠ বন্ধ করো।\" চেসারে ঠান্ডা এবং নিষ্ঠুর মনে হয়, কিন্তু সে খুব তীক্ষ্ণ; সে যথেষ্ট বুদ্ধিমান যে জানে কি ঘটেছে। গভীরভাবে, সে অ্যাডেলের যত্ন করে; ফ্লাভিয়ার সাথে কোনো যোগাযোগ এড়ানো অ্যাডেলকে কিছু বিশ্রামের সময় দেবে। দরজাটি অ্যাডেলের পিছনে বন্ধ হয়ে গেল, একটি অন্ধকার, নীরব শূন্যতা রেখে।\n\nparagraph_id 5: সেই সন্ধ্যায়, চেসারে ধীরে ধীরে একটি সিগার ধূমপান করছিল যখন একটি স্ট্যাক ডকুমেন্ট খুলছিল। তাদের মধ্যে একটি ছবি ছিল, হেনরি ফেচের একটি প্রতিকৃতি। তিনি ফেচ পরিবারের দ্বিতীয় পুত্র ছিলেন, কিন্তু বংশধর বহন করতে পারেননি। চেসারে ঠোঁট বাঁকিয়ে নীরবে অভিশাপ দিল, \"কি অকেজো আবর্জনা। এমন কেউ বুয়োনাপার্ট বাগানে সমস্যা সৃষ্টি করছে?\"\n\nparagraph_id 6: চেসারে নিজের মনে ভাবল, \"আমি জানি না তারা কি কথা বলেছিল, কিন্তু আমাকে নিজেই এই বিশৃঙ্খলা পরিষ্কার করতে হবে। সবকিছু পথ থেকে সরে গেছে। অ্যাডেল অনিচ্ছাকৃতভাবে প্রকাশিত হয়েছে। তাকে অন্য কোনো মেয়ের সাথে প্রতিস্থাপন করা অসম্ভব। এখন, যাই ঘটুক না কেন, আমাকে জুতা পালিশ করা মেয়ে অ্যাডেলকে বুয়োনাপার্ট পরিবারের সদস্যে পরিণত করতে হবে।\"\n\nparagraph_id 7: চেসারের মনে অ্যাডেলের চিত্রটি ভেসে উঠল, সে ছিল একটি মৎস্যকন্যার মতো সুন্দর। তার সবুজ চুল সাগরের শৈবালের মতো ঝলমল করছিল, তার ত্বক লবণের দানার মতো সাদা, তার বুক অত্যন্ত প্রশস্ত... এটি ভাবতে গিয়ে চেসারে রাগান্বিত হল। সেই বদমাশরা অবশ্যই অ্যাডেলের সাথে এমন জঘন্য কাজ করতে খুব উত্তেজিত ছিল। চেসারে তখনকার দৃশ্যটি স্মরণ করল। যখন অ্যাডেল হঠাৎ তার গালে চুমু খেল, তখন সেও অবাক হয়েছিল। তার সৌন্দর্য এত মুগ্ধকর ছিল যে সে কিছুটা মুগ্ধ হয়েছিল। ফিরে ভাবতে গিয়ে, চেসারেও কিছুটা উত্তেজিত হয়েছিল। এমনকি তারও সেই অনুভূতিগুলি ছিল। তাই সবকিছু শেষ হবে যখন এজরা ডেলা ভ্যাল অ্যাডেলের সাথে দেখা করবে।\n\nparagraph_id 8: হঠাৎ, দরজায় একটি নক শোনা গেল। দেখা গেল ফ্লাভিয়া। চেসারে দেখেই, সে সমুদ্র দেবীর আশীর্বাদ দিয়ে তাকে অভিবাদন জানাল। চেসারে একটি জ্ঞানী হাসি দিয়ে ঠোঁট বাঁকিয়ে হাসল। উভয়েই দীর্ঘ সময় ধরে নীরব ছিল। হঠাৎ, চেসারে প্রথমে কথা বলল, \"সিগনোরা, আমি তোমার মতো বিদ্রোহী শিশুকে শিক্ষিত করতে আপত্তি করি না, কিন্তু আমি পরে বিশৃঙ্খলা পরিষ্কার করতে চাই না। ফ্লাভিয়া কেবল ক্ষমা চাইতে পারল, কিন্তু চেসারে একটি হুমকি যোগ করতে ভুলল না, \"আমাকে আর কোনো সমস্যা সৃষ্টি করো না। তুমি যথেষ্ট বুদ্ধিমান যে তা বুঝতে পারছ, তাই না?\"\n\nparagraph_id 9: ফ্লাভিয়ার মুখ ফ্যাকাশে হয়ে গিয়েছিল। সে ঘর থেকে বেরিয়ে যাওয়ার সময়, সে দাঁত চেপে অ্যাডেলের উপর তার রাগ প্রকাশ করার সংকল্প করেছিল। সে বিশ্বাস করেছিল যে অ্যাডেল ইচ্ছাকৃতভাবে বুয়োনাপার্ট পরিবারের সহানুভূতি অর্জনের জন্য সেই টাইট জুতা পরে নিজেকে ক্লান্ত করেছে, যার ফলে তাকে এইভাবে আচরণ করা হয়েছে। ফ্লাভিয়া নীরবে অ্যাডেলকে একটি ধূর্ত মেয়ে হিসেবে অভিশাপ দিল।\n\nparagraph_id 10: পরের সকালে, অভিজাত বৃত্তে একটি অদ্ভুত গুজব ছড়িয়ে পড়ল যে লর্ড চেসারে একটি নির্দিষ্ট যুবতীর প্রেমে পড়েছে এবং তার সাথে ছাড়া আর কারো সাথে সম্পর্ক রাখবে না। সে আগে কখনো মেয়েকে ম্যানশনে নিয়ে আসেনি, এবং তার স্বাভাবিক স্বভাবের বিপরীতে, সে খুব স্নেহশীল মনে হচ্ছিল। এটি সম্ভবত একটি সাধারণ সম্পর্ক নয়।\n\nparagraph_id 11: এই চমকপ্রদ খবরটি শোনার পর, একটি মেয়ে বিস্ময়ে টেবিল চাপড়াল। সে দ্রুত নিজেকে অজুহাত দিয়ে চা পার্টি থেকে চলে গেল, অন্য যুবতীদের বিভ্রান্ত রেখে। হাঁটতে হাঁটতে সে নিজের মনে ভাবল, \"এটি গুরুতর। আমাকে দ্রুত লুক্রেজিয়াকে জানাতে হবে।\"\n\nparagraph_id 12: বাড়ি পৌঁছানোর সাথে সাথে, সে তার সেরা বন্ধুকে সবকিছু বিস্তারিতভাবে লিখল, \"লর্ড চেসারে একটি অজানা মহিলাকে তার বাহুতে গ্রহণ করেছে, এবং সে এখন বুয়োনাপার্ট ম্যানশনে আছে। সে তোমার হৃদয়কে কতবার কষ্ট দেবে তাতে সন্তুষ্ট হবে? কোন ধরণের নিকৃষ্ট মহিলা তাকে প্রলুব্ধ করার সাহস করে? আমি এই দুঃখকে প্রশমিত করতে যত তাড়াতাড়ি সম্ভব তোমার সাথে দেখা করতে চাই।\" চিঠিটি যত তাড়াতাড়ি সম্ভব ডেলা ভ্যাল বাড়িতে পাঠানো হল।\n\nparagraph_id 13: এটি পড়ার পর, লুক্রেজিয়া চিঠিটি অগ্নিকুণ্ডে ফেলে দিল। আগ্রাসী আগুনের উজ্জ্বল শিখা একটি যুবতী, সুন্দর মুখে আলো ফেলল যার সোজা বাদামী চুল ছিল। তার বড়, গোলাকার, বেগুনি চোখ দুটি মার্বেলের মতো দেখাচ্ছিল, পৃষ্ঠে একটি নির্দোষ চেহারা কিন্তু নিচে বিশুদ্ধ মন্দ। লুক্রেজিয়া রাগে বলল, \"চেসারে, এই হাস্যকর চিঠির মানে কি? তুমি কি আবার আমার ধৈর্য পরীক্ষা করছ?\"\n\nparagraph_id 14: অন্যত্র, লোকেরা চেসারে সম্পর্কে গসিপ করছিল। \"তুমি কি শুনেছ? লর্ড চেসারে তার ম্যানশনে একটি মেয়েকে লুকিয়ে রেখেছে। তিন দিন আগে, যখন অর্কেনিনা প্রতিনিধিদল মৎস্যকন্যার হৃদয় নিয়ে এসেছিল এবং তা প্রকাশ্যে ঘোষণা করেছিল, তখন কেউ তাকে একটি মেয়েকে খুব যত্ন সহকারে ধরে থাকতে দেখেছিল। একটি গুজব আছে যে লর্ড হেনরি ফেচ তাকে উত্যক্ত করেছিল এবং শাস্তি পেয়েছিল। বুয়োনাপার্ট পরিবার ফেচ পরিবার যে বিশাল পরিমাণ অর্থ ব্যবসার জন্য ধার নিয়েছিল তা পুরোপুরি তুলে নিয়েছে। সে কে হতে পারে? কে এমন যে লর্ড চেসারে বুয়োনাপার্টকে এত গভীরভাবে প্রেমে ফেলেছে?\"", "role": "assistant", "function_call": null, "tool_calls": null } } ], "created": 1718863814, "model": "gpt-4o-2024-05-13", "object": "chat.completion", "system_fingerprint": "fp_f4e629d0a5", "usage": { "completion_tokens": 2000, "prompt_tokens": 1389, "total_tokens": 3389 } } of model: gpt-4o setup_api_key_and_client of model: gpt-4o key_type: AZURE,,2024-02-15-preview, gpt-4o INFO:app.translate_gpt_back_common.helpers.translate_history_helper:add_percent_complete: b3b585c6-2ecb-11ef-9b1a-b22fcf60533e - 10% INFO:[CRUD History]:add_percent_complete: b3b585c6-2ecb-11ef-9b1a-b22fcf60533e - 10% : 14 : 14 process: Process-2 END process: Process-7 START translate_history.status_percentage {'_sa_instance_state': , 'tone': 'Friendly', 'used_model': 'gpt-4o', 'note': None, 'deleted_at': None, 'writing_style': 'Narrative', 'status': 1, 'file_size': 45247, 'trans_input': 'High Society video 3.docx', 'status_desc': '', 'file_password': None, 'uuid': 'b3b585c6-2ecb-11ef-9b1a-b22fcf60533e', 'input_file_path': 'flare_uploaded/21541/20240620_060948_092780/High Society video 3.docx', 'status_percentage': 11, 'user_id': 21541, 'trans_result': None, 'rating': '', 'error_message': '', 'origin_lang': 'english', 'type': 'translate-document', 'rating_content': '', 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 6, 20, 6, 9, 50), 'target_lang': 'bengali', 'estimated_token': 394830, 'translate_job_id': None, 'updated_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 6, 20, 6, 10, 19), 'id': 2909826, 'domain': 'Music & Audio', 'used_token': 0, 'custom_prompt': None} 11 open ai key: ********************0a393b1d42ea 0[{'role': 'system', 'content': 'Please use Friendly tone.'}, {'role': 'system', 'content': 'Please provide responses in Narrative writing style.'}, {'role': 'user', 'content': 'original_text: `paragraph_id 66: Jude quickly ran up to the rooftop to catch the culprit, but by the time he got there, she had already fled. He waved his hand, "Hey Cesare, the culprit ran too fast, I couldn\'t catch her." Cesare sighed, "Of course, she has already escaped." "Why did you climb up there?" "What? I can\'t hear anything. Speak louder!" Cesare ignored his friend and subtly reminded Adel, "Are you planning to meet me in that state?" Adel hurriedly covered herself and said, "Because my shawl flew away." Cesare had to give up on this girl, he said, "A shawl is not armor, don\'t get it confused." She replied, "Because it was an urgent matter..." Cesare smirked, "If I needed you for an urgent matter, would you run to me without thinking like this?"\nparagraph_id 67: Looking at Adel\'s expression at this moment, Cesare suddenly couldn\'t guess what she was thinking anymore. He took off his coat and draped it over her. While holding his forehead, lamenting her foolishness, a sudden pain surged. Cesare gritted his teeth and clutched his back. Adel immediately realized something was wrong. She bent down and asked worriedly, "Are you okay?"\nparagraph_id 68: Cesare frowned and thought to himself, "Look at yourself, now you\'re really worried about me?" He smirked, "She didn\'t even care about how I stepped on her own foot." He grinned mischievously and asked, "If I say I\'m in pain, will you treat me in my private room?" Their faces were closer than ever. Just as they were about to kiss, his friend Jude rushed over, shouting loudly, "Cesare, miss, are you both okay?" Cesare glared at him irritably, making Jude see but not understand anything. Cesare said, "Let\'s go to my office."\nparagraph_id 69: At this moment, a doctor had been called to tend to Cesare\'s wound. Fortunately, it wasn\'t too serious, but he was advised to avoid strenuous activity for the time being. Additionally, the doctor recommended that he quit smoking for a while. Cesare could only sigh in regret at this suggestion, as it meant giving up one of his favorite pastimes.\nparagraph_id 70: While the doctor was giving instructions, Adel remained standing there. She felt very guilty for having followed the maid despite her suspicions. Suddenly, Ebony burst through the door and shouted, "Master!" She hurriedly explained, "Since the young lady wasn\'t in her room, I went to look for her. What on earth happened?"\nparagraph_id 71: Cesare turned to respond, "Perfect timing, now explain everything." With that, Ebony recounted the entire incident without missing a single detail. After a while, she bowed deeply and apologized, "I was a bit suspicious when the house master asked for a report, but it was on Signora Flavia\'s orders." Cesare listened and couldn\'t help but sympathize with her.\nparagraph_id 72: Just then, his assistant Gigi entered and informed him, "As you instructed, I have ordered the guards to detain Signora Flavia Loredan. I have also ordered the arrest of anyone attempting to flee." Cesare asked coldly, "Is the Galley ship ready?" Gigi hesitated before replying, "Yes, it is. We will take Signora Flavia to that ship." Cesare extinguished his cigar and smiled cunningly, "Now, bring Lucrezia here. Immediately!"\nparagraph_id 73: That night, the moon had not yet set. There was a knock on Cesare\'s door, "Master, it\'s me, Gigi." Adel was extremely surprised, "Knocking? Clearly, Cesare told me when entering his room, do not knock." Cesare responded warmly, "You\'re here?" Adel couldn\'t believe it; he didn\'t seem to mind. She now deduced that the reason for not knocking on his door was that it served as a warning signal for danger, requiring preparation for action.\nparagraph_id 74: 6. Cesare glanced at her and commanded, "Adel, come here and sit next to me." She slowly approached him and sat beside him, about a hand\'s breadth away. Shortly after, the door opened with an announcement, "Miss Lucrezia Della Valle has arrived." Cesare reminded her, "You should sit a bit closer."\nparagraph_id 75: Lucrezia slowly stepped in, her face flushed with joy at seeing him. Cesare greeted her, "May the sea goddess bless you, daughter of the Della Valle family. I sincerely apologize for meeting you in this state." Lucrezia was stunned by the scene, her eyes wide with shock, "Cesare?"\nparagraph_id 76: Lucrezia glanced sideways at the person next to him, who was Adel, being embraced by him. She began to emit a terrifying aura. Cesare invited her, "Don\'t just stand there, please sit down." Lucrezia finally snapped out of it, her face blushing as she smiled again, "Um, yes." Cesare smirked at her range of expressions. Following her was a maid, but Adel suddenly froze when she realized it was a different maid. "Already changed maids!"\nparagraph_id 77: Cesare interrogated, "Is she the maid always by your side?" Lucrezia gracefully replied, "Yes, her name is Anes." Cesare deliberately asked again, "Isn\'t that right?" Lucrezia hastily covered up, "What do you mean? My maid has always been Anes, right Anes?" The maid trembled and responded, "Yes, my lady." Cesare gave her a sidelong glance and sarcastically remarked, "Indeed, Lady Lucrezia acts very swiftly. If it weren\'t for the engagement, we would be a great team in business."\nparagraph_id 78: Lucrezia broke out in a cold sweat, "Ah, thank... thank you, sir." Cesare immediately mocked, "Really? Do you truly want to thank me for that?" Lucrezia continued to feign innocence, "Yes." Adel felt Lucrezia was utterly disgusting, as if Lucrezia had completely forgotten her intent to kill Adel. So, her mind was filled only with the image of Cesare.\nparagraph_id 79: After a moment, Lucrezia spoke up, "Sir... are you in pain?" Cesare replied, "Oh, this?" He glanced towards Adel. She seemed to sense he was signaling something and played along, "I caught a mermaid falling from the sky."`. Translate to bengali using Music & Audio terminology\n. Grammatically correct, never break words. Remove quotation marks at the beginning and end of the result, return only translated text in format paragraph_id, do not include original_text.\nbengali text:'}] INFO:httpx:HTTP Request: POST "HTTP/1.1 429 Too Many Requests" (most recent call last): File "/app/app/translate_gpt_back_common/services/", line 324, in translate_paragraph response = ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/", line 245, in wrapped return cast(APIResponse[R], func(*args, **kwargs)) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/_utils/", line 272, in wrapper return func(*args, **kwargs) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/resources/chat/", line 645, in create return self._post( ^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/", line 1088, in post return cast(ResponseT, self.request(cast_to, opts, stream=stream, stream_cls=stream_cls)) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/", line 853, in request return self._request( ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/", line 930, in _request raise self._make_status_error_from_response(err.response) from None openai.RateLimitError: Error code: 429 - {'error': {'code': '429', 'message': 'Requests to the ChatCompletions_Create Operation under Azure OpenAI API version 2024-02-15-preview have exceeded token rate limit of your current OpenAI S0 pricing tier. Please retry after 86400 seconds. Please go here: if you would like to further increase the default rate limit.'}} key: ********************0a393b1d42ea INFO:app.translate_gpt_back_common.crud.crud_openai_api_key:set_usable_at: ********************0a393b1d42ea - gpt-4o - 2024-06-20 06:11:42.230166 of model: gpt-4o setup_api_key_and_client of model: gpt-4o key_type: AZURE,,2024-02-15-preview, gpt-4o open ai key: ********************b876d18dfcfc 1[{'role': 'system', 'content': 'Please use Friendly tone.'}, {'role': 'system', 'content': 'Please provide responses in Narrative writing style.'}, {'role': 'user', 'content': 'original_text: `paragraph_id 66: Jude quickly ran up to the rooftop to catch the culprit, but by the time he got there, she had already fled. He waved his hand, "Hey Cesare, the culprit ran too fast, I couldn\'t catch her." Cesare sighed, "Of course, she has already escaped." "Why did you climb up there?" "What? I can\'t hear anything. Speak louder!" Cesare ignored his friend and subtly reminded Adel, "Are you planning to meet me in that state?" Adel hurriedly covered herself and said, "Because my shawl flew away." Cesare had to give up on this girl, he said, "A shawl is not armor, don\'t get it confused." She replied, "Because it was an urgent matter..." Cesare smirked, "If I needed you for an urgent matter, would you run to me without thinking like this?"\nparagraph_id 67: Looking at Adel\'s expression at this moment, Cesare suddenly couldn\'t guess what she was thinking anymore. He took off his coat and draped it over her. While holding his forehead, lamenting her foolishness, a sudden pain surged. Cesare gritted his teeth and clutched his back. Adel immediately realized something was wrong. She bent down and asked worriedly, "Are you okay?"\nparagraph_id 68: Cesare frowned and thought to himself, "Look at yourself, now you\'re really worried about me?" He smirked, "She didn\'t even care about how I stepped on her own foot." He grinned mischievously and asked, "If I say I\'m in pain, will you treat me in my private room?" Their faces were closer than ever. Just as they were about to kiss, his friend Jude rushed over, shouting loudly, "Cesare, miss, are you both okay?" Cesare glared at him irritably, making Jude see but not understand anything. Cesare said, "Let\'s go to my office."\nparagraph_id 69: At this moment, a doctor had been called to tend to Cesare\'s wound. Fortunately, it wasn\'t too serious, but he was advised to avoid strenuous activity for the time being. Additionally, the doctor recommended that he quit smoking for a while. Cesare could only sigh in regret at this suggestion, as it meant giving up one of his favorite pastimes.\nparagraph_id 70: While the doctor was giving instructions, Adel remained standing there. She felt very guilty for having followed the maid despite her suspicions. Suddenly, Ebony burst through the door and shouted, "Master!" She hurriedly explained, "Since the young lady wasn\'t in her room, I went to look for her. What on earth happened?"\nparagraph_id 71: Cesare turned to respond, "Perfect timing, now explain everything." With that, Ebony recounted the entire incident without missing a single detail. After a while, she bowed deeply and apologized, "I was a bit suspicious when the house master asked for a report, but it was on Signora Flavia\'s orders." Cesare listened and couldn\'t help but sympathize with her.\nparagraph_id 72: Just then, his assistant Gigi entered and informed him, "As you instructed, I have ordered the guards to detain Signora Flavia Loredan. I have also ordered the arrest of anyone attempting to flee." Cesare asked coldly, "Is the Galley ship ready?" Gigi hesitated before replying, "Yes, it is. We will take Signora Flavia to that ship." Cesare extinguished his cigar and smiled cunningly, "Now, bring Lucrezia here. Immediately!"\nparagraph_id 73: That night, the moon had not yet set. There was a knock on Cesare\'s door, "Master, it\'s me, Gigi." Adel was extremely surprised, "Knocking? Clearly, Cesare told me when entering his room, do not knock." Cesare responded warmly, "You\'re here?" Adel couldn\'t believe it; he didn\'t seem to mind. She now deduced that the reason for not knocking on his door was that it served as a warning signal for danger, requiring preparation for action.\nparagraph_id 74: 6. Cesare glanced at her and commanded, "Adel, come here and sit next to me." She slowly approached him and sat beside him, about a hand\'s breadth away. Shortly after, the door opened with an announcement, "Miss Lucrezia Della Valle has arrived." Cesare reminded her, "You should sit a bit closer."\nparagraph_id 75: Lucrezia slowly stepped in, her face flushed with joy at seeing him. Cesare greeted her, "May the sea goddess bless you, daughter of the Della Valle family. I sincerely apologize for meeting you in this state." Lucrezia was stunned by the scene, her eyes wide with shock, "Cesare?"\nparagraph_id 76: Lucrezia glanced sideways at the person next to him, who was Adel, being embraced by him. She began to emit a terrifying aura. Cesare invited her, "Don\'t just stand there, please sit down." Lucrezia finally snapped out of it, her face blushing as she smiled again, "Um, yes." Cesare smirked at her range of expressions. Following her was a maid, but Adel suddenly froze when she realized it was a different maid. "Already changed maids!"\nparagraph_id 77: Cesare interrogated, "Is she the maid always by your side?" Lucrezia gracefully replied, "Yes, her name is Anes." Cesare deliberately asked again, "Isn\'t that right?" Lucrezia hastily covered up, "What do you mean? My maid has always been Anes, right Anes?" The maid trembled and responded, "Yes, my lady." Cesare gave her a sidelong glance and sarcastically remarked, "Indeed, Lady Lucrezia acts very swiftly. If it weren\'t for the engagement, we would be a great team in business."\nparagraph_id 78: Lucrezia broke out in a cold sweat, "Ah, thank... thank you, sir." Cesare immediately mocked, "Really? Do you truly want to thank me for that?" Lucrezia continued to feign innocence, "Yes." Adel felt Lucrezia was utterly disgusting, as if Lucrezia had completely forgotten her intent to kill Adel. So, her mind was filled only with the image of Cesare.\nparagraph_id 79: After a moment, Lucrezia spoke up, "Sir... are you in pain?" Cesare replied, "Oh, this?" He glanced towards Adel. She seemed to sense he was signaling something and played along, "I caught a mermaid falling from the sky."`. Translate to bengali using Music & Audio terminology\n. Grammatically correct, never break words. Remove quotation marks at the beginning and end of the result, return only translated text in format paragraph_id, do not include original_text.\nbengali text:'}], APIError (most recent call last): File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/httpx/_transports/", line 69, in map_httpcore_exceptions yield File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/httpx/_transports/", line 233, in handle_request resp = self._pool.handle_request(req) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/httpcore/_sync/", line 216, in handle_request raise exc from None File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/httpcore/_sync/", line 196, in handle_request response = connection.handle_request( ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/httpcore/_sync/", line 99, in handle_request raise exc File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/httpcore/_sync/", line 76, in handle_request stream = self._connect(request) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/httpcore/_sync/", line 122, in _connect stream = self._network_backend.connect_tcp(**kwargs) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/httpcore/_backends/", line 205, in connect_tcp with map_exceptions(exc_map): File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/", line 158, in __exit__ self.gen.throw(typ, value, traceback) File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/httpcore/", line 14, in map_exceptions raise to_exc(exc) from exc httpcore.ConnectError: [Errno -2] Name or service not known The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/", line 877, in _request response = self._client.send( ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/httpx/", line 914, in send response = self._send_handling_auth( ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/httpx/", line 942, in _send_handling_auth response = self._send_handling_redirects( ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/httpx/", line 979, in _send_handling_redirects response = self._send_single_request(request) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/httpx/", line 1015, in _send_single_request response = transport.handle_request(request) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/httpx/_transports/", line 232, in handle_request with map_httpcore_exceptions(): File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/", line 158, in __exit__ self.gen.throw(typ, value, traceback) File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/httpx/_transports/", line 86, in map_httpcore_exceptions raise mapped_exc(message) from exc httpx.ConnectError: [Errno -2] Name or service not known The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/app/app/translate_gpt_back_common/services/", line 324, in translate_paragraph response = ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/", line 245, in wrapped return cast(APIResponse[R], func(*args, **kwargs)) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/_utils/", line 272, in wrapper return func(*args, **kwargs) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/resources/chat/", line 645, in create return self._post( ^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/", line 1088, in post return cast(ResponseT, self.request(cast_to, opts, stream=stream, stream_cls=stream_cls)) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/", line 853, in request return self._request( ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/", line 905, in _request raise APIConnectionError(request=request) from err openai.APIConnectionError: Connection error. INFO:httpx:HTTP Request: POST "HTTP/1.1 200 OK"[x-ratelimit-limit-requests]: 5000[x-ratelimit-remaining-requests]: 4999[x-ratelimit-reset-requests]: 12ms{ "id": "chatcmpl-9c5Hp8NlI9osIyz7iCJD3lNcDaaPD", "choices": [ { "finish_reason": "stop", "index": 0, "logprobs": null, "message": { "content": "paragraph_id 15: গুজবটি ছড়িয়ে পড়ল, মিসেস ফ্লাভিয়া অস্থির হয়ে উঠলেন, স্থির হয়ে বসতে পারলেন না। তিনি নীরবে সিদ্ধান্ত নিলেন, \"আমি অবশ্যই সেই ধূর্ত, অহংকারী জুতো পালিশ করা মেয়েটিকে বুয়োনাপার্ট বাড়ি থেকে তাড়িয়ে দেব।