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[PROD-BE-docx] Có nhiều phần trong file không được dịch. File MSM

Added by Nguyen Trong about 1 year ago. Updated 10 months ago.

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Actions #1

Updated by nguyen hien about 1 year ago

"timestamp": 1701154320416,
"message": "[{'role': 'user', 'content': \"original_text: `paragraph_id 1: collagen, it's the fibrin within the bone that really makes it strong, not the calcium. You can take calcium until the cows come in, as they say, and it's not going to do you near as much good as MSM will do, and vitamin C, in terms of building collagen, is the basis of truly strong bone that is resistant to fracture. People who take a lot of calcium will actually show some improvement in their DEXA scan, but the actual fracture rate is not improved by just calcium alone. You really need these components that help with the structural component of bone. So as I mentioned, it's the disulfide bonds that hold this connective tissue together. There's a basement called glycosaminoglycans or GAG, you know, GAG molecules that are held together by these disulfide bonds. And that is what gives, as Dr. Rai mentioned, the strength to the collagen. So it's strength, but also it gives it that ability to bend and to move and to heal. And so, you know, we also have a little bit of sulfur in our blood, so you can't actually measure a blood level. There's some doctors that measure ratio of what you're excreting in your urine versus what you have in your blood, which is if you're interested in your sulfur content, you can measure that. A lot of people, just with the world we live in, minerals are some of the most common deficiencies we see at the Reardon Clinic. Magnesium, selenium, zinc, all of these minerals, because of the way our diet is shifting and because minerals are also harder to absorb. If you've got any propensity toward leaky gut, it makes it harder to absorb some of the minerals in your diet. Which is why MSM is kind of a beautiful remedy, because as we'll talk about here in a little bit, it's also great for leaky gut. Because guess what holds the lining of your gut together is sulfur. So it helps with not only the leaky gut, but it also helps with absorption of all of your other nutrients. Almost all of the autoimmune diseases, which are perhaps the number one fastest growing category of chronic illness in America and Western civilization today, all of that begins with leaky gut and poor digestion. And so that's an area where MSM really shines because it helps to connect those endothelial cells that line your gut so that they have tight junctions. Without the tight junctions, the food will leak into the body before it's fully digested, and then that allows the immune system to form antibodies and you start getting food allergies. And then that can then cross-react with the various organs within your body and you end up with thyroiditis or colitis or lupus or some of these, rheumatoid arthritis. All of these are autoimmune diseases that go back to leaky gut. And so MSM is a fundamental way to help with that. Sure, you want to do probiotics and prebiotics and digestive enzymes, but don't forget the MSM. All right. So MSM and amino acids. Amino acids in the body are what you get when you break down proteins. And there's two different types of amino acids in the body are what you get when you break down proteins. And there's two different types of amino acids in the body. There are what are known as essential amino acids and non-essential. And the difference is, is the essential amino acids we have to get in our diet versus non-essential amino acids can be built by the body. And guess what is at the core of a lot of these amino acids? Sulfur. Yes. And so there are a number of amino acids we're going to talk about here. In some of these, you'll probably recognize, these are amino acids we talk a lot about in connection with other things in the body, like methylation, like detox, like building of our neurotransmitters. But at the core of these is sulfur. The nice thing, just as a little bit of a sidebar, the nice thing about MSM compared to some supplements is it's almost impossible to overdose on. There have been quite a few studies where they've tried to find a lethal dose of MSM in mice studies, and they just haven't gotten there. And so it's very safe to build up. The only thing you have to be cautious of is pushing detox too fast. So you can do too much too fast, but overall, your body has a mechanism for excreting excess sulfur. And so you might have stinky poop, you know, if you take too much, it might smell like rotten eggs, but it's very, very hard, very, very difficult to overdose. And, you know, that's why the dosage of it can vary so much, you know, among patients because somebody like my mom, you know, who had probably been deficient for a long time, needed a higher threshold, a higher dose, to rebuild what was needed and repair her system, whereas somebody might not need that high of a dose. But the good thing is, it's almost impossible to overdose on. By the way, it's excellent for constipation. So anyone that's dealing with constipation, keep MSM in mind. All right, so some of the amino acids we're going to talk about. Methionine, has anybody not heard of methionine before? Or has anybody heard of methionine before? So if we go back to the methylation chart that Ann had showed earlier, that's all about methylation, but one of the key cycles, there's three major cycles in methylation, but one of the key ones is the methionine cycle. And you need methionine in order to make homocysteine. You need