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Hours: 10:00

Date User Activity Issue Comment Hours
05/15/2024 Nguyen Tuyen Development Feature #713: Batch job to update tts history change config to 12h instead of 24h, update logger and test 1:00 Actions
05/09/2024 Nguyen Tuyen Development Feature #713: Batch job to update tts history correct query update locked credit 1:00 Actions
05/09/2024 Nguyen Tuyen Development Feature #713: Batch job to update tts history update logic to update histories tts-text and add paging 1:00 Actions
05/07/2024 Nguyen Tuyen Development Feature #713: Batch job to update tts history update config to deploy and test 2:00 Actions
05/03/2024 Nguyen Tuyen Development Feature #713: Batch job to update tts history Implement and test flow on local 3:00 Actions
05/02/2024 Nguyen Tuyen Development Feature #713: Batch job to update tts history clone code & understand structure 2:00 Actions

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