\" দরজা খুলে ফ্লাভিয়া জোরে চিৎকার করলেন, \"আডেল!\" কিন্তু তার চোখ হঠাৎ স্থির হয়ে গেল, \"অসম্ভব! মাত্র তিন দিন হয়েছে, কিভাবে সেই মেয়ে এত সুন্দর হয়ে উঠল? তার ক্ষীণ গাল ধীরে ধীরে পূর্ণ হয়ে উঠেছে। এটা কি তার ময়লা শরীরের ক্ষত প্রায় সেরে যাওয়ার কারণে? সে যেন এক সাইরেন, কিংবদন্তির নাবিকদের প্রলুব্ধ করছে।\"\n\nparagraph_id 16: হঠাৎ, আডেলের কণ্ঠস্বর তাকে বাস্তবতায় ফিরিয়ে আনল। বর্তমান সময়ে ফিরে আসার সাথে সাথে, তিনি আডেলকে বকতে থাকলেন, \"তুমি ইচ্ছাকৃতভাবে ঘুরে বেড়াচ্ছিলে যাতে তোমার ভেজা শরীর এবং সেই মোটা খালি পা দিয়ে অভিজাতদের প্রলুব্ধ করতে পারো।\" যদিও আডেল সেই অপমানজনক কথা শুনতে সহ্য করতে পারছিল না, তবুও সে তার মুখ নিচু করে বলল, \"আমি দুঃখিত।\"\n\nparagraph_id 17: এবনি বিনয়ের সাথে হস্তক্ষেপ করার অনুমতি চাইলেন, \"আমি সিগনোরার মতো শিষ্টাচার সম্পর্কে বেশি জানি না, কিন্তু আমি মনে করি তরুণীর হাঁটার ধরন ইতিমধ্যেই লা বেলা ফিগুরার মতো। আমি বিশ্বাস করি এই সমস্ত অর্জন সিগনোরার নিবেদিত শিক্ষার কারণে। তাহলে কেন সিগনোরা পরবর্তী পাঠে এগিয়ে যান না যাতে তরুণী আরও শিখতে পারে?\"\n\nparagraph_id 18: ফ্লাভিয়া অত্যন্ত বিরক্ত হলেন, \"তাহলে সেই মেয়েটি এবনিকে সহানুভূতি অর্জনের জন্য নিয়োগ করেছে। কিন্তু লর্ড সিজার এখনও আমাকে দেখছেন, আমি কিছু করতে পারছি না।\" শেষ পর্যন্ত, তিনি এবনির প্রস্তাবে সম্মতি দিলেন, কিন্তু ফ্লাভিয়া আডেলকে সম্পূর্ণরূপে শিক্ষিত করতে ভুলবেন না, যেমন তিনি তাকে হাঁটা শিখিয়েছিলেন।\n\nparagraph_id 19: পাঠ শেষ হল বিকেলে, এবং ফ্লাভিয়া তার বাসস্থানে ফিরে গেলেন। আজকের পাঠ এত মসৃণভাবে চলল যে এটি তাকে খুব অস্বস্তিকর করে তুলল, কিন্তু তাকে আডেলের শেখার গতি এবং দক্ষতায় মুগ্ধ হতে হল। অন্যান্য তরুণীদের মতো যারা ভুল করলে কান্নাকাটি এবং অভিমান করত, আডেল কোন অলসতা দেখায়নি, তাকে সমালোচনা করার কোন সুযোগ দেয়নি।\n\nparagraph_id 20: রাগান্বিত অবস্থায়, একটি উচ্চস্বরে কণ্ঠস্বর তাকে ডাকল। এটি ছিল লুক্রেজিয়া ডেলা ভ্যালি। তিনি এত আকর্ষণীয় এবং সুন্দর দেখাচ্ছিলেন যে কয়েকজনই তুলনা করতে পারত। এমনকি মিসেস ফ্লাভিয়া খুব সন্তুষ্ট ছিলেন কারণ এটি এমন একটি মেয়ে ছিল যা অনেক মহিলার দ্বারা প্রশংসিত হয়েছিল। \"সমুদ্র দেবী তোমাকে আশীর্বাদ করুন। সিগনোরা ফ্লাভিয়া, আপনি এখনও খুব সুস্থ দেখাচ্ছেন।\"\n\nparagraph_id 21: ফ্লাভিয়া জিজ্ঞাসা করলেন, \"তোমার কি বুয়োনাপার্টে কোন কাজ আছে?\" লুক্রেজিয়া উত্তর দিলেন, \"আমি শুনেছি উচ্চ শ্রেণীর সবাই এখানে আসছে, তাই আমি চলে এলাম। মনে হচ্ছে অর্কেনিনা দূতদের জন্য একটি বড় পার্টি হবে, তাই না?\" ফ্লাভিয়া উত্তর দিলেন, \"আমি মনে করি তাই।\" কথোপকথনের সময়, ফ্লাভিয়া সিজারের কথা উল্লেখ করলেন, যার ফলে লুক্রেজিয়ার গাল সামান্য লাল হয়ে গেল। তিনি একটি দুঃখী এবং দুর্বল অভিব্যক্তি নিয়ে বললেন, \"আমি ভাবছি লর্ড সিজার কেমন আছেন? আমি বন্দী ছিলাম এবং তাকে অনেক দিন দেখিনি। বিশেষ কিছু ঘটেনি, তাই না?\"\n\nparagraph_id 22: ফ্লাভিয়া নিশ্চিত ছিলেন লুক্রেজিয়া এটি শুনেছেন। যাই হোক, এটি অবশেষে প্রকাশিত হবে, তাই শুধু বলুন এটি লর্ড সিজারের বোন। এটি ভেবে, ফ্লাভিয়া শুরু করলেন, \"মনে হচ্ছে তুমি গুজব শুনেছ। তিনি হলেন...\" কিন্তু হঠাৎ, তিনি থেমে গেলেন, এবং একটি নীরব শূন্যতা তাদের দুজনকে ঘিরে ধরল। লুক্রেজিয়া, একটি উজ্জ্বল এবং বিনয়ী কণ্ঠে জিজ্ঞাসা করলেন, \"সিগনোরা ফ্লাভিয়া, এটি কি আমার পক্ষে অভদ্র ছিল?\" ফ্লাভিয়া স্থির হয়ে দাঁড়িয়ে ভাবলেন, \"সেই জুতো পালিশ করা মেয়েটিকে তাড়ানো আমার কাজ হতে হবে না।\"\n\nparagraph_id 23: ফ্লাভিয়া কৌশলে হাসলেন, \"লর্ড সিজার আমাকে একবার সতর্ক করেছেন। আমি জানি না যদি আমি এভাবে চালিয়ে যাই তাহলে কি হবে। কিন্তু যদি লেডি লুক্রেজিয়া হস্তক্ষেপ করেন? যদিও তিনি মার্জিত এবং বিনয়ী, যদি তার শুধুমাত্র সেই সরলতা থাকে, তিনি লর্ড সিজারের বাগদত্তার অবস্থান একচেটিয়া করতে পারবেন না।\"\n\nparagraph_id 24: এটি ভেবে, ফ্লাভিয়া এখন কিছু ইঙ্গিত দিতে দ্বিধা করলেন না, \"লেডি লুক্রেজিয়া, মনোযোগ দিয়ে শুনুন। গুজবে থাকা মেয়েটি বুয়োনাপার্ট পরিবারের সরাসরি রক্তধারা বহন করে।\" লুক্রেজিয়ার চোখ বড় হয়ে গেল, এবং তিনি বিস্ময়ে বললেন, \"ওহ আমার, তাহলে লর্ড রোয়ান এবং সিগনোরা কাতারিনার একটি মেয়ে আছে? আমি মনে করি আমি ভুল বুঝেছি। কত লজ্জার!\"\n\nparagraph_id 25: \"এটি শুধুমাত্র একটি ভুল বোঝাবুঝি নয়, আডেল স্পষ্টতই বুয়োনাপার্ট পরিবারের সদস্য, সিজারের বোন।\" ফ্লাভিয়া চলে যাওয়ার জন্য ঘুরলেন, তার মার্জিত টুপি তার মুখের অর্ধেক ঢেকে রেখেছিল, শুধুমাত্র তার মুখ সামান্য নড়ছিল, \"নামমাত্র, হ্যাঁ, কিন্তু বাস্তবে, কে জানে সে রাস্তার এক অনাথ থেকে এসেছে কিনা। আমাদের কি লর্ড রোয়ান এবং সিগনোরা কাতারিনার সাথে সরাসরি জিজ্ঞাসা করা উচিত নয়?\" তিনি লুক্রেজিয়ার দিকে ফিরে তাকালেন, \"যদি তিনি বুদ্ধিমান হন, তিনি অবশ্যই ইঙ্গিতটি ধরবেন।\" লুক্রেজিয়া কিছুক্ষণ নীরব ছিলেন, তারপর তিনি তাকালেন, তার চোখ হাসছিল যখন তিনি বললেন, \"আপনাকে ধন্যবাদ, সিগনোরা। আপনার জন্য, আমি আলোকিত হয়েছি।\"\n\nparagraph_id 26: আডেলের জীবন কিছু সময়ের জন্য শান্ত হয়ে গেল। একদিন, আডেল সত্যিই হাঁটতে চেয়েছিলেন, কিন্তু সেই ঘটনার পরে, তিনি খুব ভয় পেয়েছিলেন লর্ড সিজার তাকে বকবেন। কিন্তু এবনি বলেছিলেন যে বুয়োনাপার্ট পরিবারের অতিথিরা সিংহ বাগানে ঘন ঘন আসবেন, আডেল জলজ বাগানে ঘুরতে পারেন।\n\nparagraph_id 27: সেই দিনের পরে, এবনি প্রতিটি অতিথির সময়সূচী গবেষণা করেছিলেন এবং তিনি সাধারণের চেয়ে বন্ধুত্বপূর্ণ হয়ে উঠেছিলেন। আডেল নরমভাবে হাসলেন, অবশ্যই, এটি কৃতজ্ঞতা থেকে। তিনি ধন্যবাদ জানালেন এবং এক চুমুক চা খেলেন। এবনি চুপচাপ তার সামনে থাকা মেয়েটিকে স্নেহময় চোখে দেখছিলেন। যেমন এবনি বলেছিলেন, জলজ বাগানটি একটি খুব সুন্দর জায়গা ছিল। ঠান্ডা পরিবেশের জন্য, মানুষের মনও আরও আনন্দিত হয়ে উঠেছিল।\n\nparagraph_id 28: \"ওহ স্বর্গ, এখানে কি কেউ আছে?\" আডেল শব্দের উৎসের দিকে ঘুরলেন, এবং এটি ছিল লুক্রেজিয়া। তিনি আশা করেননি যে তিনি এখানে উপস্থিত হবেন। এবনি ভ্রু কুঁচকে ফিসফিস করে বললেন, \"এটি লেডি লুক্রেজিয়া ডেলা ভ্যালি।\" সেই নামটি শুনে, আডেলের চোখ বড় হয়ে গেল। তিনি তার পোশাক আঁকড়ে ধরলেন এবং উত্তেজিত হলেন, \"আমরা ইতিমধ্যে দেখা করেছি।\" চাপ অনুভব করলেও, আডেল তার পোশাক তুললেন এবং একটি অভিবাদন অনুষ্ঠান করলেন, \"সমুদ্রের দেবী তোমাকে আশীর্বাদ করুন।\" আডেলের নিখুঁত অভিজাত আচরণ লুক্রেজিয়াকে দৃশ্যত বিস্মিত করল।", "role": "assistant", "function_call": null, "tool_calls": null } } ], "created": 1718863813, "model": "gpt-4o-2024-05-13", "object": "chat.completion", "system_fingerprint": "fp_f4e629d0a5", "usage": { "completion_tokens": 2041, "prompt_tokens": 1428, "total_tokens": 3469 } } of model: gpt-4o setup_api_key_and_client of model: gpt-4o key_type: AZURE,,2024-02-15-preview, gpt-4o INFO:app.translate_gpt_back_common.helpers.translate_history_helper:add_percent_complete: b3b585c6-2ecb-11ef-9b1a-b22fcf60533e - 10% INFO:[CRUD History]:add_percent_complete: b3b585c6-2ecb-11ef-9b1a-b22fcf60533e - 10% : 14 : 14 process: Process-3 END process: Process-8 START translate_history.status_percentage {'_sa_instance_state': , 'tone': 'Friendly', 'used_model': 'gpt-4o', 'note': None, 'deleted_at': None, 'writing_style': 'Narrative', 'status': 1, 'file_size': 45247, 'trans_input': 'High Society video 3.docx', 'status_desc': '', 'file_password': None, 'uuid': 'b3b585c6-2ecb-11ef-9b1a-b22fcf60533e', 'input_file_path': 'flare_uploaded/21541/20240620_060948_092780/High Society video 3.docx', 'status_percentage': 21, 'user_id': 21541, 'trans_result': None, 'rating': '', 'error_message': '', 'origin_lang': 'english', 'type': 'translate-document', 'rating_content': '', 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 6, 20, 6, 9, 50), 'target_lang': 'bengali', 'estimated_token': 394830, 'translate_job_id': None, 'updated_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 6, 20, 6, 10, 40), 'id': 2909826, 'domain': 'Music & Audio', 'used_token': 0, 'custom_prompt': None} 21 google {'result': 'paragraph_id 66: জুড অপরাধীকে ধরার জন্য দ্রুত ছাদে দৌড়ে গেল, কিন্তু সে যখন সেখানে পৌঁছল ততক্ষণে সে পালিয়ে গেছে। তিনি হাত নেড়ে বললেন, "আরে সিজার, অপরাধী খুব দ্রুত দৌড়েছিল, আমি তাকে ধরতে পারিনি।" সিজার দীর্ঘশ্বাস ফেললেন, "অবশ্যই, সে ইতিমধ্যেই পালিয়ে গেছে।" "আপনি সেখানে উঠলেন কেন?" "কি? আমি কিছু শুনতে পাচ্ছি না। জোরে কথা বল!" সিজার তার বন্ধুকে উপেক্ষা করে আদেলকে সূক্ষ্মভাবে মনে করিয়ে দিল, "তুমি কি সেই অবস্থায় আমার সাথে দেখা করার পরিকল্পনা করছ?" আদেল তাড়াতাড়ি নিজেকে ঢেকে বলল, "কারণ আমার শাল উড়ে গেছে।" সিজারকে এই মেয়েটিকে ছেড়ে দিতে হয়েছিল, তিনি বলেছিলেন, "একটি শাল বর্ম নয়, এটিকে বিভ্রান্ত করবেন না।" সে উত্তর দিল, "কারণ এটা একটা জরুরী ব্যাপার ছিল..." সিজার হেসে বলল, "যদি আমার একটা জরুরী বিষয়ে তোমাকে দরকার হয়, তুমি কি এইরকম চিন্তা না করে আমার কাছে ছুটে যাবে?"\nparagraph_id 67: এই মুহুর্তে আদেলের অভিব্যক্তির দিকে তাকিয়ে, সিজার হঠাৎ করে সে আর কী ভাবছে তা অনুমান করতে পারেনি। সে তার কোট খুলে তার উপর ঢেকে দিল। কপাল চেপে ধরে, তার বোকামি বিলাপ করতে করতে, হঠাৎ ব্যথা বেড়ে গেল। সিজার দাঁতে দাঁত চেপে পিঠে চেপে ধরল। আদেল তখনই বুঝতে পারল কিছু একটা ভুল হয়েছে। সে মাথা নিচু করে উদ্বিগ্ন হয়ে জিজ্ঞেস করল, "তুমি ঠিক আছো?"\nparagraph_id 68: সিজার ভ্রুকুটি করে মনে মনে ভাবলেন, "নিজের দিকে তাকাও, এখন তুমি সত্যিই আমাকে নিয়ে চিন্তিত?" তিনি হাসলেন, "আমি কীভাবে তার নিজের পায়ে পা রাখলাম সে সম্পর্কে সে চিন্তাও করেনি।" তিনি দুষ্টুমি করে হেসে জিজ্ঞেস করলেন, "যদি বলি আমি ব্যাথায় আছি, তুমি কি আমার ব্যক্তিগত ঘরে আমার চিকিৎসা করবে?" তাদের মুখ আগের চেয়ে কাছাকাছি ছিল। তারা যখন চুম্বন করতে যাচ্ছিল, তখন তার বন্ধু জুড ছুটে এল, জোরে চিৎকার করে বলল, "সিজার, মিস, তুমি দুজনেই ঠিক আছ?" সিজার বিরক্ত হয়ে তার দিকে তাকাল, জুডকে দেখে কিন্তু কিছুই বুঝতে পারল না। সিজার বললেন, চল আমার অফিসে যাই।\nparagraph_id 69: এই মুহুর্তে, সিজারের ক্ষত মেরামতের জন্য একজন ডাক্তারকে ডাকা হয়েছিল। ভাগ্যক্রমে, এটি খুব গুরুতর ছিল না, তবে তাকে আপাতত কঠোর কার্যকলাপ এড়াতে পরামর্শ দেওয়া হয়েছিল। উপরন্তু, ডাক্তার তাকে কিছু সময়ের জন্য ধূমপান ছেড়ে দেওয়ার পরামর্শ দিয়েছেন। সিজার এই পরামর্শে কেবল অনুশোচনায় দীর্ঘশ্বাস ফেলতে পারে, কারণ এর অর্থ ছিল তার প্রিয় বিনোদনের একটি ছেড়ে দেওয়া।\nparagraph_id 70: ডাক্তার যখন নির্দেশ দিচ্ছিলেন, আদেল সেখানেই দাঁড়িয়ে রইল। তার সন্দেহ থাকা সত্ত্বেও দাসীকে অনুসরণ করার জন্য সে নিজেকে খুব অপরাধী মনে করেছিল। হঠাৎ, আবলুস দরজা ভেদ করে চিৎকার করে উঠল, "ওস্তাদ!" তিনি দ্রুত ব্যাখ্যা করলেন, "যেহেতু যুবতীটি তার ঘরে ছিল না, আমি তাকে খুঁজতে গিয়েছিলাম। পৃথিবীতে কী ঘটেছে?"\nparagraph_id 71: সিজার উত্তরে ফিরে বললেন, "পারফেক্ট টাইমিং, এখন সবকিছু ব্যাখ্যা করুন।" এর সাথে, ইবোনি একটিও বিশদ মিস না করে পুরো ঘটনাটি বর্ণনা করেছিলেন। কিছুক্ষণ পর, তিনি গভীরভাবে মাথা নত করলেন এবং ক্ষমা চাইলেন, "হাউস মাস্টার যখন রিপোর্ট চেয়েছিলেন তখন আমি কিছুটা সন্দেহজনক ছিলাম, কিন্তু এটি সিগনোরা ফ্লাভিয়ার নির্দেশে ছিল।" সিজার শুনলেন এবং তার প্রতি সহানুভূতি প্রকাশ করতে পারলেন না।\nparagraph_id 72: ঠিক তখনই, তার সহকারী গিগি প্রবেশ করে তাকে জানায়, "আপনি যেমন নির্দেশ দিয়েছেন, আমি রক্ষীদের নির্দেশ দিয়েছি সিগনোরা ফ্লাভিয়া লোরেডানকে আটক করতে। যে কেউ পালানোর চেষ্টা করছে তাকে গ্রেপ্তার করারও নির্দেশ দিয়েছি।" সিজার ঠান্ডা গলায় জিজ্ঞেস করলেন, "গ্যালি জাহাজ কি প্রস্তুত?" গিগি উত্তর দেওয়ার আগে ইতস্তত করে, "হ্যাঁ, তাই। আমরা সিগনোরা ফ্লাভিয়াকে সেই জাহাজে নিয়ে যাব।" সিজার তার সিগার নিভিয়ে দিয়ে ধূর্ত হেসে বলল, "এখন, লুক্রেজিয়াকে এখানে নিয়ে এসো। অবিলম্বে!"\nparagraph_id 73: সেদিন রাতে চাঁদ তখনও অস্ত যায় নি। সিজারের দরজায় টোকা পড়ল, "মাস্টার, এটা আমি, গিগি।" আদেল খুব অবাক হয়ে বলল, "নক করছিস? স্পষ্টতই, সিজার তার ঘরে ঢুকতেই আমাকে বলেছিল, নক করো না।" সিজার উষ্ণভাবে উত্তর দিলেন, "আপনি এখানে?" আদেল এটা বিশ্বাস করতে পারেনি; তার মনে হয় না। তিনি এখন অনুমান করেছেন যে তার দরজায় ধাক্কা না দেওয়ার কারণ ছিল যে এটি বিপদের জন্য একটি সতর্কতা সংকেত হিসাবে কাজ করেছিল, যা পদক্ষেপের জন্য প্রস্তুতির প্রয়োজন ছিল।\nparagraph_id 74: 6. সিজার তার দিকে তাকালেন এবং আদেশ দেন, "আদেল, এখানে এসে আমার পাশে বসুন।" সে ধীরে ধীরে তার কাছে এসে তার পাশে বসল, প্রায় এক হাত দূরে। কিছুক্ষণ পরেই দরজা খুলে গেল ঘোষণা দিয়ে, "মিস লুক্রেজিয়া ডেলা ভ্যালে এসেছেন।" সিজার তাকে মনে করিয়ে দিলেন, "তোমার একটু কাছাকাছি বসতে হবে।"\nparagraph_id 75: লুক্রেজিয়া ধীরে ধীরে ভিতরে প্রবেশ করল, তাকে দেখে তার মুখ আনন্দে ভেসে উঠল। সিজার তাকে অভিবাদন জানিয়েছিলেন, "সমুদ্র দেবী তোমার মঙ্গল করুক, ডেলা ভ্যালে পরিবারের কন্যা। এই অবস্থায় তোমার সাথে দেখা করার জন্য আমি আন্তরিকভাবে ক্ষমাপ্রার্থী।" লুক্রেজিয়া এই দৃশ্য দেখে স্তব্ধ হয়ে গেল, চমকে চোখ মেলে বলল, "সিজার?"\nparagraph_id 76: লুক্রেজিয়া পাশের লোকটির দিকে তাকাল, যিনি আদেল ছিলেন, তাকে জড়িয়ে ধরেছিলেন। সে ভয়ঙ্কর আভা নিঃসরণ করতে লাগল। সিজার তাকে আমন্ত্রণ জানিয়েছিলেন, "শুধু সেখানে দাঁড়াবেন না, দয়া করে বসুন।" লুক্রেজিয়া অবশেষে তা থেকে বেরিয়ে এল, তার মুখ লাল হয়ে গেল যখন সে আবার হাসল, "উম, হ্যাঁ।" সিজার তার অভিব্যক্তির পরিসরে হাসলেন। তাকে অনুসরণ করছিল একজন দাসী, কিন্তু আদেল হঠাৎ হিম হয়ে গেল যখন সে বুঝতে পারল যে এটা অন্য একজন দাসী। "ইতিমধ্যে পরিবর্তিত দাসী!"\nparagraph_id 77: সিজার জিজ্ঞাসা করলেন, "সে কি দাসী সবসময় তোমার পাশে থাকে?" লুক্রেজিয়া করুণভাবে উত্তর দিল, "হ্যাঁ, তার নাম আনিস।" সিজার ইচ্ছাকৃতভাবে আবার জিজ্ঞাসা করলেন, "ঠিক তাই না?" লুক্রেজিয়া তাড়াহুড়ো করে ঢেকে ফেলল, "মানে কি? আমার দাসী বরাবরই আনিস, ঠিক আনিস?" দাসী কাঁপতে কাঁপতে জবাব দিল, "হ্যাঁ, আমার ভদ্রমহিলা।" সিজার তাকে একদৃষ্টিতে একদৃষ্টিতে দেখেছিলেন এবং ব্যঙ্গ করে মন্তব্য করেছিলেন, "প্রকৃতপক্ষে, লেডি লুক্রেজিয়া খুব দ্রুত কাজ করে। যদি এটি বাগদানের জন্য না হতো, আমরা ব্যবসায় একটি দুর্দান্ত দল হতাম।"\nparagraph_id 78: লুক্রেজিয়া ঠান্ডা ঘামে ভেঙ্গে পড়ল, "আহ, ধন্যবাদ... ধন্যবাদ, স্যার।" সিজার সাথে সাথে ঠাট্টা করে বললো, "সত্যিই? তুমি কি সত্যিই এর জন্য আমাকে ধন্যবাদ দিতে চাও?" লুক্রেজিয়া নির্দোষতার জাহির করতে থাকে, "হ্যাঁ।" অ্যাডেল অনুভব করলেন লুক্রেজিয়া একেবারেই ঘৃণ্য, যেন লুক্রেজিয়া আদেলকে হত্যা করার তার উদ্দেশ্য পুরোপুরি ভুলে গেছে। সুতরাং, তার মন কেবল সিজারের প্রতিচ্ছবিতে ভরে গেল।\nparagraph_id 79: কিছুক্ষণ পর লুক্রেজিয়া বলল, "স্যার... আপনি কি ব্যাথা পাচ্ছেন?" সিজার উত্তর দিলেন, "ওহ, এই?" সে আদেলের দিকে তাকাল। তিনি অনুভব করলেন যে তিনি কিছু ইঙ্গিত করছেন এবং সাথে খেললেন, "আমি আকাশ থেকে পড়ে থাকা একটি মারমেইডকে ধরেছি।"', 'total_tokens': 44820, 'prompt_tokens': 44820, 'trans_by_google': 'Jude quick... the sky."'} INFO:app.translate_gpt_back_common.helpers.translate_history_helper:add_percent_complete: b3b585c6-2ecb-11ef-9b1a-b22fcf60533e - 10% INFO:[CRUD History]:add_percent_complete: b3b585c6-2ecb-11ef-9b1a-b22fcf60533e - 10% : 14 : 14 process: Process-7 END process: Process-9 START translate_history.status_percentage {'_sa_instance_state': , 'tone': 'Friendly', 'used_model': 'gpt-4o', 'note': None, 'deleted_at': None, 'writing_style': 'Narrative', 'status': 1, 'file_size': 45247, 'trans_input': 'High Society video 3.docx', 'status_desc': '', 'file_password': None, 'uuid': 'b3b585c6-2ecb-11ef-9b1a-b22fcf60533e', 'input_file_path': 'flare_uploaded/21541/20240620_060948_092780/High Society video 3.docx', 'status_percentage': 31, 'user_id': 21541, 'trans_result': None, 'rating': '', 'error_message': '', 'origin_lang': 'english', 'type': 'translate-document', 'rating_content': '', 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 6, 20, 6, 9, 50), 'target_lang': 'bengali', 'estimated_token': 394830, 'translate_job_id': None, 'updated_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 6, 20, 6, 10, 52), 'id': 2909826, 'domain': 'Music & Audio', 'used_token': 0, 'custom_prompt': None} 31 open ai key: ********************0a393b1d42ea 0[{'role': 'system', 'content': 'Please use Friendly tone.'}, {'role': 'system', 'content': 'Please provide responses in Narrative writing style.'}, {'role': 'user', 'content': 'original_text: `paragraph_id 80: Cesare embraced Adel and placed a kiss on her forehead. He began to speak tenderly, "Compared to you being hurt, it\'s better if I am." Adel responded, "I am very happy. But I don\'t want you to be hurt either." Lucrezia glared at the sweet scene between the two of them. In her mind, Lucrezia immediately thought of tearing the girl being caressed by Cesare into a hundred pieces.\nparagraph_id 81: Suddenly, Cesare\'s voice interrupted Lucrezia\'s thoughts, "Lady Della Valle?" Lucrezia snapped back to reality and gracefully said, "Well, I think I can take care of..." Cesare cut her off, "This is not your fault, so you don\'t need to trouble yourself. Besides, my sister is here to take care of me."\nparagraph_id 82: Lucrezia trembled and said, "To let a beautiful girl take care of you? And in a private room, I think people will misunderstand." Cesare laughed loudly and teasingly replied, "She is my sister, Lady Della Valle. Of course, I think it\'s a waste for her to marry your brother." The room suddenly fell eerily silent. Cesare continued, "I will let this slide this time, but I won\'t turn a blind eye again. If you pull such a dirty trick once more, our families will truly turn against each other."\nparagraph_id 83: 7. Meanwhile, lady Flavia was locked in a room, fumbling around not knowing what to do. She was certain that Lucrezia\'s plan had failed and her name had been exposed. Suddenly, the door behind her opened, startling her. A tall man slowly entered, wearing a cloak that covered his head. His brown hair and cold blue eyes accentuated his handsome but icy demeanor.\nparagraph_id 84: You... you are... Flavia stammered, unable to utter a coherent sentence. The man spoke, “Signora Flavia Loredan, this is an order from Buonaparte. Please follow us.” Flavia was taken somewhere by carriage. Despite her screams, the young man from earlier remained silent. “I want to see lord Cesare! I can explain this!” The man did not utter a single word.\nparagraph_id 85: Flavia began to tremble and fear, “Where on earth are they taking me?” She tried to gather all the surrounding sounds while being blindfolded. Suddenly, Flavia heard the flapping of seagulls\' wings along with the sound of waves crashing against the shore. Could it be the harbor? The blindfold was removed, and Flavia finally saw the light. In front of her stood another man who spoke mockingly, I have been waiting for you for a long time, Signora Flavia.\nparagraph_id 86: Her face turned dark as she shouted, “Please, take me to Lord Cesare. This is all a misunderstanding. Let me explain. I was threatened, I had no other choice.” The man smirked, “Threatened? Wasn\'t it Signora who revealed the lady\'s identity? Have you forgotten the Omerta oath? As a retainer, haven\'t you violated the most important rule to follow?”\nparagraph_id 87: The Omerta oath is a code of silence. Those who take the oath cannot reveal anything they have seen or heard to the outside world. It represents the commitment of each noble. Anyone who breaks this oath will be duly punished. Flavia cried out, “No! It\'s not like that! I... I only gave a hint!”\nparagraph_id 88: Gigi made a troubled expression, “Then I guess Signora gave a very clear hint.” He turned away and ignored her, “Well, that\'s not my concern. Let\'s proceed to the next step.” Gigi extended his hand to introduce, “This ship is a Galley built in 840. The provisions on board include flour, hardtack, salt, sugar, biscuits, and a few other items. Daily necessities include soap and candles. With these supplies, you can reach Sorek on your own.”\nparagraph_id 89: Flavia\'s eyes widened, “Sorek? Isn\'t that the farthest place from Sant\'nar?” Crossing the sea on such an old ship, even a small wave could capsize both the ship and me. The bow doesn\'t even have a figurehead of the goddess, so how can it receive blessings? This is no different from sending me to my death.\nparagraph_id 90: Gigi added, "If you return here safely, Lord Cesare will forgive you. After all, it is the will of the sea goddess." "Alright, Sir Egir, I\'ve explained everything, so please proceed." Flavia was dragged away, only able to scream in despair, "Please give me a chance, just one chance. Let me meet him just once!" Gigi smiled and waved, "Have a pleasant journey. Be careful with the guidance of the sea goddess." "No, no, it\'s for you. It\'s for the Buonaparte family." The old ship set sail towards the dawn.\nparagraph_id 91: Meanwhile, Adel was being helped with her bath by a maid. She asked in a low voice, "Have they found the maid who pushed me down the roof?" Ebony showed a sorrowful expression, "She was found in a nearby drainage ditch. It was hard to identify her with her face slashed multiple times, but her hair matched your description. Her clothes were stripped off, probably to destroy evidence, and she had a large wound in the same spot where the young master was injured."\nparagraph_id 92: Upon hearing this, Adel guessed that Lucrezia had taken revenge on the maid for injuring Cesare. Adel inquired about the punishment for Lucrezia but was told that Lord Cesare couldn\'t do anything due to a lack of concrete evidence to accuse her. Imposing a financial penalty would cause public outcry since Lucrezia was very popular and beloved among the upper class and commoners alike. "You must be very troubled and upset, my lady." Adel replied, "No, I understand."\nparagraph_id 93: Seeing this, Ebony changed the subject and shared some good news, "Starting today, there will be no classes for a while. This is an order from the young master after reviewing everything you have learned. You can rest for a while. During this time, you can focus on recovering your legs." Adel asked, "What about Lady Flavia?" Ebony only showed a sad expression without saying a word. A soap bubble suddenly burst and disappeared. It seemed to symbolize the fate of Signora Flavia.`. Translate to bengali using Music & Audio terminology\n. Grammatically correct, never break words. Remove quotation marks at the beginning and end of the result, return only translated text in format paragraph_id, do not include original_text.\nbengali text:'}] open ai key: ********************0a393b1d42ea 0[{'role': 'system', 'content': 'Please use Friendly tone.'}, {'role': 'system', 'content': 'Please provide responses in Narrative writing style.'}, {'role': 'user', 'content': 'original_text: `paragraph_id 94: Ebony mentioned that the young master was looking for a new teacher for Adel and that the schedule was delayed due to busy work. The lessons would resume once the Orquenina delegation left. Observing the maid\'s expressions and attitude, Adel quickly realized that Lady Flavia had been dealt with. "By the way, when would you like to change clothes to go outside?" Adel was puzzled, "Go outside?" Ebony was also surprised, "Isn\'t it you who is responsible for taking care of the young master\'s wound?" Adel\'s eyes widened, "Me? For Lord Cesare?"\nparagraph_id 95: 8. At this moment, Cesare was smiling, revealing his dimples, "You\'ve arrived, my little sister." Adel stepped towards the man and placed the medical kit on the table, "So, the wound..." Before she could finish her sentence, Adel was utterly surprised when the man suddenly took off his shirt, revealing part of his body. A broad shoulder with a slim waist and alluring curves. There were a few scars on his biceps, indicating that he had encountered dangerous situations before.\nparagraph_id 96: Above the waist, near the waistband of his pants, there was a large mole on the left side of his spine. Cesare turned back and spoke slyly, "You\'ve been staring at me for quite a while." Adel snapped out of her daze and blushed, silently scolding herself, "Am I crazy?" She tried to explain, "That..." Cesare interrupted her with a laugh, "Don\'t get too excited when you see beautiful things." Adel exclaimed, "I am not!"