methionine to make all of your energy molecules, like CoQ10 and carnitine and creatine. And you need methionine to make your neurotransmitter. So a lot of people who have so-called mental illnesses or imbalances in their neurotransmitters, they would do very well to take MSM. And a lot of people find that they feel calmer, they feel better, they sleep better, they snore less when they take MSM. Some of that is due to the fact that the methyl groups are utilized to make SAMe, and SAMe is a really important antidepressant nutrient that's fairly expensive. MSM is really much, much less expensive, and the beauty of it is that the body can decide how fast to use it. Some people are worried about taking SAMe too much too fast and causing problems with methylation. MSM won't do that. Your stomach will tell you if you're getting it too fast. So for those people who are having cognitive problems or psychiatric problems or stress problems, think MSM. Cysteine. Cysteine is also another amino acid that is connected to our methylation cycle. So if you're familiar with the amino acid homocysteine, homocysteine gets converted down as it's going down towards your sulfation pathways into cysteine, which gets converted into glutathione, which glutathione is needed for detox. As Dr. Rahn was mentioning, sometimes we give patients glutathione, and even at small doses of glutathione, they react to that because they're detoxing too quickly. What's nice and the beauty of MSM is it's helping your body build glutathione. So you're working more with your body's own feedback loops to figure out how much you need and how quickly you need it. And so cysteine is another sulfur amino acid that is dependent on sulfur in our diet to make formaldehyde. By the way, if you were to have a Tylenol overdose, be really careful about Tylenol. A lot of people think it's just, you can just take a ton of it, but it's very, you can create liver toxicity very easily with it. If you do become liver toxic and your liver is starting to fail and you go to the emergency room, what they'll give you is N-acetylcysteine. They'll give you cysteine as the antidote to Tylenol toxicity. So my advice is don't get toxic in the first place, but use MSM and that will help you maintain your cysteine levels. Alright, another major one is called taurine. Taurine is another one of our amino acids that's important for detox. It's also important in the brain for producing our inhibitory neurotransmitter called GABA. You know, GABA is what kind of calms us down. You know, if you're that type of person that can't shut your brain off before bed or you can't fall asleep, you know, that tends to be a low GABA state. type of person that can't shut your brain off before bed or you can't fall asleep, that tends to be a low GABA state. Taurine helps with the conversion of glutamate into GABA. It's important for also our mental health and for people who tend to be that what I call wired and tired, where you're wired all day long, but then you can't fall asleep at night. A lot of times that's a low GABA state. And so taurine is an important amino acid to help with that, the production of GABA. There's a real interesting little paradox here in terms of how you take your MSM. If you take too much right before bed, it will stimulate your adrenals and you'll be kind of awake. But if you take MSM through the day and help your body make more taurine, which helps you make more GABA, GABA will shut off the GAB-iness of your brain at night so that you can sleep more soundly. So people will notice that it definitely does help sleep, but don't take it too late at night because then it could interfere with sleep. All right, so sulfur is also important in terms of some of our biochemistry. And we've talked about some of these. And so, but we'll kind of just review a little bit, but sulfur is also important for detox. Glucosamine is, you know, you've probably heard of glucosamine and chondroitin for joint repair. Homocysteine for cardiovascular health. Lipoic acid for detox and blood sugar, and then coenzyme A for energy. And so we'll talk a little bit more about these. So glutathione is three amino acids put together. It's part of these sulfation pathways that we have. And glutathione is our body's own natural detoxifier. So if you eat, for instance, tuna that's got mercury in it, glutathione, it takes what, two molecules of glutathione to detoxify one molecule of methylmercury. So if everything's working as it should, when we get exposed to something in the environment, the body should upregulate production of glutathione to help us chelate out or to get rid of any of these environmental toxicants we get exposed to. But what's happening in a lot of the chronically ill patients that we see is this pathway is so overloaded and their body's been shunting so much down to make glutathione that they end up deficient in other areas, in other minerals, and in other amino acids, and in sulfur. So keep in mind that glutathione, which hopefully you've all heard of it, is probably the most important intracellular molecule in your body. But if you try to buy it or try to take it as a supplement, it's very expensive. A lot of it is not absorbed very well, and you really need a lot of it. And so MSM, by contrast, is very inexpensive. It's just a matter of taking enough for whatever your level of need is. But it is a very effective detoxifier. And in the world we live in, none of us realize how toxic a world we live in. Toxins are everywhere, but everything looks nice. But under the surface surface we have chronic illnesses escalating at incredible rates because of environmental toxicity. That