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Hours: 952:35

Date User Activity Issue Comment Hours
04/08/2024 Trịnh Thế Định Development Feature #670: [BE] worker RAM, CPU by token investigate and code 4:00 Actions
04/07/2024 Hoodie Le Development Feature #669: [FE] add reference to tts and adjust header menu. 1:00 Actions
03/31/2024 Phước Ngọc Trần Development Feature #658: [infra] Release production cloudflare r2 Done 1:00 Actions
03/31/2024 Mai QuocHuu Development Bug #629: Implement S3 CloudFLARE 1:00 Actions
03/30/2024 Phước Ngọc Trần Development Feature #654: Add domain, basic auth, certbot for jenkins and migrate redmine to Contabo Finish 3:00 Actions
03/30/2024 Hoodie Le Development Feature #640: [FE} adskeeper 1:00 Actions
03/27/2024 Hoodie Le Development Feature #640: [FE} adskeeper 2:00 Actions
03/27/2024 Ngân Đào Development Bug #629: Implement S3 CloudFLARE Test 0:30 Actions
03/26/2024 Mai QuocHuu Development Bug #629: Implement S3 CloudFLARE 2:00 Actions
03/26/2024 Hoodie Le Development Feature #640: [FE} adskeeper 3:00 Actions
03/26/2024 Mai QuocHuu Development Bug #637: Lỗi tràn RAM CPU khi file quá lớn 1:00 Actions
03/24/2024 Mai QuocHuu Development Bug #631: Fix logic update expire plan, add token free, disable send mail for nearly expire plan user 2:00 Actions
03/24/2024 Mai QuocHuu Development Bug #629: Implement S3 CloudFLARE 1:00 Actions
03/23/2024 Mai QuocHuu Development Bug #629: Implement S3 CloudFLARE 6:00 Actions
03/22/2024 Mai QuocHuu Design Bug #627: Điều tra các history không có job, không dịch được file trên product 4:00 Actions
03/20/2024 Ngân Đào Development Bug #619: Test: Check dịch file trên môi trường test 2:30 Actions
03/19/2024 Mai QuocHuu Design Bug #501: [PROD-BE-paf]Không thể dịch thành công file sang tiếng ukraina, file Revit , autocad 8:00 Actions
03/15/2024 Mai QuocHuu Development Bug #501: [PROD-BE-paf]Không thể dịch thành công file sang tiếng ukraina, file Revit , autocad 40:00 Actions
03/06/2024 Phước Ngọc Trần Development Feature #525: [infra] Setup Database Proxy - Maxscale - Finish setup maxscale 6:00 Actions
03/06/2024 Mai QuocHuu Development Feature #512: Tạo API ở backend để client upload file trực tiếp lên S3(Không qua backend server), API dịch trực tiếp từ s3 4:00 Actions
03/04/2024 van cong tran Development Bug #535: [infra] Config all service branch migrate to develop 0:30 Actions
03/04/2024 Hoodie Le Development Feature #514: [FE] Upload logic translate document -> move to presign upload url 1:00 Actions
03/02/2024 Phước Ngọc Trần Design Feature #422: Support developer use Object Storage and Kubernetes API Batch Job Finish 4:00 Actions
03/01/2024 van cong tran Development Feature #520: [infra] Config & deployment service pdfkey dev , script backup database 2:00 Actions
02/29/2024 Mai QuocHuu Development Bug #501: [PROD-BE-paf]Không thể dịch thành công file sang tiếng ukraina, file Revit , autocad 5:00 Actions
(76-100/264) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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