\nparagraph_id 97: But Cesare didn\'t care, he leisurely turned around and lay face down on the bed for Adel to tend to his wound. Adel couldn\'t explain anything, so she just turned to get the medical kit. "Why did you ask me to treat you when I\'m not a doctor?" Cesare casually replied, "Because Giotto is too noisy, and Ebony is always grumpy. Besides, I got injured because of you, so you have to take responsibility for it."\nparagraph_id 98: Adel couldn\'t argue back. She turned and said, "First, I\'ll cut the bandages for you." Adel carefully removed each bandage. The room was now filled only with the sound of scissors snipping. Cesare continued to lie there, enjoying the attention. After all the bandages were removed, Adel wiped the sweat off her face. "Why do I feel so anxious? It feels like I\'m in the same room with a monster."\nparagraph_id 99: She picked up a box and said, "I\'ll apply the medicine for you." But the wound was larger than she thought. It extended from his back to his front side. Cesare could feel all her actions. Adel applied the medicine and then said, "Brother, I can\'t reach the wound in the front, so please turn over a bit." Cesare indifferently replied, "I don\'t want to."\nparagraph_id 100: Adel pleaded, "Just a little bit." But he still refused. "Can I sit on your bed for a moment?" Cesare paused, "You don\'t need to ask my permission for things like that." Adel blushed slightly, "Oh, thank you, then please excuse me."\nparagraph_id 101: Adel tried to bend over to reach the wound. But her oversized breasts and long hair, like seaweed, unintentionally made him itchy, "Stop teasing me." The entire medical kit was knocked to the floor, and Adel was pinned down by him, letting out a soft "Ahh..." She slightly opened her eyes, and Cesare\'s figure immediately came into focus.\nparagraph_id 102: Cesare thought to himself, "Ever since she fell from the roof, no one has asked if she\'s okay. Despite being ignored by everyone, she doesn\'t feel wronged. Instead, she looks at me with a worried expression. How can she be so foolish? Without me, she would have been dead already. Now she\'s worried about me? She must have another motive for coming to me in this state. She\'s just pretending to be more concerned about me than herself, wanting me to protect her with those trembling shoulders. Now I understand everything. No girl would worry about a guy who has trampled on her injured feet like that."\nparagraph_id 103: Adel softly called, "Brother..." Cesare corrected, "Call me Cesare, I don\'t want you to call me that when we\'re in the same bed." Adel exclaimed in shock, "Brother, why are you acting like this?" Cesare chuckled, "I want you to stop these cute acts, Adelaide. I\'m a man and you\'re a woman. I\'ve been observing you for a long time. You\'re very cute, and your foolishness is equally adorable. I\'ll give you the love you want, so stop pretending to be naive."\nparagraph_id 104: Countless women have appeared in Cesare\'s life, so many that it\'s unimaginable. Therefore, a pretend sister like her doesn\'t necessarily have to be among them. But in the end, this happened. Cesare smirked, "Looks like I\'ve chosen an excellent actress, haven\'t I? You\'re really good at acting, sister." Cesare thought that this girl was just pretending to be useless, as her main goal was to seduce the son of the Buonaparte family and drag him into a miserable life.\nparagraph_id 105: Cesare spoke, "I\'ll do as you wish. So open your mouth." As their lips were about to touch, Cesare suddenly woke up, thinking, "Wait, if I go further with this sister, what about the contract with the Della Valle family?" Cesare frowned and looked at Adel\'s heaving chest. He hesitated for a moment before he could restrain himself. Cesare told himself, "Well, I can loosen the belt next time. I\'ll compensate her if she feels treated unfairly. This girl is stunningly beautiful, such a waste. If I just taste it once and then end everything..."\nparagraph_id 106: 9. Swish! The sound interrupted Cesare\'s thoughts. A sharp pair of scissors was pressed against Cesare\'s neck, leaving him stunned, "How dare she?" Looking at Adel\'s sharp eyes, it seemed she wanted to kill this man immediately.`. Translate to bengali using Music & Audio terminology\n. Grammatically correct, never break words. Remove quotation marks at the beginning and end of the result, return only translated text in format paragraph_id, do not include original_text.\nbengali text:'}] INFO:httpx:HTTP Request: POST "HTTP/1.1 429 Too Many Requests" (most recent call last): File "/app/app/translate_gpt_back_common/services/", line 324, in translate_paragraph response = ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/", line 245, in wrapped return cast(APIResponse[R], func(*args, **kwargs)) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/_utils/", line 272, in wrapper return func(*args, **kwargs) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/resources/chat/", line 645, in create return self._post( ^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/", line 1088, in post return cast(ResponseT, self.request(cast_to, opts, stream=stream, stream_cls=stream_cls)) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/", line 853, in request return self._request( ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/", line 930, in _request raise self._make_status_error_from_response(err.response) from None openai.RateLimitError: Error code: 429 - {'error': {'code': '429', 'message': 'Requests to the ChatCompletions_Create Operation under Azure OpenAI API version 2024-02-15-preview have exceeded token rate limit of your current OpenAI S0 pricing tier. Please retry after 86400 seconds. Please go here: if you would like to further increase the default rate limit.'}} key: ********************0a393b1d42ea INFO:app.translate_gpt_back_common.crud.crud_openai_api_key:set_usable_at: ********************0a393b1d42ea - gpt-4o - 2024-06-20 06:11:53.438903 of model: gpt-4o setup_api_key_and_client of model: gpt-4o key_type: AZURE,,2024-02-15-preview, gpt-4o open ai key: ********************417a66bbfb86 1[{'role': 'system', 'content': 'Please use Friendly tone.'}, {'role': 'system', 'content': 'Please provide responses in Narrative writing style.'}, {'role': 'user', 'content': 'original_text: `paragraph_id 80: Cesare embraced Adel and placed a kiss on her forehead. He began to speak tenderly, "Compared to you being hurt, it\'s better if I am." Adel responded, "I am very happy. But I don\'t want you to be hurt either." Lucrezia glared at the sweet scene between the two of them. In her mind, Lucrezia immediately thought of tearing the girl being caressed by Cesare into a hundred pieces.\nparagraph_id 81: Suddenly, Cesare\'s voice interrupted Lucrezia\'s thoughts, "Lady Della Valle?" Lucrezia snapped back to reality and gracefully said, "Well, I think I can take care of..." Cesare cut her off, "This is not your fault, so you don\'t need to trouble yourself. Besides, my sister is here to take care of me."\nparagraph_id 82: Lucrezia trembled and said, "To let a beautiful girl take care of you? And in a private room, I think people will misunderstand." Cesare laughed loudly and teasingly replied, "She is my sister, Lady Della Valle. Of course, I think it\'s a waste for her to marry your brother." The room suddenly fell eerily silent. Cesare continued, "I will let this slide this time, but I won\'t turn a blind eye again. If you pull such a dirty trick once more, our families will truly turn against each other."\nparagraph_id 83: 7. Meanwhile, lady Flavia was locked in a room, fumbling around not knowing what to do. She was certain that Lucrezia\'s plan had failed and her name had been exposed. Suddenly, the door behind her opened, startling her. A tall man slowly entered, wearing a cloak that covered his head. His brown hair and cold blue eyes accentuated his handsome but icy demeanor.\nparagraph_id 84: You... you are... Flavia stammered, unable to utter a coherent sentence. The man spoke, “Signora Flavia Loredan, this is an order from Buonaparte. Please follow us.” Flavia was taken somewhere by carriage. Despite her screams, the young man from earlier remained silent. “I want to see lord Cesare! I can explain this!” The man did not utter a single word.\nparagraph_id 85: Flavia began to tremble and fear, “Where on earth are they taking me?” She tried to gather all the surrounding sounds while being blindfolded. Suddenly, Flavia heard the flapping of seagulls\' wings along with the sound of waves crashing against the shore. Could it be the harbor? The blindfold was removed, and Flavia finally saw the light. In front of her stood another man who spoke mockingly, I have been waiting for you for a long time, Signora Flavia.\nparagraph_id 86: Her face turned dark as she shouted, “Please, take me to Lord Cesare. This is all a misunderstanding. Let me explain. I was threatened, I had no other choice.” The man smirked, “Threatened? Wasn\'t it Signora who revealed the lady\'s identity? Have you forgotten the Omerta oath? As a retainer, haven\'t you violated the most important rule to follow?”\nparagraph_id 87: The Omerta oath is a code of silence. Those who take the oath cannot reveal anything they have seen or heard to the outside world. It represents the commitment of each noble. Anyone who breaks this oath will be duly punished. Flavia cried out, “No! It\'s not like that! I... I only gave a hint!”\nparagraph_id 88: Gigi made a troubled expression, “Then I guess Signora gave a very clear hint.” He turned away and ignored her, “Well, that\'s not my concern. Let\'s proceed to the next step.” Gigi extended his hand to introduce, “This ship is a Galley built in 840. The provisions on board include flour, hardtack, salt, sugar, biscuits, and a few other items. Daily necessities include soap and candles. With these supplies, you can reach Sorek on your own.”\nparagraph_id 89: Flavia\'s eyes widened, “Sorek? Isn\'t that the farthest place from Sant\'nar?” Crossing the sea on such an old ship, even a small wave could capsize both the ship and me. The bow doesn\'t even have a figurehead of the goddess, so how can it receive blessings? This is no different from sending me to my death.\nparagraph_id 90: Gigi added, "If you return here safely, Lord Cesare will forgive you. After all, it is the will of the sea goddess." "Alright, Sir Egir, I\'ve explained everything, so please proceed." Flavia was dragged away, only able to scream in despair, "Please give me a chance, just one chance. Let me meet him just once!" Gigi smiled and waved, "Have a pleasant journey. Be careful with the guidance of the sea goddess." "No, no, it\'s for you. It\'s for the Buonaparte family." The old ship set sail towards the dawn.\nparagraph_id 91: Meanwhile, Adel was being helped with her bath by a maid. She asked in a low voice, "Have they found the maid who pushed me down the roof?" Ebony showed a sorrowful expression, "She was found in a nearby drainage ditch. It was hard to identify her with her face slashed multiple times, but her hair matched your description. Her clothes were stripped off, probably to destroy evidence, and she had a large wound in the same spot where the young master was injured."\nparagraph_id 92: Upon hearing this, Adel guessed that Lucrezia had taken revenge on the maid for injuring Cesare. Adel inquired about the punishment for Lucrezia but was told that Lord Cesare couldn\'t do anything due to a lack of concrete evidence to accuse her. Imposing a financial penalty would cause public outcry since Lucrezia was very popular and beloved among the upper class and commoners alike. "You must be very troubled and upset, my lady." Adel replied, "No, I understand."\nparagraph_id 93: Seeing this, Ebony changed the subject and shared some good news, "Starting today, there will be no classes for a while. This is an order from the young master after reviewing everything you have learned. You can rest for a while. During this time, you can focus on recovering your legs." Adel asked, "What about Lady Flavia?" Ebony only showed a sad expression without saying a word. A soap bubble suddenly burst and disappeared. It seemed to symbolize the fate of Signora Flavia.`. Translate to bengali using Music & Audio terminology\n. Grammatically correct, never break words. Remove quotation marks at the beginning and end of the result, return only translated text in format paragraph_id, do not include original_text.\nbengali text:'}] INFO:httpx:HTTP Request: POST "HTTP/1.1 429 Too Many Requests" (most recent call last): File "/app/app/translate_gpt_back_common/services/", line 324, in translate_paragraph response = ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/", line 245, in wrapped return cast(APIResponse[R], func(*args, **kwargs)) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/_utils/", line 272, in wrapper return func(*args, **kwargs) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/resources/chat/", line 645, in create return self._post( ^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/", line 1088, in post return cast(ResponseT, self.request(cast_to, opts, stream=stream, stream_cls=stream_cls)) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/", line 853, in request return self._request( ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/", line 930, in _request raise self._make_status_error_from_response(err.response) from None openai.RateLimitError: Error code: 429 - {'error': {'code': '429', 'message': 'Requests to the ChatCompletions_Create Operation under Azure OpenAI API version 2024-02-15-preview have exceeded call rate limit of your current OpenAI S0 pricing tier. Please retry after 10 seconds. Please go here: if you would like to further increase the default rate limit.'}} key: ********************0a393b1d42ea INFO:app.translate_gpt_back_common.crud.crud_openai_api_key:set_usable_at: ********************0a393b1d42ea - gpt-4o - 2024-06-20 06:11:53.639002 of model: gpt-4o setup_api_key_and_client of model: gpt-4o key_type: AZURE,,2024-02-15-preview, gpt-4o open ai key: ********************b696bd80bd27 1[{'role': 'system', 'content': 'Please use Friendly tone.'}, {'role': 'system', 'content': 'Please provide responses in Narrative writing style.'}, {'role': 'user', 'content': 'original_text: `paragraph_id 94: Ebony mentioned that the young master was looking for a new teacher for Adel and that the schedule was delayed due to busy work. The lessons would resume once the Orquenina delegation left. Observing the maid\'s expressions and attitude, Adel quickly realized that Lady Flavia had been dealt with. "By the way, when would you like to change clothes to go outside?" Adel was puzzled, "Go outside?" Ebony was also surprised, "Isn\'t it you who is responsible for taking care of the young master\'s wound?" Adel\'s eyes widened, "Me? For Lord Cesare?"\nparagraph_id 95: 8. At this moment, Cesare was smiling, revealing his dimples, "You\'ve arrived, my little sister." Adel stepped towards the man and placed the medical kit on the table, "So, the wound..." Before she could finish her sentence, Adel was utterly surprised when the man suddenly took off his shirt, revealing part of his body. A broad shoulder with a slim waist and alluring curves. There were a few scars on his biceps, indicating that he had encountered dangerous situations before.\nparagraph_id 96: Above the waist, near the waistband of his pants, there was a large mole on the left side of his spine. Cesare turned back and spoke slyly, "You\'ve been staring at me for quite a while." Adel snapped out of her daze and blushed, silently scolding herself, "Am I crazy?" She tried to explain, "That..." Cesare interrupted her with a laugh, "Don\'t get too excited when you see beautiful things." Adel exclaimed, "I am not!"\nparagraph_id 97: But Cesare didn\'t care, he leisurely turned around and lay face down on the bed for Adel to tend to his wound. Adel couldn\'t explain anything, so she just turned to get the medical kit. "Why did you ask me to treat you when I\'m not a doctor?" Cesare casually replied, "Because Giotto is too noisy, and Ebony is always grumpy. Besides, I got injured because of you, so you have to take responsibility for it."\nparagraph_id 98: Adel couldn\'t argue back. She turned and said, "First, I\'ll cut the bandages for you." Adel carefully removed each bandage. The room was now filled only with the sound of scissors snipping. Cesare continued to lie there, enjoying the attention. After all the bandages were removed, Adel wiped the sweat off her face. "Why do I feel so anxious? It feels like I\'m in the same room with a monster."\nparagraph_id 99: She picked up a box and said, "I\'ll apply the medicine for you." But the wound was larger than she thought. It extended from his back to his front side. Cesare could feel all her actions. Adel applied the medicine and then said, "Brother, I can\'t reach the wound in the front, so please turn over a bit." Cesare indifferently replied, "I don\'t want to."\nparagraph_id 100: Adel pleaded, "Just a little bit." But he still refused. "Can I sit on your bed for a moment?" Cesare paused, "You don\'t need to ask my permission for things like that." Adel blushed slightly, "Oh, thank you, then please excuse me."\nparagraph_id 101: Adel tried to bend over to reach the wound. But her oversized breasts and long hair, like seaweed, unintentionally made him itchy, "Stop teasing me." The entire medical kit was knocked to the floor, and Adel was pinned down by him, letting out a soft "Ahh..." She slightly opened her eyes, and Cesare\'s figure immediately came into focus.\nparagraph_id 102: Cesare thought to himself, "Ever since she fell from the roof, no one has asked if she\'s okay. Despite being ignored by everyone, she doesn\'t feel wronged. Instead, she looks at me with a worried expression. How can she be so foolish? Without me, she would have been dead already. Now she\'s worried about me? She must have another motive for coming to me in this state. She\'s just pretending to be more concerned about me than herself, wanting me to protect her with those trembling shoulders. Now I understand everything. No girl would worry about a guy who has trampled on her injured feet like that."\nparagraph_id 103: Adel softly called, "Brother..." Cesare corrected, "Call me Cesare, I don\'t want you to call me that when we\'re in the same bed." Adel exclaimed in shock, "Brother, why are you acting like this?" Cesare chuckled, "I want you to stop these cute acts, Adelaide. I\'m a man and you\'re a woman. I\'ve been observing you for a long time. You\'re very cute, and your foolishness is equally adorable. I\'ll give you the love you want, so stop pretending to be naive."\nparagraph_id 104: Countless women have appeared in Cesare\'s life, so many that it\'s unimaginable. Therefore, a pretend sister like her doesn\'t necessarily have to be among them. But in the end, this happened. Cesare smirked, "Looks like I\'ve chosen an excellent actress, haven\'t I? You\'re really good at acting, sister." Cesare thought that this girl was just pretending to be useless, as her main goal was to seduce the son of the Buonaparte family and drag him into a miserable life.\nparagraph_id 105: Cesare spoke, "I\'ll do as you wish. So open your mouth." As their lips were about to touch, Cesare suddenly woke up, thinking, "Wait, if I go further with this sister, what about the contract with the Della Valle family?" Cesare frowned and looked at Adel\'s heaving chest. He hesitated for a moment before he could restrain himself. Cesare told himself, "Well, I can loosen the belt next time. I\'ll compensate her if she feels treated unfairly. This girl is stunningly beautiful, such a waste. If I just taste it once and then end everything..."\nparagraph_id 106: 9. Swish! The sound interrupted Cesare\'s thoughts. A sharp pair of scissors was pressed against Cesare\'s neck, leaving him stunned, "How dare she?" Looking at Adel\'s sharp eyes, it seemed she wanted to kill this man immediately.`. Translate to bengali using Music & Audio terminology\n. Grammatically correct, never break words. Remove quotation marks at the beginning and end of the result, return only translated text in format paragraph_id, do not include original_text.\nbengali text:'}] INFO:httpx:HTTP Request: POST "HTTP/1.1 429 Too Many Requests" (most recent call last): File "/app/app/translate_gpt_back_common/services/", line 324, in translate_paragraph response = ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/", line 245, in wrapped return cast(APIResponse[R], func(*args, **kwargs)) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/_utils/", line 272, in wrapper return func(*args, **kwargs) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/resources/chat/", line 645, in create return self._post( ^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/", line 1088, in post return cast(ResponseT, self.request(cast_to, opts, stream=stream, stream_cls=stream_cls)) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/", line 853, in request return self._request( ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/", line 930, in _request raise self._make_status_error_from_response(err.response) from None openai.RateLimitError: Error code: 429 - {'error': {'code': '429', 'message': 'Requests to the ChatCompletions_Create Operation under Azure OpenAI API version 2024-02-15-preview have exceeded token rate limit of your current OpenAI S0 pricing tier. Please retry after 86400 seconds. Please go here: if you would like to further increase the default rate limit.'}} key: ********************417a66bbfb86 INFO:app.translate_gpt_back_common.crud.crud_openai_api_key:set_usable_at: ********************417a66bbfb86 - gpt-4o - 2024-06-20 06:11:53.960517 of model: gpt-4o setup_api_key_and_client of model: gpt-4o key_type: AZURE,,2024-02-15-preview, gpt-4o open ai key: ********************e1edfe28d441 2[{'role': 'system', 'content': 'Please use Friendly tone.'}, {'role': 'system', 'content': 'Please provide responses in Narrative writing style.'}, {'role': 'user', 'content': 'original_text: `paragraph_id 80: Cesare embraced Adel and placed a kiss on her forehead. He began to speak tenderly, "Compared to you being hurt, it\'s better if I am." Adel responded, "I am very happy. But I don\'t want you to be hurt either." Lucrezia glared at the sweet scene between the two of them. In her mind, Lucrezia immediately thought of tearing the girl being caressed by Cesare into a hundred pieces.\nparagraph_id 81: Suddenly, Cesare\'s voice interrupted Lucrezia\'s thoughts, "Lady Della Valle?" Lucrezia snapped back to reality and gracefully said, "Well, I think I can take care of..." Cesare cut her off, "This is not your fault, so you don\'t need to trouble yourself. Besides, my sister is here to take care of me."\nparagraph_id 82: Lucrezia trembled and said, "To let a beautiful girl take care of you? And in a private room, I think people will misunderstand." Cesare laughed loudly and teasingly replied, "She is my sister, Lady Della Valle. Of course, I think it\'s a waste for her to marry your brother." The room suddenly fell eerily silent. Cesare continued, "I will let this slide this time, but I won\'t turn a blind eye again. If you pull such a dirty trick once more, our families will truly turn against each other."