alone should be a reason why you should think about taking MSM on a more regular basis because of just helping your body to detoxify as well as slow the aging process, as well as help your immune system, help your brain, neurotransmit. So you start to see that this little molecule is incredibly important for our health. One of the things whenever you start talking about toxicants in the environment, you can always feel the stress level go up because it really is impossible to avoid everything that we get exposed to in our world. It can be very stress-inducing to think about what you're drinking, what you're breathing, what's in all of the food. I always encourage people to, as much as you can, and for as much as you can control, try and eliminate the toxins in your environment. Filter your water, filter your air, buy organic food, stay away from preservatives, and stay away from processed foods. And then the flip side of that is do whatever you can to support your body in what it does have to detoxify, because you can't eliminate everything in your environment. But what you can do is you can help your body to up-regulate some of these pathways that will help you detoxify. Glucosamine. So, as I mentioned, glucosamine is typically paired with glucosamine and conjordain, and this is incredibly beneficial for helping to heal joints and collagen. And so a lot of times in MSM supplements, you'll actually see it combined with glucosamine, you know, because the two work synergistically for helping to heal and repair joints. Chondroitin is nothing other than chains of glucosamine. So ultimately, glucosamine and MSM would be the two ideal things you want to have in your arthritis supplement. Yeah, it's providing the raw materials to repair and then the sulfur is what combines those together to help, like we mentioned, have a healthy collagen system. Homocysteine, you want to talk about homocysteine? So homocysteine used to be that the cardiologists would always measure your homocysteine used to be that the cardiologists would always measure your homocysteine level because it is known to be a marker for higher risk of heart attack. It's also a marker for higher risk of Alzheimer's. We use it as a marker for just methylation in general. And it's interesting, you can have too high of a homocysteine, but you can also have too low. And where this happens is when you're so toxic that you're drawing all of your methylation down towards glutathione to try to neutralize all the toxins. And so you actually end up with a low homocysteine. So people who have low homocysteines are under-methylated. In kids, we commonly see it. Dr. Ann sees most of the kids, but we commonly see low homocysteines because our children, all of their reserves are being used to detoxify their bodies of all the things in the modern world. That is then pulling methylation away from their ability to make normal amounts of neurotransmitters. Is it any wonder that kids are having trouble with autism, attention deficit disorder, depression, sleep disorder? All of that can be due to the fact of overexposure to toxins and under availability of detoxifying molecules for the body. If any of you have heard us speak before, when we talk about supplementation with B vitamins, we talk about taking the right form of B vitamins. The correct form, the most bioavailable form of B vitamins are your methyl folates, your methyl cobalamin, so methyl B9, methyl B12. The reason these are important is they are important methyl donors. The problem is you can only build those up so high before you hit that threshold of B vitamins that people need or that they can tolerate. What's beautiful about MSM is you're not only just donating one, you're donating two methyl groups as well as sulfur to the body. What's beautiful about MSM is you're not only just donating one, you're donating two methyl groups as well as sulfur to the body. And so it's an amazing methyl donor. So in that way, it can support methylation without over-reving methylation. Because with the B vitamins, both the B vitamins and the methyl groups will push methylation and you can actually flip into what we call an over-methylated state where you're turning too fast. With MSM, I have not seen that happen where you're just basically donating the raw materials for the body to methylate, but it'll use it in the way that it needs it. Keep in mind also, remember this molecular shape. There's a sulfur, two methyl groups, and two oxygens, one above and one below the sulfur. So it's a great source for oxygen. And so oxygen is another incredibly important molecule, not only just to oxygenate our cells, but it's an oxidant and you can use oxidation to fight infection. And I think we don't hear that much about MSM as being an effective tool to help your body fight infection, but I really think it is. People who have chronic infections do very well with MSM, just like they do with DMSO. DMSO, you can give it IV, but it has an unpleasant odor. MSM, you can take it orally, it's cheaper, and it will give you the same benefits in terms of helping you fight hidden infections. it's cheaper and it will give you the same benefits in terms of helping you fight hidden infections. Lipoic acid, again, another important, another important amino acid that you need sulfur for. It's especially important for detox as well as lowering blood sugar. What's interesting is most of our detox occurs in the liver and it's not a coincidence that a lot of people eating a high processed, high refined diet have not only elevated blood sugars, but they also have elevated lipid levels, elevated cholesterol, elevated bad cholesterol, the