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Hours: 4108:10

Project Date User Activity Issue Comment Hours
TTSOpenAI 09/30/2024 Trịnh Thế Định Development Feature #1137: [BE] API library filter_all return 401 with option user_voice investigate and debug 2:00 Actions
TTSOpenAI 09/30/2024 Lê An Development Feature #1128: [BE] Tăng hiệu suất sử dụng gpu 6:00 Actions
TTSOpenAI 09/29/2024 Trịnh Thế Định Development Bug #1138: [BE] debug error story_block `tts-text failed input audio not exist` investigate and debug 1:00 Actions
TTSOpenAI 09/29/2024 Phước Ngọc Trần Development Bug #1143: [infra] Investigate/fix bug supabase high cpu and rest postgresql status 500 DONE 4:00 Actions
TTSOpenAI 09/29/2024 Hoodie Le Development Feature #1142: [Mobile] Design 1:00 Actions
TTSOpenAI 09/29/2024 Hoodie Le Development Bug #874: [FE} Fix bug 3:00 Actions
TTSOpenAI 09/28/2024 Trịnh Thế Định Development Bug #1127: [BE] estimated_credit wrong number in compare with docx file. investigate and debug 4:00 Actions
TTSOpenAI 09/28/2024 Trịnh Thế Định Development Support #1096: [BE] check finished time by 500k text system voice Support deploy 1:00 Actions
TTSOpenAI 09/28/2024 van cong tran Development Support #1136: [infra] Migrate folder system_voices env dev to env prod Done 0:30 Actions
TTSOpenAI 09/27/2024 Hoodie Le Development Feature #1031: [FE] Admin 4:00 Actions
TTSOpenAI 09/27/2024 Trịnh Thế Định Development Feature #1137: [BE] API library filter_all return 401 with option user_voice code and test 4:00 Actions
TTSOpenAI 09/27/2024 Trịnh Thế Định Development Bug #1122: [BE] tạo giọng sample mp3 code and test 8:00 Actions
TTSOpenAI 09/27/2024 Ngân Đào Development Bug #1134: Test: Test dev trước khi relese 27/9 Test 1:00 Actions
TTSOpenAI 09/27/2024 Ngân Đào Development Bug #1126: bug: Trường hợp thanh toán credits bằng crypto nhưng lỗi thì hiển thị bị log history bị lỗi test 0:10 Actions
TTSOpenAI 09/26/2024 Trịnh Thế Định Development Bug #1125: [BE] bug join large document investigate and code 2:00 Actions
TTSOpenAI 09/26/2024 Trịnh Thế Định Development Feature #1130: [BE] not retry deleted story, history 2:00 Actions
TTSOpenAI 09/26/2024 Phước Ngọc Trần Development Feature #1132: [infra] Setup GPU voice-clone dev 2 DONE 1:30 Actions
TTSOpenAI 09/26/2024 Hoodie Le Development Bug #874: [FE} Fix bug 3:00 Actions
TTSOpenAI 09/26/2024 Phước Ngọc Trần Development Feature #1131: [infra] Setup lambda save failed message inference from dead-letter-queue DONE 3:00 Actions
TTSOpenAI 09/26/2024 Lê An Development Feature #1128: [BE] Tăng hiệu suất sử dụng gpu 6:00 Actions
TTSOpenAI 09/25/2024 Trịnh Thế Định Development Bug #1125: [BE] bug join large document 4:00 Actions
TTSOpenAI 09/25/2024 Hoodie Le Development Bug #874: [FE} Fix bug 4:00 Actions
TTSOpenAI 09/25/2024 Lê An Development Bug #1123: [BE] hỗ trợ infer theo model mới 5:00 Actions
TTSOpenAI 09/24/2024 Trịnh Thế Định Development Feature #1107: [BE] tạo job chạy retry- infer code and test 1:00 Actions
TTSOpenAI 09/24/2024 Ngân Đào Development Bug #1124: Test: Test thanh toán bằng crypto test 1:00 Actions
(251-275/1413) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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