\nparagraph_id 83: 7. Meanwhile, lady Flavia was locked in a room, fumbling around not knowing what to do. She was certain that Lucrezia\'s plan had failed and her name had been exposed. Suddenly, the door behind her opened, startling her. A tall man slowly entered, wearing a cloak that covered his head. His brown hair and cold blue eyes accentuated his handsome but icy demeanor.\nparagraph_id 84: You... you are... Flavia stammered, unable to utter a coherent sentence. The man spoke, “Signora Flavia Loredan, this is an order from Buonaparte. Please follow us.” Flavia was taken somewhere by carriage. Despite her screams, the young man from earlier remained silent. “I want to see lord Cesare! I can explain this!” The man did not utter a single word.\nparagraph_id 85: Flavia began to tremble and fear, “Where on earth are they taking me?” She tried to gather all the surrounding sounds while being blindfolded. Suddenly, Flavia heard the flapping of seagulls\' wings along with the sound of waves crashing against the shore. Could it be the harbor? The blindfold was removed, and Flavia finally saw the light. In front of her stood another man who spoke mockingly, I have been waiting for you for a long time, Signora Flavia.\nparagraph_id 86: Her face turned dark as she shouted, “Please, take me to Lord Cesare. This is all a misunderstanding. Let me explain. I was threatened, I had no other choice.” The man smirked, “Threatened? Wasn\'t it Signora who revealed the lady\'s identity? Have you forgotten the Omerta oath? As a retainer, haven\'t you violated the most important rule to follow?”\nparagraph_id 87: The Omerta oath is a code of silence. Those who take the oath cannot reveal anything they have seen or heard to the outside world. It represents the commitment of each noble. Anyone who breaks this oath will be duly punished. Flavia cried out, “No! It\'s not like that! I... I only gave a hint!”\nparagraph_id 88: Gigi made a troubled expression, “Then I guess Signora gave a very clear hint.” He turned away and ignored her, “Well, that\'s not my concern. Let\'s proceed to the next step.” Gigi extended his hand to introduce, “This ship is a Galley built in 840. The provisions on board include flour, hardtack, salt, sugar, biscuits, and a few other items. Daily necessities include soap and candles. With these supplies, you can reach Sorek on your own.”\nparagraph_id 89: Flavia\'s eyes widened, “Sorek? Isn\'t that the farthest place from Sant\'nar?” Crossing the sea on such an old ship, even a small wave could capsize both the ship and me. The bow doesn\'t even have a figurehead of the goddess, so how can it receive blessings? This is no different from sending me to my death.\nparagraph_id 90: Gigi added, "If you return here safely, Lord Cesare will forgive you. After all, it is the will of the sea goddess." "Alright, Sir Egir, I\'ve explained everything, so please proceed." Flavia was dragged away, only able to scream in despair, "Please give me a chance, just one chance. Let me meet him just once!" Gigi smiled and waved, "Have a pleasant journey. Be careful with the guidance of the sea goddess." "No, no, it\'s for you. It\'s for the Buonaparte family." The old ship set sail towards the dawn.\nparagraph_id 91: Meanwhile, Adel was being helped with her bath by a maid. She asked in a low voice, "Have they found the maid who pushed me down the roof?" Ebony showed a sorrowful expression, "She was found in a nearby drainage ditch. It was hard to identify her with her face slashed multiple times, but her hair matched your description. Her clothes were stripped off, probably to destroy evidence, and she had a large wound in the same spot where the young master was injured."\nparagraph_id 92: Upon hearing this, Adel guessed that Lucrezia had taken revenge on the maid for injuring Cesare. Adel inquired about the punishment for Lucrezia but was told that Lord Cesare couldn\'t do anything due to a lack of concrete evidence to accuse her. Imposing a financial penalty would cause public outcry since Lucrezia was very popular and beloved among the upper class and commoners alike. "You must be very troubled and upset, my lady." Adel replied, "No, I understand."\nparagraph_id 93: Seeing this, Ebony changed the subject and shared some good news, "Starting today, there will be no classes for a while. This is an order from the young master after reviewing everything you have learned. You can rest for a while. During this time, you can focus on recovering your legs." Adel asked, "What about Lady Flavia?" Ebony only showed a sad expression without saying a word. A soap bubble suddenly burst and disappeared. It seemed to symbolize the fate of Signora Flavia.`. Translate to bengali using Music & Audio terminology\n. Grammatically correct, never break words. Remove quotation marks at the beginning and end of the result, return only translated text in format paragraph_id, do not include original_text.\nbengali text:'}] INFO:httpx:HTTP Request: POST "HTTP/1.1 429 Too Many Requests" (most recent call last): File "/app/app/translate_gpt_back_common/services/", line 324, in translate_paragraph response = ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/", line 245, in wrapped return cast(APIResponse[R], func(*args, **kwargs)) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/_utils/", line 272, in wrapper return func(*args, **kwargs) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/resources/chat/", line 645, in create return self._post( ^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/", line 1088, in post return cast(ResponseT, self.request(cast_to, opts, stream=stream, stream_cls=stream_cls)) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/", line 853, in request return self._request( ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/", line 930, in _request raise self._make_status_error_from_response(err.response) from None openai.RateLimitError: Error code: 429 - {'error': {'code': '429', 'message': 'Requests to the ChatCompletions_Create Operation under Azure OpenAI API version 2024-02-15-preview have exceeded token rate limit of your current OpenAI S0 pricing tier. Please retry after 86400 seconds. Please go here: if you would like to further increase the default rate limit.'}} key: ********************b696bd80bd27 INFO:app.translate_gpt_back_common.crud.crud_openai_api_key:set_usable_at: ********************b696bd80bd27 - gpt-4o - 2024-06-20 06:11:54.440791 of model: gpt-4o setup_api_key_and_client of model: gpt-4o key_type: AZURE,,2024-02-15-preview, gpt-4o open ai key: ********************8a926beadb5b 2[{'role': 'system', 'content': 'Please use Friendly tone.'}, {'role': 'system', 'content': 'Please provide responses in Narrative writing style.'}, {'role': 'user', 'content': 'original_text: `paragraph_id 94: Ebony mentioned that the young master was looking for a new teacher for Adel and that the schedule was delayed due to busy work. The lessons would resume once the Orquenina delegation left. Observing the maid\'s expressions and attitude, Adel quickly realized that Lady Flavia had been dealt with. "By the way, when would you like to change clothes to go outside?" Adel was puzzled, "Go outside?" Ebony was also surprised, "Isn\'t it you who is responsible for taking care of the young master\'s wound?" Adel\'s eyes widened, "Me? For Lord Cesare?"\nparagraph_id 95: 8. At this moment, Cesare was smiling, revealing his dimples, "You\'ve arrived, my little sister." Adel stepped towards the man and placed the medical kit on the table, "So, the wound..." Before she could finish her sentence, Adel was utterly surprised when the man suddenly took off his shirt, revealing part of his body. A broad shoulder with a slim waist and alluring curves. There were a few scars on his biceps, indicating that he had encountered dangerous situations before.\nparagraph_id 96: Above the waist, near the waistband of his pants, there was a large mole on the left side of his spine. Cesare turned back and spoke slyly, "You\'ve been staring at me for quite a while." Adel snapped out of her daze and blushed, silently scolding herself, "Am I crazy?" She tried to explain, "That..." Cesare interrupted her with a laugh, "Don\'t get too excited when you see beautiful things." Adel exclaimed, "I am not!"\nparagraph_id 97: But Cesare didn\'t care, he leisurely turned around and lay face down on the bed for Adel to tend to his wound. Adel couldn\'t explain anything, so she just turned to get the medical kit. "Why did you ask me to treat you when I\'m not a doctor?" Cesare casually replied, "Because Giotto is too noisy, and Ebony is always grumpy. Besides, I got injured because of you, so you have to take responsibility for it."\nparagraph_id 98: Adel couldn\'t argue back. She turned and said, "First, I\'ll cut the bandages for you." Adel carefully removed each bandage. The room was now filled only with the sound of scissors snipping. Cesare continued to lie there, enjoying the attention. After all the bandages were removed, Adel wiped the sweat off her face. "Why do I feel so anxious? It feels like I\'m in the same room with a monster."\nparagraph_id 99: She picked up a box and said, "I\'ll apply the medicine for you." But the wound was larger than she thought. It extended from his back to his front side. Cesare could feel all her actions. Adel applied the medicine and then said, "Brother, I can\'t reach the wound in the front, so please turn over a bit." Cesare indifferently replied, "I don\'t want to."\nparagraph_id 100: Adel pleaded, "Just a little bit." But he still refused. "Can I sit on your bed for a moment?" Cesare paused, "You don\'t need to ask my permission for things like that." Adel blushed slightly, "Oh, thank you, then please excuse me."\nparagraph_id 101: Adel tried to bend over to reach the wound. But her oversized breasts and long hair, like seaweed, unintentionally made him itchy, "Stop teasing me." The entire medical kit was knocked to the floor, and Adel was pinned down by him, letting out a soft "Ahh..." She slightly opened her eyes, and Cesare\'s figure immediately came into focus.\nparagraph_id 102: Cesare thought to himself, "Ever since she fell from the roof, no one has asked if she\'s okay. Despite being ignored by everyone, she doesn\'t feel wronged. Instead, she looks at me with a worried expression. How can she be so foolish? Without me, she would have been dead already. Now she\'s worried about me? She must have another motive for coming to me in this state. She\'s just pretending to be more concerned about me than herself, wanting me to protect her with those trembling shoulders. Now I understand everything. No girl would worry about a guy who has trampled on her injured feet like that."\nparagraph_id 103: Adel softly called, "Brother..." Cesare corrected, "Call me Cesare, I don\'t want you to call me that when we\'re in the same bed." Adel exclaimed in shock, "Brother, why are you acting like this?" Cesare chuckled, "I want you to stop these cute acts, Adelaide. I\'m a man and you\'re a woman. I\'ve been observing you for a long time. You\'re very cute, and your foolishness is equally adorable. I\'ll give you the love you want, so stop pretending to be naive."\nparagraph_id 104: Countless women have appeared in Cesare\'s life, so many that it\'s unimaginable. Therefore, a pretend sister like her doesn\'t necessarily have to be among them. But in the end, this happened. Cesare smirked, "Looks like I\'ve chosen an excellent actress, haven\'t I? You\'re really good at acting, sister." Cesare thought that this girl was just pretending to be useless, as her main goal was to seduce the son of the Buonaparte family and drag him into a miserable life.\nparagraph_id 105: Cesare spoke, "I\'ll do as you wish. So open your mouth." As their lips were about to touch, Cesare suddenly woke up, thinking, "Wait, if I go further with this sister, what about the contract with the Della Valle family?" Cesare frowned and looked at Adel\'s heaving chest. He hesitated for a moment before he could restrain himself. Cesare told himself, "Well, I can loosen the belt next time. I\'ll compensate her if she feels treated unfairly. This girl is stunningly beautiful, such a waste. If I just taste it once and then end everything..."\nparagraph_id 106: 9. Swish! The sound interrupted Cesare\'s thoughts. A sharp pair of scissors was pressed against Cesare\'s neck, leaving him stunned, "How dare she?" Looking at Adel\'s sharp eyes, it seemed she wanted to kill this man immediately.`. Translate to bengali using Music & Audio terminology\n. Grammatically correct, never break words. Remove quotation marks at the beginning and end of the result, return only translated text in format paragraph_id, do not include original_text.\nbengali text:'}] INFO:httpx:HTTP Request: POST "HTTP/1.1 429 Too Many Requests" (most recent call last): File "/app/app/translate_gpt_back_common/services/", line 324, in translate_paragraph response = ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/", line 245, in wrapped return cast(APIResponse[R], func(*args, **kwargs)) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/_utils/", line 272, in wrapper return func(*args, **kwargs) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/resources/chat/", line 645, in create return self._post( ^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/", line 1088, in post return cast(ResponseT, self.request(cast_to, opts, stream=stream, stream_cls=stream_cls)) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/", line 853, in request return self._request( ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/", line 930, in _request raise self._make_status_error_from_response(err.response) from None openai.RateLimitError: Error code: 429 - {'error': {'code': '429', 'message': 'Requests to the ChatCompletions_Create Operation under Azure OpenAI API version 2024-02-15-preview have exceeded token rate limit of your current OpenAI S0 pricing tier. Please retry after 86400 seconds. Please go here: if you would like to further increase the default rate limit.'}} key: ********************e1edfe28d441 INFO:app.translate_gpt_back_common.crud.crud_openai_api_key:set_usable_at: ********************e1edfe28d441 - gpt-4o - 2024-06-20 06:11:54.534222 of model: gpt-4o setup_api_key_and_client of model: gpt-4o key_type: AZURE,,2024-02-15-preview, gpt-4o open ai key: ********************3b0b94eee2ea 3[{'role': 'system', 'content': 'Please use Friendly tone.'}, {'role': 'system', 'content': 'Please provide responses in Narrative writing style.'}, {'role': 'user', 'content': 'original_text: `paragraph_id 80: Cesare embraced Adel and placed a kiss on her forehead. He began to speak tenderly, "Compared to you being hurt, it\'s better if I am." Adel responded, "I am very happy. But I don\'t want you to be hurt either." Lucrezia glared at the sweet scene between the two of them. In her mind, Lucrezia immediately thought of tearing the girl being caressed by Cesare into a hundred pieces.\nparagraph_id 81: Suddenly, Cesare\'s voice interrupted Lucrezia\'s thoughts, "Lady Della Valle?" Lucrezia snapped back to reality and gracefully said, "Well, I think I can take care of..." Cesare cut her off, "This is not your fault, so you don\'t need to trouble yourself. Besides, my sister is here to take care of me."\nparagraph_id 82: Lucrezia trembled and said, "To let a beautiful girl take care of you? And in a private room, I think people will misunderstand." Cesare laughed loudly and teasingly replied, "She is my sister, Lady Della Valle. Of course, I think it\'s a waste for her to marry your brother." The room suddenly fell eerily silent. Cesare continued, "I will let this slide this time, but I won\'t turn a blind eye again. If you pull such a dirty trick once more, our families will truly turn against each other."\nparagraph_id 83: 7. Meanwhile, lady Flavia was locked in a room, fumbling around not knowing what to do. She was certain that Lucrezia\'s plan had failed and her name had been exposed. Suddenly, the door behind her opened, startling her. A tall man slowly entered, wearing a cloak that covered his head. His brown hair and cold blue eyes accentuated his handsome but icy demeanor.\nparagraph_id 84: You... you are... Flavia stammered, unable to utter a coherent sentence. The man spoke, “Signora Flavia Loredan, this is an order from Buonaparte. Please follow us.” Flavia was taken somewhere by carriage. Despite her screams, the young man from earlier remained silent. “I want to see lord Cesare! I can explain this!” The man did not utter a single word.\nparagraph_id 85: Flavia began to tremble and fear, “Where on earth are they taking me?” She tried to gather all the surrounding sounds while being blindfolded. Suddenly, Flavia heard the flapping of seagulls\' wings along with the sound of waves crashing against the shore. Could it be the harbor? The blindfold was removed, and Flavia finally saw the light. In front of her stood another man who spoke mockingly, I have been waiting for you for a long time, Signora Flavia.\nparagraph_id 86: Her face turned dark as she shouted, “Please, take me to Lord Cesare. This is all a misunderstanding. Let me explain. I was threatened, I had no other choice.” The man smirked, “Threatened? Wasn\'t it Signora who revealed the lady\'s identity? Have you forgotten the Omerta oath? As a retainer, haven\'t you violated the most important rule to follow?”\nparagraph_id 87: The Omerta oath is a code of silence. Those who take the oath cannot reveal anything they have seen or heard to the outside world. It represents the commitment of each noble. Anyone who breaks this oath will be duly punished. Flavia cried out, “No! It\'s not like that! I... I only gave a hint!”\nparagraph_id 88: Gigi made a troubled expression, “Then I guess Signora gave a very clear hint.” He turned away and ignored her, “Well, that\'s not my concern. Let\'s proceed to the next step.” Gigi extended his hand to introduce, “This ship is a Galley built in 840. The provisions on board include flour, hardtack, salt, sugar, biscuits, and a few other items. Daily necessities include soap and candles. With these supplies, you can reach Sorek on your own.”\nparagraph_id 89: Flavia\'s eyes widened, “Sorek? Isn\'t that the farthest place from Sant\'nar?” Crossing the sea on such an old ship, even a small wave could capsize both the ship and me. The bow doesn\'t even have a figurehead of the goddess, so how can it receive blessings? This is no different from sending me to my death.\nparagraph_id 90: Gigi added, "If you return here safely, Lord Cesare will forgive you. After all, it is the will of the sea goddess." "Alright, Sir Egir, I\'ve explained everything, so please proceed." Flavia was dragged away, only able to scream in despair, "Please give me a chance, just one chance. Let me meet him just once!" Gigi smiled and waved, "Have a pleasant journey. Be careful with the guidance of the sea goddess." "No, no, it\'s for you. It\'s for the Buonaparte family." The old ship set sail towards the dawn.\nparagraph_id 91: Meanwhile, Adel was being helped with her bath by a maid. She asked in a low voice, "Have they found the maid who pushed me down the roof?" Ebony showed a sorrowful expression, "She was found in a nearby drainage ditch. It was hard to identify her with her face slashed multiple times, but her hair matched your description. Her clothes were stripped off, probably to destroy evidence, and she had a large wound in the same spot where the young master was injured."\nparagraph_id 92: Upon hearing this, Adel guessed that Lucrezia had taken revenge on the maid for injuring Cesare. Adel inquired about the punishment for Lucrezia but was told that Lord Cesare couldn\'t do anything due to a lack of concrete evidence to accuse her. Imposing a financial penalty would cause public outcry since Lucrezia was very popular and beloved among the upper class and commoners alike. "You must be very troubled and upset, my lady." Adel replied, "No, I understand."\nparagraph_id 93: Seeing this, Ebony changed the subject and shared some good news, "Starting today, there will be no classes for a while. This is an order from the young master after reviewing everything you have learned. You can rest for a while. During this time, you can focus on recovering your legs." Adel asked, "What about Lady Flavia?" Ebony only showed a sad expression without saying a word. A soap bubble suddenly burst and disappeared. It seemed to symbolize the fate of Signora Flavia.`. Translate to bengali using Music & Audio terminology\n. Grammatically correct, never break words. Remove quotation marks at the beginning and end of the result, return only translated text in format paragraph_id, do not include original_text.\nbengali text:'}] INFO:httpx:HTTP Request: POST "HTTP/1.1 429 Too Many Requests" (most recent call last): File "/app/app/translate_gpt_back_common/services/", line 324, in translate_paragraph response = ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/", line 245, in wrapped return cast(APIResponse[R], func(*args, **kwargs)) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/_utils/", line 272, in wrapper return func(*args, **kwargs) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/resources/chat/", line 645, in create return self._post( ^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/", line 1088, in post return cast(ResponseT, self.request(cast_to, opts, stream=stream, stream_cls=stream_cls)) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/", line 853, in request return self._request( ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/", line 930, in _request raise self._make_status_error_from_response(err.response) from None openai.RateLimitError: Error code: 429 - {'error': {'code': '429', 'message': 'Requests to the ChatCompletions_Create Operation under Azure OpenAI API version 2024-02-15-preview have exceeded token rate limit of your current OpenAI S0 pricing tier. Please retry after 86400 seconds. Please go here: if you would like to further increase the default rate limit.'}} key: ********************8a926beadb5b INFO:app.translate_gpt_back_common.crud.crud_openai_api_key:set_usable_at: ********************8a926beadb5b - gpt-4o - 2024-06-20 06:11:54.952899 of model: gpt-4o setup_api_key_and_client of model: gpt-4o key_type: AZURE,,2024-02-15-preview, gpt-4o open ai key: ********************b0face1e9e98 3[{'role': 'system', 'content': 'Please use Friendly tone.'}, {'role': 'system', 'content': 'Please provide responses in Narrative writing style.'}, {'role': 'user', 'content': 'original_text: `paragraph_id 94: Ebony mentioned that the young master was looking for a new teacher for Adel and that the schedule was delayed due to busy work. The lessons would resume once the Orquenina delegation left. Observing the maid\'s expressions and attitude, Adel quickly realized that Lady Flavia had been dealt with. "By the way, when would you like to change clothes to go outside?" Adel was puzzled, "Go outside?" Ebony was also surprised, "Isn\'t it you who is responsible for taking care of the young master\'s wound?" Adel\'s eyes widened, "Me? For Lord Cesare?"