LDL cholesterol. Well, the liver is what makes 80% of our cholesterol. And so as you start to stress the liver more and more, that could be a potential symptom of your liver being under stress. And so lipoic acid, because it helps with both detox, it can also help with lowering blood sugar for those who tend toward a higher blood sugar. Yeah, and if your children are hooked on pop, most of the pop is fructose-based, and a lot of the sugar that's used these days is fructose-based, and the fructose is metabolized through the liver. And the fastest-growing liver disease in the country now now in the world, is non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. And that's where the fructose is overloading the liver with fat. And so one of the things that MSM can do is at least help you detoxify that and heal that. Of course, the good thing is to stop using all this fructose, this corn-derived fructose. I know we kind of keep circling back to this, but MSM is really also, it's beneficial in terms of prevention because you can see all the number of different things that it touches and your body is going to use it in the way it needs it the most. And so in terms of building all these nutrients, if you can get the body to do something on its own, that's way better than having to take, you know, alpha lipoic acid, to take glutathione, to take all these other supplements, you know, these nutrients, you know, if you can get a high enough dose of MSM and you're in a relatively healthy state, it can hopefully help with maintaining the levels that your body needs of some of these amino acids. Coenzyme A, you want to talk a little bit about that? Well, it's a really important nutrient in the mitochondria. And so next to autoimmune problems, the other major problem that we're seeing in chronic illness is what I call the fatiguing illnesses, whether you have fibromyalgia, depression, Lyme disease, people are tired and it's because their mitochondria are not working very well and you need the sulfur drugs, you need this coenzyme A as an important part of the Krebs cycle, which is part of the ability of the mitochondria to generate ATP and energy. So MSM is an energy molecule. Just throw it all in there. So we'll talk a little bit more specifically about some of the benefits in the literature as far as MSM specifically. And a lot of these, as I mentioned, go back to the punchline in the beginning. A lot of these have to deal with repair in the body. MSM helps with repairing, especially there are certain cell lines in the body that are rapidly turning over. So your gut cells, your enterocytes, those will be replaced pretty much every four to seven days. You have a whole new lining to your gut. Your skin cells are constantly sloughing off, you know, and that's an important process of healing in the body. And so giving your body all the tools it needs to rebuild those in a healthy way is important. And so a lot of these that we'll talk about deal with healing connected to MSM. So collagen, again, we've talked about this. You know, MSM, you know, Dr. Rahn mentioned that my mom drank, you know, a drink that had both MSM and vitamin C in it. I have taken that up one more level and added magnesium, and I call it the anti-stress drink. But I have put a lot of my patients on MSM, vitamin C, and magnesium just to kind of help get you through the day. It's great for managing adrenals, managing stress. You know, both vitamin C is also needed for collagen production, and so the two work very synergistically. Yeah, it's actually been said that MSM without vitamin C is not as effective. So really, if you are going to do MSM, be sure you get your vitamin C or the new 216 that we have, which will help your body make more vitamin C. You can even apply MSM topically. So there's lotions and creams you can use. As Dr. Ron mentioned, even doing an Epsom salt bath has `. Translate to vietnamese\\n. Grammatically correct, never break words. Remove quotation marks at the beginning and end of the result, return only translated text in format paragraph_id, do not include original_text.\\nvietnamese text:\"}]",
"ingestionTime": 1701154325421
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"message": "INFO:openai:error_code=context_length_exceeded error_message=\"This model's maximum context length is 4097 tokens. However, your messages resulted in 4878 tokens. Please reduce the length of the messages.\" error_param=messages error_type=invalid_request_error message='OpenAI API error received' stream_error=False",
"ingestionTime": 1701154325421
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Actions #2

Updated by nguyen hien about 1 year ago

file này có 1 đoạn paragraph_id gửi lên quá dài, mặc dù đã căt ra 5000 token nhưng vẫn gặp lỗi This model's maximum context length is 4097 tokens

Actions #3

Updated by nguyen hien about 1 year ago

Giải pháp:
PA1: Thay vì nếu promt > 5000 mới cắt ra để dịch thì có thể giảm xuống thành 3000
PA2: Trường hợp gặp các lỗi ngoài timeout đang đối ứng dịch bằng Google thì bây h tất cả lỗi khi retry quá 10 lần thì dịch lại băng Google thay vì trả về text nguyên bản

Actions #4

Updated by Nguyen Trong about 1 year ago

làm giúp e cả 2 phương án.
1) chuyển từ 5000->4000, test lại, nếu oke thì để 4000
2) retry quá 10 lần thì dịch bằng google, bất kể lỗi là gì

Actions #5

Updated by nguyen hien about 1 year ago

  • Status changed from New to Tested-DEV
  • Assignee changed from nguyen hien to Nguyen Trong

test trên account /votinh123

Actions #6

Updated by Nguyen Trong 10 months ago

  • Status changed from Tested-DEV to Closed

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