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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
204 ChatbotGPT Bug New Normal Sau khi đăng kí xong, Ngay lần đầu tiên không hiển thị tên của user Lê An 11/21/2023 03:16 AM Actions
203 ChatbotGPT Bug Resolved - Dev High Không active được user khi click link trên mail Lê An 01/22/2024 02:40 PM Actions
202 ChatbotGPT Feature In Progress Normal [FE] Embed chatting to other website Hoodie Le 11/27/2023 02:39 PM Actions
201 ChatbotGPT Feature Resolved - Dev Normal [AskService] Initial source cho AskService 11/24/2023 05:01 AM Actions
200 ChatbotGPT Feature Resolved - Dev Normal [TrainingService] Training from Q&A 11/24/2023 05:01 AM Actions
199 ChatbotGPT Feature Resolved - Dev Normal [MailService] Thay đổi đường dẫn active url Lê An 11/21/2023 03:35 AM Actions
198 ChatbotGPT Feature Resolved - Dev High [infra] Thực hiện kết nối BE vs SQS cho training service van cong tran 03/29/2024 08:59 PM Actions
196 ChatbotGPT Feature Resolved - Dev Normal [FE] active account page Linh Nguyễn Xuân 11/21/2023 04:06 PM Actions
195 ChatbotGPT Feature Resolved - Dev Normal [BE] Chuyển đổi giao thức Streaming thuần sang sử dụng SSE Lê An 11/20/2023 01:09 AM Actions
193 DoctransGPT Feature Resolved - Dev Normal FE - Cho phép/không cho phép sử dụng gpt version dựa vào plan của user Linh Nguyễn Xuân 11/18/2023 02:06 PM Actions
192 ChatbotGPT Feature In Progress Normal [FE] Data source - website get data streaming Hoodie Le 11/21/2023 03:32 AM Actions
191 ChatbotGPT Feature Resolved - Dev Normal [Infra] Make chromedriver hoạt động trên BE Docker ( môi trường cloud ) van cong tran 03/29/2024 08:59 PM Actions
190 DoctransGPT Feature Resolved - Dev Normal [FE]Hiển thị Expiration date đến phút: 2023-11-20 23:59 Linh Nguyễn Xuân 11/18/2023 12:52 PM Actions
189 DoctransGPT Bug New Normal Lỗi khi dịch text Linh Nguyễn Xuân 11/15/2023 02:41 AM Actions
188 ChatbotGPT Feature Resolved - Dev Normal [TrainingService] training free text - Bổ sung api training set 11/24/2023 05:01 AM Actions
187 ChatbotGPT Feature Resolved - Dev Normal [BE] training free text - Bổ sung api training set Lê An 11/16/2023 06:27 AM Actions
186 ChatbotGPT Bug New Low Thực hiện đăng kí api trả về 500 nhưng thông tin user vẫn được ghi vào DB Lê An 11/15/2023 01:37 AM Actions
185 ChatbotGPT Feature Resolved - Dev Normal [infra] Thực hiện kết nối SQS cho training service van cong tran 03/29/2024 08:59 PM Actions
184 ChatbotGPT Feature Resolved - Dev High [infra] Sau khi deply xong cần thực hiện migration database ( BE ) van cong tran 03/29/2024 08:59 PM Actions
183 ChatbotGPT Feature Resolved - Dev Normal [TrainingService][BE] Cập nhật trạng thái training set trên BE 12/08/2023 07:10 AM Actions
182 ChatbotGPT Feature In Progress Normal [TrainingService] Notification cho user khi hoàn thành training 11/30/2023 04:41 AM Actions
181 ChatbotGPT Feature Resolved - Dev Normal [TrainingService] Training from document ( txt only) 11/24/2023 05:01 AM Actions
180 ChatbotGPT Feature Resolved - Dev Normal [TrainingService] Training from URL 11/24/2023 05:01 AM Actions
179 ChatbotGPT Feature Resolved - Dev Normal [infra] Tích hợp lambda gửi mail van cong tran 03/29/2024 08:59 PM Actions
178 ChatbotGPT Feature Resolved - Dev Normal [BE] Tạo API all in one cho training bot Lê An 11/27/2023 03:21 AM Actions
(276-300/355) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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