\nparagraph_id 95: 8. At this moment, Cesare was smiling, revealing his dimples, "You\'ve arrived, my little sister." Adel stepped towards the man and placed the medical kit on the table, "So, the wound..." Before she could finish her sentence, Adel was utterly surprised when the man suddenly took off his shirt, revealing part of his body. A broad shoulder with a slim waist and alluring curves. There were a few scars on his biceps, indicating that he had encountered dangerous situations before.\nparagraph_id 96: Above the waist, near the waistband of his pants, there was a large mole on the left side of his spine. Cesare turned back and spoke slyly, "You\'ve been staring at me for quite a while." Adel snapped out of her daze and blushed, silently scolding herself, "Am I crazy?" She tried to explain, "That..." Cesare interrupted her with a laugh, "Don\'t get too excited when you see beautiful things." Adel exclaimed, "I am not!"\nparagraph_id 97: But Cesare didn\'t care, he leisurely turned around and lay face down on the bed for Adel to tend to his wound. Adel couldn\'t explain anything, so she just turned to get the medical kit. "Why did you ask me to treat you when I\'m not a doctor?" Cesare casually replied, "Because Giotto is too noisy, and Ebony is always grumpy. Besides, I got injured because of you, so you have to take responsibility for it."\nparagraph_id 98: Adel couldn\'t argue back. She turned and said, "First, I\'ll cut the bandages for you." Adel carefully removed each bandage. The room was now filled only with the sound of scissors snipping. Cesare continued to lie there, enjoying the attention. After all the bandages were removed, Adel wiped the sweat off her face. "Why do I feel so anxious? It feels like I\'m in the same room with a monster."\nparagraph_id 99: She picked up a box and said, "I\'ll apply the medicine for you." But the wound was larger than she thought. It extended from his back to his front side. Cesare could feel all her actions. Adel applied the medicine and then said, "Brother, I can\'t reach the wound in the front, so please turn over a bit." Cesare indifferently replied, "I don\'t want to."\nparagraph_id 100: Adel pleaded, "Just a little bit." But he still refused. "Can I sit on your bed for a moment?" Cesare paused, "You don\'t need to ask my permission for things like that." Adel blushed slightly, "Oh, thank you, then please excuse me."\nparagraph_id 101: Adel tried to bend over to reach the wound. But her oversized breasts and long hair, like seaweed, unintentionally made him itchy, "Stop teasing me." The entire medical kit was knocked to the floor, and Adel was pinned down by him, letting out a soft "Ahh..." She slightly opened her eyes, and Cesare\'s figure immediately came into focus.\nparagraph_id 102: Cesare thought to himself, "Ever since she fell from the roof, no one has asked if she\'s okay. Despite being ignored by everyone, she doesn\'t feel wronged. Instead, she looks at me with a worried expression. How can she be so foolish? Without me, she would have been dead already. Now she\'s worried about me? She must have another motive for coming to me in this state. She\'s just pretending to be more concerned about me than herself, wanting me to protect her with those trembling shoulders. Now I understand everything. No girl would worry about a guy who has trampled on her injured feet like that."\nparagraph_id 103: Adel softly called, "Brother..." Cesare corrected, "Call me Cesare, I don\'t want you to call me that when we\'re in the same bed." Adel exclaimed in shock, "Brother, why are you acting like this?" Cesare chuckled, "I want you to stop these cute acts, Adelaide. I\'m a man and you\'re a woman. I\'ve been observing you for a long time. You\'re very cute, and your foolishness is equally adorable. I\'ll give you the love you want, so stop pretending to be naive."\nparagraph_id 104: Countless women have appeared in Cesare\'s life, so many that it\'s unimaginable. Therefore, a pretend sister like her doesn\'t necessarily have to be among them. But in the end, this happened. Cesare smirked, "Looks like I\'ve chosen an excellent actress, haven\'t I? You\'re really good at acting, sister." Cesare thought that this girl was just pretending to be useless, as her main goal was to seduce the son of the Buonaparte family and drag him into a miserable life.\nparagraph_id 105: Cesare spoke, "I\'ll do as you wish. So open your mouth." As their lips were about to touch, Cesare suddenly woke up, thinking, "Wait, if I go further with this sister, what about the contract with the Della Valle family?" Cesare frowned and looked at Adel\'s heaving chest. He hesitated for a moment before he could restrain himself. Cesare told himself, "Well, I can loosen the belt next time. I\'ll compensate her if she feels treated unfairly. This girl is stunningly beautiful, such a waste. If I just taste it once and then end everything..."\nparagraph_id 106: 9. Swish! The sound interrupted Cesare\'s thoughts. A sharp pair of scissors was pressed against Cesare\'s neck, leaving him stunned, "How dare she?" Looking at Adel\'s sharp eyes, it seemed she wanted to kill this man immediately.`. Translate to bengali using Music & Audio terminology\n. Grammatically correct, never break words. Remove quotation marks at the beginning and end of the result, return only translated text in format paragraph_id, do not include original_text.\nbengali text:'}], APIError (most recent call last): File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/httpx/_transports/", line 69, in map_httpcore_exceptions yield File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/httpx/_transports/", line 233, in handle_request resp = self._pool.handle_request(req) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/httpcore/_sync/", line 216, in handle_request raise exc from None File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/httpcore/_sync/", line 196, in handle_request response = connection.handle_request( ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/httpcore/_sync/", line 99, in handle_request raise exc File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/httpcore/_sync/", line 76, in handle_request stream = self._connect(request) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/httpcore/_sync/", line 122, in _connect stream = self._network_backend.connect_tcp(**kwargs) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/httpcore/_backends/", line 205, in connect_tcp with map_exceptions(exc_map): File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/", line 158, in __exit__ self.gen.throw(typ, value, traceback) File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/httpcore/", line 14, in map_exceptions raise to_exc(exc) from exc httpcore.ConnectError: [Errno -2] Name or service not known The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/", line 877, in _request response = self._client.send( ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/httpx/", line 914, in send response = self._send_handling_auth( ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/httpx/", line 942, in _send_handling_auth response = self._send_handling_redirects( ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/httpx/", line 979, in _send_handling_redirects response = self._send_single_request(request) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/httpx/", line 1015, in _send_single_request response = transport.handle_request(request) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/httpx/_transports/", line 232, in handle_request with map_httpcore_exceptions(): File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/", line 158, in __exit__ self.gen.throw(typ, value, traceback) File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/httpx/_transports/", line 86, in map_httpcore_exceptions raise mapped_exc(message) from exc httpx.ConnectError: [Errno -2] Name or service not known The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/app/app/translate_gpt_back_common/services/", line 324, in translate_paragraph response = ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/", line 245, in wrapped return cast(APIResponse[R], func(*args, **kwargs)) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/_utils/", line 272, in wrapper return func(*args, **kwargs) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/resources/chat/", line 645, in create return self._post( ^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/", line 1088, in post return cast(ResponseT, self.request(cast_to, opts, stream=stream, stream_cls=stream_cls)) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/", line 853, in request return self._request( ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/", line 905, in _request raise APIConnectionError(request=request) from err openai.APIConnectionError: Connection error. INFO:httpx:HTTP Request: POST "HTTP/1.1 429 Too Many Requests" (most recent call last): File "/app/app/translate_gpt_back_common/services/", line 324, in translate_paragraph response = ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/", line 245, in wrapped return cast(APIResponse[R], func(*args, **kwargs)) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/_utils/", line 272, in wrapper return func(*args, **kwargs) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/resources/chat/", line 645, in create return self._post( ^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/", line 1088, in post return cast(ResponseT, self.request(cast_to, opts, stream=stream, stream_cls=stream_cls)) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/", line 853, in request return self._request( ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/", line 930, in _request raise self._make_status_error_from_response(err.response) from None openai.RateLimitError: Error code: 429 - {'error': {'code': '429', 'message': 'Requests to the ChatCompletions_Create Operation under Azure OpenAI API version 2024-02-15-preview have exceeded token rate limit of your current OpenAI S0 pricing tier. Please retry after 86400 seconds. Please go here: if you would like to further increase the default rate limit.'}} key: ********************3b0b94eee2ea INFO:app.translate_gpt_back_common.crud.crud_openai_api_key:set_usable_at: ********************3b0b94eee2ea - gpt-4o - 2024-06-20 06:11:55.053717 of model: gpt-4o INFO:app.translate_gpt_back_common.helpers.translator_helper:get_random_api_key_info_by_priority: There is no active openai api key with priority = 95 in database setup_api_key_and_client of model: gpt-4o key_type: AI_HUBMIX,,None, open ai key: ********************b6329C566F24e129cBeBb05A99fDb1c 0[{'role': 'system', 'content': 'Please use Friendly tone.'}, {'role': 'system', 'content': 'Please provide responses in Narrative writing style.'}, {'role': 'user', 'content': 'original_text: `paragraph_id 80: Cesare embraced Adel and placed a kiss on her forehead. He began to speak tenderly, "Compared to you being hurt, it\'s better if I am." Adel responded, "I am very happy. But I don\'t want you to be hurt either." Lucrezia glared at the sweet scene between the two of them. In her mind, Lucrezia immediately thought of tearing the girl being caressed by Cesare into a hundred pieces.\nparagraph_id 81: Suddenly, Cesare\'s voice interrupted Lucrezia\'s thoughts, "Lady Della Valle?" Lucrezia snapped back to reality and gracefully said, "Well, I think I can take care of..." Cesare cut her off, "This is not your fault, so you don\'t need to trouble yourself. Besides, my sister is here to take care of me."\nparagraph_id 82: Lucrezia trembled and said, "To let a beautiful girl take care of you? And in a private room, I think people will misunderstand." Cesare laughed loudly and teasingly replied, "She is my sister, Lady Della Valle. Of course, I think it\'s a waste for her to marry your brother." The room suddenly fell eerily silent. Cesare continued, "I will let this slide this time, but I won\'t turn a blind eye again. If you pull such a dirty trick once more, our families will truly turn against each other."\nparagraph_id 83: 7. Meanwhile, lady Flavia was locked in a room, fumbling around not knowing what to do. She was certain that Lucrezia\'s plan had failed and her name had been exposed. Suddenly, the door behind her opened, startling her. A tall man slowly entered, wearing a cloak that covered his head. His brown hair and cold blue eyes accentuated his handsome but icy demeanor.\nparagraph_id 84: You... you are... Flavia stammered, unable to utter a coherent sentence. The man spoke, “Signora Flavia Loredan, this is an order from Buonaparte. Please follow us.” Flavia was taken somewhere by carriage. Despite her screams, the young man from earlier remained silent. “I want to see lord Cesare! I can explain this!” The man did not utter a single word.\nparagraph_id 85: Flavia began to tremble and fear, “Where on earth are they taking me?” She tried to gather all the surrounding sounds while being blindfolded. Suddenly, Flavia heard the flapping of seagulls\' wings along with the sound of waves crashing against the shore. Could it be the harbor? The blindfold was removed, and Flavia finally saw the light. In front of her stood another man who spoke mockingly, I have been waiting for you for a long time, Signora Flavia.\nparagraph_id 86: Her face turned dark as she shouted, “Please, take me to Lord Cesare. This is all a misunderstanding. Let me explain. I was threatened, I had no other choice.” The man smirked, “Threatened? Wasn\'t it Signora who revealed the lady\'s identity? Have you forgotten the Omerta oath? As a retainer, haven\'t you violated the most important rule to follow?”\nparagraph_id 87: The Omerta oath is a code of silence. Those who take the oath cannot reveal anything they have seen or heard to the outside world. It represents the commitment of each noble. Anyone who breaks this oath will be duly punished. Flavia cried out, “No! It\'s not like that! I... I only gave a hint!”\nparagraph_id 88: Gigi made a troubled expression, “Then I guess Signora gave a very clear hint.” He turned away and ignored her, “Well, that\'s not my concern. Let\'s proceed to the next step.” Gigi extended his hand to introduce, “This ship is a Galley built in 840. The provisions on board include flour, hardtack, salt, sugar, biscuits, and a few other items. Daily necessities include soap and candles. With these supplies, you can reach Sorek on your own.”\nparagraph_id 89: Flavia\'s eyes widened, “Sorek? Isn\'t that the farthest place from Sant\'nar?” Crossing the sea on such an old ship, even a small wave could capsize both the ship and me. The bow doesn\'t even have a figurehead of the goddess, so how can it receive blessings? This is no different from sending me to my death.\nparagraph_id 90: Gigi added, "If you return here safely, Lord Cesare will forgive you. After all, it is the will of the sea goddess." "Alright, Sir Egir, I\'ve explained everything, so please proceed." Flavia was dragged away, only able to scream in despair, "Please give me a chance, just one chance. Let me meet him just once!" Gigi smiled and waved, "Have a pleasant journey. Be careful with the guidance of the sea goddess." "No, no, it\'s for you. It\'s for the Buonaparte family." The old ship set sail towards the dawn.\nparagraph_id 91: Meanwhile, Adel was being helped with her bath by a maid. She asked in a low voice, "Have they found the maid who pushed me down the roof?" Ebony showed a sorrowful expression, "She was found in a nearby drainage ditch. It was hard to identify her with her face slashed multiple times, but her hair matched your description. Her clothes were stripped off, probably to destroy evidence, and she had a large wound in the same spot where the young master was injured."\nparagraph_id 92: Upon hearing this, Adel guessed that Lucrezia had taken revenge on the maid for injuring Cesare. Adel inquired about the punishment for Lucrezia but was told that Lord Cesare couldn\'t do anything due to a lack of concrete evidence to accuse her. Imposing a financial penalty would cause public outcry since Lucrezia was very popular and beloved among the upper class and commoners alike. "You must be very troubled and upset, my lady." Adel replied, "No, I understand."\nparagraph_id 93: Seeing this, Ebony changed the subject and shared some good news, "Starting today, there will be no classes for a while. This is an order from the young master after reviewing everything you have learned. You can rest for a while. During this time, you can focus on recovering your legs." Adel asked, "What about Lady Flavia?" Ebony only showed a sad expression without saying a word. A soap bubble suddenly burst and disappeared. It seemed to symbolize the fate of Signora Flavia.`. Translate to bengali using Music & Audio terminology\n. Grammatically correct, never break words. Remove quotation marks at the beginning and end of the result, return only translated text in format paragraph_id, do not include original_text.\nbengali text:'}] INFO:httpx:HTTP Request: POST "HTTP/1.1 200 OK"[x-ratelimit-limit-requests]: 5000[x-ratelimit-remaining-requests]: 4999[x-ratelimit-reset-requests]: 12ms{ "id": "chatcmpl-9c5HqK7kOIMGGLRQypvub9zpCIiKB", "choices": [ { "finish_reason": "stop", "index": 0, "logprobs": null, "message": { "content": "paragraph_id 29: কিন্তু সাথে সাথেই, সে তার সংযম ফিরে পেল এবং হাসল, \"আমি মনে করি না যে আমি আপনাকে কোনো সামাজিক সমাবেশ বা বল-এ দেখেছি?\" অ্যাডেল উত্তর দিল, \"কারণ আমি কখনো উচ্চবিত্তদের সামনে উপস্থিত হইনি।\" লুক্রেজিয়া নিজেকে পরিচয় করাতে থাকল, \"আমি ডেলা ভ্যালি পরিবারের লুক্রেজিয়া। আমি জানতে পারি আপনি কোন পরিবার থেকে এসেছেন?\" অ্যাডেল কিছুটা উত্তেজিত দেখাল, কিন্তু তারপর সে তার উজ্জ্বলতা ফিরে পেল এবং উত্তর দিল, \"আমি অ্যাডেলাইড বোনাপার্ট।\" লুক্রেজিয়া অবাক হওয়ার ভান করল, \"কি? বোনাপার্ট? এটা কি উচ্চবিত্তদের মধ্যে প্রচলিত গুজব? যদিও এটা একটু বিব্রতকর, আমি সম্প্রতি বন্দিদশা থেকে মুক্তি পেয়েছি, তাই আমি জানতাম না।\"\n\nparagraph_id 30: অ্যাডেল মৃদুভাবে উত্তর দিল, \"যেমন আপনি শুনেছেন, আমি বোনাপার্ট পরিবারের একজন সদস্য। অনেক ঘটনার কারণে, আমি শৈশব থেকে আমার ভাই সিজারের সাথে বসবাস করিনি।\" লুক্রেজিয়ার সুর ঠান্ডা হয়ে গেল, \"ভাই? আপনি কি সিজারের সাথে বোনাপার্ট ম্যানশনে থাকছেন?\" অ্যাডেল উত্তর দিল, \"হ্যাঁ।\" কিন্তু সে কিছু বলার আগেই, লুক্রেজিয়া একটি আনন্দময় হাসি দিয়ে বাধা দিল। \"তথাপি, আপনি যখন বোনাপার্ট হলেন, আপনি কি ফর্নাটি ছেড়ে সান্ত'নারের ভূমি অন্বেষণ করতে চান?\"\n\nparagraph_id 31: অ্যাডেল তার উদ্দেশ্য বুঝতে পারল না, তাই সে শুধু বলল যে সে তার পরিবারের কাছে থাকতে চায়। লুক্রেজিয়ার সুর আবার ঠান্ডা হয়ে গেল, \"পরিবার?\" একটি দমবন্ধ করা নীরবতা সুন্দর বাগানটিকে আচ্ছন্ন করল। লুক্রেজিয়ার কিছু চাপ অ্যাডেলকে দমবন্ধ অনুভব করাল। \"এটা কি কারণ সে একজন সত্যিকারের অভিজাত মহিলা যে আমি এতটা উত্তেজিত বোধ করছি?\" আরেকটি বাধা, লুক্রেজিয়ার কঠোর সুর অ্যাডেলকে চমকে দিল, তাকে তার দিকে তাকাতে বাধ্য করল, কিন্তু সে শুধু লুক্রেজিয়াকে একটি মিথ্যা ভদ্র মুখে দেখল যখন সে নিজেকে ক্ষমা করল। সে একটি লুকানো অর্থ সহ হাসল, \"স্বর্গ আপনাকে খুনিদের থেকে রক্ষা করুক।\"\n\nparagraph_id 32: অ্যাডেল অনুভব করল যেন সে একটি ঘোরের মধ্যে আছে, একটি ঘূর্ণি তাকে নিচে টেনে নিয়ে যাচ্ছে। লুক্রেজিয়া অবশ্যই কিছু জানত। ইবনি উদ্বিগ্ন বোধ করতে পারল না, বলল যে সে এটি লর্ড সিজারকে জানাবে। যদিও লেডি লুক্রেজিয়া সরাসরি তার মুখোমুখি হবে না, লুকানো বিপদ দৃশ্যমান তরঙ্গের চেয়ে বেশি ভীতিকর। বাড়ি ফেরার পথে, লুক্রেজিয়া গাড়িতে কাঁদল, নিজেকে বিড়বিড় করল, তার দাসীকে উদ্বিগ্ন করল। \"হ্যাজেল? মনে হচ্ছে সিজার সেই বন্য মহিলার দ্বারা মুগ্ধ হয়েছে।\"\n\nparagraph_id 33: দাসী আতঙ্কিত হল, \"হ্যাঁ, আপনি কি বলতে চান, মিস? কিন্তু সে তার বোন।\" \"না, সে নয়,\" লুক্রেজিয়া কাঁদতে কাঁদতে বলল, \"ওই হাত একজন মহিলার নয়। সে আমাকে এতটাই ঘৃণা করে যে সে এমন একজনকে তার বোন বলে ডাকে যে একজন মহিলা নয়। তাছাড়া, যদি সে তার দ্বারা মুগ্ধ না হত, তবে সে অবশ্যই তাকে আমার ভাইয়ের সাথে বিয়ে করার ইচ্ছা করত।\" হ্যাজেল চিৎকার করে বলল, \"তাহলে আপনাকে কিছু করতে হবে তার সম্পূর্ণভাবে লর্ড সিজারকে দখল করার আগে। তাছাড়া, আপনি যদি এখন হাল ছেড়ে দেন, সেই মহিলা ডেলা ভ্যালি পরিবারের সদস্য হয়ে যাবে।\"\n\nparagraph_id 34: \"যেকোনো উপায়ে, আপনাকে তাকে সরিয়ে ফেলতে হবে।\" লুক্রেজিয়া কাঁদতে কাঁদতে বলল, \"কিন্তু কিভাবে?\" হ্যাজেল চিৎকার করে বলল, \"তাকে নির্মূল করুন!\" লুক্রেজিয়া মাথা নাড়ল, \"না, আমি কাউকে আঘাত করতে চাই না, আমি খুব ভীত।\" দাসী তার প্রভুকে সত্যিই দুর্বল দেখল, \"চিন্তা করবেন না, আমি আপনাকে সাহায্য করব।\" হ্যাজেলের দৃঢ়তা লুক্রেজিয়াকে আনন্দিত করল, \"ওহ আমার, এই কথাগুলো কি সত্যি?\" দাসী আন্তরিকভাবে তার আনুগত্য প্রকাশ করল। এটি লুক্রেজিয়াকে খুব খুশি করল; সে দাসীকে কৃতজ্ঞতা জানাতে জড়িয়ে ধরল, তার মুখে একটি দুষ্ট হাসি দেখা গেল। দরিদ্র দাসী জানত না যে সে নিজেই লুক্রেজিয়ার দ্বারা পরিকল্পিত একটি ফাঁদে পড়েছে।\n\nparagraph_id 35: এক সকালে, একটি গাড়ির মিছিল বোনাপার্ট দুর্গে পৌঁছাল। অতিথিরা ম্যানশনের মহিমা দেখে খুব মুগ্ধ হল। সমস্ত দাসীরা ঘরগুলি সাজানো এবং পরিষ্কার করতে খুব ব্যস্ত ছিল। আজ, অ্যাডেল তার ভাইয়ের সাথে দেখা করতে চেয়েছিল। সে দরজায় কড়া নাড়তে যাচ্ছিল যখন সে মনে করল তাকে তা করতে নিষেধ করা হয়েছিল। ঠিক তখন, একজন অপরিচিত ব্যক্তি তাকে দেখল। সেই ব্যক্তি সিজারকে জানাল, \"স্যার, একজন অতিথি আছে।\" সে তার মিথ্যা বোনের দিকে তাকিয়ে উজ্জ্বলভাবে হাসল, \"আচ্ছা, আমার বোন, তোমার পা কেমন আছে?\"\n\nparagraph_id 36: অ্যাডেল উত্তর দিল, \"আপনার যত্নের জন্য, আমার পা সম্পূর্ণরূপে সেরে গেছে।\" সিজার ঠাট্টা করে বলল, \"ওহ, আমি কি যত্ন নিয়েছিলাম?\" অ্যাডেল উত্তর দিল, \"আমি শুধু সৌজন্যতার জন্য বলেছিলাম।\" অ্যাডেল হঠাৎ তার অফিসে এসে কথা বলতে দ্বিধা করছিল দেখে, সিজার জিজ্ঞাসা করল, \"তোমার কিছু বলার আছে কি?\"\n\nparagraph_id 37: অ্যাডেল তোতলাতে তোতলাতে বলল, \"আমি কি আজ রাতে সামাজিক পার্টিতে অংশ নিতে পারি?\" সিজার এবং অপরিচিত ব্যক্তি দুজনেই অবাক হল। সিজার বলল, \"ঠিক আছে, তুমি শুধু এটুকুই জিজ্ঞাসা করতে এসেছ?\" অ্যাডেল উত্তর দিল, \"আমি শুধু এখানে এসেছি এবং সামাজিক হতে চাই।\" সিজার হাসল, \"আমি জানতাম না আমার বোন এত মিষ্টি। মনে হচ্ছে তুমি এখানে সবকিছুর সাথে মানিয়ে নিয়েছ।\"\n\nparagraph_id 38: কিছুক্ষণ কথা বলার পর, সিজারের পাশে দাঁড়িয়ে থাকা অপরিচিত ব্যক্তি সিজারের দিকে প্রত্যাশিতভাবে তাকিয়ে রইল। অবশেষে, সিজার তাদের একে অপরের সাথে পরিচয় করিয়ে দিল, \"এটি আমার বোন, অ্যাডেলাইড বোনাপার্ট।\"\n\nparagraph_id 39: অ্যাডেল অতিথিকে বিনয়ের সাথে নম করল, \"সমুদ্র দেবী তোমাকে আশীর্বাদ করুন।\" \"এবং এটি গিগি ম্যানফ্রেডি।\" যুবকটি আনন্দের সাথে নিজেকে পরিচয় করাল, \"হ্যালো, আমি সিজারের ব্যক্তিগত সহকারী। আমি বোনাপার্ট পরিবারের অধীনে স্টেলোন বাণিজ্য গিল্ডের সভাপতি। ভবিষ্যতে আমাকে যত্ন নেবেন।\" গিগি এমন একজন মনে হল যে সামাজিকতা এবং বন্ধুত্ব করতে ভালোবাসে। সে অ্যাডেলের সৌন্দর্যে এতটাই মুগ্ধ হল যে সে এমনকি ভাবল যে সে একটি মৎস্যকন্যা। সিজার এটি শুনে বাকরুদ্ধ হয়ে গেল।\n\nparagraph_id 40: সিজারকে আরামদায়কভাবে কথা বলতে দেখে, অ্যাডেল তার হৃদয়ের সমস্ত ক্ষোভ দমন করতে পারল। সে তাকে দেখার মুহূর্ত থেকে, তার মনের প্রতিটি কোণ যেন একটি তীক্ষ্ণ ছুরি দিয়ে টুকরো টুকরো করে কাটা হচ্ছিল, এবং সে তার পায়ে পিষ্ট চামড়ার জুতা এবং তার হৃদয়ে কাঁটার মতো বিঁধে থাকা কথাগুলি ভুলে যাওয়ার সিদ্ধান্ত নিল। হঠাৎ, সিজার জিজ্ঞাসা করল, \"তুমি লুক্রেজিয়ার সাথে দেখা করেছ, তাই না? আমি শুনেছি তুমি একটি সতর্কতা পেয়েছ। বেশ মজার।