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Hours: 2596:35

Date User Activity Issue Comment Hours
09/06/2024 Ngân Đào Development Support #1084: [BE] support release 06/09/2024 Test 1:00 Actions
09/06/2024 Phước Ngọc Trần Development Bug #1086: [infra] Fix max concurrent connection of Supabase DONE 3:00 Actions
09/06/2024 Lê An Development Bug #1074: [BE] Stuck infer "Infer threading number is limited please waiting ---" Fix thêm lỗi không restart container 4:00 Actions
09/05/2024 Trịnh Thế Định Development Feature #1045: [BE] affiliate disable multiple levels 2:00 Actions
09/05/2024 Trịnh Thế Định Design Feature #1043: [BE] refactor table aff structure of deleting user investigate and debug 2:00 Actions
09/05/2024 Hoodie Le Development Bug #874: [FE} Fix bug 4:00 Actions
09/05/2024 Phước Ngọc Trần Development Bug #1076: [infra] Move k8s master dev to another VPS DONE 4:00 Actions
09/05/2024 Lê An Development Bug #1074: [BE] Stuck infer "Infer threading number is limited please waiting ---" 4:00 Actions
09/04/2024 Ngân Đào Development Bug #1073: Test: Affiliate Test 1:30 Actions
09/04/2024 Hoodie Le Development Bug #874: [FE} Fix bug 4:00 Actions
09/04/2024 Ngân Đào Development Bug #1063: Test: Test bug không log trên redmine lần 2 Test 1:30 Actions
09/03/2024 Trịnh Thế Định Development Bug #1041: [BE] invited orders dont showup commission debug 2:00 Actions
09/03/2024 Trịnh Thế Định Development Bug #1060: [BE] paid user have tts-text with tts_result = null 4:00 Actions
09/03/2024 Hoodie Le Development Bug #874: [FE} Fix bug 4:00 Actions
09/01/2024 Trịnh Thế Định Development Support #1147: [BE] Test API affiliate Admin-SIDE after changed by roles-features Support testing 2:00 Actions
09/01/2024 Trịnh Thế Định Development Bug #1058: [BE] calculate retry-credit 4:00 Actions
09/01/2024 Hoodie Le Development Feature #1056: [FE] Gift card + notifications 5:00 Actions
08/31/2024 Trịnh Thế Định Development Bug #1057: [BE] can not download file story maker investigate and code 4:00 Actions
08/31/2024 Ngân Đào Development Feature #1056: [FE] Gift card + notifications Test 1:30 Actions
08/30/2024 Trịnh Thế Định Design Support #1055: [BE] support test FE Support testing 1:00 Actions
08/30/2024 Trịnh Thế Định Development Bug #1037: [BE] hotfix develop error sending notification investigate and code 2:00 Actions
08/30/2024 Phước Ngọc Trần Development Bug #1049: [infra] Investigate Backend Production down due to Contabo Networking Issues DONE 2:00 Actions
08/29/2024 Trịnh Thế Định Development Feature #1042: [BE] refactor turnsite by ENV 1:00 Actions
08/29/2024 Phước Ngọc Trần Development Feature #1016: [infra] Clean R2 Storage due to too much data DONE 1:30 Actions
08/29/2024 Phước Ngọc Trần Development Feature #1017: [infra] Voice-clone signal SIGTERM graceful infer DONE 1:30 Actions
(301-325/947) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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