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Hours: 4108:10

Project Date User Activity Issue Comment Hours
DoctransGPT 02/13/2024 Trịnh Thế Định Development Feature #386: [BE] Affiliate Admin API statistic 2:00 Actions
DoctransGPT 02/12/2024 Mai QuocHuu Development Bug #456: Bug Product: Job check&update user plan ko update được tất cả các user plan bị hết hạn 4:00 Actions
DoctransGPT 02/12/2024 Trịnh Thế Định Development Feature #386: [BE] Affiliate Admin API statistic 2:00 Actions
DoctransGPT 02/12/2024 Mai QuocHuu Development Bug #443: Trên product: lỗi không lấy đc text khi dịch file docx đính kèm 2:00 Actions
DoctransGPT 02/12/2024 Mai QuocHuu Development Bug #444: Trên product: lỗi timeout convert pdf to docx khi dịch file pdf 2:00 Actions
DoctransGPT 02/12/2024 van cong tran Development Bug #455: [infra] Config pdf service 2:00 Actions
DoctransGPT 02/11/2024 Phước Ngọc Trần Design Feature #461: [infra] Setup HAProxy, Keepalive for Production - Done setup haproxy, keepalive, tunning performance 4:00 Actions
DoctransGPT 02/11/2024 van cong tran Development Feature #454: [infra] Config configmap , service account , jenkins file , script update configmap of worker 4:00 Actions
DoctransGPT 02/10/2024 van cong tran Development Feature #453: [infra] Config all log namespace to elk of dev poc 2:00 Actions
DoctransGPT 02/10/2024 Phước Ngọc Trần Development Feature #452: [infra] init setup 10 vps server production Done 3:00 Actions
DoctransGPT 02/09/2024 Trịnh Thế Định Development Feature #451: [BE] Affiliate - hotfix tables for auto generation alembic 4:00 Actions
DoctransGPT 02/09/2024 Trịnh Thế Định Development Feature #435: [BE] migrate-contabo - emails 4:00 Actions
DoctransGPT 02/08/2024 Ngân Đào Development Bug #468: Test: Check luồng cơ bản trên môi trường dev.poc 1:30 Actions
DoctransGPT 02/08/2024 Trịnh Thế Định Development Feature #447: [BE] Achievement Admin - add more data to APIs 4:00 Actions
DoctransGPT 02/08/2024 Hoodie Le Development Feature #431: [FE] Admin Achievements 1:00 Actions
DoctransGPT 02/08/2024 Hoodie Le Development Feature #421: [FE] Admin Withdraw Requests 2:00 Actions
DoctransGPT 02/08/2024 van cong tran Development Bug #450: [infra] Config auto trigger build CI , reinstall mysql , jenkins , fix error private network contabo 3:00 Actions
DoctransGPT 02/07/2024 Trịnh Thế Định Development Feature #447: [BE] Achievement Admin - add more data to APIs 4:00 Actions
DoctransGPT 02/07/2024 Hoodie Le Development Feature #449: [FE] Admin Groups 3:00 Actions
DoctransGPT 02/07/2024 van cong tran Development Bug #448: [infra] - Fix error oakey , backend , config hpa + metric server in k8s 4:00 Actions
ChatbotGPT 02/07/2024 Lê An Development Feature #446: [BE][AskService] Support for gpt-4 2:00 Actions
ChatbotGPT 02/06/2024 Lê An Development Feature #442: [BE] Tích hợp chatbot vào wordpress, WooCommerce, shopify, shopbase 2:00 Actions
ChatbotGPT 02/06/2024 Lê An Development Feature #446: [BE][AskService] Support for gpt-4 1:00 Actions
DoctransGPT 02/06/2024 van cong tran Development Feature #415: [infra] Config cron & deployment service Check History 3:00 Actions
DoctransGPT 02/06/2024 Hoodie Le Development Bug #445: [FE] Admin Affiliate Users 4:00 Actions
(1101-1125/1413) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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