\"", "role": "assistant", "function_call": null, "tool_calls": null } } ], "created": 1718863814, "model": "gpt-4o-2024-05-13", "object": "chat.completion", "system_fingerprint": "fp_9cb5d38cf7", "usage": { "completion_tokens": 2001, "prompt_tokens": 1410, "total_tokens": 3411 } } of model: gpt-4o setup_api_key_and_client of model: gpt-4o key_type: AZURE,,2024-02-15-preview, gpt-4o INFO:app.translate_gpt_back_common.helpers.translate_history_helper:add_percent_complete: b3b585c6-2ecb-11ef-9b1a-b22fcf60533e - 10% INFO:[CRUD History]:add_percent_complete: b3b585c6-2ecb-11ef-9b1a-b22fcf60533e - 10% : 12 : 12 process: Process-4 END process: Process-10 START translate_history.status_percentage {'_sa_instance_state': , 'tone': 'Friendly', 'used_model': 'gpt-4o', 'note': None, 'deleted_at': None, 'writing_style': 'Narrative', 'status': 1, 'file_size': 45247, 'trans_input': 'High Society video 3.docx', 'status_desc': '', 'file_password': None, 'uuid': 'b3b585c6-2ecb-11ef-9b1a-b22fcf60533e', 'input_file_path': 'flare_uploaded/21541/20240620_060948_092780/High Society video 3.docx', 'status_percentage': 41, 'user_id': 21541, 'trans_result': None, 'rating': '', 'error_message': '', 'origin_lang': 'english', 'type': 'translate-document', 'rating_content': '', 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 6, 20, 6, 9, 50), 'target_lang': 'bengali', 'estimated_token': 394830, 'translate_job_id': None, 'updated_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 6, 20, 6, 10, 52), 'id': 2909826, 'domain': 'Music & Audio', 'used_token': 0, 'custom_prompt': None} 41 open ai key: ********************0a393b1d42ea 0[{'role': 'system', 'content': 'Please use Friendly tone.'}, {'role': 'system', 'content': 'Please provide responses in Narrative writing style.'}, {'role': 'user', 'content': 'original_text: `paragraph_id 107: Cesare suddenly became elated, " "What an utterly insane woman!" Cesare exclaimed, "Why are you holding such a dangerous thing, planning to cut my throat?" Adel replied, "Yes, if I have to." Cesare glared, "Are you sure you\'re confident enough to do this?" She responded without hesitation, "Have you forgotten I come from Kimura?" The two sharp ends of the scissors separated and dug deeper into his neck.\nparagraph_id 108: Cesare still kept a smiling face, but he knew this girl was extremely serious about making a move. He grinned slyly and quickly subdued the arm of the girl holding the weapon to his neck. Adel could only tremble and resist, "You\'re too easy to control. So stupid!" Adel angrily cursed the rogue. Cesare didn\'t get angry when cursed but felt even more excited when she got so mad, and she didn\'t seem to be pretending.\nparagraph_id 109: He suddenly glanced around and realized that he had never done this with any woman before. Cesare released her hand and leisurely asked, "So, does Miss Adelaide hate me?" Adel hesitated for a moment and then frowned, "I don\'t hate you." That answer made Cesare pause, but Adel showed a determined face, "However, that doesn\'t mean I want to do that dirty thing with you."\nparagraph_id 110: Cesare became astonished and laughed heartily. "She should have said she hated me." Laughing too much made his pain flare up again. Cesare asked her to apply the medicine again so he could leave soon. He sat upright on the bed and slyly glanced at Adel, "What should I do with this girl? Now I really don\'t want to hand her over to the Della Valle family anymore."\nparagraph_id 111: 10. At the parliament meeting, eight people were sitting around a round table. Everyone praised the Buonaparte family for warmly welcoming the Orquenina delegation. "But I heard you invited Miss Lucrezia to your office at the end of the ball. Might we hear some good news?" Cesare leisurely replied, "There\'s nothing special about that, I just had a few things to discuss with the lady."\nparagraph_id 112: A curious man asked, "What could that be?" Cesare smirked, "It\'s about my sister. My sister was born to my parents after they left the family, and now they have sent her back home." Everyone was extremely astonished, "What do you mean? A sister?" Cesare replied, "I understand that everyone has a lot of questions, but it won\'t be long before my sister makes her debut before the nobility at the coming-out ball in a few months. Then, I guess she will be able to meet the son of the Della Valle family."\nparagraph_id 113: The other members in the office were all taken aback. Cesare turned to glance at an older man. "I am preparing everything to marry Adel into the Della Valle family. I can\'t keep hiding my young and vibrant sister for myself forever." A middle-aged man sitting next to Cesare, named Luca Della Valle, looked at him with a very complex expression. Cesare continued to jest, "Isn\'t that a good thing for your family? Because Miss Lucrezia won\'t have to marry the playboy from the Buonaparte family."\nparagraph_id 114: Another day has come, while a pair of birds were singing joyfully at the Buonaparte mansion, a piercing scream suddenly made them fly away. "Oh my lady!" Gigi rushed over with a very radiant face. Early in the morning, this guy was already full of energy and greeted, "Adel, you look very beautiful today. You never cease to captivate me every time I come to see you. Even the mermaids in the sea would be jealous when they see you."\nparagraph_id 115: "Ahh, ouchh!" Cesare, after bumping Gigi’s head, leaving it a red lump, warmly greeted, "May the goddess bless you." Seeing this, Adel also bowed in return. Cesare suddenly remembered, this was the first time he saw Adel again after the incident in his bedroom. Adel had been waiting for him since earlier, frowning in discomfort because she knew he was staring at her.\nparagraph_id 116: Cesare smirked, "I called you here because there\'s something else to do. Don\'t look so annoyed." Adel paused slightly, her demeanor causing both Gigi and the maid Ebony to feel puzzled. Cesare ordered, "Come in! Sir Aegir Korer. From today, he will be your bodyguard." Adel thought to herself, "Korer? His last name is Korer, could it be...?"\nparagraph_id 117: Seeing her doubtful expression, Cesare added, "Aegir is Ebony\'s younger brother." Adel still found it very strange, "He is said to be her younger brother, but doesn\'t he look too young compared to her?" Suddenly, Adel snapped back to reality, almost forgetting to properly greet Aegir. Gigi behind her praised, "She is really perceptive." Cesare sarcastically remarked, "If she wasn\'t perceptive, she wouldn\'t have discovered that the maid doesn\'t belong to the Buonaparte family." Gigi exclaimed, "She has only been at this mansion for less than a month."\nparagraph_id 118: Suddenly, the young man looked at the clock and exclaimed, "It\'s time to move." Cesare regretfully said, "Time flies so fast. That\'s it for today." He suddenly forced a smile and muttered to himself, "Even if she is my sister, I can\'t keep her by my side forever." Hearing this, Adel paused, looking uneasily at the man who had just uttered such a meaningful statement. The other three people didn\'t understand what was going on.\nparagraph_id 119: While pacing in the lobby, Adel silently cursed that man, "That crazy, depraved scoundrel is always so full of himself. At first, he seemed charming and exciting, but then he completely changed his attitude." For the first time, I noticed the mole under his eye so clearly; it looked so alluring that I couldn\'t think of anything else.`. Translate to bengali using Music & Audio terminology\n. Grammatically correct, never break words. Remove quotation marks at the beginning and end of the result, return only translated text in format paragraph_id, do not include original_text.\nbengali text:'}] INFO:httpx:HTTP Request: POST "HTTP/1.1 429 Too Many Requests" (most recent call last): File "/app/app/translate_gpt_back_common/services/", line 324, in translate_paragraph response = ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/", line 245, in wrapped return cast(APIResponse[R], func(*args, **kwargs)) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/_utils/", line 272, in wrapper return func(*args, **kwargs) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/resources/chat/", line 645, in create return self._post( ^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/", line 1088, in post return cast(ResponseT, self.request(cast_to, opts, stream=stream, stream_cls=stream_cls)) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/", line 853, in request return self._request( ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/", line 930, in _request raise self._make_status_error_from_response(err.response) from None openai.RateLimitError: Error code: 429 - {'error': {'code': '429', 'message': 'Requests to the ChatCompletions_Create Operation under Azure OpenAI API version 2024-02-15-preview have exceeded call rate limit of your current OpenAI S0 pricing tier. Please retry after 5 seconds. Please go here: if you would like to further increase the default rate limit.'}} key: ********************0a393b1d42ea INFO:app.translate_gpt_back_common.crud.crud_openai_api_key:set_usable_at: ********************0a393b1d42ea - gpt-4o - 2024-06-20 06:11:58.519494 of model: gpt-4o setup_api_key_and_client of model: gpt-4o key_type: AZURE,,2024-02-15-preview, gpt-4o open ai key: ********************130855d9ceb0 1[{'role': 'system', 'content': 'Please use Friendly tone.'}, {'role': 'system', 'content': 'Please provide responses in Narrative writing style.'}, {'role': 'user', 'content': 'original_text: `paragraph_id 107: Cesare suddenly became elated, " "What an utterly insane woman!" Cesare exclaimed, "Why are you holding such a dangerous thing, planning to cut my throat?" Adel replied, "Yes, if I have to." Cesare glared, "Are you sure you\'re confident enough to do this?" She responded without hesitation, "Have you forgotten I come from Kimura?" The two sharp ends of the scissors separated and dug deeper into his neck.\nparagraph_id 108: Cesare still kept a smiling face, but he knew this girl was extremely serious about making a move. He grinned slyly and quickly subdued the arm of the girl holding the weapon to his neck. Adel could only tremble and resist, "You\'re too easy to control. So stupid!" Adel angrily cursed the rogue. Cesare didn\'t get angry when cursed but felt even more excited when she got so mad, and she didn\'t seem to be pretending.\nparagraph_id 109: He suddenly glanced around and realized that he had never done this with any woman before. Cesare released her hand and leisurely asked, "So, does Miss Adelaide hate me?" Adel hesitated for a moment and then frowned, "I don\'t hate you." That answer made Cesare pause, but Adel showed a determined face, "However, that doesn\'t mean I want to do that dirty thing with you."\nparagraph_id 110: Cesare became astonished and laughed heartily. "She should have said she hated me." Laughing too much made his pain flare up again. Cesare asked her to apply the medicine again so he could leave soon. He sat upright on the bed and slyly glanced at Adel, "What should I do with this girl? Now I really don\'t want to hand her over to the Della Valle family anymore."\nparagraph_id 111: 10. At the parliament meeting, eight people were sitting around a round table. Everyone praised the Buonaparte family for warmly welcoming the Orquenina delegation. "But I heard you invited Miss Lucrezia to your office at the end of the ball. Might we hear some good news?" Cesare leisurely replied, "There\'s nothing special about that, I just had a few things to discuss with the lady."\nparagraph_id 112: A curious man asked, "What could that be?" Cesare smirked, "It\'s about my sister. My sister was born to my parents after they left the family, and now they have sent her back home." Everyone was extremely astonished, "What do you mean? A sister?" Cesare replied, "I understand that everyone has a lot of questions, but it won\'t be long before my sister makes her debut before the nobility at the coming-out ball in a few months. Then, I guess she will be able to meet the son of the Della Valle family."\nparagraph_id 113: The other members in the office were all taken aback. Cesare turned to glance at an older man. "I am preparing everything to marry Adel into the Della Valle family. I can\'t keep hiding my young and vibrant sister for myself forever." A middle-aged man sitting next to Cesare, named Luca Della Valle, looked at him with a very complex expression. Cesare continued to jest, "Isn\'t that a good thing for your family? Because Miss Lucrezia won\'t have to marry the playboy from the Buonaparte family."\nparagraph_id 114: Another day has come, while a pair of birds were singing joyfully at the Buonaparte mansion, a piercing scream suddenly made them fly away. "Oh my lady!" Gigi rushed over with a very radiant face. Early in the morning, this guy was already full of energy and greeted, "Adel, you look very beautiful today. You never cease to captivate me every time I come to see you. Even the mermaids in the sea would be jealous when they see you."\nparagraph_id 115: "Ahh, ouchh!" Cesare, after bumping Gigi’s head, leaving it a red lump, warmly greeted, "May the goddess bless you." Seeing this, Adel also bowed in return. Cesare suddenly remembered, this was the first time he saw Adel again after the incident in his bedroom. Adel had been waiting for him since earlier, frowning in discomfort because she knew he was staring at her.\nparagraph_id 116: Cesare smirked, "I called you here because there\'s something else to do. Don\'t look so annoyed." Adel paused slightly, her demeanor causing both Gigi and the maid Ebony to feel puzzled. Cesare ordered, "Come in! Sir Aegir Korer. From today, he will be your bodyguard." Adel thought to herself, "Korer? His last name is Korer, could it be...?"\nparagraph_id 117: Seeing her doubtful expression, Cesare added, "Aegir is Ebony\'s younger brother." Adel still found it very strange, "He is said to be her younger brother, but doesn\'t he look too young compared to her?" Suddenly, Adel snapped back to reality, almost forgetting to properly greet Aegir. Gigi behind her praised, "She is really perceptive." Cesare sarcastically remarked, "If she wasn\'t perceptive, she wouldn\'t have discovered that the maid doesn\'t belong to the Buonaparte family." Gigi exclaimed, "She has only been at this mansion for less than a month."\nparagraph_id 118: Suddenly, the young man looked at the clock and exclaimed, "It\'s time to move." Cesare regretfully said, "Time flies so fast. That\'s it for today." He suddenly forced a smile and muttered to himself, "Even if she is my sister, I can\'t keep her by my side forever." Hearing this, Adel paused, looking uneasily at the man who had just uttered such a meaningful statement. The other three people didn\'t understand what was going on.\nparagraph_id 119: While pacing in the lobby, Adel silently cursed that man, "That crazy, depraved scoundrel is always so full of himself. At first, he seemed charming and exciting, but then he completely changed his attitude." For the first time, I noticed the mole under his eye so clearly; it looked so alluring that I couldn\'t think of anything else.`. Translate to bengali using Music & Audio terminology\n. Grammatically correct, never break words. Remove quotation marks at the beginning and end of the result, return only translated text in format paragraph_id, do not include original_text.\nbengali text:'}] INFO:httpx:HTTP Request: POST "HTTP/1.1 429 Too Many Requests" (most recent call last): File "/app/app/translate_gpt_back_common/services/", line 324, in translate_paragraph response = ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/", line 245, in wrapped return cast(APIResponse[R], func(*args, **kwargs)) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/_utils/", line 272, in wrapper return func(*args, **kwargs) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/resources/chat/", line 645, in create return self._post( ^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/", line 1088, in post return cast(ResponseT, self.request(cast_to, opts, stream=stream, stream_cls=stream_cls)) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/", line 853, in request return self._request( ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/", line 930, in _request raise self._make_status_error_from_response(err.response) from None openai.RateLimitError: Error code: 429 - {'error': {'code': '429', 'message': 'Requests to the ChatCompletions_Create Operation under Azure OpenAI API version 2024-02-15-preview have exceeded token rate limit of your current OpenAI S0 pricing tier. Please retry after 86400 seconds. Please go here: if you would like to further increase the default rate limit.'}} key: ********************130855d9ceb0 INFO:app.translate_gpt_back_common.crud.crud_openai_api_key:set_usable_at: ********************130855d9ceb0 - gpt-4o - 2024-06-20 06:11:58.703066 of model: gpt-4o setup_api_key_and_client of model: gpt-4o key_type: AZURE,,2024-02-15-preview, gpt-4o open ai key: ********************91f5e5dacd10 2[{'role': 'system', 'content': 'Please use Friendly tone.'}, {'role': 'system', 'content': 'Please provide responses in Narrative writing style.'}, {'role': 'user', 'content': 'original_text: `paragraph_id 107: Cesare suddenly became elated, " "What an utterly insane woman!" Cesare exclaimed, "Why are you holding such a dangerous thing, planning to cut my throat?" Adel replied, "Yes, if I have to." Cesare glared, "Are you sure you\'re confident enough to do this?" She responded without hesitation, "Have you forgotten I come from Kimura?" The two sharp ends of the scissors separated and dug deeper into his neck.\nparagraph_id 108: Cesare still kept a smiling face, but he knew this girl was extremely serious about making a move. He grinned slyly and quickly subdued the arm of the girl holding the weapon to his neck. Adel could only tremble and resist, "You\'re too easy to control. So stupid!" Adel angrily cursed the rogue. Cesare didn\'t get angry when cursed but felt even more excited when she got so mad, and she didn\'t seem to be pretending.\nparagraph_id 109: He suddenly glanced around and realized that he had never done this with any woman before. Cesare released her hand and leisurely asked, "So, does Miss Adelaide hate me?" Adel hesitated for a moment and then frowned, "I don\'t hate you." That answer made Cesare pause, but Adel showed a determined face, "However, that doesn\'t mean I want to do that dirty thing with you."\nparagraph_id 110: Cesare became astonished and laughed heartily. "She should have said she hated me." Laughing too much made his pain flare up again. Cesare asked her to apply the medicine again so he could leave soon. He sat upright on the bed and slyly glanced at Adel, "What should I do with this girl? Now I really don\'t want to hand her over to the Della Valle family anymore."\nparagraph_id 111: 10. At the parliament meeting, eight people were sitting around a round table. Everyone praised the Buonaparte family for warmly welcoming the Orquenina delegation. "But I heard you invited Miss Lucrezia to your office at the end of the ball. Might we hear some good news?" Cesare leisurely replied, "There\'s nothing special about that, I just had a few things to discuss with the lady."\nparagraph_id 112: A curious man asked, "What could that be?" Cesare smirked, "It\'s about my sister. My sister was born to my parents after they left the family, and now they have sent her back home." Everyone was extremely astonished, "What do you mean? A sister?" Cesare replied, "I understand that everyone has a lot of questions, but it won\'t be long before my sister makes her debut before the nobility at the coming-out ball in a few months. Then, I guess she will be able to meet the son of the Della Valle family."\nparagraph_id 113: The other members in the office were all taken aback. Cesare turned to glance at an older man. "I am preparing everything to marry Adel into the Della Valle family. I can\'t keep hiding my young and vibrant sister for myself forever." A middle-aged man sitting next to Cesare, named Luca Della Valle, looked at him with a very complex expression. Cesare continued to jest, "Isn\'t that a good thing for your family? Because Miss Lucrezia won\'t have to marry the playboy from the Buonaparte family."\nparagraph_id 114: Another day has come, while a pair of birds were singing joyfully at the Buonaparte mansion, a piercing scream suddenly made them fly away. "Oh my lady!" Gigi rushed over with a very radiant face. Early in the morning, this guy was already full of energy and greeted, "Adel, you look very beautiful today. You never cease to captivate me every time I come to see you. Even the mermaids in the sea would be jealous when they see you."\nparagraph_id 115: "Ahh, ouchh!" Cesare, after bumping Gigi’s head, leaving it a red lump, warmly greeted, "May the goddess bless you." Seeing this, Adel also bowed in return. Cesare suddenly remembered, this was the first time he saw Adel again after the incident in his bedroom. Adel had been waiting for him since earlier, frowning in discomfort because she knew he was staring at her.\nparagraph_id 116: Cesare smirked, "I called you here because there\'s something else to do. Don\'t look so annoyed." Adel paused slightly, her demeanor causing both Gigi and the maid Ebony to feel puzzled. Cesare ordered, "Come in! Sir Aegir Korer. From today, he will be your bodyguard." Adel thought to herself, "Korer? His last name is Korer, could it be...?"\nparagraph_id 117: Seeing her doubtful expression, Cesare added, "Aegir is Ebony\'s younger brother." Adel still found it very strange, "He is said to be her younger brother, but doesn\'t he look too young compared to her?" Suddenly, Adel snapped back to reality, almost forgetting to properly greet Aegir. Gigi behind her praised, "She is really perceptive." Cesare sarcastically remarked, "If she wasn\'t perceptive, she wouldn\'t have discovered that the maid doesn\'t belong to the Buonaparte family." Gigi exclaimed, "She has only been at this mansion for less than a month."\nparagraph_id 118: Suddenly, the young man looked at the clock and exclaimed, "It\'s time to move." Cesare regretfully said, "Time flies so fast. That\'s it for today." He suddenly forced a smile and muttered to himself, "Even if she is my sister, I can\'t keep her by my side forever." Hearing this, Adel paused, looking uneasily at the man who had just uttered such a meaningful statement. The other three people didn\'t understand what was going on.\nparagraph_id 119: While pacing in the lobby, Adel silently cursed that man, "That crazy, depraved scoundrel is always so full of himself. At first, he seemed charming and exciting, but then he completely changed his attitude." For the first time, I noticed the mole under his eye so clearly; it looked so alluring that I couldn\'t think of anything else.`. Translate to bengali using Music & Audio terminology\n. Grammatically correct, never break words. Remove quotation marks at the beginning and end of the result, return only translated text in format paragraph_id, do not include original_text.