


Spent time


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Hours: 952:35

Date User Activity Issue Comment Hours
02/06/2024 van cong tran Development Feature #416: [infra] Config & deployment service send mail service 2:00 Actions
02/06/2024 van cong tran Development Feature #414: [infra] Config cron & deployment service User plan 4:00 Actions
02/05/2024 Mai QuocHuu Design Bug #440: Điều tra các job dịch file timeout 24h 2:00 Actions
02/05/2024 Mai QuocHuu Development Bug #440: Điều tra các job dịch file timeout 24h 5:00 Actions
02/05/2024 Mai QuocHuu Development Bug #439: Lỗi translate file khi các params có chứa dấu - và không chứa space 3:00 Actions
02/05/2024 Trịnh Thế Định Development Feature #435: [BE] migrate-contabo - emails 8:00 Actions
02/04/2024 van cong tran Development Feature #411: [infra] Setup Jenkins on Contabo VPS 10:00 Actions
02/04/2024 Phước Ngọc Trần Development Feature #433: [infra] Config & deployment redis using helm chart Setup done on namespace doctransgpt-dev 1:00 Actions
02/04/2024 Phước Ngọc Trần Development Feature #434: [infra] Config & deployment kafka using ansible Setup Kafka done 3:00 Actions
02/04/2024 Phước Ngọc Trần Development Feature #422: Support developer use Object Storage and Kubernetes API Batch Job Support A Linh chạy Kubernetes API Batch Job 2:00 Actions
02/03/2024 Hoodie Le Development Feature #431: [FE] Admin Achievements 5:00 Actions
02/02/2024 Hoodie Le Development Feature #421: [FE] Admin Withdraw Requests 4:00 Actions
02/01/2024 Trịnh Thế Định Development Feature #284: [BE] Affiliate User Achievement 4:00 Actions
02/01/2024 Ngân Đào Development Bug #412: Affiliate: có trường hợp hiển thị trang: No results found khi di chuyển page 0:15 Actions
02/01/2024 Ngân Đào Development Bug #413: Affiliate: ở List Achievement, có trường đang filter ken của user nhưng ở list lại hiển thị toàn bộ ken của tất cả user đã mua token 0:15 Actions
02/01/2024 Phước Ngọc Trần Development Feature #422: Support developer use Object Storage and Kubernetes API Batch Job 4:00 Actions
02/01/2024 Hoodie Le Development Feature #421: [FE] Admin Withdraw Requests 3:00 Actions
02/01/2024 Hoodie Le Development Bug #413: Affiliate: ở List Achievement, có trường đang filter ken của user nhưng ở list lại hiển thị toàn bộ ken của tất cả user đã mua token 0:30 Actions
02/01/2024 Hoodie Le Development Bug #412: Affiliate: có trường hợp hiển thị trang: No results found khi di chuyển page 1:00 Actions
02/01/2024 van cong tran Development Feature #410: [infra] Setup ArgoCD on Kubernetes 5:00 Actions
02/01/2024 van cong tran Development Feature #409: [infra] Setup MySQL on Contabo VPS 8:00 Actions
01/31/2024 Trịnh Thế Định Development Feature #284: [BE] Affiliate User Achievement 4:00 Actions
01/31/2024 Phước Ngọc Trần Development Feature #404: Setup Kubernetes on Contabo VPS Step Rancher Manager, free SSL letsencrypt, check issue private network 6:00 Actions
01/31/2024 Tuan Anh Nguyen Development Bug #374: [PROD-BE-PDF]Dịch file job bị fail nhưng ko update lại status, DỊch từ dettect -> Chinese (traditional 2:00 Actions
01/31/2024 Tuan Anh Nguyen Development Feature #224: BE - Phát triển API public translate document 6:00 Actions
(151-175/264) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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