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Hours: 4108:10

Project Date User Activity Issue Comment Hours
ChatbotGPT 12/03/2023 Hoodie Le Development Feature #202: [FE] Embed chatting to other website 4:00 Actions
DoctransGPT 12/03/2023 van cong tran Development Feature #145: Devops - Tạo alarm cho production 1:30 Actions
ChatbotGPT 12/01/2023 Hoodie Le Development Feature #208: [FE] Chatbot detail 4:00 Actions
ChatbotGPT 12/01/2023 Lê An Development Feature #241: [BE] Setting chatbot : embed, ai model, themes, domains 4:00 Actions
ChatbotGPT 11/30/2023 Hoodie Le Development Feature #202: [FE] Embed chatting to other website 2:00 Actions
ChatbotGPT 11/30/2023 Hoodie Le Development Feature #202: [FE] Embed chatting to other website 2:00 Actions
ChatbotGPT 11/30/2023 van cong tran Development Feature #246: [infra] bổ sung cấu hình firebase, api_key cho BE 0:30 Actions
ChatbotGPT 11/30/2023 van cong tran Development Feature #247: [infra] bổ sung cấu hình cho training service 0:30 Actions
ChatbotGPT 11/30/2023 Lê An Development Feature #227: [TrainingService] Code vượn quá 260 của lambda dẫn đến k thể build 2:00 Actions
ChatbotGPT 11/30/2023 Lê An Development Feature #182: [TrainingService] Notification cho user khi hoàn thành training 2:00 Actions
ChatbotGPT 11/30/2023 van cong tran Development Feature #175: [infra] Tạo pipeline và infra service bot trainning 2:00 Actions
ChatbotGPT 11/30/2023 van cong tran Development Feature #176: [infra] Tạo pipeline và infra bot service 4:00 Actions
ChatbotGPT 11/30/2023 van cong tran Development Feature #185: [infra] Thực hiện kết nối SQS cho training service 10:00 Actions
ChatbotGPT 11/29/2023 Hoodie Le Development Feature #208: [FE] Chatbot detail 2:00 Actions
ChatbotGPT 11/29/2023 Lê An Development Support #156: [COMMON] Management 1:00 Actions
ChatbotGPT 11/29/2023 Lê An Development Feature #240: [AskService] Streaming cho ai ask-question 3:00 Actions
ChatbotGPT 11/28/2023 Hoodie Le Development Feature #216: [FE] Settings page 1:00 Actions
ChatbotGPT 11/28/2023 Lê An Development Feature #235: [AskService] conversation setting api 4:00 Actions
ChatbotGPT 11/27/2023 Hoodie Le Development Feature #234: [FE] Responsive 2:00 Actions
ChatbotGPT 11/27/2023 Hoodie Le Development Feature #202: [FE] Embed chatting to other website 5:00 Actions
ChatbotGPT 11/27/2023 Lê An Development Feature #231: [BE] enable created_at, updated_at cho training history 1:00 Actions
ChatbotGPT 11/27/2023 Lê An Development Feature #232: [BE] bổ sung activating training set for chatbot detail 2:00 Actions
ChatbotGPT 11/26/2023 Hoodie Le Development Feature #230: [FE] Chat bot list (chatbot menu) 4:00 Actions
ChatbotGPT 11/26/2023 Hoodie Le Development Feature #208: [FE] Chatbot detail 2:00 Actions
ChatbotGPT 11/25/2023 Lê An Development Feature #226: [BE] Môi trường dev thường xuyên không crawl được - do network Fix 3:00 Actions
(1326-1350/1413) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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