\nbengali text:'}] INFO:httpx:HTTP Request: POST "HTTP/1.1 429 Too Many Requests" (most recent call last): File "/app/app/translate_gpt_back_common/services/", line 324, in translate_paragraph response = ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/", line 245, in wrapped return cast(APIResponse[R], func(*args, **kwargs)) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/_utils/", line 272, in wrapper return func(*args, **kwargs) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/resources/chat/", line 645, in create return self._post( ^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/", line 1088, in post return cast(ResponseT, self.request(cast_to, opts, stream=stream, stream_cls=stream_cls)) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/", line 853, in request return self._request( ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/", line 930, in _request raise self._make_status_error_from_response(err.response) from None openai.RateLimitError: Error code: 429 - {'error': {'code': '429', 'message': 'Requests to the ChatCompletions_Create Operation under Azure OpenAI API version 2024-02-15-preview have exceeded token rate limit of your current OpenAI S0 pricing tier. Please retry after 86400 seconds. Please go here: if you would like to further increase the default rate limit.'}} key: ********************91f5e5dacd10 INFO:app.translate_gpt_back_common.crud.crud_openai_api_key:set_usable_at: ********************91f5e5dacd10 - gpt-4o - 2024-06-20 06:11:59.202874 of model: gpt-4o setup_api_key_and_client of model: gpt-4o key_type: AZURE,,2024-02-15-preview, gpt-4o open ai key: ********************8d7ba47856bc 3[{'role': 'system', 'content': 'Please use Friendly tone.'}, {'role': 'system', 'content': 'Please provide responses in Narrative writing style.'}, {'role': 'user', 'content': 'original_text: `paragraph_id 107: Cesare suddenly became elated, " "What an utterly insane woman!" Cesare exclaimed, "Why are you holding such a dangerous thing, planning to cut my throat?" Adel replied, "Yes, if I have to." Cesare glared, "Are you sure you\'re confident enough to do this?" She responded without hesitation, "Have you forgotten I come from Kimura?" The two sharp ends of the scissors separated and dug deeper into his neck.\nparagraph_id 108: Cesare still kept a smiling face, but he knew this girl was extremely serious about making a move. He grinned slyly and quickly subdued the arm of the girl holding the weapon to his neck. Adel could only tremble and resist, "You\'re too easy to control. So stupid!" Adel angrily cursed the rogue. Cesare didn\'t get angry when cursed but felt even more excited when she got so mad, and she didn\'t seem to be pretending.\nparagraph_id 109: He suddenly glanced around and realized that he had never done this with any woman before. Cesare released her hand and leisurely asked, "So, does Miss Adelaide hate me?" Adel hesitated for a moment and then frowned, "I don\'t hate you." That answer made Cesare pause, but Adel showed a determined face, "However, that doesn\'t mean I want to do that dirty thing with you."\nparagraph_id 110: Cesare became astonished and laughed heartily. "She should have said she hated me." Laughing too much made his pain flare up again. Cesare asked her to apply the medicine again so he could leave soon. He sat upright on the bed and slyly glanced at Adel, "What should I do with this girl? Now I really don\'t want to hand her over to the Della Valle family anymore."\nparagraph_id 111: 10. At the parliament meeting, eight people were sitting around a round table. Everyone praised the Buonaparte family for warmly welcoming the Orquenina delegation. "But I heard you invited Miss Lucrezia to your office at the end of the ball. Might we hear some good news?" Cesare leisurely replied, "There\'s nothing special about that, I just had a few things to discuss with the lady."\nparagraph_id 112: A curious man asked, "What could that be?" Cesare smirked, "It\'s about my sister. My sister was born to my parents after they left the family, and now they have sent her back home." Everyone was extremely astonished, "What do you mean? A sister?" Cesare replied, "I understand that everyone has a lot of questions, but it won\'t be long before my sister makes her debut before the nobility at the coming-out ball in a few months. Then, I guess she will be able to meet the son of the Della Valle family."\nparagraph_id 113: The other members in the office were all taken aback. Cesare turned to glance at an older man. "I am preparing everything to marry Adel into the Della Valle family. I can\'t keep hiding my young and vibrant sister for myself forever." A middle-aged man sitting next to Cesare, named Luca Della Valle, looked at him with a very complex expression. Cesare continued to jest, "Isn\'t that a good thing for your family? Because Miss Lucrezia won\'t have to marry the playboy from the Buonaparte family."\nparagraph_id 114: Another day has come, while a pair of birds were singing joyfully at the Buonaparte mansion, a piercing scream suddenly made them fly away. "Oh my lady!" Gigi rushed over with a very radiant face. Early in the morning, this guy was already full of energy and greeted, "Adel, you look very beautiful today. You never cease to captivate me every time I come to see you. Even the mermaids in the sea would be jealous when they see you."\nparagraph_id 115: "Ahh, ouchh!" Cesare, after bumping Gigi’s head, leaving it a red lump, warmly greeted, "May the goddess bless you." Seeing this, Adel also bowed in return. Cesare suddenly remembered, this was the first time he saw Adel again after the incident in his bedroom. Adel had been waiting for him since earlier, frowning in discomfort because she knew he was staring at her.\nparagraph_id 116: Cesare smirked, "I called you here because there\'s something else to do. Don\'t look so annoyed." Adel paused slightly, her demeanor causing both Gigi and the maid Ebony to feel puzzled. Cesare ordered, "Come in! Sir Aegir Korer. From today, he will be your bodyguard." Adel thought to herself, "Korer? His last name is Korer, could it be...?"\nparagraph_id 117: Seeing her doubtful expression, Cesare added, "Aegir is Ebony\'s younger brother." Adel still found it very strange, "He is said to be her younger brother, but doesn\'t he look too young compared to her?" Suddenly, Adel snapped back to reality, almost forgetting to properly greet Aegir. Gigi behind her praised, "She is really perceptive." Cesare sarcastically remarked, "If she wasn\'t perceptive, she wouldn\'t have discovered that the maid doesn\'t belong to the Buonaparte family." Gigi exclaimed, "She has only been at this mansion for less than a month."\nparagraph_id 118: Suddenly, the young man looked at the clock and exclaimed, "It\'s time to move." Cesare regretfully said, "Time flies so fast. That\'s it for today." He suddenly forced a smile and muttered to himself, "Even if she is my sister, I can\'t keep her by my side forever." Hearing this, Adel paused, looking uneasily at the man who had just uttered such a meaningful statement. The other three people didn\'t understand what was going on.\nparagraph_id 119: While pacing in the lobby, Adel silently cursed that man, "That crazy, depraved scoundrel is always so full of himself. At first, he seemed charming and exciting, but then he completely changed his attitude." For the first time, I noticed the mole under his eye so clearly; it looked so alluring that I couldn\'t think of anything else.`. Translate to bengali using Music & Audio terminology\n. Grammatically correct, never break words. Remove quotation marks at the beginning and end of the result, return only translated text in format paragraph_id, do not include original_text.\nbengali text:'}] INFO:httpx:HTTP Request: POST "HTTP/1.1 429 Too Many Requests" (most recent call last): File "/app/app/translate_gpt_back_common/services/", line 324, in translate_paragraph response = ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/", line 245, in wrapped return cast(APIResponse[R], func(*args, **kwargs)) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/_utils/", line 272, in wrapper return func(*args, **kwargs) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/resources/chat/", line 645, in create return self._post( ^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/", line 1088, in post return cast(ResponseT, self.request(cast_to, opts, stream=stream, stream_cls=stream_cls)) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/", line 853, in request return self._request( ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/", line 930, in _request raise self._make_status_error_from_response(err.response) from None openai.RateLimitError: Error code: 429 - {'error': {'code': '429', 'message': 'Requests to the ChatCompletions_Create Operation under Azure OpenAI API version 2024-02-15-preview have exceeded token rate limit of your current OpenAI S0 pricing tier. Please retry after 86400 seconds. Please go here: if you would like to further increase the default rate limit.'}} key: ********************8d7ba47856bc INFO:app.translate_gpt_back_common.crud.crud_openai_api_key:set_usable_at: ********************8d7ba47856bc - gpt-4o - 2024-06-20 06:11:59.807491 of model: gpt-4o INFO:app.translate_gpt_back_common.helpers.translator_helper:get_random_api_key_info_by_priority: There is no active openai api key with priority = 95 in database setup_api_key_and_client of model: gpt-4o key_type: AI_HUBMIX,,None, open ai key: ********************b6329C566F24e129cBeBb05A99fDb1c 0[{'role': 'system', 'content': 'Please use Friendly tone.'}, {'role': 'system', 'content': 'Please provide responses in Narrative writing style.'}, {'role': 'user', 'content': 'original_text: `paragraph_id 107: Cesare suddenly became elated, " "What an utterly insane woman!" Cesare exclaimed, "Why are you holding such a dangerous thing, planning to cut my throat?" Adel replied, "Yes, if I have to." Cesare glared, "Are you sure you\'re confident enough to do this?" She responded without hesitation, "Have you forgotten I come from Kimura?" The two sharp ends of the scissors separated and dug deeper into his neck.\nparagraph_id 108: Cesare still kept a smiling face, but he knew this girl was extremely serious about making a move. He grinned slyly and quickly subdued the arm of the girl holding the weapon to his neck. Adel could only tremble and resist, "You\'re too easy to control. So stupid!" Adel angrily cursed the rogue. Cesare didn\'t get angry when cursed but felt even more excited when she got so mad, and she didn\'t seem to be pretending.\nparagraph_id 109: He suddenly glanced around and realized that he had never done this with any woman before. Cesare released her hand and leisurely asked, "So, does Miss Adelaide hate me?" Adel hesitated for a moment and then frowned, "I don\'t hate you." That answer made Cesare pause, but Adel showed a determined face, "However, that doesn\'t mean I want to do that dirty thing with you."\nparagraph_id 110: Cesare became astonished and laughed heartily. "She should have said she hated me." Laughing too much made his pain flare up again. Cesare asked her to apply the medicine again so he could leave soon. He sat upright on the bed and slyly glanced at Adel, "What should I do with this girl? Now I really don\'t want to hand her over to the Della Valle family anymore."\nparagraph_id 111: 10. At the parliament meeting, eight people were sitting around a round table. Everyone praised the Buonaparte family for warmly welcoming the Orquenina delegation. "But I heard you invited Miss Lucrezia to your office at the end of the ball. Might we hear some good news?" Cesare leisurely replied, "There\'s nothing special about that, I just had a few things to discuss with the lady."\nparagraph_id 112: A curious man asked, "What could that be?" Cesare smirked, "It\'s about my sister. My sister was born to my parents after they left the family, and now they have sent her back home." Everyone was extremely astonished, "What do you mean? A sister?" Cesare replied, "I understand that everyone has a lot of questions, but it won\'t be long before my sister makes her debut before the nobility at the coming-out ball in a few months. Then, I guess she will be able to meet the son of the Della Valle family."\nparagraph_id 113: The other members in the office were all taken aback. Cesare turned to glance at an older man. "I am preparing everything to marry Adel into the Della Valle family. I can\'t keep hiding my young and vibrant sister for myself forever." A middle-aged man sitting next to Cesare, named Luca Della Valle, looked at him with a very complex expression. Cesare continued to jest, "Isn\'t that a good thing for your family? Because Miss Lucrezia won\'t have to marry the playboy from the Buonaparte family."\nparagraph_id 114: Another day has come, while a pair of birds were singing joyfully at the Buonaparte mansion, a piercing scream suddenly made them fly away. "Oh my lady!" Gigi rushed over with a very radiant face. Early in the morning, this guy was already full of energy and greeted, "Adel, you look very beautiful today. You never cease to captivate me every time I come to see you. Even the mermaids in the sea would be jealous when they see you."\nparagraph_id 115: "Ahh, ouchh!" Cesare, after bumping Gigi’s head, leaving it a red lump, warmly greeted, "May the goddess bless you." Seeing this, Adel also bowed in return. Cesare suddenly remembered, this was the first time he saw Adel again after the incident in his bedroom. Adel had been waiting for him since earlier, frowning in discomfort because she knew he was staring at her.\nparagraph_id 116: Cesare smirked, "I called you here because there\'s something else to do. Don\'t look so annoyed." Adel paused slightly, her demeanor causing both Gigi and the maid Ebony to feel puzzled. Cesare ordered, "Come in! Sir Aegir Korer. From today, he will be your bodyguard." Adel thought to herself, "Korer? His last name is Korer, could it be...?"\nparagraph_id 117: Seeing her doubtful expression, Cesare added, "Aegir is Ebony\'s younger brother." Adel still found it very strange, "He is said to be her younger brother, but doesn\'t he look too young compared to her?" Suddenly, Adel snapped back to reality, almost forgetting to properly greet Aegir. Gigi behind her praised, "She is really perceptive." Cesare sarcastically remarked, "If she wasn\'t perceptive, she wouldn\'t have discovered that the maid doesn\'t belong to the Buonaparte family." Gigi exclaimed, "She has only been at this mansion for less than a month."\nparagraph_id 118: Suddenly, the young man looked at the clock and exclaimed, "It\'s time to move." Cesare regretfully said, "Time flies so fast. That\'s it for today." He suddenly forced a smile and muttered to himself, "Even if she is my sister, I can\'t keep her by my side forever." Hearing this, Adel paused, looking uneasily at the man who had just uttered such a meaningful statement. The other three people didn\'t understand what was going on.\nparagraph_id 119: While pacing in the lobby, Adel silently cursed that man, "That crazy, depraved scoundrel is always so full of himself. At first, he seemed charming and exciting, but then he completely changed his attitude." For the first time, I noticed the mole under his eye so clearly; it looked so alluring that I couldn\'t think of anything else.`. Translate to bengali using Music & Audio terminology\n. Grammatically correct, never break words. Remove quotation marks at the beginning and end of the result, return only translated text in format paragraph_id, do not include original_text.\nbengali text:'}] google {'result': 'paragraph_id 94: ইবোনি উল্লেখ করেছেন যে তরুণ মাস্টার আদেলের জন্য একজন নতুন শিক্ষক খুঁজছিলেন এবং ব্যস্ততার কারণে সময়সূচী বিলম্বিত হয়েছিল। Orquenina প্রতিনিধি দল চলে গেলে পাঠ পুনরায় শুরু হবে। দাসীর অভিব্যক্তি এবং মনোভাব পর্যবেক্ষণ করে, অ্যাডেল দ্রুত বুঝতে পেরেছিল যে লেডি ফ্ল্যাভিয়ার সাথে মোকাবিলা করা হয়েছে। "বাই দ্য ওয়ে, তুমি কখন বাইরে যেতে জামাকাপড় বদলাতে চাও?" আদেল অবাক হয়ে বলল, "বাইরে যাবি?" আবলুসও অবাক হয়ে বলল, "তুমি কি যুবক মাস্টারের ক্ষতটির যত্ন নেওয়ার দায়িত্ব নও?" আদেল চোখ বড় বড় করে বলল, "আমি? লর্ড সিজারের জন্য?"\nparagraph_id 95: 8. এই মুহুর্তে, সিজার হাসছিলেন, তার ডিম্পলগুলি প্রকাশ করেছিলেন, "তুমি এসেছ, আমার ছোট বোন।" আদেল লোকটির দিকে পা বাড়াল এবং মেডিক্যাল কিটটা টেবিলের উপর রাখল, "তাই, ক্ষত..." তার বাক্য শেষ করার আগেই আদেল একেবারে অবাক হয়ে গেল যখন লোকটা হঠাৎ তার শার্ট খুলে ফেলল, তার শরীরের অংশটা খুলে গেল। একটি পাতলা কোমর এবং লোভনীয় বক্ররেখা সহ একটি চওড়া কাঁধ। তার বাইসেপে কয়েকটি দাগ ছিল, যা ইঙ্গিত করে যে তিনি আগে বিপজ্জনক পরিস্থিতির সম্মুখীন হয়েছেন।\nparagraph_id 96: কোমরের উপরে, তার প্যান্টের কোমরবন্ধের কাছে, তার মেরুদণ্ডের বাম পাশে একটি বড় তিল ছিল। সিজার পিছন ফিরলেন এবং ছলছল করে বললেন, "আপনি আমার দিকে অনেকক্ষণ ধরে তাকিয়ে আছেন।" আদেল তার বিষণ্নতা থেকে বেরিয়ে এল এবং লজ্জা পেয়ে নিজেকে নিঃশব্দে তিরস্কার করল, "আমি কি পাগল?" সে বোঝানোর চেষ্টা করলো, "ওটা..." সিজার তাকে হেসে বাধা দিল, "সুন্দর জিনিস দেখলে খুব বেশি উত্তেজিত হয়ো না।" আদেল চিৎকার করে বলল, আমি না!\nparagraph_id 97: কিন্তু সিজারে পাত্তা দিল না, সে অবসরে ঘুরে দাঁড়াল এবং বিছানায় মুখ শুয়ে পড়ল অ্যাডেল যাতে তার ক্ষতের প্রতি যত্ন নেয়। আদেল কিছুই ব্যাখ্যা করতে পারেনি, তাই সে শুধু মেডিকেল কিট আনতে ঘুরেছে। "আপনি কেন আমাকে আপনার চিকিৎসা করতে বলেছেন যখন আমি একজন ডাক্তার নই?" সিজার স্বতঃস্ফূর্তভাবে উত্তর দিলেন, "কারণ গিওট্টো খুব কোলাহলপূর্ণ, এবং আবলুস সবসময়ই ক্ষুব্ধ। তাছাড়া তোমার কারণে আমি আহত হয়েছি, তাই এর দায় তোমাকেই নিতে হবে।"\nparagraph_id 98: আদেল আর তর্ক করতে পারেনি। সে ঘুরে বলল, "প্রথমে আমি তোমার জন্য ব্যান্ডেজ কেটে দেব।" আদেল সাবধানে প্রতিটি ব্যান্ডেজ মুছে ফেলল। ঘরটা এখন শুধু কাঁচি পড়ার শব্দে ভরে গেছে। সেজার মনোযোগ উপভোগ করে সেখানে শুয়ে থাকল। সব ব্যান্ডেজ খুলে ফেলার পর আদেল মুখের ঘাম মুছে দিল। "আমি এত উদ্বিগ্ন বোধ করছি কেন? মনে হচ্ছে আমি একটি দৈত্যের সাথে একই ঘরে আছি।"\nparagraph_id 99: তিনি একটি বাক্স তুলে বললেন, "আমি তোমার জন্য ওষুধ প্রয়োগ করব।" কিন্তু ক্ষতটি তার ধারণার চেয়ে বড় ছিল। এটি তার পিছন থেকে তার সামনের দিকে প্রসারিত হয়েছিল। সিজার তার সমস্ত কাজ অনুভব করতে পারে। আদেল ওষুধ লাগিয়ে তারপর বলল, "ভাই, আমি সামনের ক্ষতস্থানে পৌঁছাতে পারছি না, তাই একটু উল্টে দিন।" সিজার উদাসীনভাবে উত্তর দিল, "আমি চাই না।"\nparagraph_id 100: আদেল অনুনয় করে বললো, একটু। কিন্তু তারপরও তিনি অস্বীকার করেন। "আমি কি তোমার বিছানায় কিছুক্ষণ বসতে পারি?" সিজার থেমে বললেন, "এমন জিনিসের জন্য আমার অনুমতি নেওয়ার দরকার নেই।" আদেল খানিকটা লজ্জা পেয়ে বলল, "ওহ, ধন্যবাদ, তাহলে আমাকে মাফ করবেন।"\nparagraph_id 101: আদেল ক্ষতস্থানে পৌঁছতে বাঁকানোর চেষ্টা করে। কিন্তু তার বড় বড় স্তন এবং লম্বা চুল, সামুদ্রিক শৈবালের মতো, অনিচ্ছাকৃতভাবে তাকে চুলকায়, "আমাকে জ্বালাতন করা বন্ধ করুন।" পুরো মেডিকেল কিটটি মেঝেতে ছিটকে পড়েছিল, এবং অ্যাডেলকে তার দ্বারা পিন করা হয়েছিল, একটি নরম "আহহ..." বলে সে সামান্য চোখ খুলল, এবং সিজারের চিত্র অবিলম্বে ফোকাসে চলে আসে।\nparagraph_id 102: সিজার মনে মনে ভাবলেন, "সে ছাদ থেকে পড়ে যাওয়ার পর থেকে কেউ জিজ্ঞেস করেনি সে ঠিক আছে কিনা। সবার দ্বারা উপেক্ষা করা সত্ত্বেও, সে অন্যায় বোধ করে না। পরিবর্তে, সে আমার দিকে চিন্তিত অভিব্যক্তি নিয়ে তাকায়। সে কেমন হতে পারে? এত বোকা? এখন সে আমাকে নিয়ে চিন্তিত হয়ে গেছে? কাঁপানো কাঁধ এখন আমি সব বুঝতে পারছি এমন একজন লোকের জন্য যে তার আহত পায়ে মাড়িয়েছে।"\nparagraph_id 103: আদেল মৃদুস্বরে ডাকলো, "ভাই..." সিজার শুধরে দিল, "আমাকে সিজার বলে ডাকো, আমি চাই না তুমি যখন একই বিছানায় থাকো তখন আমাকে ডাকো।" আদেল হতভম্ব হয়ে বললো, "ভাই, তুমি এমন করছো কেন?" সিজার হেসে বললো, "আমি চাই তুমি এই সুন্দর কাজগুলো বন্ধ করো, অ্যাডিলেড। আমি একজন পুরুষ এবং তুমি একজন নারী। আমি তোমাকে অনেক দিন ধরে পর্যবেক্ষণ করছি। তুমি খুব সুন্দর, এবং তোমার বোকামিও সমান আরাধ্য। তুমি যা চাও আমি তোমাকে দেব, তাই নির্বোধ হওয়ার ভান করা বন্ধ কর।"\nparagraph_id 104: সিজারের জীবনে অগণিত মহিলা উপস্থিত হয়েছেন, এত বেশি যে এটি অকল্পনীয়। অতএব, তার মত একটি ভান বোন অগত্যা তাদের মধ্যে থাকতে হবে না. কিন্তু শেষ পর্যন্ত এই ঘটনা ঘটল। সিজার হেসে বললেন, "মনে হচ্ছে আমি একজন চমৎকার অভিনেত্রী বেছে নিয়েছি, তাই না? তুমি অভিনয়ে সত্যিই ভালো, বোন।" সিজার ভেবেছিলেন যে এই মেয়েটি কেবল অকেজো হওয়ার ভান করছে, কারণ তার মূল লক্ষ্য ছিল বুওনাপার্ট পরিবারের ছেলেকে প্রলুব্ধ করা এবং তাকে একটি দুর্বিষহ জীবনে টেনে আনা।\nparagraph_id 105: সিজার বললেন, "তোমার যা ইচ্ছে তাই করব। তাই মুখ খোলো।" যখন তাদের ঠোঁট স্পর্শ করতে যাচ্ছিল, সিজার হঠাৎ জেগে উঠলেন, এই ভেবে, "অপেক্ষা করুন, আমি যদি এই বোনের সাথে আরও যাই তবে ডেলা ভ্যালের পরিবারের সাথে চুক্তির কী হবে?" সিজার ভ্রু কুঁচকে আদেলের বুকের দিকে তাকাল। নিজেকে সংযত করার আগেই সে এক মুহূর্ত ইতস্তত করল। সিজার নিজেকে বলেছিলেন, "আচ্ছা, আমি পরের বার বেল্টটি আলগা করতে পারব। যদি সে অন্যায়ভাবে আচরণ করে তবে আমি তাকে ক্ষতিপূরণ দেব। এই মেয়েটি অত্যাশ্চর্য সুন্দর, এমন অপচয়। আমি যদি একবার এটির স্বাদ গ্রহণ করি এবং তারপরে সবকিছু শেষ করে দেয়..."\nparagraph_id 106: 9. সুইশ! শব্দটি সিজারের চিন্তায় বাধা দেয়। একটি ধারালো কাঁচি সিজারের ঘাড়ে চাপা দিয়ে তাকে স্তব্ধ করে রেখেছিল, "সে সাহস কিভাবে?" আদেলের তীক্ষ্ণ চোখের দিকে তাকালে মনে হলো সে এক্ষুনি এই লোকটিকে হত্যা করতে চায়।', 'total_tokens': 43200, 'prompt_tokens': 43200, 'trans_by_google': 'Ebony ment...mediately.'} INFO:app.translate_gpt_back_common.helpers.translate_history_helper:add_percent_complete: b3b585c6-2ecb-11ef-9b1a-b22fcf60533e - 10% INFO:[CRUD History]:add_percent_complete: b3b585c6-2ecb-11ef-9b1a-b22fcf60533e - 10% : 13 : 13 process: Process-9 END process: Process-11 START translate_history.status_percentage {'_sa_instance_state': , 'tone': 'Friendly', 'used_model': 'gpt-4o', 'note': None, 'deleted_at': None, 'writing_style': 'Narrative', 'status': 1, 'file_size': 45247, 'trans_input': 'High Society video 3.docx', 'status_desc': '', 'file_password': None, 'uuid': 'b3b585c6-2ecb-11ef-9b1a-b22fcf60533e', 'input_file_path': 'flare_uploaded/21541/20240620_060948_092780/High Society video 3.docx', 'status_percentage': 51, 'user_id': 21541, 'trans_result': None, 'rating': '', 'error_message': '', 'origin_lang': 'english', 'type': 'translate-document', 'rating_content': '', 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 6, 20, 6, 9, 50), 'target_lang': 'bengali', 'estimated_token': 394830, 'translate_job_id': None, 'updated_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 6, 20, 6, 10, 57), 'id': 2909826, 'domain': 'Music & Audio', 'used_token': 0, 'custom_prompt': None} 51 open ai key: ********************0a393b1d42ea 0[{'role': 'system', 'content': 'Please use Friendly tone.'}, {'role': 'system', 'content': 'Please provide responses in Narrative writing style.'}, {'role': 'user', 'content': 'original_text: `paragraph_id 120: Suddenly, Adel turned to blame herself, "What on earth am I thinking? Right, he\'s just a philandering scoundrel and a rogue. But why do I feel excited thinking about him instead of telling myself I don\'t like him?" Suddenly, the butler approached. Ebony, the maid, hurried down to ask, "Sir Ernst, uh, what brings you here?"\nparagraph_id 121: The man seemed hesitant. The two whispered something, and Ebony\'s face looked horrified, "Tell them we need time to tidy up our attire." The butler respectfully complied. Ebony immediately returned to Adel, "Miss, the lady of the house has arrived and wants to meet you. You must go to the Room of the Stars immediately."\nparagraph_id 122: What could the head of the Buonaparte household want with Adel? What incidents will she have to face? Please like and subscribe to the channel to find out in the next episode!`. Translate to bengali using Music & Audio terminology\n. Grammatically correct, never break words. Remove quotation marks at the beginning and end of the result, return only translated text in format paragraph_id, do not include original_text.\nbengali text:'}] INFO:httpx:HTTP Request: POST "HTTP/1.1 200 OK"[x-ratelimit-limit-requests]: 5000[x-ratelimit-remaining-requests]: 4999[x-ratelimit-reset-requests]: 12ms{ "id": "chatcmpl-9c5HyvZhPC00PXtX3Buyn6jwPeQYw", "choices": [ { "finish_reason": "stop", "index": 0, "logprobs": null, "message": { "content": "paragraph_id 55: আদেল অবাক হয়ে দেখল যে এটি একটি বেশ তরুণ গৃহপরিচারিকা। \"কিছু সমস্যা হয়েছে?\" গৃহপরিচারিকা উত্তর দিল, \"মহলের প্রভু আপনাকে ডেকেছেন।\" আদেল আবার জিজ্ঞাসা করল, \"আমার ভাই?\" কিন্তু হঠাৎ সে অনুভব করল যে পরিবেশটি খুব অদ্ভুত। এই গৃহপরিচারিকা, বুয়োনাপার্ট পরিবারের অন্যান্য চাকরদের তুলনায়, ছোট দেখাচ্ছিল, এবং তার পোশাকগুলি ঢিলেঢালা ছিল। কিন্তু সে এখনও অস্বস্তি অনুভব করল যখন গৃহপরিচারিকা বলল সিজার তাকে দেখতে চেয়েছে। \"ঠিক আছে, চলুন।\"\n\nparagraph_id 56: আদেল দ্রুত একটি শাল ধরল এবং গৃহপরিচারিকার সাথে বেরিয়ে গেল। শালে ক এবং বি অক্ষরগুলি এমব্রয়ডারি করা ছিল। অদ্ভুতভাবে, গৃহপরিচারিকা আদেলকে উপরে নিয়ে গেল, বলল যে মহলের প্রভু ছাদে আছেন। আদেল একটি অদ্ভুত অশুভ অনুভূতি অনুভব করল এবং সত্যিই যেতে চায়নি, কিন্তু লর্ড সিজার এমন ধরনের নয় যে সবকিছু অন্যদের ব্যাখ্যা করে। \"আমরা পৌঁছেছি।\" ছাদের দরজা খোলা হল, এবং সাথে সাথে একটি শক্তিশালী বাতাস বইল, শালটি উড়িয়ে নিয়ে গেল। আদেল তাড়াতাড়ি শালটির পিছনে ছুটল। সুযোগটি কাজে লাগিয়ে, গৃহপরিচারিকা দুই হাতে আদেলকে জোরে ঠেলে দিল এবং চিৎকার করল, \"আমি দুঃখিত!\" আদেল ভয়ে ভীত হল, তার পুরো শরীর ছাদ থেকে পড়ে গেল। একটি জোরালো ঝাঁকুনি শব্দ উজ্জ্বল চাঁদের আলোতে প্রতিধ্বনিত হল।\n\nparagraph_id 57: ভোজ হলঘরে, সবাই লর্ড সিজারের জন্য গ্লাস তুলল। তারা বিস্মিত হল যে তিনি, এত অল্প বয়সে, ইতিমধ্যেই কাউন্সিলের সদস্য এবং প্রতিবেশী সম্রাটকে সিংহাসনে বসাতে সাহায্য করেছেন। এটি কেবল কূটনৈতিক সম্পর্ককে সাহায্য করেনি বরং কাউন্সিলে তার কণ্ঠস্বরও শক্তিশালী করেছে। সামগ্রিকভাবে, তার চেহারা, পারিবারিক পটভূমি, ব্যবসায়িক দক্ষতা থেকে রাজনৈতিক দক্ষতা পর্যন্ত কিছুই কম ছিল না। সবাই কৌতূহলী ছিল যে এমন একটি সুসম্পূর্ণ ব্যক্তি কাকে বিয়ে করবেন।\n\nparagraph_id 58: সিজার, ক্লান্ত অনুভব করে, তাজা বাতাস নিতে বারান্দায় বেরিয়ে এল। সে তার চেয়ারে পিছনে হেলান দিল এবং একটি সিগার জ্বালাল, অবশেষে কিছু শান্তি পেল। হঠাৎ, সিজার ছাদের উপর কিছু খোদাই করা দেখতে পেল। সে হাসল, \"আহ, কাতারিনা বুয়োনাপার্ট এবং রোয়ান বুয়োনাপার্ট। এমন রাতগুলোতে যখন তারা পার্টি আয়োজন করত, তারা সবসময় নিজেদের জগতে হারিয়ে যেত, একসাথে নাচত। এদিকে, তারা তাদের ছেলেকে বলরুমের মাঝখানে সবচেয়ে মর্যাদাপূর্ণ চেয়ারে বসিয়ে একটি কুকি ধরিয়ে দিত। তারা ঘন্টার পর ঘন্টা একসাথে কাটাত, তাদের নিজস্ব জগতে নিমগ্ন, কারো দ্বারা স্পর্শ করা যেত না।\" সিজার সিগারে টান দিয়ে ভাবল, \"এমন জায়গাগুলোতে আমি যখনই আসি, সবসময় অদ্ভুত লাগে।\"\n\nparagraph_id 59: হঠাৎ, একটি তরুণ লোক দরজা দিয়ে ঢুকে চিৎকার করল, \"সিজার, মহিলারা তোমার সাথে দেখা করার জন্য অধীর আগ্রহে অপেক্ষা করছে। তুমি এখানে কি করছ?\" সিজার তার সামনে থাকা পাগলাটে লোকটির দিকে ভ্রুকুটি করল, \"এই চেহারায় আমার পার্টিতে এসেছ? তুমি কি সজাগ, জুড?\"\n\nparagraph_id 60: জুড সিজারের তীক্ষ্ণ কথাগুলির প্রতি কোন মনোযোগ দিল না এবং পরিবর্তে তার ভালো চেহারাকে আরও বেশি প্রদর্শন করার চেষ্টা করল, যা কেবল সিজারকে আরও রাগান্বিত করল। জুড স্কার্ফটির দিকে ইঙ্গিত করে বলল, \"আমি কেবল পাশ দিয়ে যাচ্ছিলাম যখন এই জিনিসটি আকাশ থেকে পড়ল। আমার কোটের সাথে একটু ব্রাশ করল, এবং এটি ভাগ্য।\" সিজার ভ্রুকুটি করল, \"তুমি কি এত গরীব যে মাটিতে পড়ে থাকা জিনিস তুলতে হবে?\" জুড তার দিকে তাকাল, \"মিস লুক্রেজিয়ার সাথে তোমার কাজ শেষ হলে, তোমার হৃদয় একটি মহিলার কাছে অর্পণ করা উচিত নয়? যেমন আমি এই স্কার্ফটি পেয়েছি, এটি হয়তো ভাগ্য।\"\n\nparagraph_id 61: সিজার কুঁচকে গেল, \"আমি আরও চিন্তিত যে কোন মেয়েটি তার চুল টেনে ধরবে সেই লুক্রেজিয়া। আমি সম্ভবত বিয়ে করব না।\" হঠাৎ, সে স্কার্ফের কোণে ক এবং বি অক্ষরগুলি লক্ষ্য করল, \"কাতারিনা বুয়োনাপার্ট, মায়ের জিনিসটি অ্যাডেলাইড ব্যবহার করছে। কিন্তু এটি আকাশ থেকে কেন পড়ল?\" সিজার জিজ্ঞাসা করল, \"তুমি এটি কোথায় পেয়েছ?\"\n\nparagraph_id 62: এদিকে, একটি হাত দেয়ালের রুক্ষ প্রান্তে মরিয়া হয়ে আঁকড়ে ধরেছিল। আগের গৃহপরিচারিকা একটি বিস্মিত চিৎকার করল। আদেল ভ্রুকুটি করল, তাকে প্রকাশ করল, \"এখন আমি মনে পড়েছে। তুমি লুক্রেজিয়ার সেবা করা গৃহপরিচারিকা, তাই না? লুক্রেজিয়া কি তোমাকে এটি করতে বলেছে?\" গৃহপরিচারিকা সাথে সাথে আতঙ্কিত হল। আদেল মুহূর্তটি কাজে লাগিয়ে আদেশ দিল, \"আমাকে টেনে তুল, এবং আমি তোমার প্রভুর গোপনীয়তা রাখব।\" গৃহপরিচারিকা কাঁপতে কাঁপতে বলল, \"না, আমি পারি না, মহিলাটি হতাশ হবে।\"\n\nparagraph_id 63: আদেল চিৎকার করল, \"কত বোকা! তুমি কি মনে কর লুক্রেজিয়া তোমাকে এর পর রেহাই দেবে?\" গৃহপরিচারিকা ভ্রুকুটি করল, \"কি?\" আদেল চিৎকার করতে থাকল, \"লুক্রেজিয়া তোমাকে হত্যা করবে এটি নীরব করতে!\" এটি শুনে, গৃহপরিচারিকা হতবাক হল, \"না, না, মহিলাটি এটি করবে না।\" গৃহপরিচারিকা দাঁত কামড়ে আদেলের দিকে তাকাল এবং নিষ্ঠুরভাবে আদেলের হাতে পা দিয়ে চাপ দিল, \"মর, শুধু মর!\" প্রতিটি চাপের সাথে, সে আদেলের দিকে চিৎকার করল এবং চিৎকার করল যতক্ষণ না আদেলের দুই হাত আর ধরে রাখতে পারল না। সে ছাদ থেকে মুক্তভাবে পড়ে গেল।\n\nparagraph_id 64: একটি জোরালো শব্দ শান্ত চাঁদের আলোতে প্রতিধ্বনিত হল। কেবল একটি পাখি একটি ভাঙা ডালে বসে থাকতে দেখা গেল, এবং সিজার বুয়োনাপার্ট, যে মানুষটি ভাগ্য এবং দেবতাদের কাছ থেকে প্রচুর ভালোবাসা পেয়েছিল, মাটিতে একটি পাতা মাথায় নিয়ে কুঁচকে ছিল। সে তার মুখ কুঁচকে ভ্রুকুটি করল, \"আহ, আমার মেরুদণ্ড! হে, বোন, তুমি ঠিক আছ?\" হঠাৎ, সে তার চোখ বড় করে দেখল আদেল তার বাহুতে কাঁপছে। পড়ার পর, সিজার হাসল, \"যদি তুমি না চাও আমি তোমাকে একইভাবে স্পর্শ করি, তবে আমার বুকে আর স্পর্শ করো না।\"\n\nparagraph_id 65: আদেল দ্রুত এই লোকটির থেকে দূরে সরে গেল। সিজার, হতাশ অনুভব করে, নিজের মনে ভাবল, \"কে তাকে খেয়ে ফেলবে যাই হোক?\" আদেল ভ্রুকুটি করে উপরে তাকাল, \"আমি বুয়োনাপার্ট পরিবারের গৃহপরিচারিকার পোশাক পরা একটি মেয়ের দ্বারা ঠেলে পড়েছিলাম। সে বলল তুমি আমাকে ডেকেছ, তাই আমি তার সাথে ছাদে গিয়েছিলাম।\" সিজার আবার জিজ্ঞাসা করল, \"আমি তোমাকে ডেকেছি?\" সে উপরের তলার দিকে তাকাল, মেয়েটির ছায়া ধীরে ধীরে অদৃশ্য হয়ে যাচ্ছিল। সিজার নীরবে মূল্যায়ন করল, \"নিশ্চিতভাবে। সে লুক্রেজিয়ার গৃহপরিচারিকা!\"", "role": "assistant", "function_call": null, "tool_calls": null } } ], "created": 1718863822, "model": "gpt-4o-2024-05-13", "object": "chat.completion", "system_fingerprint": "fp_9cb5d38cf7", "usage": { "completion_tokens": 2017, "prompt_tokens": 1374, "total_tokens": 3391 } } of model: gpt-4o setup_api_key_and_client of model: gpt-4o key_type: AZURE,,2024-02-15-preview, gpt-4o INFO:app.translate_gpt_back_common.helpers.translate_history_helper:add_percent_complete: b3b585c6-2ecb-11ef-9b1a-b22fcf60533e - 10% INFO:[CRUD History]:add_percent_complete: b3b585c6-2ecb-11ef-9b1a-b22fcf60533e - 10% : 11 : 11 process: Process-6 END translate_history.status_percentage {'_sa_instance_state': , 'tone': 'Friendly', 'used_model': 'gpt-4o', 'note': None, 'deleted_at': None, 'writing_style': 'Narrative', 'status': 1, 'file_size': 45247, 'trans_input': 'High Society video 3.docx', 'status_desc': '', 'file_password': None, 'uuid': 'b3b585c6-2ecb-11ef-9b1a-b22fcf60533e', 'input_file_path': 'flare_uploaded/21541/20240620_060948_092780/High Society video 3.docx', 'status_percentage': 61, 'user_id': 21541, 'trans_result': None, 'rating': '', 'error_message': '', 'origin_lang': 'english', 'type': 'translate-document', 'rating_content': '', 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 6, 20, 6, 9, 50), 'target_lang': 'bengali', 'estimated_token': 394830, 'translate_job_id': None, 'updated_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 6, 20, 6, 11, 5), 'id': 2909826, 'domain': 'Music & Audio', 'used_token': 0, 'custom_prompt': None} 61 INFO:httpx:HTTP Request: POST "HTTP/1.1 200 OK"[x-ratelimit-limit-requests]: None[x-ratelimit-remaining-requests]: 0[x-ratelimit-reset-requests]: None INFO:app.translate_gpt_back_common.crud.crud_openai_api_key:set_usable_at: ********************0a393b1d42ea - gpt-4o - 2024-06-20 06:12:12.816242{ "id": "chatcmpl-9c5IgEDP9aWsxYXSap9ITM5HMkjfR", "choices": [ { "finish_reason": "stop", "index": 0, "logprobs": null, "message": { "content": "paragraph_id 120: হঠাৎ, আদেল নিজেকে দোষারোপ করতে লাগল, \"আমি কি ভাবছি? ঠিক আছে, সে তো শুধু একজন ফিলান্ডারিং স্কাউন্ড্রেল এবং এক রগ। কিন্তু কেন আমি তাকে নিয়ে ভাবতে উত্তেজিত বোধ করছি, নিজেকে বলার পরিবর্তে যে আমি তাকে পছন্দ করি না?\" হঠাৎ, বাটলার কাছে এল। ইবনি, দাসী, তাড়াতাড়ি নিচে নেমে জিজ্ঞাসা করল, \"স্যার আর্নস্ট, উহ, আপনি এখানে কেন?\"\nparagraph_id 121: লোকটি দ্বিধাগ্রস্ত মনে হল। দুজন কিছু ফিসফিস করল, এবং ইবনির মুখ ভীত দেখাল, \"তাদের বলুন আমরা আমাদের পোশাক ঠিক করতে সময় প্রয়োজন।\" বাটলার সম্মানের সাথে মেনে নিল। ইবনি তৎক্ষণাৎ আদেলের কাছে ফিরে এল, \"মিস, বাড়ির মহিলা এসে গেছেন এবং আপনাকে দেখতে চান। আপনাকে অবিলম্বে তারকাদের ঘরে যেতে হবে।\"\nparagraph_id 122: বুয়োনাপার্ট পরিবারের প্রধান আদেলের সাথে কি চান? তাকে কি ঘটনা মোকাবিলা করতে হবে? দয়া করে পরবর্তী পর্বে জানতে চ্যানেলটি লাইক এবং সাবস্ক্রাইব করুন!", "role": "assistant", "function_call": null, "tool_calls": null }, "content_filter_results": { "hate": { "filtered": false, "severity": "safe" }, "self_harm": { "filtered": false, "severity": "safe" }, "sexual": { "filtered": false, "severity": "safe" }, "violence": { "filtered": false, "severity": "safe" } } } ], "created": 1718863866, "model": "gpt-4o-2024-05-13", "object": "chat.completion", "system_fingerprint": "fp_abc28019ad", "usage": { "completion_tokens": 289, "prompt_tokens": 283, "total_tokens": 572 }, "prompt_filter_results": [ { "prompt_index": 0, "content_filter_results": { "hate": { "filtered": false, "severity": "safe" }, "self_harm": { "filtered": false, "severity": "safe" }, "sexual": { "filtered": false, "severity": "safe" }, "violence": { "filtered": false, "severity": "safe" } } } ] } of model: gpt-4o setup_api_key_and_client of model: gpt-4o key_type: AZURE,,2024-02-15-preview, gpt-4o INFO:app.translate_gpt_back_common.helpers.translate_history_helper:add_percent_complete: b3b585c6-2ecb-11ef-9b1a-b22fcf60533e - 10% INFO:[CRUD History]:add_percent_complete: b3b585c6-2ecb-11ef-9b1a-b22fcf60533e - 10% : 3 : 3 process: Process-11 END translate_history.status_percentage {'_sa_instance_state': , 'tone': 'Friendly', 'used_model': 'gpt-4o', 'note': None, 'deleted_at': None, 'writing_style': 'Narrative', 'status': 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"paragraph_id 80: চেসারে আদেলকে আলিঙ্গন করলেন এবং তার কপালে একটি চুমু দিলেন। তিনি কোমলভাবে বলতে শুরু করলেন, \"তোমার আঘাত পাওয়ার চেয়ে, আমার আঘাত পাওয়া ভালো।\" আদেল উত্তর দিলেন, \"আমি খুব খুশি। কিন্তু আমি চাই না তুমি আঘাত পাও।\" লুক্রেজিয়া তাদের মিষ্টি দৃশ্যের দিকে তাকিয়ে রইলেন। তার মনে, লুক্রেজিয়া তৎক্ষণাৎ ভাবলেন চেসারে যে মেয়েটিকে আদর করছেন তাকে শত টুকরো করে ফেলবেন।\n\nparagraph_id 81: হঠাৎ, চেসারের কণ্ঠস্বর লুক্রেজিয়ার চিন্তাকে বিঘ্নিত করল, \"লেডি ডেলা ভ্যালি?\" লুক্রেজিয়া বাস্তবতায় ফিরে এসে সুন্দরভাবে বললেন, \"আচ্ছা, আমি মনে করি আমি যত্ন নিতে পারি...\" চেসারে তাকে থামিয়ে দিলেন, \"এটি আপনার দোষ নয়, তাই আপনাকে নিজেকে কষ্ট দিতে হবে না। তাছাড়া, আমার বোন এখানে আমার যত্ন নিতে।\"\n\nparagraph_id 82: লুক্রেজিয়া কাঁপতে কাঁপতে বললেন, \"একটি সুন্দর মেয়েকে আপনার যত্ন নিতে দেওয়া? এবং একটি ব্যক্তিগত কক্ষে, আমি মনে করি মানুষ ভুল বুঝবে।\" চেসারে জোরে হাসলেন এবং ঠাট্টা করে বললেন, \"তিনি আমার বোন, লেডি ডেলা ভ্যালি। অবশ্যই, আমি মনে করি এটি আপনার ভাইয়ের সাথে তার বিয়ে করা একটি অপচয়।\" ঘরটি হঠাৎ ভয়ঙ্করভাবে নীরব হয়ে গেল। চেসারে চালিয়ে গেলেন, \"আমি এবার এটি মেনে নেব, কিন্তু আমি আর চোখ বন্ধ করব না। আপনি যদি আবার এমন একটি নোংরা কৌশল করেন, আমাদের পরিবারগুলি সত্যিই একে অপরের বিরুদ্ধে পরিণত হবে।\"\n\nparagraph_id 83: এদিকে, লেডি ফ্লাভিয়া একটি ঘরে তালাবদ্ধ ছিলেন, কী করবেন না জানার জন্য হাতড়াচ্ছিলেন। তিনি নিশ্চিত ছিলেন যে লুক্রেজিয়ার পরিকল্পনা ব্যর্থ হয়েছে এবং তার নাম প্রকাশিত হয়েছে। হঠাৎ, তার পিছনের দরজাটি খুলে গেল, তাকে ভয় পাইয়ে দিল। একটি লম্বা লোক ধীরে ধীরে প্রবেশ করলেন, একটি ক্লোক পরা যা তার মাথা ঢেকে রেখেছিল। তার বাদামী চুল এবং ঠান্ডা নীল চোখ তার সুদর্শন কিন্তু বরফময় চেহারাকে উচ্চারণ করেছিল।\n\nparagraph_id 84: তুমি... তুমি... ফ্লাভিয়া তোতলাতে লাগলেন, একটি সুসংগত বাক্য বলতে অক্ষম। লোকটি বললেন, “সিনিওরা ফ্লাভিয়া লোরেডান, এটি বোনাপার্টের আদেশ। আমাদের অনুসরণ করুন।” ফ্লাভিয়াকে গাড়িতে করে কোথাও নিয়ে যাওয়া হয়েছিল। তার চিৎকার সত্ত্বেও, আগের যুবকটি নীরব রইলেন। “আমি লর্ড চেসারে সাথে দেখা করতে চাই! আমি এটি ব্যাখ্যা করতে পারি!” লোকটি একটি শব্দও উচ্চারণ করেননি।\n\nparagraph_id 85: ফ্লাভিয়া কাঁপতে এবং ভয়ে শুরু করলেন, “তারা আমাকে কোথায় নিয়ে যাচ্ছে?” তিনি চোখ বাঁধা অবস্থায় চারপাশের সমস্ত শব্দ সংগ্রহ করার চেষ্টা করলেন। হঠাৎ, ফ্লাভিয়া সমুদ্রের ঢেউয়ের সাথে সীগালের ডানার ফ্ল্যাপিংয়ের শব্দ শুনলেন। এটি কি বন্দর হতে পারে? চোখের পট্টি সরিয়ে ফেলা হল, এবং ফ্লাভিয়া অবশেষে আলো দেখলেন। তার সামনে আরেকজন লোক দাঁড়িয়ে ছিলেন যিনি বিদ্রূপাত্মকভাবে বললেন, আমি অনেক দিন ধরে আপনার জন্য অপেক্ষা করছি, সিনিওরা ফ্লাভিয়া।\n\nparagraph_id 86: তার মুখ অন্ধকার হয়ে গেল যখন তিনি চিৎকার করে বললেন, “দয়া করে, আমাকে লর্ড চেসারে কাছে নিয়ে যান। এটি সবই একটি ভুল বোঝাবুঝি। আমাকে ব্যাখ্যা করতে দিন। আমাকে হুমকি দেওয়া হয়েছিল, আমার আর কোন উপায় ছিল না।” লোকটি হাসলেন, “হুমকি? সিনিওরা কি মহিলার পরিচয় প্রকাশ করেননি? আপনি কি ওমের্তা শপথ ভুলে গেছেন? একজন রক্ষক হিসাবে, আপনি কি সবচেয়ে গুরুত্বপূর্ণ নিয়ম লঙ্ঘন করেননি?”\n\nparagraph_id 87: ওমের্তা শপথ একটি নীরবতার কোড। যারা শপথ নেয় তারা বাইরের জগতে তারা যা দেখেছে বা শুনেছে তা প্রকাশ করতে পারে না। এটি প্রতিটি অভিজাতের প্রতিশ্রুতি উপস্থাপন করে। যারা এই শপথ ভঙ্গ করে তাদের যথাযথ শাস্তি দেওয়া হবে। ফ্লাভিয়া চিৎকার করে বললেন, “না! এটি এমন নয়! আমি... আমি শুধু একটি ইঙ্গিত দিয়েছি!”\n\nparagraph_id 88: গিগি একটি সমস্যাযুক্ত অভিব্যক্তি করলেন, “তাহলে আমি মনে করি সিনিওরা একটি খুব স্পষ্ট ইঙ্গিত দিয়েছেন।” তিনি ফিরে গেলেন এবং তাকে উপেক্ষা করলেন, “আচ্ছা, এটি আমার উদ্বেগ নয়। পরবর্তী ধাপে এগিয়ে যাই।” গিগি তার হাত বাড়িয়ে পরিচয় করিয়ে দিলেন, “এই জাহাজটি ৮৪০ সালে নির্মিত একটি গ্যালি। বোর্ডে প্রয়োজনীয় জিনিসগুলির মধ্যে রয়েছে ময়দা, হার্ডট্যাক, লবণ, চিনি, বিস্কুট এবং কয়েকটি অন্যান্য আইটেম। দৈনন্দিন প্রয়োজনীয় জিনিসগুলির মধ্যে রয়েছে সাবান এবং মোমবাতি। এই সরবরাহগুলি দিয়ে, আপনি নিজেরাই সোরেক পৌঁছাতে পারেন।”\n\nparagraph_id 89: ফ্লাভিয়ার চোখ বড় হয়ে গেল, “সোরেক? এটি কি সান্ট'নার থেকে সবচেয়ে দূরের জায়গা নয়?” এমন একটি পুরানো জাহাজে সমুদ্র পাড়ি দেওয়া, এমনকি একটি ছোট ঢেউও জাহাজ এবং আমাকে উল্টে দিতে পারে। ধনুকের এমনকি দেবীর মূর্তিও নেই, তাই এটি কীভাবে আশীর্বাদ পেতে পারে? এটি আমাকে মৃত্যুর দিকে পাঠানোর চেয়ে আলাদা নয়।\n\nparagraph_id 90: গিগি যোগ করলেন, \"আপনি যদি এখানে নিরাপদে ফিরে আসেন, লর্ড চেসারে আপনাকে ক্ষমা করবেন। সবশেষে, এটি সমুদ্র দেবীর ইচ্ছা।\" \"আচ্ছা, স্যার এগির, আমি সবকিছু ব্যাখ্যা করেছি, তাই দয়া করে এগিয়ে যান।\" ফ্লাভিয়াকে টেনে নিয়ে যাওয়া হল, কেবলমাত্র হতাশায় চিৎকার করতে সক্ষম, \"দয়া করে আমাকে একটি সুযোগ দিন, শুধু একটি সুযোগ। আমাকে তার সাথে একবার দেখা করতে দিন!\" গিগি হাসলেন এবং হাত নাড়লেন, \"একটি আনন্দময় যাত্রা করুন। সমুদ্র দেবীর নির্দেশনার সাথে সাবধানে থাকুন।\" \"না, না, এটি আপনার জন্য। এটি বোনাপার্ট পরিবারের জন্য।\" পুরানো জাহাজটি ভোরের দিকে যাত্রা করল।\n\nparagraph_id 91: এদিকে, আদেলকে একটি দাসী তার স্নানে সাহায্য করছিলেন। তিনি নিচু স্বরে জিজ্ঞাসা করলেন, \"তারা কি সেই দাসীকে খুঁজে পেয়েছে যে আমাকে ছাদ থেকে ধাক্কা দিয়েছিল?\" এবনি একটি দুঃখজনক অভিব্যক্তি দেখালেন, \"তাকে কাছাকাছি একটি ড্রেনেজ ডিচে পাওয়া গেছে। তার মুখ বারবার কাটা হওয়ায় তাকে চেনা কঠিন ছিল, কিন্তু তার চুল আপনার বর্ণনার সাথে মিলে গেছে। তার পোশাক খুলে ফেলা হয়েছিল, সম্ভবত প্রমাণ ধ্বংস করার জন্য, এবং তার শরীরে একটি বড় ক্ষত ছিল যেখানে তরুণ মাস্টার আহত হয়েছিলেন।\"\n\nparagraph_id 92: এটি শুনে, আদেল অনুমান করলেন যে লুক্রেজিয়া সেই দাসীর উপর প্রতিশোধ নিয়েছেন যিনি চেসারে আঘাত করেছিলেন। আদেল লুক্রেজিয়ার শাস্তি সম্পর্কে জিজ্ঞাসা করলেন কিন্তু তাকে বলা হল যে লর্ড চেসারে কিছুই করতে পারেননি কারণ তার বিরুদ্ধে অভিযোগ করার জন্য কোন সুনির্দিষ্ট প্রমাণ ছিল না। একটি আর্থিক জরিমানা আরোপ করা জনসাধারণের ক্ষোভ সৃষ্টি করবে কারণ লুক্রেজিয়া উচ্চ শ্রেণী এবং সাধারণ মানুষের মধ্যে খুব জনপ্রিয় এবং প্রিয় ছিলেন। \"আপনি খুবই সমস্যায় পড়েছেন এবং বিরক্ত হয়েছেন, আমার লেডি।\" আদেল উত্তর দিলেন, \"না, আমি বুঝতে পারছি।\"\n\nparagraph_id 93: এটি দেখে, এবনি বিষয়টি পরিবর্তন করলেন এবং কিছু ভাল খবর শেয়ার করলেন, \"আজ থেকে, কিছুদিনের জন্য কোন ক্লাস হবে না। এটি তরুণ মাস্টারের আদেশের পর যা আপনি শিখেছেন সবকিছু পর্যালোচনা করার পর। আপনি কিছুদিন বিশ্রাম নিতে পারেন। এই সময়ে, আপনি আপনার পা পুনরুদ্ধারে মনোনিবেশ করতে পারেন।\" আদেল জিজ্ঞাসা করলেন, \"লেডি ফ্লাভিয়া সম্পর্কে কি?\" এবনি কেবল একটি দুঃখজনক অভিব্যক্তি দেখালেন কোন কথা না বলে। একটি সাবানের বুদবুদ হঠাৎ ফেটে গেল এবং অদৃশ্য হয়ে গেল। এটি সিনিওরা ফ্লাভিয়ার ভাগ্যকে প্রতীকী বলে মনে হয়েছিল।", "role": "assistant", "function_call": null, "tool_calls": null } } ], "created": 1718863855, "model": "gpt-4o-2024-05-13", "object": "chat.completion", "system_fingerprint": "fp_f4e629d0a5", "usage": { "completion_tokens": 2111, "prompt_tokens": 1461, "total_tokens": 3572 } } of model: gpt-4o setup_api_key_and_client of model: gpt-4o key_type: AZURE,,2024-02-15-preview, gpt-4o INFO:app.translate_gpt_back_common.helpers.translate_history_helper:add_percent_complete: b3b585c6-2ecb-11ef-9b1a-b22fcf60533e - 10% INFO:[CRUD History]:add_percent_complete: b3b585c6-2ecb-11ef-9b1a-b22fcf60533e - 10% : 14 : 14 process: Process-8 END translate_history.status_percentage {'_sa_instance_state': , 'tone': 'Friendly', 'used_model': 'gpt-4o', 'note': None, 'deleted_at': None, 'writing_style': 'Narrative', 'status': 1, 'file_size': 45247, 'trans_input': 'High Society video 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একেবারে পাগল মহিলা!\" সিজার চিৎকার করে বলল, \"তুমি কেন এমন বিপজ্জনক জিনিস ধরে আছ, আমার গলা কাটার পরিকল্পনা করছ?\" অ্যাডেল উত্তর দিল, \"হ্যাঁ, যদি প্রয়োজন হয়।\" সিজার তীক্ষ্ণ দৃষ্টিতে তাকাল, \"তুমি কি নিশ্চিত যে তুমি এটা করতে যথেষ্ট আত্মবিশ্বাসী?\" সে দ্বিধা না করে উত্তর দিল, \"তুমি কি ভুলে গেছ আমি কিমুরা থেকে এসেছি?\" কাঁচির দুটি তীক্ষ্ণ প্রান্ত আলাদা হয়ে তার গলায় আরও গভীরে ঢুকে গেল।\n\nparagraph_id 108: সিজার এখনও হাসিমুখে ছিল, কিন্তু সে জানত এই মেয়ে সত্যিই আঘাত করার ব্যাপারে অত্যন্ত সিরিয়াস। সে কৌশলে হাসল এবং দ্রুত মেয়েটির অস্ত্রধারী হাতটি দমন করল। অ্যাডেল কেবল কাঁপতে এবং প্রতিরোধ করতে পারল, \"তুমি খুব সহজে নিয়ন্ত্রণযোগ্য। এত বোকা!\" অ্যাডেল রাগান্বিতভাবে দুষ্ট লোকটিকে অভিশাপ দিল। সিজার অভিশাপ শুনে রাগান্বিত হল না বরং আরও উত্তেজিত হল যখন সে দেখল মেয়েটি সত্যিই রেগে গেছে এবং সে অভিনয় করছে না।\n\nparagraph_id 109: হঠাৎ সে চারপাশে তাকাল এবং বুঝতে পারল যে সে আগে কখনও কোনও মহিলার সাথে এমন কিছু করেনি। সিজার তার হাত ছেড়ে দিয়ে অবসরভাবে জিজ্ঞাসা করল, \"তাহলে, মিস অ্যাডেলেড কি আমাকে ঘৃণা করেন?\" অ্যাডেল এক মুহূর্তের জন্য দ্বিধা করল এবং তারপর ভ্রু কুঁচকাল, \"আমি তোমাকে ঘৃণা করি না।\" সেই উত্তর সিজারকে থামিয়ে দিল, কিন্তু অ্যাডেল দৃঢ় মুখে বলল, \"তবে, এর মানে এই নয় যে আমি তোমার সাথে সেই নোংরা কাজটি করতে চাই।\"\n\nparagraph_id 110: সিজার বিস্মিত হয়ে হেসে উঠল। \"তাকে বলা উচিত ছিল যে সে আমাকে ঘৃণা করে।\" বেশি হাসতে গিয়ে তার ব্যথা আবার বেড়ে গেল। সিজার তাকে আবার ওষুধ প্রয়োগ করতে বলল যাতে সে শীঘ্রই চলে যেতে পারে। সে বিছানায় সোজা হয়ে বসে কৌশলে অ্যাডেলের দিকে তাকাল, \"এই মেয়েটির সাথে আমি কী করব? এখন আমি সত্যিই তাকে ডেলা ভ্যালি পরিবারে হস্তান্তর করতে চাই না।\"\n\nparagraph_id 111: সংসদীয় বৈঠকে, আটজন একটি গোল টেবিলের চারপাশে বসেছিল। সবাই বোনাপার্ট পরিবারকে ওর্কেনিনা প্রতিনিধিদলকে উষ্ণভাবে স্বাগত জানানোর জন্য প্রশংসা করল। \"কিন্তু আমি শুনেছি আপনি বলের শেষে মিস লুক্রেজিয়াকে আপনার অফিসে আমন্ত্রণ জানিয়েছিলেন। আমরা কি কিছু ভালো খবর শুনতে পারি?\" সিজার অবসরভাবে উত্তর দিল, \"এতে বিশেষ কিছু নেই, আমি শুধু মহিলার সাথে কিছু বিষয় নিয়ে আলোচনা করছিলাম।\"\n\nparagraph_id 112: একজন কৌতূহলী ব্যক্তি জিজ্ঞাসা করল, \"সেটা কী হতে পারে?\" সিজার কৌশলে হাসল, \"এটা আমার বোন সম্পর্কে। আমার বোন আমার বাবা-মায়ের কাছ থেকে জন্মগ্রহণ করেছিল যখন তারা পরিবার ছেড়ে চলে গিয়েছিল, এবং এখন তারা তাকে বাড়িতে পাঠিয়েছে।\" সবাই অত্যন্ত বিস্মিত হল, \"আপনি কী বোঝাতে চান? একটি বোন?\" সিজার উত্তর দিল, \"আমি বুঝতে পারছি যে সবার অনেক প্রশ্ন আছে, কিন্তু বেশিদিন লাগবে না আমার বোন অভিজাতদের সামনে আত্মপ্রকাশ করবে আসন্ন বলে। তারপর, আমি মনে করি সে ডেলা ভ্যালি পরিবারের ছেলের সাথে দেখা করতে পারবে।\"\n\nparagraph_id 113: অফিসের অন্যান্য সদস্যরা সবাই হতবাক হয়ে গেল। সিজার একজন বয়স্ক ব্যক্তির দিকে তাকাল। \"আমি অ্যাডেলকে ডেলা ভ্যালি পরিবারে বিয়ে দেওয়ার জন্য সবকিছু প্রস্তুত করছি। আমি আমার তরুণ এবং প্রাণবন্ত বোনকে চিরকাল আমার জন্য লুকিয়ে রাখতে পারি না।\" সিজারের পাশে বসে থাকা মধ্যবয়সী ব্যক্তি, যার নাম লুকা ডেলা ভ্যালি, জটিল অভিব্যক্তি নিয়ে তার দিকে তাকাল। সিজার মজা করে বলল, \"এটা কি আপনার পরিবারের জন্য ভালো কিছু নয়? কারণ মিস লুক্রেজিয়াকে বোনাপার্ট পরিবারের প্লেবয়ের সাথে বিয়ে করতে হবে না।\"\n\nparagraph_id 114: আরেকটি দিন এসেছে, যখন একটি জোড়া পাখি বোনাপার্ট ম্যানশনে আনন্দের সাথে গান গাইছিল, হঠাৎ একটি তীক্ষ্ণ চিৎকার তাদের উড়িয়ে দিল। \"ওহ আমার ভদ্রমহিলা!\" গিগি খুব উজ্জ্বল মুখ নিয়ে ছুটে এল। সকালে, এই লোকটি ইতিমধ্যেই পূর্ণ শক্তিতে ছিল এবং অভিবাদন জানাল, \"অ্যাডেল, তুমি আজ খুব সুন্দর দেখাচ্ছ। তুমি আমাকে প্রতিবার মুগ্ধ কর যখন আমি তোমাকে দেখতে আসি। এমনকি সমুদ্রের মৎস্যকন্যারাও তোমাকে দেখে ঈর্ষান্বিত হবে।\"\n\nparagraph_id 115: \"আহহ, আউচ!\" সিজার, গিগির মাথায় ধাক্কা দিয়ে, একটি লাল ফোলা রেখে, উষ্ণভাবে অভিবাদন জানাল, \"দেবী তোমাকে আশীর্বাদ করুন।\" এটি দেখে, অ্যাডেলও বিনীতভাবে মাথা নত করল। সিজার হঠাৎ মনে পড়ল, এটি ছিল তার শয়নকক্ষে ঘটনার পর অ্যাডেলকে আবার দেখার প্রথমবার। অ্যাডেল আগে থেকেই তার জন্য অপেক্ষা করছিল, অস্বস্তিতে ভ্রু কুঁচকাচ্ছিল কারণ সে জানত সে তার দিকে তাকিয়ে আছে।\n\nparagraph_id 116: সিজার কৌশলে হাসল, \"আমি তোমাকে এখানে ডেকেছি কারণ আরেকটি কাজ আছে। এত বিরক্ত দেখাচ্ছ না।\" অ্যাডেল সামান্য থামল, তার আচরণ গিগি এবং দাসী এবোনিকে বিভ্রান্ত করল। সিজার আদেশ দিল, \"ভিতরে আসুন! স্যার এজির কোরার। আজ থেকে, তিনি তোমার দেহরক্ষী হবেন।\" অ্যাডেল মনে মনে ভাবল, \"কোরার? তার শেষ নাম কোরার, এটা কি হতে পারে...?\"\n\nparagraph_id 117: তার সন্দেহজনক অভিব্যক্তি দেখে, সিজার যোগ করল, \"এজির এবোনির ছোট ভাই।\" অ্যাডেল এখনও এটি খুব অদ্ভুত মনে করল, \"তাকে তার ছোট ভাই বলা হয়, কিন্তু সে কি তার তুলনায় খুব ছোট দেখাচ্ছে না?\" হঠাৎ, অ্যাডেল বাস্তবতায় ফিরে এল, প্রায় এজিরকে সঠিকভাবে অভিবাদন জানাতে ভুলে যাচ্ছিল। তার পিছনে গিগি প্রশংসা করল, \"সে সত্যিই বুদ্ধিমান।\" সিজার বিদ্রূপাত্মকভাবে মন্তব্য করল, \"যদি সে বুদ্ধিমান না হত, তবে সে আবিষ্কার করতে পারত না যে দাসী বোনাপার্ট পরিবারের অন্তর্ভুক্ত নয়।\" গিগি exclaimed, \"সে এই ম্যানশনে এক মাসেরও কম সময় ধরে আছে।\"\n\nparagraph_id 118: হঠাৎ, যুবকটি ঘড়ির দিকে তাকিয়ে exclaimed, \"এটি চলার সময়।\" সিজার অনুশোচনায় বলল, \"সময় কত দ্রুত চলে যায়। আজকের জন্য এটাই।\" সে হঠাৎ হাসি চাপিয়ে বলল, \"এমনকি সে আমার বোন হলেও, আমি তাকে চিরকাল আমার পাশে রাখতে পারি না।\" এটি শুনে, অ্যাডেল থামল, সেই ব্যক্তির দিকে অস্থিরভাবে তাকাল যে এমন অর্থপূর্ণ কথা বলেছিল। অন্য তিনজন বুঝতে পারল না কী ঘটছে।\n\nparagraph_id 119: লবিতে হাঁটতে হাঁটতে, অ্যাডেল নীরবে সেই ব্যক্তিকে অভিশাপ দিল, \"ওই পাগল, বিকৃত বদমাশ সবসময় নিজেকে নিয়ে এত পূর্ণ। প্রথমে, সে আকর্ষণীয় এবং উত্তেজনাপূর্ণ মনে হয়েছিল, কিন্তু তারপর সে সম্পূর্ণভাবে তার মনোভাব পরিবর্তন করল।\" প্রথমবারের মতো, আমি তার চোখের নিচে তিলটি এত স্পষ্টভাবে লক্ষ্য করলাম; এটি এত আকর্ষণীয় দেখাচ্ছিল যে আমি আর কিছু ভাবতে পারছিলাম না।", "role": "assistant", "function_call": null, "tool_calls": null } } ], "created": 1718863860, "model": "gpt-4o-2024-05-13", "object": "chat.completion", "system_fingerprint": "fp_9cb5d38cf7", "usage": { "completion_tokens": 1941, "prompt_tokens": 1381, "total_tokens": 3322 } } of model: gpt-4o setup_api_key_and_client of model: gpt-4o key_type: AZURE,,2024-02-15-preview, gpt-4o INFO:app.translate_gpt_back_common.helpers.translate_history_helper:add_percent_complete: b3b585c6-2ecb-11ef-9b1a-b22fcf60533e - 10% INFO:[CRUD History]:add_percent_complete: 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INFO:app.translate_gpt_back_common.helpers.email_helper: sent to message to kafka topic: doctransgpt-emails-prod INFO:app.translate_gpt_back_common.helpers.email_helper: sent to message to kafka topic: doctransgpt-emails-prod INFO:Firebase client:Add notification to firebase START INFO:Firebase client:Add notification to firebase END INFO:Job: translate_and_send_result:Translate and send result success INFO:__main__:Translate & send result successfully, start update history INFO:__main__:Recalculate user lock token INFO:__main__:Translate and send result END result file_url: Produced event to topic doctransgpt-emails-prod: value = {"function": "send_translated_file_notice", "email_to": "", "file_name": "High Society video 3.docx", "file_url": "", "used_token": 1507860, "recipient_name": "Gregson Katie", "history_uuid": "b3b585c6-2ecb-11ef-9b1a-b22fcf60533e"}